I love that August Rush banner!
Last of my teaser avatars (you can find them and others in my photobucket which is linked to in my signature). Anyone can use.
[1-4]Roman Mysteries
[5-8]Veronica Mars
[9-12]Waterhouse paintings
[1-2]Harry Potter
[3-4]Artemis Fowl
[5-6]Les Miserables
Daylight, oooooh, okay. It's a great fairy tale, though. You should check it out.
And thankies! Yours are quite lovely, as well!
AWESOME STUFF, as always, BAM.
And yes, Ryry, yours are very nice, too. I especially like the "Number One" and Gavroche siggies.
Some not-old-hot-off-Photoshop Avatar: The Last Airbender text sigs from me:
Comments and CC are grrreatly appreciated! Anyone can use! Please credit!
"To love at all is to be vulnerable.
Love anything, and your heart will certainly be wrung and possibly broken."
C.S. Lewis
Here's some more from me, I just posted again at my livejournal. 236 icons in 2 days Here's some of August Rush, i'll post Harry Potter and Merlin ones soon.
Comments, credit, the usual. And In particular please no hotlinking, i'm running out of bandwidth on photobucket.
My LiveJournal
He saves planets, rescues civilizations, defeats terrible creatures ... and runs a lot. Seriously, there is an outrageous amount of running involved.
One thing really Fast, audreypevensie I love your Disneyland pics! I went there this summer too! I'm using your last one as my background for my computer!!!
NW twin to Georgiefan! NW sib to 22!
avvie by AslansChild thank you!!!
Thank you, georgiefan1! The last one is my favorite out of that batch.
I made these icons and posted them here a while ago. I'm gonna post a few of my favorites for the newbies who might be interested. They're from my birthday last year so there's some shots from "A walk in Walt's Footsteps" Tour.
Disneyland Icons:
Here's a quick thing I made from Night at the Musuem, my favorite part in the whole movie.
For you non-gamers out there, "pwned" means to beat somebody really bad.
I can make a signature out of this if someone wants it, just PM me.
My Graphics Site
Council of Elrond - Best LOTR forum
Aliit ori'shya tal'din. ~ Mandolorian Proverb
Auta i lóme; Aurë entuluva. ~ Quenya
Little Women:
everything looks wonderful!
here are some Anastasia avatars from me:
anyone may use with credit!
Okay, i won't address everyone directly, but you all are awesome graphic makers!
I'm definitely not as good.
1-Last Legion
2,6,7- Lovely Bones
3,4,5- Ultimate Gift
(Credit not required if used.)
Here are a few Twilight avvies I worked on today
Visit my author page:
BAM, again, AWESOME. I think 2 is my favorite.
Kate, wonderful Lost stuffs!! And the Little Women ones are great, too...But I'm a Amy/Laurie, Jo/Prof. Bhaer shipper.
Hyaline, love them! Only I still haven't seen that one...
Nice, briofthesilversea! I like the second.
Some more Avatar: The Last Airbender quote sigs! I had too much fun making these...if any of you haven't seen this series, you're missing out!
Comments and CC are wonderful! Anyone can use! Please credit!
"To love at all is to be vulnerable.
Love anything, and your heart will certainly be wrung and possibly broken."
C.S. Lewis
Beautiful icons and sigs everyone! You're all so awesome at this.
Hyaline, I love your Anastasia icons! I'm saving a bunch to use. I'll credit you, of course.
And Starsy! ATLA quote siggies! I'm saving all of them because I love all those quotes. Now I've just gotta pick which one to use first...
Avy by Sarah from totallygeorgie.com
Everyones graphics are great! Sorry I can't comment on everyone , but I'm really loving all the quote siggies
Here's just one from me, from the TV show "Psych".
Avi by Visionsbeyond/Awesome sig by Flambeau! NW Sis:Jay
LiveJournal (not really too terribly empty anymore )
Team Hoodie!!
I've got more Doctor Who bases up on my website. Here are a few. I've got up through the end of season 2 done.
These are bases, so feel free to edit them. Check out my site for the rest!