@Shadow LOL yes, anything can come true if you just believe! (and give the filmmakers your ideas.....
Yay! *daydreams of new and even more outrageous Narnia pairings that will make him famous*
PC, I'm glad you liked Tron Legacy! I didn't think it was quite as good as the first film but it was most definitely enjoyable. And if there is one film in all the world that all but requires CG special effects the Tron universe has it. There were times when I kind of missed the old Tron while watching it, but how does one justify making a sequel set in an antiquated, glorified 286 with CGA graphics?
Loved the new Recognizers, but once again the Light Cycles stole the show!
Kennel Keeper of Fenris Ulf
*small bump*
Last night I watched two movies...well, one and a half movies. The first is by this director from New Zealand named Peter Jackson. Anyone heard of him? Yeah, I didn't think so . Dead Alive was filmed in the early 90's and is notable for being considered the goriest film of all time. I have seen gore but this one blindsided me. I made it just shy of halfway through the film before I called it quits. If you can best that, you're a better man than I, Gunga Din. The story is about some rat monkey or something that gets captured and put in a zoo. It bites a woman and she becomes a zombie. There's also a subplot about a young man (the old lady's son) and his star crossed romance with the daughter of a local shopkeeper. There are one or two funny moments in the film, but the movie was just way too gross to get all the way through. Like I said, if you can pull it off you have my respect.
Second movie I watched was called Planet of the Vampires (1965). This is an Italian sci-fi/horror movie directed by a guy named Mario Bava, who is purportedly famous for his work in Italy's movie industry back in the day. I now know why. Normally this isn't my kind of movie, and I walked into this half expecting it to be hilariously bad (which was part of the expectation I had) but I was very surprised to find a good film here and even a rather creepy one. This film is famous if for no other reason than being one of the primary inspirations for one of my very favorite movies of all time, Alien (1979). And I watched it in very large part because I had to know if those people who suggested it knew what they were talking about. And I can most definitely say YES, Dan O'Bannon, the writer of Alien, must have seen this movie at some point in his life and loved it enough to include large sections of the plot in Alien. PC and W4J, you'd probably get a kick out of seeing the comparisons in this film and Alien if you watched it...it's really eye opening how much one takes from the other. The movie is quite obviously super low budget, and yet Bava made the most of what he had and created a truly creepy and atmospheric film. I initially felt in the first 10 minute the movie would be stupid. In the next 20 I was interested but still unimpressed by the special effects. By a half hour in I knew this was a treasure of a film...and it loses little of its creepiness, even though you never really see much that should make it creepy. It made me feel like the characters in the movie did, paranoid. Definitely worth a look. It's available on Netflix for viewing for the time being. Like I said, probably only PC, W4J, and GB would likely be interested in it, but figured it was definitely worth bringing up
Kennel Keeper of Fenris Ulf
*secondary small bump*
What's with this thread sinking to the bottom of the abyss so much? It's the Past Movies thread, not some goofy thread on homemade pottery or refurbishing lawnmower carbeurators.
I watched a "classic" 80's film the other night called The Boy Who Could Fly.
The gist is that a family who recently lost a father/husband to cancer moves to a new neighborhood in an attempt to start over again. Teen daughter Milly notices that the teenaged boy next door, Eric, sits on his windowsill each day/night and pretends to be an airplane, makes paper airplanes, and other assorted aviation related activities. Turns out Eric is autistic and his parents died in a plane crash when he was 5 years old. One thing leads to another and the two become friends as Milly tries to get Eric to open up a bit. The big question in the film is if Eric can actually fly because there's some truly weird stuff going on throughout. Great, classic 80's feelgood movie with a pretty strong cast. Bonnie Bedelia is in this one as is a very young pre-Wonder Years Fred Savage. Mindy Cohn (The Facts of Life), Fred Gwynne, and Colleen Dewhurst round out the unusually strong cast. This movie is a classic case of "what could have been" as I think had it fared better in theaters names like Jay Underwood (Eric) and Lucy Deakins (Milly) would have been household names and in a lot more films of the era . Instead both faded into relative obscurity. Still, great film. 5 stars.
Kennel Keeper of Fenris Ulf
I watched a movie called "Meek's Cutoff" and it was the most boring movie I have ever seen. there was no character development, almost no dialogue, and if the back cover had not told me the premise of the story, I would not have known the purpose of the plot. but the movie didn't even seem to have purpose. the cinematography was poor and the camera hardly moved. the story, as showed on the screen, was dull and I lost all interest in the movie the instant it began.
the plot, as stated on the back cover of the DVD, sounded epic:
In 1845, a small band of settlers traveling across the Oregon High Desert suspect their guide, Stephen Meek, may not actually know where he is going. What was supposed to be a two-week journey has stretched into five. With no end in sight, tensions rise as water becomes increasingly scarce and supplies run low. The wives look on as the husbands discuss what to do, unable to participate in the decision making. The dynamics of power begins to shift when they capture a lone Indian and hold him captive so he may lead them to water. Questions plague the settlers as they press on with dwindling resources: Should they trust Meek? Will the Indian lead them to water or a trap? Are there others following them? How much longer can they survive?
