Wolfy, I'm not sure if you have seen some of these, so I'll just list them all and if you have.... just disregard them here.
Krull (1983)
The Dark Crystal (1985)
Legend (1985)
7th Voyage of Sinbad (1950's)
Clash of the Titans (both 1981 and 2009 versions.)
Jason and the Argonauts (early 1960's)
Day the Earth Stood Still (original B&W)
Star Wars Original Trilogy (1977, 1980, 1983)
Invaders from Mars (1950's version)
War of the Worlds (both classic version and Steven Spielberg version)
Alien and Aliens (1979/1986) *Sorry, had to put those out there...
Invasion of the Body Snatchers (50's version)
Forbidden Planet (1950's) * "The Tempest"..... in space!!
The Thing from Another World (1955)
It Came From Outer Space (1950's)
I Married a Martian (1950's) *hockey title, good little thriller
The Blob (1959)
Journey to the Center of the Earth (1959)
Hope that helped!
Avvie by the great Djaq!
^ Short tribute to James Horner (1953-2015)
I find it a little hilarious that you put up Dances with Wolves and Avatar together, wolfloversk, seeing as I see Avatar as almost a carbon-copy of Dances with Wolves.
ooh that LOTR set looks epic 7chronicles!
I want it..... *drools *
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
Hey Wolf PC004 has a great list of films to watch there. The Alien movies (Alien/Aliens) are rated R primarily due to language and a tad bit of goriness in places. If you can endure that you should be good to go.
Admittedly some of em' I haven't seen and others I haven't seen in a really long time. Shout out for the 1959 version of Journey to the Center of the Earth with James Mason and Pat Boone (yes, that Pat Boone
). *thinks* I might just Netflix that tonight, methinks. It was one of my absolute favorites to watch on a Saturday afternoon when I was a little kid.
I don't want to say that Avatar is completely identical to Dances with Wolves, but they're very, very similar, and they'll never escape the comparisons. I have a suspicion you'll like DWW better though.
Kennel Keeper of Fenris Ulf
@Rising Star: actually it was because they were both mentioned and then you all started talking about how Avatar was like DWW and it reminded me how much I really need to see that movie Thanks Cor and Shadowlander, actually the gore/ language is typically the reason why I steer clear of R rated films... And actually Cor I haven't seen any of those, although Journey to the Center of the earth, I've been told I should watch.
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
One movie I am certain I'll be seeing this summer but have been strongly suggested to see by my parents is Temple Grandin (I think released last year). It is the story of the real person, Temple Grandin, who grew up in the 50's with Asperger's Syndrome which is part of the autism spectrum. stardf29 and I both have it. But back in those days, anyone with a disability, mental or physical, were kept separate from the mainstream classes with little staff assistance. This movie is about how Temple Grandin overcame her disability and graduated from college to work in the veterinary field.
My parents had it on Netflix for a while but I never got a chance to see it due to school, so that is on my to do list. But partly for this movie and for what Temple Grandin did, there is a new school opening up in Colorado that will cater to Asperger's kids. I will be paying this school a visit this summer as well. But as far as the movie is concerned, I've heard nothing but good reports about it. Anyone seen it yet?
Be watching for the release of my spiritual warfare novel under a new title: "Call to Arms" by OakTara Publishing. A sequel (title TBD) will shortly follow.
Well, I just finished watching the 2007 horror/thriller film The Messengers on youtube. My thoughts? Meh.....
Basically what you get is the typical haunted house story with a family that is trying to come together moving into a creepy farm house and then bad things start happening. One thing I have to mention: why would you move into a farmhouse that looks like this?!? It screams "Norman Bates summer home"!!!
O.K, the good points: The jump scenes were effective, had a good eerie atmosphere, score was decent, had an upbeat ending (for once) and..... Kirsten Stewart. (No, I'm not a fan of hers. Yes, I think she did a good job here and she isn't to shabby on the eyes...)
The Bad: Story, pacing, resolution, plot twist... pretty much everything else outside of the good. You really get the feeling the directors were trying to ripoff as many horror films as possible. There are blatantly rips from The Birds, Amityville Horror, The Shining and The Grudge. Also, the crows that appear throughout the film are never explained. At least in The Dark Half the birds were there to ferry the losers soul to the afterlife. Here.... nope, no explanation.
This is more of a rant than a review, but suffice it to say this movie really isn't worth watching. The jump scenes are good, but you've seen this story a million times before and told better.
Rating: 2/5
Avvie by the great Djaq!
^ Short tribute to James Horner (1953-2015)
FencerforJesus, I hadn't heard of it until last week, don't really know anything but what you said. i have it queued but no idea when I'll get to it, so I'm of no help. But I thought it was interesting for you to mention it.
I'll always be a,
Rest in Peace Old Narniaweb
Well, I just watched La Vita e Bella aka Life is Beautiful... It's an Italian movie and I put on English subtitles. 😉
I really, really liked it. It was sort of sad at the end, but overall a rather sweet movie, and fairly funny in some parts. More in the beginning... Anyone else seen this movie?
Avatar by Wunderkind_Lucy!
I really adore LOTR: Return of the King. J.R.R.'s story really touches me from the heart. Lots of values are shown in here like perseverance, bravery, loyalty and love. Sam is one of my favorite characters because I adore his loyalty towards Frodo. Now that they've done filming the LOTR, I am now psyched for The Hobbit! Haven't read it though.
"Two sides of the same coin"
My favortie movie is The Dark Knight! I believe it is one of the best action/adventure movies of all time. My favorite character is the Joker. Why so serious?
Founder of the Switchfoot Club.
Co-founder of the newly restored Edmund Club! Check it out on the Talk About Narnia forum!
Now I have actually seen Temple Grandin. Found it on Redbox and it is a worthwhile view. It allows you to really see into the mind of someone with autism and it a powerful testimony of overcoming the odds. Claire Danes is incredible playing the title role and get you to identify with her. Music doesn't stand out but complements the movie well. I strongly recommend it and give it 9.5/10.
Be watching for the release of my spiritual warfare novel under a new title: "Call to Arms" by OakTara Publishing. A sequel (title TBD) will shortly follow.
Heard about Temple Grandinsome time ago - might look into it.
Just watched Tangled for the second time today. Original opinion confirmed - adorable.
Do not be daunted by the enormity of the world’s grief. Do justly, now. Love mercy, now. Walk humbly now. You are not obligated to complete the work, but neither are you free to abandon it. - Rabbi Tarfon
I had to watch Tanngled! I thought it was ok.
Founder of the Switchfoot Club.
Co-founder of the newly restored Edmund Club! Check it out on the Talk About Narnia forum!