I thank you for your concern. I was truly in a bit of a snark for awhile there. Goes to show you that there are reasons why we Marsh-Wiggles are not inclined to sweets.
Though I will decline any of the fruit from the aforementioned tree, i do have some passing fare fertelizer from cleaning eels that might help.
Well, Conversational Minion, 'tis quite a story to be sure. A group of us monks went questing for the legendary Marshmallow Tree, for we hath heard tales of its jumbo-sized marshmallowy goodness and wanted to plunketh said marshmallows into our frothy cappuccino. After braving many dangers - strange noises, cliffs, yarn, and kittens - we foundeth that won'drous tree and plucketh some marshmallows to take back. But I did picketh a sprig of that tree and plant it in the garden, and it has already begun to sprout into a new marshmallow tree! And we decided to name it Althaea officinalis after its distant cousin, the marshmallow plant.
Our expedition is chronicled somewhere in the pages of this thread, if thou wishes to readeth.
I do believe Echo the kitten is calling for food...*runs to the Monastery kitchen to prepare some tuna*
Av and Sig by Aravis Autarkeia
...and we defeated Khazann...ze great evil wolfish beast.
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
So, Dear Monks, I travel from the Lair to ask you this question:
Now that you have seen the movie without warning to hideous plot changes, do you regret the path you have chosen? Next time, will you instead join the Lair or Middleway? Or is the spoiler-free path still the path for you?
~Riella, the Silver-Tongued Speaker of Awesomeness, and the Master of Dissension.
O most felicitous And most Devoted disciples of the Order of the Spoiler Free Monasterie, I kiss the ground eleventy eleven times eleventy eleven times as I enter these most Sacrede Grounds.
I confess that, alas! I didst view Dreadful Spoilers before I wast able to View at last the actual Holie and Pure and Undefiled and Greate and Awesome and Wonderful and all things Beautifule and Goode motion picture of the latest of our Most Beloved book series that hast been Transformed into moving pictures!
I saidest to mineself, "Thou didst only view an small handful of Spoilers before thou didst see the actual Holie and Pure and Undefiled and Greate........... anywaye...... alas! even if I didst only see an small Handfule of Evile Spoilers before I didst see the Holie and Undefiled and Awesome film, thou didst have an small idea of whate wast coming at sundry times and in sundry places. Thate was An great Evile that hast tormented thine Soule (if thou still Possesseth one! O, mumble and jumble, mumble and jumble! Jumbo and mumbo! Mujmo and jumbjo! Mine soule hath been Accursed, o pity thineself, Pity Thineselfe!! Incantations and penitentness and prayers and many, Manye, many -- eleventy eleven times eleventy eleven candles and incenses must needs be offered!!)!
[slappest mine head withe the Holie Tablets of the Spoiler Free Monasterie, in order to drivest away the Evile Spirits of Spoilery]
Mine kindred of the Mind, who piously pay an humble penance in These halls, take heed to mine words. Incline thineselves to my pitiful Selfe, for I hast an most urgent request. I hath an Questione for thine ears, which must needs Be answerede as speedilye as Possible.
The beauties and wonderfulness of The Voyage Of The Dawn Treader motione Picture can scarce be put into words. Mine soul didst soar Into the heavens at the mere Sighte of mine tickets as I didst step (at an most Pious pace, assuredly) into the Theatre whereof the Moste wonderfule film didst play. Throughout the Filme, I didst gaze in Rapture at the most Holie Screene. When, alas! the Ende came (all too Soone!), I was filled with an Moste Holie Thrill and Zeale for the wonderfulness of the Movie.
But, alas! mine Evile minde didst wander to the Future, whereof Spoiler-Free mindse must Never venture!
I beganest to desire, to covet after Spoilers of the next Filme! Mine whole mind wast Consumed with the urge to discover for mineself whether there wouldest be an other Filme in the works.
Mine most humble request, fellow tenets of the Faith, is whether it is an Greate and Awfule sin to find out for oneself whether it be true Or not if there be-est an other Filme to be made.
I remainest thine most an Humblede servant of the Spoiler Free Monasterie,
Humble Knight of the Order of the Spoiler Free Monasterie
NWSO Principle 2nd Violin & Founder
Veteran Ditto Fountaineer & Mansionite
Humble Knight of the Order of the Spoiler Free Monasterie (Incorruptus!)
Truly, Humble Knight of the Order of the Spoiler Free Monasterie, thou hast brought a worthy question before thine brethren and sistren.
I shalt enter unto a most studious meditation and consider the yeas and nays (which some dost term pros and cons, a figure of speech that doth award great significance to one side of the equation) and perchance wilt arrive at some answer in some amount of time.
*brews a cup of cappuccino and puts on a thinking cap*
We have hands that fashion and heads that know,
But our hearts we lost - how long ago! -- G. K. Chesterton
*a herald sneaketh most quietly into the Monastery, so as not to disturb any monks yet meditating. He unfurls a scroll and begins to whisper*
Hear ye, hear ye, denizens of the Monastery!
From the land of Ditto Town, to our friends in Spare Oom, greetings.
Whereas the Most Glorious Vision has been in thine cinemas for weeks now, and with it the opportunity to view it whilst remaining true to thine vows, we announce the closing of this version of the Monastery.
But fear not, for the role-playing and sharing of virtual treats and other benefits goes on, in the Town of Ditto.
War of the Overdoms: The Castle of Ivory and Gold is the new home of the Monastery and its inhabitants. (Should you wish to visit the other realm, it is now called War of the Overdoms: Tower of Shadow and Flame).
Lovers of this tradition, fear not, for should The Silver Chair be greenlit, the Spoiler War threads whilst again appear in the land of Spare Oom.
But all night, Aslan and the Moon gazed upon each other with joyful and unblinking eyes.