Hey guys! Join me in making October your month of denial! I have broken up the month (for myself) into weeks, so every week I am going to deny myself something that takes up WAY too much of my time. This week I have promised myself to stay away from my favorite band. That means no twitter no myspace, no music, no fan fics, no THEM. That may not sound to hard to you all, but let me tell you, it's not that easy. Although I'm getting through it a lot better than I thought. Next week it will be no computer! That will be difficult, but that's what it's all about! So come and join me, and get rid of things that may be keeping you from what's really important!
"Just like the storm is rolling over this ocean, so is thunder rolling into the hearts of the Celtic People." ~Alistair Dempsey
Rolling Thunder
Avvy by flambeau!!! Join me in making October your denial month! PM me for more information....
Great idear, Danny! There's quite a few things I need to deny to myself as well. TV and computer most especially. Maybe I should take a week off the computer...
Avvy by Kate
"Argue against God & you argue against the power that makes you able to argue at all." -C.S. Lewis
week off eating lollies.
Okay, I've figured out another week that I will probably do. No sleep. As in no naps or anything. I have a bad habit of sleeping for like two or three hours in the morning after I've gotten up and eaten and taken a shower and everything. I need to get out of that....
"Just like the storm is rolling over this ocean, so is thunder rolling into the hearts of the Celtic People." ~Alistair Dempsey
Rolling Thunder
Avvy by flambeau!!! Join me in making October your denial month! PM me for more information....
I will stay off of... I will give up... writing notes. unless when necessary
Let's see... If I decide to stay off of Narniaweb, how will I let anyone know about it?... hm...
Denying yourself of trivial things is always a good way to wake up to more important things, I like to do it every now and then. Especially computer and TV, those are my biggest time consumers.
"Of course we've got to find him (if we can). That's the nuisance of it. It means a search party and endless trouble. Bother Eustace." ~ Caspian, The Voyage of the Dawn Treader
Sig: lover of narnia
I totally agree Brother Eustace!! When I stayed off of the computer before for one day, ONE DAY, I felt so much better at the end of the day. I mean, I read to my siblings, I wrote a poem, I made some cookies; it was so rewarding!!
p.s. That's my problem with staying off of the computer, I can't tell people! Oh well....
"Just like the storm is rolling over this ocean, so is thunder rolling into the hearts of the Celtic People." ~Alistair Dempsey
Rolling Thunder
Avvy by flambeau!!! Join me in making October your denial month! PM me for more information....
Just a quick note:
I think this is a good idea, and I've done something like it before...
Just a comment though-if you think you spend too much time on the computer AND the TV for instance, if you're taking a week off of the computer, make sure you don't spend even more time on the TV trying to fill in the empty space, otherwise it really won't do much good.
So what I'm saying is, if we are "giving up" something for a week, we need to make sure we're filling it in with something productive. Not another thing we think we have problems with.
Avatar by Wunderkind_Lucy!
This is a really good idea! But what to give up....hmmm........I am SO not giving up the comp, because I was just banned from it for a week and a half in September! I could give up TV....but my family watches a movie like, every other night, which in our family counts as TV, so...Ooh! I could give up chocolate....next week. Seeing as I just made some chocolate chip cookies. Hm. Oh oh oh! I know!!! I will give up sleeping in late!!! I've been waking up at nine every morning lately. This week, I will give up sleeping in late!! When should I wake up, though? 8? 7? 7:30? Any ideas?
And I can give up chocolate next week, and graphics making the week after that! Huzzah!! I love a challenge. And you're right, Queen Susan, we need to fill it with something. Like fruit!!! And...studying more...and...erm...excercising?
Co-president of the BGMCA club. <--- don't remember what that was but I left it for the nostalgia
Buds: 5, Twin Blank! <--- also don't remember who Twin Blank was. Find me if you're out there, lost one.
I am so liking all the ideas! as for what to fill it in with, great suggestion queen Susan! Like I said, I read more to my siblings, played some games with them, wrote some things, just had a more productive day! exercising would be a great thing to do more of, (I know I could use more myself..) Maybe ride bike every morning as soon as you get up, or stretch for a half an hour every day. As for the chocolate, maybe in place of that eat a bowl of yogurt with grapes cut up in it. (A VERY good snack!)
Use your imagination!!
"Just like the storm is rolling over this ocean, so is thunder rolling into the hearts of the Celtic People." ~Alistair Dempsey
Rolling Thunder
Avvy by flambeau!!! Join me in making October your denial month! PM me for more information....
Wow what a great idea, Danny93! I may have to consider. I'm in dire need of reading more books, and since I own them instead of renting them from the library, I'm not as focused on finishing them. I will definately refuse myself something starting tomorrow (it will be a half week only, though, so I'll do something harder ) And then Sunday start the whole week thing. I will let you know what I decide to let go of! Though it won't be all of the computer, it might just be facebook....it gets me too upset sometimes, anyway! Because I need Narniaweb and pictures for drawing and stuff, so computer wouldn't be realistic for me. Also to do some research and writing.
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Great idea, Danny93! Let's see, next week... NarniaWeb? Seriously, I spend way too much time in this forum! I have to find some time to work on a hateful diss.
I rarely watch much TV, though.
I am so glad that y'all have decided to join me! Well, i finished my first week of no computer. It wasn't that bad, cuz I decided that I could look over my sisters shoulder while she was on, and we get on the same stuff, so I survived. I'd like to try it again where I can't get on AT ALL. Like not even in the room while someone's on. We'll see about that! I got a lot of my blanket finished this past week in the spare time, and I played with my sister which was really fun. Also, a lot of schoolwork got done! lol
Can't wait to hear more about everyone's denials and finishes!!! Does anyone have any idea what I can do next week?????
"Just like the storm is rolling over this ocean, so is thunder rolling into the hearts of the Celtic People." ~Alistair Dempsey
Rolling Thunder
Avvy by flambeau!!! Join me in making October your denial month! PM me for more information....