OK, I have to chime in on The Princess Bride. I like the movie just because it's pretty awesome. All the sword fighting and it's just plain hilarious!
I do have to agree with several people's opinions on Buttercup. (Can I just say, what an absolutely awful name!) I don't like girly-girls. I like girls who will get in the mix and fight and battle and right alongside the guys. These princessy, stand there while the guy fights for them, can't do anything for themselves girls annoy me to no end and I find myself yelling idiotically at the screen for them to KILL SOMEBODY! That's why I like Angelina Jolie movies so much and Star Wars. The female characters kick some major butt!
Certainly, it's nice to have a guy fight for you, but for crying out loud, help out!
I recently viewed The Neverending Story (1984) for the first time. Its storytelling device (a fairytale framed in a contemporary story) reminded me of another, far more quotable 80s flick, The Princess Bride. While I like that movie better, Story was enjoyable enough...though the ending seemed somewhat predictable (admittedly, TPB has a predictable ending too, but to me, the journey there was more fun).
Ohhh, two of my favourites when growing up!!! I still love both Princess Bride, and NES today.
Did you know that both are based off of books? I have (sadly) only read The Neverending Story by Michael Ende, though. Still need to get my hands on a copy of The Princess Bride.
Those of you that grew up liking NES... did you ever see the two sequels?
I love them too, but the first is definitely the best. Actually, I like them in the order they came out. The second one, along with the first, are based off the book. The third is completely new and made up. I believe there was also a related tv show or two at one point... but I forget.
My one problem with the NES trilogy, was that Bastian was never played by the same guy. I mean, I loved the portrayals by each boy... thought they were all perfect as Bastian. But for continuities sake, it bugged me. That said, now that I've seen them, it'd be weird to have someone else doing the part at that point in time.
For those of you that are curious, here is who played Bastian Balthazar Bux...
and when they each played him:
1) The one you most think of when hearing the words "NES" and "Bastian":
Barret Oliver in The Neverending Story (1984)
2) The talented actor who is no longer living:
Jonathan Brandis in The Neverending Story II: The Next Chapter (1991)
3) The guy I think of as "that kid from Free Willy":
Jason James Richter in The Neverending Story III (1994, in europe... 1996, here)
Wow, sorry about all that! And that's just getting me started! I could write more if I'd watched them recently.
Libby, I've seen that Disney Channel movie. It was a long time ago, though. I can say that I remember liking it. That said, I think I liked another DCOM he was in even better. And I'm not talking about the two with his brothers, which I also liked. I'm talking about this one. Have you seen it?
Speaking of DCOM's, did you ever get the chance to see the one called Tru Confessions? I love that one! PM me if you are curious and want more info.
Hmm, what else do I have to say? I haven't really watched a lot of movies lately, per se. I've seen lots of tv shows (and reruns), and some movies I'd seen loads of times. (whether through tv and/or dvd) Just in case people are curious, I've been really in the mood for movies from the 80's and 90's lately. Good thing I own quite a few, and can find others!
Oh, yeah! One of the ones I saw for the first time on tv in recent months made me think of some of you guys... Journey to the Center of the Earth. (the one with Brendan Fraser and Josh Hutcherson) It was quite interesting! I may be behind the times on this, but did you know that Josh (but not Brendan or the girl) is working on a sequel?
Wish I could say more, but my mind is blanking. Sorry! I'll try and come back if anything comes to mind...
I enjoyed The Princess Bride but I didn't grow up with it (I only saw it when I was in my early 20's) so I don't have any nostalgic moments from it, nor do I think it's the greatest thing on Earth (a position many seem to hold). But it was good.
The Neverending Story movie on the otherhand provides much nostalgia. I loved the movie but the book is far better and more indepth. The second movie has some good moments but overall, was merely okay. The third was awful and not even consistent with the laws of Fantasia.
Currently watching:
Doctor Who - Season 11
The Neverending Story movie on the otherhand provides much nostalgia. I loved the movie but the book is far better and more indepth.
I'd have to agree with you there. I kind of want to go back and reread it now!
And yeah, it took awhile for the third one to grow on me. Overall, I think I liked more stuff about the second than I hated. And even so, I think it's because of the elements from the book. But yeah, the first is the best. I think I'd love it regardless, but it does have the nostalgtia factor going for it.
And I can see how watching something for the first time when older, would be different than watching it growing up. The Princess Bride isn't the greatest thing I've ever seen. But I still love it, and it's one of the most quotable movies I've ever seen! I guess I can see why some don't like it as much.
It's all good. We all have different tastes in films.... and that's ok!
Whoa, whoa, WHOA!!!!
"pretty much the stupidest movie I've ever seen, and I saw nothing enjoyable in it. Humor was there I guess, but it was unpleasant and stupid."?????
*clutches chest, stumbles back.... THUD!
How can you not like The Princess Bride? It has sword fighting, adventure, monsters, magic... True Love!
