In this thread you can post your non-Narnian avatars, signatures, and wallpapers! If you don't know how to post pictures on the forum, please see Gymfan's helpful guide. Be sure to review the following rules before posting.
You may post up to 20 avatars per post. When posting, please be considerate of others and do not post more than six avatars per row (any more will stretch the screen out).
You may post up to ten signatures per post. As stated above, be considerate of other posters and try not to post more than two signatures per row.
All wallpapers must be thumbnailed and you may post up to five thumbnailed wallpapers per post. Any post not conforming to this will be edited and possibly removed.
• Please do not quote previous posts containing pictures or animations. Instead, please link to the post that contains them (use the button at the top of each post to right-click, select "copy shortcut," and then paste into your post).
• Please minimize comments like "good job" unless you have additional graphics of your own to post.
• When posting your graphics, please specify whether others can use them or not and any other conditions on their use (such as no hotlinking, no alterations without permission, etc.). This will help reduce posts which are only requests for permission to use already-posted graphics.
• Please note that the moderators reserve the right to edit or remove posts which do not conform to these guidelines. All images must be family-friendly.
Thanks and happy posting!
"It is God who gives happiness; for he is the true wealth of men's souls." — Augustine
Thought I'd get this thread kicked off with a batch of LotR avatars:
Anyone may use; credit is appreciated!
I'll always be a,
Rest in Peace Old Narniaweb
Here's some of mine that I've made over the years.
All these and many more can be found at my website, Anyone can use these with no credit required.
All resources and credits can be found here
1-20: Daniel Radcliffe
Comments are always wonderful, please credit if you use. And please no hotlinking.
My LiveJournal
He saves planets, rescues civilizations, defeats terrible creatures ... and runs a lot. Seriously, there is an outrageous amount of running involved.
Very nice icons everyone!
BAM: The second to last one is really cool.
Kate your graphics are awesome! once I chose one to use may I use with credit please!!!???
NW twin to Georgiefan! NW sib to 22!
avvie by AslansChild thank you!!!
The awesome amount of awesome in this thread so far is awesome.
They're all amazing, you guys. Of course.
None of these are really. I haven't gone on a graphics-making splurge in a long while.
Comments and CC are appreciated! Anyone can use, but please credit.
"To love at all is to be vulnerable.
Love anything, and your heart will certainly be wrung and possibly broken."
C.S. Lewis
Kate: Although I'm not a Harry Potter fan, I love the style of those icons! They are gorgeous!
BAM: I quite like the cropping on #16.
Starsy: Lovely colouring on #3!
Some Austen icons from me...
[1-4] Pride & Prejudice 2005
[5-8] Persuasion 1995
[9-14] Persuasion 2006 (?)
Anyone may use, no credit needed, C&CC always lovely. Thank you!
Dear days of old, with the faces in the firelight,
Kind folks of old, you come again no more.
(Robert Louis Stevenson)
Wow! There is so many lovely icons here already.
FF, I'm saving your first one for future use! It's gorgeous!
Starsy, what's the first text signature from? Whatever it is, I like it. And the second text signature (again, whats it from?)--love it!
Kate--your third avatar is one of my favorite Fred/George quotes.
"Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius, and it's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring." Marilyn Monroe
narnialover101: Gorgeous LotR avatars! I really like 8, 9, 11, and 13. If I may ask, what's the font you used in 11?
Gymfan15: I really like, and hoep I can use 4, 6, and 15. They're very lovely.
BAM: Great textures and colouring on all those; I like 15 best.
Kate: The design and everything about those avatars is beautiful! 4 is my favourite; everything about it looks great.
Starsy: Awesome job on all of those. My favourite are 3 and 5. 5's colouring and textures are really nice.
Fanny: Fabulous job on all those, as always! I love the P&P ones, and I'd love to use 3, and 5.
I have a few Alcott signatures, and some Disney stuff. But, I'll post them when I've finished nearly all. =]
RL Sibling: CSLewisNarnia
Love those LotR avvies, NL101! I also love the Pride and Prejudice ones, ForeverFan
Visit my author page:
Kate, and Starsy, Nice HP avatars and sigs!! I'm so saving them! I love the insvisible avatar.
Proud ballet dancer!
4/23/12 - First triple pirouette en pointe!
A few random sigs and Avatars from my website (see sig for link. don't forget to check out the bases!)
Anyone is welcome to use anything on my site or whatever I post here. No credit required.
Inquiry: does anyone know where I can get good Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace screencaps? If anyone does, could they please PM me the sites? Thanks!
I suppose I should put a taste of my graphics as well (they're in my photobucket which is accessible through the link in my signature). I have quite a few, so I'll be posting them in increments of four per album over the course of several posts. Anyone can use these.
[1-4]Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children
[5-8]Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer
[9-12]Harry Potter
[13-16]Hayden Panettiere/Claire Bennet
[1-7]The Thief
Wahoo! New forum, new thread, new graphics!
Robby: Great LotR icons! I really like #8 the best. I have to say, you are a lot braver than I am with text. I can never figure out where to put it.
Gymfan: Lol! You've really captured their expressions on #7 and 12.
BAM: Nice icons! Cropping is everything in my opinion, and I think you've nailed it!
Kate: *is almost speechless* Kate! Where have you been hiding these!? The coloring is fantastic! And I envy your cropping and styling. 8-> Love #5, 6, 7, 9, & 10. #3 is
Starsy! I love your text graphics! Esp. #16 (*snags*).
Wahoo, FF! About time someone brough Austen back into NWeb. I really like the look of #1 and 4.
Ryan: *dies* I thought I would never see FFVII in here unless I posted some myself.
I love the coloring of #4 and 12. *tries not to look at the LOST ones because they look spoilerish* (:P)
And here we go! Some from me.
12 LOST Season 1
3 Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children Complete
1 Liv Tyler
3 Sense and Sensibility
Comments welcomed, credit required, no hotlinking please.
graphics by hyaline12