Hmmm, was Aaron Johnson in The Illusionist?
I am currently hooked up with horror movies, and I don't know why. LOL. I've got to admit, I love them but I am scared of watching them. Ahahaha. It started when I was watching last Friday night and HBO started playing A Nightmare on Elm Street (the latest one). I wasn't that much scared, but the part where

"Two sides of the same coin"
Sandy, I know what you mean about Horror films. I've only seen a small handful of them that I like, though.
You may like Alien, Aliens, The Howling, Halloween (1978), The Fog (1980) and Dog Soldiers.
^^ All of these are more suspense/character driven horror films and most of them feature cool creature effects. Anyway, all of these are R rated and feature moderate gore and a good deal of language. Halloween also has some slight nudity.
Avvie by the great Djaq!
^ Short tribute to James Horner (1953-2015)
You may like Alien, Aliens, The Howling, Halloween (1978), The Fog (1980) and Dog Soldiers.
That is an excellent starting place! You might get a kick out of The Thing (both the original and the John Carpenter remake from the 80's), 28 Days Later, and possibly Night of the Living Dead. Then again I'm a zombie fan . If you thought Nightmare on Elm Street was scary, the first Halloween will make you break out in hives. If you watch Alien after that you'll not sleep for 2 weeks.
Dog Soldiers is the one you were telling me about the werewolves, right PC?
Kennel Keeper of Fenris Ulf
Try Session 9, Se7en, A Tale of Two Sisters.
Currently watching:
Doctor Who - Season 11
I don't particulary like horror films. My favorite films are from the 60's. I was watching The Ten Comandments yesterday, and I was glued to the tube. It was really nice to watch a movie that had good acting, a good plot, no bad language, and Christian principals. It was also the biggest hit of its day! Oh for the days of good films...
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I don't know if Eagle has been mentioned beforehand on this thread. I first heard this film adaptation of Eagle of the Ninth was out on the books thread, and wanted to see it. I finally got my chance about three weeks ago. This cheaply made film never got much fanfare, beyond a historical article in the Daily Telegraph, so it isn't surprising that it only lasted a week locally, and that there was never more than one session per day.
The movie wasn't too bad, considering that it was probably filmed in Hungary, because the old Roman territory of Valeria, beyond Hadrian's Wall, has lost much of its original forest cover. Also, the leading character was played by an older man, rather than the young, idealistic follower of Mithras, the book character was. I thought the costuming, lighting and the use of what I presumed to be Gaelic to be quite a good idea. The film starts out accurately enough with the first battle where Marcus is injured, and the circumstances in which he acquires Esca as his slave, also the beginning of their mission to recover the lost Eagle of the Ninth.
But after that the film goes badly wrong.
This is a story which didn't cost the earth to make into a film, but which, apart from the dearth of fancy machinery and heaps of SFX, still had it all, including a touch of romance, plenty of action and a thought-provoking denouement which highlights the position of both sides in the conflict. I don't understand why scriptwriters think that adding more battles is a the only way to make a film adaptation of a book more marketable. It also gives the lie to the idea that making a M (PG13+) film of a 11+ children's novel more palatable to viewers.
Another movie, Centurion, which I also saw, showed exactly what is wrong with Eagle. This gruesomely bloodthirsty MA15+ film (ie for trigger-happy, violence-loving men only) shows exactly why there would have been very few survivors of the Ninth, for Guern to muster, and why any that did would tend to live, even with families, as outcasts, even among less ferocious tribes like the Segovae, rather than go back to a Roman side, which prized success, which didn't want to know about defeat, and which, as Rosemary Sutcliff's book makes clear, was apt to stone those whom they considered deserters.
