Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close: I have not seen this movie but heard a lot of good reports about it. I'm looking forward to it.
Have you watched it yet?
I've been curious about that one, usually not a big fan of movies in that genre unless they are pretty good. But was thinking it might be, with Tom Hanks..
Without saying too much,
I just want to say to you: Don't watch it if it's just for Tom Hanks. His part is very minimal in this movie. This movie is entirely about the kid. The kid is the lead in this movie. However I loved the movie, I had read the book already though. I'd read the book first. The movie cuts half of the book, and I quite agree with the reasoning behind cutting it. It doesn't ruin the book, it just helps the movie flow better. The half cut off can basically make a second movie, with a proper length and storyline. It's like to stories in one book.
I guess I'm a red blooded, meat eating action film afficianado then because I've seen Starship Troopers... twice. Actually, I watched it the first time because I was younger and was in my "cool! Monsters!!" phase.
Anyway, ST is one of the few films that I actually loathe. My first viewing was haphazard at best since I was cutting between this and some other Creature Feature on late night TV at my Grandparents. Mostly I was just watching for the bug creatures and attack scenes.
I watched it again a few years ago (the whole film) and REALLY disliked it. Could care less about the heros, the tongue-in-cheek fascist stuff made me want to shoot someone and I really, really wanted the insects to kill everyone. Not exactly the reaction that Verhoeven was going for... I think.
But yeah, I truly loathe Starship Troopers though I admit the bug effects are decent even if they are constantly fluctuating in quality.
*needs to find the first two Tremors movies to watch now to get some good giant bug movie action *
Avvie by the great Djaq!
^ Short tribute to James Horner (1953-2015)
AHEM! The monsters in Tremors aren't giant bugs.
I've watched Starship Troopers and thought it was terrible as well. I've read the book it's based upon, though really at too young of an age to really "get" it. I think I was 12? And they had it shelved in the younger kids section for some inane reason. The movie is not even remotely like the book.
I haven't seen the movie yet, nor do I see any reason too (except maybe for the big alien bugs). The book though was a very enjoyable piece of military sci-fi (and I don't care for the military genre, so that's saying something).
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Doctor Who - Season 11
Warrior, what don't you care for about the military genre? I'm not a fan of sci-fi, but I really enjoy just about anything military (although I do gravitate toward the Army). So, I am curious as to what you don't like about the military genre.
We recently got the Complete Sherlock Holmes Collection. We have watched the first 4 movies so far. They are all just as good as the first time we watched them in January. I hope we get to watch another one soon.
<img src="https://64.media.tumblr.com/cad383e6153bd9fbdea428ea613b59c6/de1aa59cff43c34c-c7/s400x600/befa2bd462cce1583eba6d9c30ff63a68ddc94f7.pnj" alt="https://64.media.tumblr.com/cad383e6153bd9fbdea428ea613b59c6/de1aa59cff43c34c-c7/s400x600/befa2bd462cce1583eba6d9c30ff63a68ddc94f7.pnj">
Christ is King.
I just finally got around to watching "Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close". I am still trying to piece together my review as I am totally disturbed by the whole experience of watching it. I really thought it was weird, to be perfectly honest. I came into it expecting to see stuff about the twin towers and 9/11 and such, but instead, from my vantage point, all I got was a scrambled collection of strange scenes from the viewpoint of a troubled kid. honestly, the whole movie left me feeling depressed. I never want to drag myself through another viewing of it ever again. the scene that really freaked me out was when
the whole movie scared me.
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
A movie surrounding 9/11....
It wasn't what you thought it would be, but even if it had been- you don't think it would have disturbed you? The movie is based off a book of the same name, of course I would never recommend it to you. I agree, the movie can be disturbing, and depressing, but it's a terrific movie nonetheless.
I don't understand why you would watch it in the first place, given you obviously didn't like the depressing feeling, it is 9/11 after all- I'd think anyone would know not to expect anything "happy" from it.
I don't know what it is about the military genre that I don't like. I don't find offense, I just don't find modern warfare all that interesting. Medieval and futuristic movies though, they're interesting. There are some exceptions to the military genre though - I thought The Pacific was very good (and there are a few others). Part of my dislike for the genre is the macho-bravado attitude of many movie soldiers. I can't relate to it and it doesn't appeal to me. I prefer the everyman (or woman) characters in movies, TV series and books.
Currently watching:
Doctor Who - Season 11
Okay, I think I understand now. You like The Pacific, as in the mini series? You thought it was good?
I know what the real military looks like up close since my dad is a soldier in the U.S. Army and has been since I was a little girl. I have read every book and watch every movie about it that my dad and older brother would let me. I have liked almost all of them.
<img src="https://64.media.tumblr.com/cad383e6153bd9fbdea428ea613b59c6/de1aa59cff43c34c-c7/s400x600/befa2bd462cce1583eba6d9c30ff63a68ddc94f7.pnj" alt="https://64.media.tumblr.com/cad383e6153bd9fbdea428ea613b59c6/de1aa59cff43c34c-c7/s400x600/befa2bd462cce1583eba6d9c30ff63a68ddc94f7.pnj">
Christ is King.
Yes, The Pacific mini-series (10 episodes, so not all that small) was very good. Not enjoyable (war shouldn't be) but well done. It's rather graphic and mature and the war scenes are incredibly disturbing (as they should be) so not one for children or young teenagers. I've heard Band of Brothers is even better. I may have to check it out.
Currently watching:
Doctor Who - Season 11
Band of Brothers is better. BoB also felt a lot more organized, which helps the story evolve a lot better. Of course this is not to detract from The Pacific at all, since it was also a top-notch program...I sure would love to see more mini-series like this released, especially if it dealt with the Battle of Britain or Pacific Theater naval warfare.
Kennel Keeper of Fenris Ulf
I would've loved to have seen more Aussies in The Pacific, especially since so many of our soldiers took part.
Currently watching:
Doctor Who - Season 11
I finally can watch Journey 2: The Mysterious Island whenever I want to!! the movie came on DVD this past tuesday and I have seen it many times I LOVE it
it's a great sequel to the 2008 hit "Journey to the Center of the Earth"
I highly recommend it for all ages!!
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
Liberty Hoffman,
I hadn't realize it was released on DVD yet. It's a great, though "bumb" sequel. I much preferred the first to the second because even from the start it was enjoyable. The second took some time for me to find it enjoyable- probably more to do with my age difference between the two. I'm 27 now, the first released when I was 23 still, age I know makes all the difference, but I do believe the writing also played a part.
There will be a third installment if you didn't already know.
More than 24hrs since...
Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy. I saw it today.
I made it to the end. I wanted to know who it was, the spy. The movie felt disjointed at times, and it was slow. I'm afraid the end didn't have the impact it should have had to make it entirely worth it. Still, I did enjoy the movie.