Greetings, everyone!
Last night, a couple NorCal Nwebbers and I were talking about how fun it would be to try to do a NarniaWeb party, where we could all get together and hang out and get to know each other in real life. Specifically, we were discussing taking advantage of a deal at a roller skating rink in Sacramento, or finding something similar to be able to gather together, and then we started discussing other fun events that we could possibly meet up at.
I was thinking some place like Sacramento would be fairly central (at least, if I remember everyone's approximate locations right). Your families would certainly be welcome to join us, too. I would like to be able to do something this fall, although managing something before school starts back up for everyone would be a little tight. Who is interested in a party? Is there any time that you would prefer to have it?
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I'd love to come, but I doubt my family will have the money to travel all the way to Sacramento. If it was closer to me, such as San Francisco, then I would most certainly come.
As for time, my family will be gone either in August or September... Not sure which. Although, if I can't make it anyway, that might not matter.
Mim and I would love to go (and have parental permission! )! Um, as for timing, the only time I know I absolutely cannot do it would be the last week in August and the first week of September. Any other time works.
Draco Dormien Nunquam Titillandus
Minion to Lady A and Booky ⎮ NW sister to Ela, Mountie, and Rose.
Braintriplet to Narnia_Fan12 and narnianerd
Team Hoodie! ⎮ Secret Order of the Swoosh
avatar by Lady Courage
I just talked to my mom... and she said we *might* be able to go to the Sacramento one.
But it depends when it is. We're not going to be in California during a lot of September...
Ahhh, sadly I am not one of these NorCal NWebbers of which you speak. However, I do hope you all have a fantastic time when you do meet up! I'm sure it'll be positively amazing. (And I wish I could come experience the awesomeness, too.
av by dot
Is there any time that you would prefer to have it?
October, most likely. My mom said that September is going to be all busy for us.
Is October a good time for everyone else? Maybe even mid to late October?
Is there any time that you would prefer to have it?
October, most likely. My mom said that September is going to be all busy for us.
Is October a good time for everyone else? Maybe even mid to late October?
I think the problem with this would be the fact that the coupons expire October 5th.
Draco Dormien Nunquam Titillandus
Minion to Lady A and Booky ⎮ NW sister to Ela, Mountie, and Rose.
Braintriplet to Narnia_Fan12 and narnianerd
Team Hoodie! ⎮ Secret Order of the Swoosh
avatar by Lady Courage
I think the problem with this would be the fact that the coupons expire October 5th.
What coupons?
And would it work to have it be between October 1-4th? I won't be able to do September at all.
The original idea centered around a set of coupons where 4 people could gain entrance, rent skates, have pizza and drinks (one slice and drink each) for $20 at a roller skating rink. If that particular deal doesn't work out, there are always more where they came from, I'm sure.
Avatar thanks to AITB
Hmm, I'm sure that the roller rink would allow people to bring their own Roller blades...right? And *jumps up and down squealing* I'M GONNA MEET NARNIA WEBBERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
RL Sister to Melian Maia
Adopted Sister to Weirdo and Gildor_Inglorien
oh my goodness this sounds amazing! depending on when we do it I can make it to Sacramento(:
NW twin to Georgiefan! NW sib to 22!
avvie by AslansChild thank you!!!
Ok, so, real quick:
It sounds like everyone is up for the rollerskating rink.
I am traveling right now. I thought the sale ran until October 5th, but that's the date that the vouchers expire. The sale ends in a little over 24 hours (11:59 PM July 31st). If any/all of you want to work out a way to make the deal work, I would strongly advise purchasing it (one person is going to have to purchase and have the others pay them back). If you are planning on bringing family, you might want to buy for them, too--so for some of you, a 4 pack might cover simply your family.
The link for the deal is here. If *one* of you finds yourself needing three tickets, I would be glad to buy the fourth off of you. If not, I can buy mine later. From the PMs I've gotten and what is here, it sounds like everyone is open to doing this before October 5th. For safety reasons, I will coordinate establishing the date and time privately through FB or the PM system.
Avatar thanks to AITB
Posting this here as well as on FB...Mim and I have purchased our tickets and have one left. Are any of you interested in buying it off of us?
(Also, this has now become a reality. This is really happening. I was literally sqeeeing a few minutes ago. Can't wait to meet ya'll. )
Draco Dormien Nunquam Titillandus
Minion to Lady A and Booky ⎮ NW sister to Ela, Mountie, and Rose.
Braintriplet to Narnia_Fan12 and narnianerd
Team Hoodie! ⎮ Secret Order of the Swoosh
avatar by Lady Courage
If there is no film, then it's not really a "Lion Party", now is it? What you're having is a mini-moot!
Anyway, I'm so jealous... and I hope you guys have TONS of fun!! Soak up every minute, and store it in your hearts! These things don't come along every day. OH! And I'll want to hear all about it, ok?
PA, Moots are for mods.
Avatar thanks to AITB