Valiant_Lucy, I saw Midnight in Paris when it first released with my girlfriend. We both loved it. I recently bought it on Blu-ray loved it even more if that's possible. Not a Woody Allen fan, but this was right up my alley. I also love that the best parts were at night. It was terrific. One of my favorite movies of '11.
For anyone that might be interested, in 1993 Actress Audrey Hepburn passed away. Today is that Anniversary. She was not only an actress, she took over as humanitarian for the UNICEF foundation.
Congratulations Miss Hepburn, you turned the standards of Holly-Wood upside down, and helped alot of people, more specifically children, by doing so.
Our Fair Lady
Audrey Kathleen Hepburn Ruston
May 4th, 1929 - January 20, 1993
"...when my heart is overwhwlemed, lead me to the Rock that is higher than I."
-Pslam 61:2
Has anyone seen Murder on the Orient Express(1974)? My Dad got it from the library today and we are planning on watching it tonight. We haven't seen it before.
We have been watching the Complete Sherlock Holmes Collection this past week. Dad had to take it back to the library today, but he's going to get it again. We got to watch the first ten movies. My favorites are The Hound of the Baskervilles, Sherlock Holmes and the Secret Weapon, and Sherlock Holmes in Washington. I really like Basil Rathbone as Sherlock Holmes. It's really cool seeing him as a "good guy" , since I had only seen him play a "bad guy" before watching the Sherlock Holmes movies.
<img src="" alt="">
Christ is King.
Has anyone seen Murder on the Orient Express(1974)? My Dad got it from the library today and we are planning on watching it tonight. We haven't seen it before.
Yes, I saw it last year, or 2010, for the first time. Actually the only time to date. But it's a terrific movie. I personally found it intriguing.
I finally got around to watching "The Game Plan"
I honestly thought it was going to be stupid, boring even, but it was not stupid or boring
here's the basic plot:
Joe Kingman is a huge football star. He's got woman, money, and a good career. Everything is perfect for him. Then one day an 8 year old girl shows up at his door telling him that she's his daughter from a past relationship. Once he has proof that she is for a fact his, he tries but fails miserably at "parenting." From problems such as his super speedy car with no backseat, to leaving her in a bar at 3 am, he's got a lot to deal with. Eventually though, she gets him, (and his football team) wrapped around her finger. When she has a near-death experience and Joe finds out her mother died early that year, he wants her to move and live with him. Her aunt though disagrees and takes her home. Joe has to play the game of his life and when he's injured, and things don't look good for him, his daughter comes out and gets him right back on the field.
it's a great movie Dwayne Johnson does a great job and the girl is absolutely adorable
the whole movie, I had to keep reminnding myself that this was a Disney film because honestly, it didn't seem like it in a good way. it wasn't lame, it wasn't cliche, it came together very nicely without having to feel like every other movie out there
it holds it's own and I was glued from beginning to end
and after I saw it, I found out that they actually filmed in Massachusetts, and they used Gillette stadium for the football game scenes (though they created a fake football team)! I have actually been past some of the places they used in this movie! and my uncle told me that he is friends with the guy who was the main sound guy for this movie!
it's a great movie. watch it if you have not seen it - you'll be glad you did
here's the trailer:
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
Has anyone seen Shadowlands?
... r_embedded < Trailer here.
I'm not sure what to make of it - I mean, I liked it, it was sad, but good for a film.'s supposed to be based on C.S. Lewis & Joy Gresham, and I'm not quite sure how accurate everything is. Thoughts?
"...when my heart is overwhwlemed, lead me to the Rock that is higher than I."
-Pslam 61:2
AslansChild- I have seen Shadowlands. But it's been years, before I read Narnia and the biographies we have about C.S. Lewis. However, I think it was really good, sad, but good. My older sister said it's good, if you like to cry.
Last night, my Dad, a couple of siblings, and I started watching Black Hawk Down. We got to just after when the Black Hawk went down, before we stopped. Dad said we are going to finish it tonight. My older brother has talked about BHD a lot (he loves it ) and I have played the game, it's neat to finally get to watch the movie.
<img src="" alt="">
Christ is King.
I'm not sure what to make of it - I mean, I liked it, it was sad, but good for a film.'s supposed to be based on C.S. Lewis & Joy Gresham, and I'm not quite sure how accurate everything is. Thoughts?
I've always wondered that too. At times it seemed too dramatic to be accurate. I remember one part where Joy suddenly got mad at him seemingly out of the blue and said she didn't want to be his friend -- "Not the way you have friends". I think she accused him of purposely befriending people who were less knowledgeable than him, so he would be the smartest person in the room? It's been years since I've seen it. But I remember that scene struck me as odd. I wonder if that ever really happened.
I watched Shadowlands many years ago and enjoyed it a lot (hence my username, ) although I do not know how accurate the film is to real life events. Given Hollywood's penchant for adding stuff to their films to increase emotional impact it wouldn't surprise me if a substantial amount of it was made up. That said I do like the film
. Does anyone know if Tolkien is portrayed in the film at all? You see Lewis among his peers and particularly his friends among the Inklings but I may have missed Tolkien if he's in fact there.
There's a scene where a young Doug Gresham (played by Joseph Mazzello) sneaks upstairs into Lewis' attic where there resides a certain plain and unadorned wardrobe, and he attempts to sneak into Narnia via it only to be met with failure. The scene really grabbed me because I tried a time or two when I was young (via the closet and once by the pantry, with the same results as Mr. Mazzello ), usually to escape grounding by my Maternal Unit or feeling abused at the hands of the local bullies. The other scene which hit me hard is when
I wish more time had been spent with the Inklings, but I'll take what I can get.
