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[Closed] Past Movies: Part Deux

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NarniaWeb Guru

@ PC - Is Nausicaa....anime? I ask because I'm not a terribly big anime fan, at least not since my 1980's Robotech days. Yes, I know Japan makes movies, but (from personal experience) they tend to be about creepy little girls with stringy wet hair returning from the dead to haunt people. =))

I've seen the first two Batman films in this trilogy and while I liked them they didn't really blow me out of the water. I'm not really a Batman fan, per se, so much as a Marvel Comics fan, so despite my generally liking Christian Bale's portrayal of Batman by and large it's just not my cup of tea. Plus the whole talking in the gravelly voice while in costume thing...Bruce Wayne singlehandedly keeps the Chloroseptic company in business.

@ SnowAngel - Scarlet Trefoil would have liked it. :P hehe

Kennel Keeper of Fenris Ulf

Topic starter Posted : January 29, 2013 1:31 pm
Warrior 4 Jesus
NarniaWeb Fanatic

Yes, "Nausicaa" is anime. Anime is an art form that encapsulates most genres. Anime by and large is nothing like it's Japanese horror counterparts. At least give some of Studio Ghibli's works a go, I don't think you'll regret the decision.

Currently watching:
Doctor Who - Season 11

Posted : January 29, 2013 2:11 pm
NarniaWeb Guru

@ Shadow. Aye, it be Anime. But yes, do try and track Nausicaa down and give it a watch. There are no creepy string-haired girls in sight and the movie features some cool 80's giant mutant insects. ;) B-)

I'm not even a comics fan, I just like the movies they have been coming out with based on them... well, some of them. :P And yeah, the gravel voiced Batman is a bit... how to say, silly. Still, it works for me for some reason. *shrugs*

@ Warrior. Oh, I enjoyed TDKR, don't get me wrong. I just found it to be the most flawed of the trilogy and thus not my favorite. Also, despite what Nolan has said, the whole plot/story just seemed extremely cobbled together at the last minute and felt like this was not the intended finale.

I made a list of grievances I have with the film on FB which I could copy over here, if you'd like.

Avvie by the great Djaq!

^ Short tribute to James Horner (1953-2015)

Posted : January 29, 2013 4:13 pm
Warrior 4 Jesus
NarniaWeb Fanatic

If you love "Nausicaa", give the manga ago. It's an epic story, about 1,300 pages in total. Much more complex and interesting than the anime (which I still love).

Currently watching:
Doctor Who - Season 11

Posted : January 30, 2013 12:26 am
Maiden of Monday Madness Moderator

SnowAngel, of course "The Italian Job" is good, it stars Michael Caine!

Well, since I don't know who Michael Caine is that's not much of a reason to watch it. However, we did watch it and we enjoyed it. :) Although the ending was

quite the cliff hanger. ;)

@ SnowAngel - Scarlet Trefoil would have liked it. :P hehe


I got Saboteur and Key Largo, like I planned to. And I also got a James Stewart double feature: Pot o' Gold and Made For Each Other. I was hoping to watch Saboteur tonight, but my brother has class and it didn't snow enough for it to get canceled. :( But we are going to watch one of the James Stewart movies. :)


<img src="" alt="">
Christ is King.

Posted : January 31, 2013 12:13 pm
NarniaWeb Guru

Ach!! You don't know who Michael Cain is, Snowy?!?! :-o [-(

Quick answer that doesn't even begin to cover his career but everyone will recognize the role... he plays Alfred in the Christopher Nolan The Dark Knight Trilogy. ;) :)

Avvie by the great Djaq!

^ Short tribute to James Horner (1953-2015)

Posted : January 31, 2013 12:27 pm
NarniaWeb Junkie

Michael Cain, in my humble opinion is one of the greatest actores to ever come out of England.
While I honestly cannot say I like all his films, the Island being one, he has proven he can take on almost any role. One of my all time favorits being Scrooge in The Muppets Christmas Carol.

Posted : February 1, 2013 6:38 pm
NarniaWeb Fanatic

So, last night, we watched Steven Spielberg and Don Bluth's An American Tail. I last watched it last... maybe 10 years ago? ;)) It was a special movie in my childhood, of the ones that we watched over and over again, along with the Disney Animation classics, so it has a special place in my heart and causes much nostalgia when I watch it. (the songs and everything)
It was really fun to watch it now when I'm older and notice names I am familiar with, like James Horner, for example, and others. :D
I enjoyed it this time around, of course, and almost teared up. I mostly enjoy it as a classic because it was part of my childhood and it has many lovable aspects - the music, the characters, the plot. A very interesting time in history and an interesting look at it. I enjoyed jokes I didn't get before too, like The Brothers Karamouseov! :)) So, yes, enjoyed it! :D

RL Sibling: CSLewisNarnia

Posted : February 3, 2013 2:06 pm
Warrior 4 Jesus
NarniaWeb Fanatic

The Brothers Karamouseov.