How funny, I was coming in here to post about that very movie and someone had already mentioned it
A friend from work lent it to me, and I'm a huge fan of Brad Pitt's (he might just be my favorite actor!), so I thought I'd check it out although I don't usually do that genre (thriller/suspense). It is R rated for a reason, though, so watch at your own risk. I...really liked it! I wasn't sure what I'd think of the ending, because they kept hyping it up and hyping it up and I was expecting something pretty huge to happen. It wasn't huge in the way I was expecting, but the ending did not disapoint. I actually thought that
I also watched (lent to me from the same coworker) "Dolores Clairborne". I liked it, and enjoyed watched it, but was slightly disapointed at the ending. I felt just kinda "meh"...I guess I like movies where
"Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius, and it's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring." Marilyn Monroe
Shadow, I forgot about the two The Things!! The original is still one of my all time favorite films, but after a recent viewing on Carpenter's version, I strangely found myself liking the remake as well.
The 1982 film still isn't a huge favorite, but I found it had actually improved over my initial impressions of it.
And yes, Dog Soldiers is the werewolf film I keep bugging you to watch.
Avvie by the great Djaq!
^ Short tribute to James Horner (1953-2015)
I'm gonna be looking for Dog Soldiers, but I have to wait for Netflix to put it on streaming. We're trying not to go the DVD route.
The beauty of the first Thing is that a lot of times you can't see the monster, but things on screen are responding to it, so you know it's there hiding in the shadows but you just don't know where. That's creepy! Also of note, the original film has James Arness starring as the creature, who is better known as Marshal Matt Dillon from Gunsmoke. Did you further know that Arness' real life younger brother was Peter Graves? Wild stuff, huh? Arness just passed away in June of this year, apparently.
I haven't seen the 1982 version of The Thing in quite a while, but I remember it had Kurt Russell (always a solid action/sci fi actor) and Wilford "Diabeetus" Brimley, of Quaker Oatmeal fame. I've read there's a remake of some type being made by John Carpenter. That'd mean that The Thing will have been done 3 times. Yikes!
Kennel Keeper of Fenris Ulf
Ah Netflix... both the jewel and bane of most movie lovers, eh?
Exactly! The Original is much more about suspense and character over elaborate special effects (sounds like Alien ). When you finally see the creature it may be Mr. Arness in heavy make-up, but the suspenseful build-up throughout the rest of the film definitely compensate for a traditional monster.
The '82 version is good in it's own right, but much more bleak and a kind of gooey "show off" for Rob Bottin's creature effects. Granted, the effects are still amazing and disturbing (if a tad unintentionally goofy) even today.
It's a prequel that they are making to the 1982 version exploring what happens to the other camp seen at the beginning of the first film. I think it's due to come out late this year... Not sure if Carpenter has anything to do with this film or not, though.
Avvie by the great Djaq!
^ Short tribute to James Horner (1953-2015)
@ Shadowlander: Yes they are making a remake, and as PrineCor004 said, is actually a prequel about the first artic team that is mentioned in John Carpenters Thing.
It comes out on October 16th this year, you can check out the trailer on YouTube, it looks pretty good!
If it gets good reviews I plan on seeing it!
I love the Thing!!! It's one of my favorite scary movies if not my favorite!
The thing (no pun intended) I love about it is that it keeps you guessing and you don't know who to trust!
I've only seen the remake with Kurt Russell, but hope to see the original soon!
The only part I don't like is
The Value of myth is that it takes all the things you know and restores to them the rich significance which has been hidden by the veil of familiarity. C.S. Lewis
So has anyone seen Soul Surfer or The Christmas Bunny I'm interested in seeing both and I'd appreciate any of your reviews (Spoiler free please- Though I know the basic story of the first as I've read many an article on Bethany Hamilton in my day )
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
wolf: "Soul Surfer" is amazing it's one of the most encouraging, uplifting, and inspiring true-story-made-into-a-movie movies that I have seen!
and it's got a great Christian message
I highly recommend it!
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
I have Soul Surfer in my Netflix queue to rent. I haven't seen it, didn't originally plan to but then I figured I'd try it. It's on a "Very Long Wait" however. Not in a rush for it so it's not so bad.
Soul Surfer was a really excellent movie - Dennis Quaid especially did a great job in the acting, and it seemed like a quite high budget film. I'd definitely recommend it.
NW sisters Lyn, Lia, and Rose
RL sister Destined_to_Reign
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