Hello! There is a moving picture on this page, so I thought I should come in and investigate. Is that moving picture a "past movie"?
"Let the music cast its spell,
give the atmosphere a chance.
Simply follow where I lead;
let me teach you how to dance."
No its just Drew Shirly, guitarist for Switchfoot.
Founder of the Switchfoot Club.
Co-founder of the newly restored Edmund Club! Check it out on the Talk About Narnia forum!
I just finished watching Zombieland (2009) and I must tell you I loved every second of it. If you like Zombie flicks, you'll love this movie. If you like dark comedy and horror, you'll love this movie. If you love good movies, you'll love this movie.
Basic plot summary has the protaganist (Jesse Eisenberg) meeting up with Tallahassee (Woody Harrelson) during the zombie apocalypse. Each adopts the moniker of their destination cities, thus Eisenberg is "Columbus" and Harrelson is "Tallahassee". Columbus is kind of a nerdish shut in who has phobias of everything, clowns in particular, and has survived the zombie apocalypse only because he's closely followed a set of rules he's discovered to work along the way (which are displayed in hilarious and memorable fashion throughout the film). Tallahassee comes across as a redneckish kind of individual with a special gift for killing zombies, whose ultimate goal is to find the last Twinkies in the US. Along the way they meet and are hoodwinked by "Wichita", played by Emma Stone, and "Little Rock" played by Abigail Breslin, sisters who also happen to be a pair of con artists. Columbus, who is at heart a true romantic, despite his many phobias and lack of "guts", is completely enamored of Wichita and his pursuit of her affections is hilarious and suprisingly touching too. What follows is a lot of great humor in a genre where it's difficult to imagine a successful fusion of the two, but here the movie not only succeeds but really blows the doors off. I must also state that within this movie is to be found the greatest celebrity cameo ever. Ever. There is no second.
There's language in the movie. There's also gore...c'mon folks, it's a zombie movie! If you can stomach both of those you'll find a real gem of a flick here. I plan on buying this one in the near future.
Kennel Keeper of Fenris Ulf
I've seen Shaun of the Dead and loved it, although I generally don't like zombies. I'll have to check out Zombieland. It sounds good!
Currently watching:
Doctor Who - Season 11
Queen S, I've seen Life is Beautiful a while ago with my parents. Don't remember it very well except it was very sad.
We've been watching some Miyazaki films lately. So far we've watched My Neighbour Totoro, Spirited Away, and (today) Howl's Moving Castle. I think the first is probably the most family-friendly, with an exception of one scene. It was the one I watched again and probably would again. It was very sweet and the animation great, but I felt it a little slow-paced at times. None the less, I enjoyed it. Dakota and Elle Fanning--too cute!
Spirited Away was, IMO, creepy... However, I did like the music and the general feel to the movie. Not being a romance freak, I was wierded out when they were falling in slow mo in the sky.
...so you can imagine my expression to Howl's Moving Castle. While it wasn't bad and I did enjoy it, the morals seemed a bit blurry at times. (and so was the screen, forgot my glasses and so I became mentally partially deaf which did not help me in understanding the whole movie.) I liked the heroine of this film, she was spunky. But otherwise I don't know if I enjoyed it entirely. There were like, so many guys, and Howl was this deep-voiced secret keeper...
The little boy was my favourite part of the movie. I doubt I'll watch this one again. I did love the music though. So rich and pretty!
RL Sibling: CSLewisNarnia
The bathing scene in My Neighbour Totoro is perfectly harmless. It's a young family having a bath together. It's not perverse or creepy - seems that way only to American audiences. I didn't have a problem with it. The Shinto beliefs would need to be talked through with the youngest of the young, but it really is a very good movie.
Not sure what you mean about not liking the falling through the sky scene because you're not a romance freak. I'm far from a lover of romance and I thought the scene was very sweet but a little odd.
I encourage you to watch the rest of Studio Ghibli's movies. Howl's Moving Castle is probably their most convoluted. The story is a bit of a mess but I love the animation and imagination of it all and some of the characters are great. As for the morals being blurred at times, that's often the case with anime. You really can't expect a Judeo-Christian worldview from Japan.
Currently watching:
Doctor Who - Season 11
Right, the scene in Totoro didn't bother me much. Just startled me when I first watched it, but I wasn't paying much attention just then. However, it's something I'd explain beforehand if I reccomend it to someone else.
I exaggerated a little bit RE Spirited Away, I can be "cynical" when it comes to romance sometimes. It was a little odd, yes, considering the girl was what 8/9? and Haku was much older. Not being foretold there was a romance subplot present, I am a little critical of it.
The romance in Howl's Moving Castle is more sentimental in a Beauty and the Beast way, so it didn't wierd me out or anything. (except for the fact that there was randomly the Prince at the end, but w/e. ) The rest of the film is a difficult subject for me to discern.
Sorry if the last two paragraphs seems a bit contradictory/illogical.