Kennel Keeper of Fenris Ulf
Last week i watched Artist and completely bowled over by it. According to me its strong contender for the Oscars and totally deserve the prestigious award. Jean Dujardin was amazing as George Valentin.
My older sister said it's good, if you like to cry.
Yeah, have to agree with her. What's Black Hawk Down? Sounds oddly familiar...
At times it seemed too dramatic to be accurate. I remember one part where Joy suddenly got mad at him seemingly out of the blue and said she didn't want to be his friend -- "Not the way you have friends".
And when she purposely brushes something off his face to make his friend think something's up? Just odd. Um, question though. In the film, Jack says he's going to marry Joy the first time so she can keep her citizenship or something like that; it's a marriage of convenience. Did that really happen?
Does anyone know if Tolkien is portrayed in the film at all? You see Lewis among his peers and particularly his friends among the Inklings but I may have missed Tolkien if he's in fact there.
As far as I could tell - no. Weird, because I thought of all the Inklings - he'd be there. But I didn't here anyone be called Tolkien, or see his name in the credits.
So basically, my ending note is this: It was a very good, well made, emotional, romantic film. However, I'm not certain how accurate it was to Jack's life. So as a film - I love it. But to use it as a Lewis resource, to say to someone not familiar with him: "Go watch this, it's about C. S. Lewis." I'm gonna say - no. That's all.
Not to change the subject, but has anyone seen The Young Victoria or The King's Speech? Are they clean?
"...when my heart is overwhwlemed, lead me to the Rock that is higher than I."
-Pslam 61:2
In the film, Jack says he's going to marry Joy the first time so she can keep her citizenship or something like that; it's a marriage of convenience. Did that really happen?
It did. Wikipedia says:
Lewis at first regarded her as an agreeable intellectual companion and personal friend, and it was at least overtly on this level that he agreed to enter into a civil marriage contract with her so that she could continue to live in the UK.
Not to change the subject, but has anyone seen The Young Victoria or The King's Speech? Are they clean?
I haven't seen The Young Victoria, but I have seen The King's Speech. It's very clean apart from one part -- as part of his speech training, the King has to say a stream of (very bad) swear words. It's in only one part and, as I said, was part of his speech therapy.
Does anyone know if Tolkien is portrayed in the film at all? You see Lewis among his peers and particularly his friends among the Inklings but I may have missed Tolkien if he's in fact there.
As far as I could tell - no. Weird, because I thought of all the Inklings - he'd be there. But I didn't here anyone be called Tolkien, or see his name in the credits.
(Sorry if I messed up the quoting)
I read on the FB page of The Lion Awakes that their movie would be the first to portray Tolkien, also I've seen Shadowlands and don't recall seeing him so I'm gonna assume no.
Also I believe the part about Joy's and his Marriage is true... I've read it somewhere.
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
I would note that in The King's Speech he also swears when practicing his radio address - but again, it's part of his therapy.
I can't comment extensively on the accuracy of Shadowlands, but i believe Douglas Gresham said the film's emotional representation was "spot on".
Do not be daunted by the enormity of the world’s grief. Do justly, now. Love mercy, now. Walk humbly now. You are not obligated to complete the work, but neither are you free to abandon it. - Rabbi Tarfon
Re Shadowlands, I recall that Douglas Gresham, himself, has said that whilst the film is a beautiful love story, it is not a highly accurate portrayal of Lewis, 'though he added that Debra Winger "was superb as my mother". Also, in an article I read ages ago, Gresham mentioned he was disappointed that Jack's faith was not brought to the fore more.
SL, from what I recall, Tolkien wasn't obviously characterized in the film, understandably, as the focus was meant to be on Jack and Joy.
I wish more time had been spent with the Inklings, but I'll take what I can get.
I do too, SL, but, for that, I can hardly wait for the upcoming movie, The Lion Awakes, which, actually, should be noted in the Future Movies thread.
So as a film - I love it. But to use it as a Lewis resource, to say to someone not familiar with him: "Go watch this, it's about C. S. Lewis." I'm gonna say - no.
In the film, Jack says he's going to marry Joy the first time so she can keep her citizenship or something like that; it's a marriage of convenience. Did that really happen?
Yes, indeed. In any of Lewis' biographies, this will be mentioned. For example, in Brian Sibley's Through the Shadowlands, he writes:
Then, in 1956, Joy faced a new crisis. The British Home Office refused to renew her visitor's visa, whichy meant that she and the boys would have to uproot themselves once more and return to America.
There was only one way in which Joy's expulsion could be avoided and that was if she could somehow acquire British citizenship. The obvious way in which she could do that was to marry a British subject. ... Jack decided to marry Joy. ...
On April 23, 1956, Jack and Joy were married at the Registry Office in Oxford. ...
Two days later, Jack told Roger Lancelyn Green about the marriage, saying that it was "a pure matter of friendship and expediency". ...
Jack assured his older brother, who was also his best friend, Warnie, "that Joy would continue to occupy her own house as "Mrs. Gresham," and that the marriage was a pure formality designed to give Joy the right to go on living in England."
AslansChild, I highly recommend The King's Speech (and the book is even better), but as others have noted, there is one scene, in particular, which you may want to fast-forward, as, although part of the therapy, it inundates you with foul language. Also, take note of Arwenel's added comment above. 'Tis much briefer there, but still present. What an inspiring story, though! But, read the book, if you can, written by Mark Logue (Lionel's grandson).
And, on another note, we recently re-watched Apollo 13, which captivated us all over again. And, oooh, that music score! ♥
Signature by Narnian_Badger, thanks! (2013)
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