7Chronices, Pan's Labyrinth is a brilliant movie, one of my favourites. Seriously intense and grim at times but the violence is never there to be enjoyed and it grounds the experiences of the main character. I don't know Spanish but I love how the language sounds! Have you seen Del Toro's adventure counterpart version to it? The movie's called The Devil's Backbone. This time the protagonist is a young boy. It's a very good but very different movie. By the way, the title refers to spine-abifader, not demons.
Currently watching:
Doctor Who - Season 11
I haven't actually watched Princess Diaries - I know I should, and I plan to sometime, but whenever I see them at the library, it's not the right time. xDD It's not that I don't like movies she's in, I just dislike her acting.
NW sisters Lyn, Lia, and Rose
RL sister Destined_to_Reign
Member of the Tenth Avenue North and Pixar Club
Dubbed The Ally Of Epic Awesomeness by Libby
Anne Hathaway isn't a great actress but she's very good. I'm guess that you're commenting on her style of acting.
Currently watching:
Doctor Who - Season 11
I watched an old classic from the early 50's called Them! (the title has an exclamation mark, not my sentence ). James Arness, James Whitmore (who has always had gigantic eyebrows), and a cameo by Fess Parker nicely round things out with the cast. The first part of the movie is set in New Mexico in the 50's and the local police officer (Whitmore) is investigating a strange set of missing persons reports in his neck of the woods. Turns out the problem are some ginormous irradiated ants looking for snacks. The FBI sends out one of its top agents (Arness) to help things out and Whitmore and Arness team up to tackle the ant problem together. The ants start spawning queens though and it's a race against time to ensure that the giant ant nests don't spread to a global level.
I loved watching this movie when I was a little kid and it turns out I still enjoy it. The seasoned older scientist played to the absentminded hilt by Edmund Gwenn was the most fun to watch, although for a small town policeman it surprises me how well Whitmore was able to handle a flamethrower. And I love the noise that the ants make when they're on the prowl for dinner. I hope they never remake this movie. It's cheesy, yes, but great just the way it is.
Kennel Keeper of Fenris Ulf
Ah, Them! Another classic monster film I grew-up watching along with Godzilla, Tarantula, The Black Scorpion, Rodan, Gorgo etc. Also another movie that had my grandmother seriously doubting my parents sanity for letting me watch...
Mostly kidding on the last bit.
Anyway, I wholeheartedly ditto everything you said, Shadow! It's definitely one of the best cheesy-yet-great giant creature movies of the 50's. A true classic.
Avvie by the great Djaq!
^ Short tribute to James Horner (1953-2015)
Out of curiosity Ela, which movies of her movies have you seen (other than Hoodwinked)?
Princess Diaries is probably on my very short list of movies that I saw and loved in elementary school and still like to watch once in a while now (even though Hathaway really doesn't look 16 in the first one )
Signature by Tarkheena, Avatar by Ithilwen
Sneaky Ninja of the Lurkers Club
Anne Hathaway isn't a great actress but she's very good. I'm guess that you're commenting on her style of acting.
Yes, I'm not saying her acting is bad. I guess I just simply don't like her. Don't you have any actors who you stay away from all their movies, not because of their acting, or them personally - but you just don't like them?
They annoy you, you think they're unpleasant?
I have some.
Out of curiosity Ela, which movies of her movies have you seen (other than Hoodwinked)?
Lets see - Ella Enchanted. Rio. And that's all. So only one non animated movie.
NW sisters Lyn, Lia, and Rose
RL sister Destined_to_Reign
Member of the Tenth Avenue North and Pixar Club
Dubbed The Ally Of Epic Awesomeness by Libby
No, not really. The movies I stay away from have more to do with bad acting and/or uninteresting premises/theme/storylines.
Currently watching:
Doctor Who - Season 11
I guess I get what you're saying Ela, I have a list of those actors as well
Signature by Tarkheena, Avatar by Ithilwen
Sneaky Ninja of the Lurkers Club
@Warrior 4 Jesus:
I Loved Pan's Labyrinth! Not only was the fantasy great, but I liked the different stories going on in the real world as well.
I'm half mexican and I don't speak spanish at all , but I too really enjoyed hearing the Spanish.