Well, yes, I wasn't expecting something from a Christian veiwpoint (watching scores of Bollywood movies has taught me not to come thinking the filmmaker has the Bible's principles in mind... ) , but sometimes the morals can be puzzling more than one would expect, which is a sensitive part for me. (Where as in, say, Batman the morals are pretty clear. Then again, that isn't Japanese anime.)
Otherwise, with these films, the feel is magnificent and the score so far for Spirited Away and Howl's Moving Castle were so beautiful.
RL Sibling: CSLewisNarnia
I finally saw "Spy Kids" it's epic! I know it's old, but I'd never seen it until now
I love it! now I have to see the other 2 movies
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
LOL Libby, I grew up on Spy Kids, they're such cheezy but cool movies at the same time (i wish i had that microwave and all of their gadgets )... and not to mention that they're making a fourth movie (but i guess that should be discussed in the future movies thread)
I saw "it's kinda a funny story" and "wild target"
It's Kind of a Funny Story was a lot like the book (save for a missing scene towards the end). One thing that I noticed plot wise that was different, but was a kind of good call on the scriptwriters part, was that the book talked more about how Craig got to be depressed as opposed to the mental aspects of getting better, but the film more of focused on his time in 3north. The only main thing that I was dissapointed in was how Noelle didn't have that many scars, somehow I pictured her quieter and more recent marks on her face...
Wild Target- Ok, so on a sort of off note, I didn't know that Martin Freeman was in the movie and got really excited when I saw him... But his character was creepy! wow... Anyways, it was a funny movie... there's a lot of dry humor (well it's british ) in it... I liked it, but the only thing I'd have to nitpick about it is the age gap between Bill Nighy and Emily Blunt
Signature by Tarkheena, Avatar by Ithilwen
Sneaky Ninja of the Lurkers Club
Watched Tron: Legacy tonight. I had heard that it was a visually gorgeous film, but the characterization and plot were pretty flat. I'd have to agree. It really is an absolutely gorgeous film, some of the best use of CGI I've ever seen. The action sequences were amazing. The design of the world was just incredible. It's a shame that the writers apparently weren't up to creating a story to match the technical mastery. I did like Olivia Wilde's character, even if she was possibly the least-developed female character I've seen in a long while. Jeff Bridges was great as always. Garrett Hedlund's character was just too flat for me to even get much of a feel on whether or not he's a good actor. Oh and the score is fantastic, well worth buying. So I'd probably give it a 6/10, mainly scoring that high because it was so pretty.
Wild Target- Ok, so on a sort of off note, I didn't know that Martin Freeman was in the movie and got really excited when I saw him... But his character was creepy! wow... Anyways, it was a funny movie... there's a lot of dry humor (well it's british
) in it... I liked it, but the only thing I'd have to nitpick about it is the age gap between Bill Nighy and Emily Blunt
I haven't heard of Wild Target before, but I'm a HUGE Martin Freeman fan. Does he have a large role in it? And what is the film rated/what is it like for content?
I haven't seen Wild Target but it has Emily Blunt in it! (so I might just have too) In Australia the movie is rated M for violence and infrequent coarse language (that would be = to PG-13).
Currently watching:
Doctor Who - Season 11
Message in a Bottle,
I've always loved this movie. But having read the book now, I don't know... I know the movie didn't change, but my perspective of it did. I'm enjoying the movie, but there's this whole plot that didn't even need to be in the movie- it was created FOR the movie. It wasn't in the book, and should have been left out. This is why you shouldn't see a movie so close from reading the book. The book is superior in every way, naturally. I can't but imagine what the movie would have been if it had been more faithful to the book...
Ithy, Martin Freeman was the bad guy ..... he had this kinda creepy sorta feel to his character... if he's not that sick in real life (which I assume he's not), than he did a good job with his character
As for rating, yeah I'd say it's pretty much like Warrior said... keep in mind that Bill Nighy and Martin Freeman play a killers, so there's a bit of violence and guns in it... Rupert Grint has two nude scenes, but you don't see anything... and it's more of done for comedy... Language wise, I don't remember if there was a lot, but there was some potty mouth in it
Edit: I forgot, there's some smoking and drinking in it too (more smoking than drinking)... but technically they're old enough where it's not illegal but more of your personal beliefs on the matter
Signature by Tarkheena, Avatar by Ithilwen
Sneaky Ninja of the Lurkers Club
I watched Tron Legacy last night. WOW! It was really amazing. I mean, it was just like I expected, I knew I'd like it that much, but it's still stunning to me. I was tense and nervous the entire movie, we tried to eat Ice Cream partway through, but I couldn't. It was done amazingly, had some great moments, was quite scary, and very exciting. I loved it!
But I have to say my favorite part was in the beginning, in our world. That was so awesome!
NW sisters Lyn, Lia, and Rose
RL sister Destined_to_Reign
Member of the Tenth Avenue North and Pixar Club
Dubbed The Ally Of Epic Awesomeness by Libby