But really, it may not be the most "realistic" fantasy film or the one with the largest budget, but it's a classic case of a that is just pure un-mutilated fun. Plus, it has some of the best quotes of any 80's movie.
All I can remember about Princess Bride is the dumb Australian reference. I tend to collect Hollywood references to Australia, seeing as I live there. I tend to collect even rarer references to New Zealand as well. The Princess Bride Aussie reference was something about a substance only available in Australia, and something about Australians not able to trust each other.
How did it go again? (Don't worry about spoiling the movie for me - you won't. )
Man in Black: All right. Where is the poison? The battle of wits has begun. It ends when you decide and we both drink, and find out who is right... and who is dead.
Vizzini: But it's so simple. All I have to do is divine from what I know of you: are you the sort of man who would put the poison into his own goblet or his enemy's? Now, a clever man would put the poison into his own goblet, because he would know that only a great fool would reach for what he was given. I am not a great fool, so I can clearly not choose the wine in front of you. But you must have known I was not a great fool, you would have counted on it, so I can clearly not choose the wine in front of me.
Man in Black: You've made your decision then?
Vizzini: Not remotely. Because iocane comes from Australia, as everyone knows, and Australia is entirely peopled with criminals, and criminals are used to having people not trust them, as you are not trusted by me, so I can clearly not choose the wine in front of you.
Man in Black: Truly, you have a dizzying intellect.
Vizzini: Wait till I get going! Now, where was I?
Man in Black: Australia.
Vizzini: Yes, Australia. And you must have suspected I would have known the powder's origin, so I can clearly not choose the wine in front of me.
Man in Black: You're just stalling now.
I know it's a comedy but why does every America show/movie seem to refer to Australia as if we're still living in the times of convicts and are a backward nation of criminals? It's just lame.
Currently watching:
Doctor Who - Season 11
Those of you that grew up liking NES... did you ever see the two sequels? I love them too, but the first is definitely the best.
My wife and I own the first two...the 2nd one does indeed have Jonathan Brandis, a great kid who tragically ended his life in the 90's. And I hate that because he was a lot of fun to watch in every movie I saw him in . The 2nd one was kinda lame but the first one will always be my favorite. Still, very dark film. Even so I want my own luck dragon.
I know it's a comedy but why does every America show/movie seem to refer to Australia as if we're still living in the times of convicts and are a backward nation of criminals? It's just lame.
For the same reason they oftentimes portray any American that doesn't live in California, New York, or Illinois as backwards hayseeds and hicks who reside in "flyover country" (the great big empty space in the middle of the US) . Don't worry about it too much, with the state of public education in the country right now I seriously think 50% of students probably think Australia is somewhere east of Mexico, give or take 20 miles.
And that's why my kids are going to get homeschooled.
Kennel Keeper of Fenris Ulf
Haha, good call, mate! I'm not worried, more annoyed. Aussies find it easy to laugh at themselves. But we wouldn't mind a more accurate picture of our country every now and then.
Currently watching:
Doctor Who - Season 11
Also, you have to remember the time at which The Princess Bride is set. Close to those days (I believe, correct me if I'm wrong), criminals were sent to live in Australia. They were deported to a kind of Alcatraz so to speak. Though they weren't all horrible people, sometimes they were just thieves, but still. Pretty much all anyone knew of Australia was that it was full of criminals.
And ditto what SL said about America. We get a lot of stereotypes too.
True, but it was only Eastern Australia that was established for convicts. For example, South Australia was colonised by free settlers from Germany, Prussia and the UK etc. Some people didn't even do simple thievery to be transported to Australia as a convict. They found almost any excuse to get the poor off the streets.
Currently watching:
Doctor Who - Season 11
Princess Anna: yes! I've seen "The Other Me"! that movie was so hilarious! it must have been hard work to film and then copy and paste Andrew Lawrence twice in the same shot every time Will and Twoie are together! definitely a favorite of mine in the DCOMs
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
True Grit was really great, I want to see that again.
It was kinda bloody, but it had some really good Christian themes.
Fun fact about The Princess Bride: It ISN'T based off a book. The book in the beginning is a plot device by the writer of the script, William Goldman, as there is no such book by S. Morgenstern. There IS a book (by William Goldman), but the script and book were written concurrently, I believe. It's pretty funny, when you think about it.
"Let the music cast its spell,
give the atmosphere a chance.
Simply follow where I lead;
let me teach you how to dance."
Warrior, was that quote because you knew or because you looked it up? I am known for being able to quote the entirety of The Princess Bride. Horrifically bad movie in an Oscar sense, but hilarious so and so quotable. But it does have what is considered by many, including myself, to be one of the greatest sword fights in movie history. It helped that it was choreographed by the legendary Bob Anderson (famous fencer who did Star Wars, First Knight, Zorro, Lord of the Rings, and many others). Good stuff.
Be watching for the release of my spiritual warfare novel under a new title: "Call to Arms" by OakTara Publishing. A sequel (title TBD) will shortly follow.