Oh, I liked the Dish (another one I did for uni). It was really funny Although it did have a fair bit of language in it which I didn't like. I haven't seen Mad Max 2 although I've seen most of the first one and most of the Thunderdome one. They were ok but very, very violent (at least the first one was). I thought the Thunderdome one was pretty stupid but that is just me
Have you seen My Brilliant Career? Again I've only seen bits and pieces of it. I like the book though
Do you love "The Highwayman" by Alfred Noyes?
If so you might like to see my sister's dramatization of this poem through her photography!
Warrior, I've been meaning to see Picnic at Hanging Rock for ages and ages! It sounds right up my alley...sort of a mix between the Virgin Suicides and Cracks.
"Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius, and it's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring." Marilyn Monroe
Thought I'd pop in and say - I've heard that a lot of people don't like Ever After the first time, but grow to love it. I don't have that problem; I loved it at first, I love it now. Prince Henry does take some getting used to; he isn't a likable character at first, but you grow to love him. That's such an exceptional movie!!
NW sisters Lyn, Lia, and Rose
RL sister Destined_to_Reign
Member of the Tenth Avenue North and Pixar Club
Dubbed The Ally Of Epic Awesomeness by Libby
Eowyn of the Lantern Waste, no, I haven't seen My Brilliant Career.
There's no doubt that the Mad Max series is quite violent (particularly the first) but they're good movies (bar the third and final movie - Thunderdome). I thought Mad Max was good but yes, a bit too violent for my tastes. I found Mad Max 2 far more interesting and enjoyed it far more. It was still quite violent but not as bad as the first. The 'car' chase at the end is incredibly raw and exciting.
Valiant_Lucy, I think you'd enjoy Picnic at Hanging Rock. See if you can track it down.
Cauliflowers, (love your username!) I'm also really looking forward to the Tintin movie. I confess that I hadn't heard of the Green Lantern before seeing the movie trailer for the first time. But you're right in saying that Batman and Superman seem to be getting most of the attention these days, so the variety now is refreshing.
Currently watching:
Doctor Who - Season 11
Eowyn of the Lantern Waste, no, I haven't seen My Brilliant Career.
There's no doubt that the Mad Max series is quite violent (particularly the first) but they're good movies (bar the third and final movie - Thunderdome). I thought Mad Max was good but yes, a bit too violent for my tastes. I found Mad Max 2 far more interesting and enjoyed it far more. It was still quite violent but not as bad as the first. The 'car' chase at the end is incredibly raw and exciting.
Ok, I haven't seen the second one. I was going to do it for another uni assignment (this thread seems to be taken up with what assignments I did for uni ... sorry) but I watched the first few minutes and there seemed to be bodies falling out of cars and a massive pile up of cars and bikes and what have you so I gave it a miss. My biggest objection to Mad Max is that the storyline could be written on a piece of minty paper - it just happened that they chose Mel Gibson for the leading role and he is such a wonderful actor that it kinda worked but yeah not great films although it is very interesting to see all the Broken Hill scenery - I don't live all that far from BH and so it's funny to see places where you drive over quite regulary the scene of some mad car/bike/bad guy/werido chase
Do you love "The Highwayman" by Alfred Noyes?
If so you might like to see my sister's dramatization of this poem through her photography!
Thought I'd pop in and say - I've heard that a lot of people don't like Ever After the first time, but grow to love it. I don't have that problem; I loved it at first, I love it now. Prince Henry does take some getting used to; he isn't a likable character at first, but you grow to love him.
That's such an exceptional movie!!
It's been a long time since I saw that movie. I should see it again. I remember Anjelica Huston had a nice look for a stepmother type character. And I remember laughing at a part where the girl was carrying the guy, instead of the other way around. But that's about it...
Wow, I forgot how much I had forgotten that movie. I need to see that again.
I saw "My Brilliant Career" ages ago with my family and I remember liking it I should probably watch it again
My family and I are going through Middle Earth again I love LOTR!
I have had this crazy obsession with the movie "Hoot" lately it never stops being funny for me
I laugh really hard every time I see it! it's so funny!
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
@Liberty Hoffman: Awesome! LOTR never gets old, they really are the best!!!! Always will be for me!!!!
We re-watched both Transformers movies on Sunday and Monday!