Dostoyevsky? Nice. I've been meaning to read his book.

Currently watching:
Doctor Who - Season 11

Posted : February 3, 2013 8:51 pm
NarniaWeb Nut

I got Saboteur and Key Largo, like I planned to. And I also got a James Stewart double feature: Pot o' Gold and Made For Each Other. SnowAngel

Key Largo & Pot o' Gold are both very good. A little contrasting on the genres :) but both very good. What's Saboteur? Is that a Humphrey Bogart film?

... he plays Alfred in the Christopher Nolan The Dark Knight Trilogy. ;)

Did he? That's cool. *goes back to watch trailer* O right, he did! :) Yup, you can tell it's him. I have a Michael Cain and Laurence Oliver film that's been waiting to be watched - Sleuth. Anyone seen it? It sounds fabulous.

So, last night, we watched Steven Spielberg and Don Bluth's An American Tail. ...along with the Disney Animation classics...

Uh,you mean the little mouse right? It's been a while since I've seen that, probably the same as you. What are the Disney Animated ones?

Recently I've watched Dr. Zhivago & Jurassic Park.

Dr. Zhivago was okay. I wouldn't recommend it to a younger audience. It wasn't bad, but it was really an adult drama/romance type of thing. I like the story of the revolution and all of that, but after watching a 3 & 1/2 hour film, I just kind of sat back and said "What in the world did I just watch?" I wasn't digesting all the information and the story, the character Yurri was having this affair and I was hoping there was a moral or a point to all of it - but there really wasn't, at least not in my own opinion. And it never really ended complete, it was like you were wondering how it would turn out.

Jurassic Park was good. I'd seen bits of it before, but never the whole film in it's entirety. On part that I had to pick at was the fact that the wife was in the power-shed with this machine/radio attached to her leg, and when the raptor is chasing after her, we see her dragging this thing along behind her, slowing her down, then we see her fly out of the building with it magically off. :p The characters were entertaining. :p And the dinosaurs, especially the T-Rex looked cool, especially when I had to scream at the guys though, poor kids are screaming there heads off, and the two grown men just watch. "Do something you idiots!" And it seems they heard me. ;)) And it was nice to see that it's not a type of film. Although it seemed like the majority of the film was screaming and running, (a friend kindly pointed out that "that's kind of like the Hobbit", which of course I disagree :p). As for content, there was a few things, swearing, and of course, creepy dinosaurs and violence. Can't say a kid would really love it. But it was good.

I was wondering if anyone's ever seen The Iron Lady, The Young Victoria, & the newest Jane Eyre film? (the one with Judi Dench)
I'd been wanting to see them but I didn't know about content.

"...when my heart is overwhwlemed, lead me to the Rock that is higher than I."
-Pslam 61:2

Posted : February 4, 2013 4:21 am
NarniaWeb Fanatic

The Brothers Karamouseov.

Dostoyevsky? Nice. I've been meaning to read his book.

Yes, Dostoyevsky- the movie's main characters are mice from Russia. ;)) I've been meaning to read that one, too, but I recently picked up War and Peace, so I figured it's better to do only one 1k-page book at a time. :P

Uh,you mean the little mouse right? It's been a while since I've seen that, probably the same as you. What are the Disney Animated ones?

Yes, that's the one. :D
The Disney Animated ones - my sister and I grew up on Disney Animation, so I've seen (roughly) 46 of their released 52. Did you have any particular one in mind? :)

I've seen The Iron Lady. Content-wise, it's not a concern. I think plugged-in did a review of it and said that there's a scene of something. When I watched it, there wasn't really anything I distinctly remember. The only thing was

There was a scene that Margaret was getting her dress fixed during a special ball-like occasion and some colleagues walked in, and she talked to them while getting the dress fixed. It wasn't graphic or anything, but it was a bit awkward. (Awkward for the viewer, that is. The characters do not act awkward.)
I hope that helps.
My view of the film: Personally, I liked the music for the film (I like Thomas Newman's music, and there's a classic piece at the end that I like :P) and I thought certain aspects of the look of the film (clothes, set design, and cinematography) were quite artistic and well-done. The storytelling itself, though, I found poorly executed. I was disappointed with how the film ended and so I did not take time to think both aspects - the quality of the filmmaking and the quality of the plot - through. I found the film's flow not very smooth; the story was not delivered well, IMO. The plot itself confused me, as I wondered what the filmmakers were trying to say and, therefore, could not determine what I agreed or disagreed with. And, to be honest, I am not that well-versed with that time in history or with Margaret Tatcher. I'd need to study Margaret Thatcher and her life and work more in order to deliver a good critique of the film. Meryl Streep acted very well, though I do think many times we saw a lot of her instead of the character.
I'd be interested to see your take on it! :)