I actually thought the movie was in english until we went to watch it.
I thought it added to the film.
I've never heard of The Devil's Backbone, I'll definitely check it out! Thanks!
Oh I Love Them! I grew up watching that movie! I Love all those old movies!
They are going to be showing Them! on TCM later this month and me and my sister plan on watching it!
We watched The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King again yesterday!!!!
I LOVE LOTR, They will always be the Best Movies of all time for me!!!!!!
The Value of myth is that it takes all the things you know and restores to them the rich significance which has been hidden by the veil of familiarity. C.S. Lewis
I know why you feel that way, W4J - it probably all depends on personality types. It's definitely a more sensible way to look at it.
NW sisters Lyn, Lia, and Rose
RL sister Destined_to_Reign
Member of the Tenth Avenue North and Pixar Club
Dubbed The Ally Of Epic Awesomeness by Libby
Anne Hathaway isn't a great actress but she's very good. I'm guess that you're commenting on her style of acting.
Yes, I'm not saying her acting is bad. I guess I just simply don't like her.
Don't you have any actors who you stay away from all their movies, not because of their acting, or them personally - but you just don't like them?
They annoy you, you think they're unpleasant?
I have some.
Out of curiosity Ela, which movies of her movies have you seen (other than Hoodwinked)?
Lets see - Ella Enchanted. Rio. And that's all.
So only one non animated movie.
I stay away from any movie with zac effron in it.
I just watched these:
Alfred Hitchocks Dial M for Murder.
Grace Kelly is in it, which was cool. I like Hitchock films, you never really get it all until the end, you have to watch it to the end to understand.
It's about a man who hires someone to kill his wife so he can have the money in her will - but when the killer comes, things go horribly wrong...(insert evil laugh here)
It was very good, not gory or gross or anything. Only thing I can complain about is she comes out in a long,low cut nightgown.
# 2
Love in the Afternoon.
With Gary Cooper (YAY!) & Audrey Hepburn ( double YAY!)
About a girl in Paris who falls in love for the first time with a no good American playboy. Good movie as well. Nothing horrible in it...but I only saw the first hour or so...then the movie broke. Hepburn was funny...as usual.
& LAST - but never LEAST...#3
GONE WITH THE WIND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I just watched it. It was awesome. I never really knew what it was about, I just knew there was a woman named Scarlett O'Hara. Very very VERY good...but O the DRAMA! And Scarlett was driving me nuts! And the ending? ugh...
Very very good. I can't remember anything bad, but I don't think kids would really understand it anyway. And at one point she's in her petticoats and things, so...
So, anyway, two things:
1. I just bought Le Misresbe, if that's how it spelled. It's the one with Liam Neeson in it. (YAY!) I like Neeson very much, maybe because he plays a certain lion we all know and love? Anyway, is it clean? I read the description, it says something about a prostitute. Um...yikes.So, anything bad in it?
& 2nd: I have two LoTR films I haven't watched yet, The Fellowship of the Rings & Something about Two Towers. What's the proper order and how many films total are there?
"...when my heart is overwhwlemed, lead me to the Rock that is higher than I."
-Pslam 61:2
I've seen some of Les Miserables (1998). It's very well done and has GREAT cinematography and a brooding score by Basil Poledouris (Conan, Hunt for Red October).
As far as content, from what I remember there is plenty of historical violence (nothing overly explicit, but rather raw), some hinting at the prostitute character (nothing is shown). Again, I only saw the film in bits and pieces, so there may be some stuff I missed.
As for the LotR films... it goes like this:
1. Fellowship of the Ring
2. The Two Towers
3. Return of the King.
It's a trilogy, so there is only three films.
There's no language in the movies, but plenty of creepy characters/creatures and a TON of action-violence (skirmishes, wars, etc.). Nothing overly bloody, but there is some blood (the Orcs bleed black liquid).
Overall, the LotR is a very well done and excellently executed film trilogy.
Hope all the above helps.....
Avvie by the great Djaq!
^ Short tribute to James Horner (1953-2015)
The Lord of the Rings consists of three films but they're all one big story, so it's not a trilogy.
Currently watching:
Doctor Who - Season 11