sounds, cool, right?
after I read that, I was expecting to see something like Laura Ingalls Wilder or any of the other western/covered wagon type movies, and I was sure there would be some action, with possible confrontation with Indians and the like. but the movie had none of this. every scene felt pointless with no contribution to the movie, so the result was an hour and a half long movie that could have been used as torture to make prisoners talk.
there was, essentially, no real plot. I mean, the filmmakers obviously had to have some sort of plot, but that stayed on the back cover of the DVD and didn't translate into the movie at all. I watched it with my mom and sister, and afterward, we were so bored and disgusted that we wasted the time it took to be dragged through such a meaningless movie that we actually watched part of a different movie that we know well to make ourselves forget the already forgettable "Meek's Cutoff" it was, in a word, dull.
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
I'm not familiar with that one Libbinator, but the cover art makes it look epic! Who stars in the movie? And did they find water?
Kennel Keeper of Fenris Ulf
Thanks to NarniaWebber ramagut for linking the following on her Facebook page.
It's a 25th anniversary gathering of most of the stars from The Princess Bride, commenting about the movie and the lines people still come up to them and recite:
Famous Line 'Princess Bride' Cast Still Hears
But all night, Aslan and the Moon gazed upon each other with joyful and unblinking eyes.
I'm not surprised that you've never heard of it it's an indie film of sorts and it stars Michelle Williams, Bruce Greenwood, Paul Dano, Will Patton.
did they find water?

do not let the cover art deceive you - it's not what it looks like, sadly

NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
I watched Back to the Future with some friends a couple weeks ago. Talk about one hilarious movie! I loved Doc's facial expressions. They were some of the funniest parts of the movie.
"Gimme a milk ... chocolate!"
Last night I watched an old Humphrey Bogart movie - Key Largo. From the cover and description it looked like it would be good, but I'm almost giving up on movies made more than 30 years ago. xDD I just haven't watched any good one's for so long.
There wasn't a single funny thing in it, and I was laughing the entire time - that ought to tell you enough. They kept randomly playing this really dramatic classical music, when nothing was happening. I kept expecting something, and it never happened.
It's about a group of people who get stuck in a hotel while a hurricane blows outside. The majority of those people are members of some sort of mafia gang, and they're mostly interested in money and shooting people (predictable?). The other people are supposedly figuring out ways to escape and/or stop the "bad guys", but in reality, all they do is sit around and make dramatic faces, and occasionally yell at each other.
Wow - writing that review was more fun than watching the movie.
NW sisters Lyn, Lia, and Rose
RL sister Destined_to_Reign
Member of the Tenth Avenue North and Pixar Club
Dubbed The Ally Of Epic Awesomeness by Libby
Just teasing, I like movies from that era, they were a whole lot cleaner than today's. But some are a tad lame...
But don't ditch them all together. There are some really good ones out there:
My Fair Lady
Separate Tables
Witness for Prosecution
An Affair to Remember
Arsenic & Old Lace
And a whole lot of others.
Don't give up!
"...when my heart is overwhwlemed, lead me to the Rock that is higher than I."
-Pslam 61:2
lol, sorry about that. I was afraid somebody had actually watched it.
I know, I know, there are lots of really good old movies that I love - I just haven't watched any for quite awhile. I do like My Fair Lady - well, Audrey Hepburn anyway, the the songs. I watched part of Arsenic & Old Lace, several years ago, when me and my sister were sick, but it freaked me out.
I think I'd enjoy it now - not taking it seriously, like I have to do to enjoy some of those kind of movies.
NW sisters Lyn, Lia, and Rose
RL sister Destined_to_Reign
Member of the Tenth Avenue North and Pixar Club
Dubbed The Ally Of Epic Awesomeness by Libby
I finally saw Pan's Labyrinth yesterday, I had been wanting to see it for a long time.
I really liked the fantasy and creatures in it!
I don't know why but I also really liked the colors, especially the different shades of blues in the labyrinth scenes.
It was pretty grim in the real world, but it showed the realism of the time period and the events surrounding it. So I found it was very sad at times.
I thought the acting was very well done and the story as well written.
Though I do wish we could have seen even more of the Fantasy world because it was very interesting and I felt it was unique.
I'm not sure the movie is for everyone (mostly do to the violence).
The Value of myth is that it takes all the things you know and restores to them the rich significance which has been hidden by the veil of familiarity. C.S. Lewis
I watched Hoodwinked for the first time the other night. I'd heard a lot about it, and was getting pretty excited to see it, and I liked it. I really love the idea of all the different stories, though I felt that it could have been played up on more. It was funny, and fun, but it should have been longer. And the first movie where I actually liked Anne Hathaway.
NW sisters Lyn, Lia, and Rose
RL sister Destined_to_Reign
Member of the Tenth Avenue North and Pixar Club
Dubbed The Ally Of Epic Awesomeness by Libby
You didn't like the Princess Diaries?
Signature by Tarkheena, Avatar by Ithilwen
Sneaky Ninja of the Lurkers Club
^ I liked the Princess Diaries. I'm usually not into chick flicks that much but, those were really fun.