Just in time for Transformers: Dark of the Moon today!!!!!
I really love those movies!
I know Revenge of the Fallen wasn't to everyones taste and I can understand why.
I personally like it!
I think it could be because I knew what they wanted to do in the movie, and thanks to the writers strike much of it was not include, which left the movie more raw then what was intended.
The Value of myth is that it takes all the things you know and restores to them the rich significance which has been hidden by the veil of familiarity. C.S. Lewis
...(ironically Connery was one of the precious few bright points in Part II). Hey, that gives me an idea...I might have to review Highlander II now...thanks!
I'd enjoy reading your comments, if you're willing to watch that movie again to offer them. I haven't seen it for a long time, and it was nice to see Ramirez (Connery) again - but they way they got him back disappointed me.
Also, that movie
Incidentally wikipedia mentions director Russell Mulcahy's 1995 director's cut, called Highlander II: The Renegade Version, which gets rid of the Immortals'

But all night, Aslan and the Moon gazed upon each other with joyful and unblinking eyes.
It's Kind of a Funny Story:
Grabbed this on a whim in the bargain bin at the movie store. Ended up REALLY enjoying it! It had just the right mix of serious and comedy and teen angst. I felt it handled mental health in the right way, and while the ending was technically happy, it wasn't a total "oh everything's going to be perfect now/he's cured" or something. It was definitely not a fluffy movie, and I'd highly recommend it!
I've been meaning to watch it since it was in theater but for some reason or other I kept delaying it. I finally rented it and saw it today. I really enjoyed it. I agree with everything you said. I'd also recommend it, (to age appropriate audience, for some very mild and short scenes).
I've seen Highlander I, II, IV (End Game) and V (the Source). I only liked the 1st. The 2nd was terrible. End Game was alright. The Source was horrible as well. But the first was really good. The concept is great and the swordplay, especially for an early 80's film, was impressive. Sean Connery as Ramirez was great. I'm not sure about the remake that's coming up. I want to see it for the swordplay, but not sure about anything else.
Be watching for the release of my spiritual warfare novel under a new title: "Call to Arms" by OakTara Publishing. A sequel (title TBD) will shortly follow.
Ok I feel really stupid now
I first watched Shadowlands ('93) last winter or so. And for some reason I didn't realize until just now while watching the special features on the dvd I rented that it was directed the same Richard Attenborough who played in Jurrasic Park.
I fail as a fan that's for sure *Headdesks*
(wonders if she can add that to the JP/CoN parallel list since its not really CoN...) Hmmm...
(Also just found out he is the brother of Sir David Attenborough, but now I'm getting off topic a tad)
Edit!!! And the kid who played Douglas Gresham played Tim Murphy. I think I suspected that but I passed it off. (*reeeaaaaallllllyyyyyy feels like a failure now -_-)
(Apparently I need to watch the first JP again)
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
I think your JP/CoN parallels are really clutching at straws.
Shadowlands was good but not great. This is mainly because C.S. Lewis' humour and fun-loving nature isn't explored and the movie suggests he discarded his faith towards the end of his life.
Currently watching:
Doctor Who - Season 11
Hmmm probably , but I still think it's funny that they both had a director switch in the third movie, and that both of the fourth movies are rather a bit up in the air
(For the record though there is no theory behind it, it's just as a fan of both series I find the coincidences rather ironic
I agree about Lewis's portrayal in the movie, I think they missed a lot of his personality. Which almost makes him a bit 2 dimensional I don't think it implied that he discarded his faith, but they should have brought the struggle to a better close.
They also misspelled Gresham's name in one of the bonus features
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
I finally caught the 2001 "reimagining" of Planet of the Apes today. It's a lot more impressive, in terms of visual effects, than the 1968 original, but I'm not sure it's a better movie.
A main plot point seems telegraphed extremely early in the movie - at least to those familiar with the original novel or movie franchise:
But that isn't quite right. Instead,
The ending harkens back to the original Pierre Boulle novel:
While the movie was financially successful, apparently they're going for a complete reboot of the franchise (rather than a sequel) with Rise of the Planet of the Apes, scheduled for a US release next month.
But all night, Aslan and the Moon gazed upon each other with joyful and unblinking eyes.