RL Sibling: CSLewisNarnia

Posted : February 4, 2013 11:46 am
Maiden of Monday Madness Moderator

Ach!! You don't know who Michael Cain is, Snowy?!?! :-o [-(

Quick answer that doesn't even begin to cover his career but everyone will recognize the role... he plays Alfred in the Christopher Nolan The Dark Knight Trilogy. ;) :)

I have never watched The Dark Knight Trilogy. I don't watch stuff like that.

This is what we (my family and I) like to watch.
These are my DVDs.

This is my family's DVD collection, well most of it, the TV shows we have are in a closet. The picture was pieced together.

I got Saboteur and Key Largo, like I planned to. And I also got a James Stewart double feature: Pot o' Gold and Made For Each Other.

Key Largo & Pot o' Gold are both very good. A little contrasting on the genres :) but both very good. What's Saboteur? Is that a Humphrey Bogart film?

Yes, they are. :) When we go to the library we usually get a movie or two for the whole family, one or two for the big kids/adults, and one for the little kids. This last time we got two movies for the family and two for the big kids. :)

Saboteur is an Alfred Hitchcock movie starring Robert Cummings and Priscilla Lane. We watched it on Thursday, my brother came home from class and wasn't ready to go to sleep, so we watched it. It was very good. :) We really enjoyed it, but we like almost everything we have seen that was made in the '40s.

Next time we go to the library, we are planning to get Stage Fright (1950) and probably Suspicion (1941).


<img src="" alt="">
Christ is King.

Posted : February 4, 2013 2:08 pm
NarniaWeb Nut

Uh,you mean the little mouse right? It's been a while since I've seen that, probably the same as you. What are the Disney Animated ones?

Yes, that's the one. :D
The Disney Animated ones - my sister and I grew up on Disney Animation, so I've seen (roughly) 46 of their released 52. Did you have any particular one in mind? :)

Oh, sorry, my mistake, I'd read your post wrong. When I first read it, I thought that you meant that Disney had made animated American Tails also, like a series or something. But yeah, I like Disney films, alot of the older ones, The Hunchback of Notre Dame, The Great Mouse Detective, Toy Story, 101 Dalmatians, the Brave Little Toaster...all the older ones. :) What about you?

And thank you very much for your Iron Lady review. :) I appreciate it. However, one more question for you: You said that one part when it's a bit - awkward. She's not.........without clothes, is she? She's just being fitted. Anyway, I've been wanting to see it for a bit - if it's clean.

"...when my heart is overwhwlemed, lead me to the Rock that is higher than I."
-Pslam 61:2

Posted : February 11, 2013 5:09 am
Liberty Hoffman
NarniaWeb Master

I made the horrible mistake of watching "The Adventures of Food Boy".
it was horrifying. the acting was atrocious. the plot was rubbish.
I think the best part was how much I laughed while watching it. laughter is good for you :P
I wouldn't recommend this movie to my worst enemy :P
I bet it could be used to get prisoners to confess what they have done :P

NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are

Posted : February 19, 2013 4:34 pm
NarniaWeb Fanatic

I'm glad it helped, AC! :)

Oh, sorry, my mistake, I'd read your post wrong. When I first read it, I thought that you meant that Disney had made animated American Tails also, like a series or something. But yeah, I like Disney films, alot of the older ones, The Hunchback of Notre Dame, The Great Mouse Detective, Toy Story, 101 Dalmatians, the Brave Little Toaster...all the older ones. What about you?

Oh, I see! No, no, I'm sorry - I should have been more clear in my post. Yes, I'm fond of many Disney Animation films! :D Some of my favourites are The Fox and the Hound, The Great Mouse Detective, The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh (1977), Lilo & Stitch, and The Emperor's New Groove. I've been wanting to see Dumbo for some time since I haven't in many years, but my family cannot get through the trailers for it without crying.... so we'd probably bawl through the whole thing if we watched it. :P I must confess though, for me, it's hard to get through a Disney Animation movie without at least choking up. :P

RE the awkward scene in The Iron Lady -
Here is the plugged in review. (DISCLAIMER: :P I don't agree dot-to-dot with plugged in on everything or anything; I mostly read their reviews for the information on content in a film.)

Liberty, is that the Disney Channel movie with the guy who played Sharpay's brother in High School Musical? :P I always saw that on play on Netflix, but kept away. :P

RL Sibling: CSLewisNarnia

Posted : February 19, 2013 5:27 pm
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