That's so funny, Arwenel! Because that same song inspired me to write one too! Only I ignored it and went with something else . . . mainly because I had difficulty thinking up a plot, like you. It's hard when you want to write about someone who's been written about so many times before and you want to be as original as you can.
But yeah, I love Mordred's Lullaby and really, really want to write something about Mordred sometime in the future.
By the way, in general, I'm so happy to see so many NWebbers that are doing NaNo this year. Last year there wasn't nearly this many, that I knew about at least, and Gymfan made the observation that there wasn't even a thread for it in '07.
I added alot of people. Sheesh, there are alot of NarniaWebbers Nano-ing this year! It makes me so happy. I'm also glad that there are several veterans besides all of the newbies. Hurray for NaNo!
About Mordred/Already done characters: I think the trick of making it original is to emphasize a specific trait on the character that is often overlooked. A story can actually spring out of that. Suppose you focused on how a certain character is lonely most of the time, when what is generally focused on in stories is his weirdness. Another thing that you can do to make it original is to switch the perspective. Have you ever tried to write in third person omniscient? Weeeeeeiiiird. It definitely makes you think about what all of the characters are thinking.
Of course, third-person omniscient isn't very marketable, but it's good for practice and it makes you think about exactly how your characters are feeling, and gives you some ideas.
"Let the music cast its spell,
give the atmosphere a chance.
Simply follow where I lead;
let me teach you how to dance."
Thanks for the insight, Sweeet! That does give me something to think about. Perhaps I'll figure out something for my next NaNo novel.
And yeah, recently I've been toying with third-person omniscient in a fanfiction. It's a little difficult, seeing as I have to remember to write the thoughts of all the characters, and not just one, but it's coming along nicely I think.
I added a lot of people too! It's crazy! But awesome too. I'm gonna want to read all of ya'll's stories when they're done, hehe.
I'm gonna want to read all of ya'll's stories when they're done, hehe.
I second that! Although I have just realized the greatest drawback of handwriting my NaNo story: I'm going to have to copy all 50,000 words into the computer in order to share it with you guys.
I'll be doing this and this
just trying to get some feeling back in my hands by Christmas!
Sheldon: A neutron walks into a bar and asks how much for a drink. The bartender replies "for you, no charge".
Proud sister of an Aspie (Aspergers)
Hannah's Scribblings
Horse_Lover, I'll be your friend, if you don't mind a NaNo newbie.
What's your username over there?
it's Horse_Lover, same as here.
Nweb twin to ValiantPrincess, and Nweb sis to elvenbug
Proud member of the 10th Avenue North club!
Does that help any?
Yep! Thanks! I'll have to "edit" it and put down what it is then--I wasn't sure, so I didn't put down anything I don't think...
*can't remember if she posted on the N-web thread over there or not...* Hm.
Avatar by Wunderkind_Lucy!
Avra, you're going to write your novel by hand? That's amazing! That's dedication.
A quick question for those of you with outlines... are you outlining the events that are going to happen, or do you have things that you want to happen by a certain time in your writing schedule?
For example, is it more: Joe's day: Joe got up, had breakfast and went to play in the park with his friends. That evening, he went to a ball game with his dad that changes his life. The End
Or: week one: Joe's day:Joe's morning; he gets up.
week two: Joe plays in the park with his friends.
week three: Joe goes to a ball game with his dad
week four: The ball game changes Joe's life. The End
We have hands that fashion and heads that know,
But our hearts we lost - how long ago! -- G. K. Chesterton
*is very happy*
I posted a conversation two characters had in one of my fanfictions about nightmares in the "Adopt Some Dialogue" thread in the NaNo forums and people are eating it up! I've already seen about 5 people take it.
Anyway, yeah I just felt like sharing that, .
lol I guess they liked it, ryan!
Avra, there's no need to copy every single word into the computer by the end of november, just invoke the handwritten clause. However, we'd still love to see it up on NWG
I'm gonna be posting mine up on NWG...eventually. I may not get to it during November due to my being so busy
My plan is to get my novel copied into the computer for editing and feedback by mid-December, Menelve. My hands were getting pre-emptive shakes at the very thought of handwriting and typing a total of 10,000 words in month!
Avra, you're going to write your novel by hand? That's amazing! That's dedication.
Yep. I prefer to write everything by hand. Paper and pen can keep my imagination churning for a longer time than screen and keyboard. Also that internet button is mighty distracting to me and spell-check isn't very fond of my somewhat unique spelling. (Um, unique=poor.) All together, things just go faster by hand.
Sometimes I do envy you typers though! Copy and pasting is so much easier to do without the scissors and glue.
A quick question for those of you with outlines... are you outlining the events that are going to happen, or do you have things that you want to happen by a certain time in your writing schedule?
I mostly just have everything planned out in my head. The only things I have on paper are character sketches.
Horse_Lover, I'll add you!
Congratulations, Ryan!
Sheldon: A neutron walks into a bar and asks how much for a drink. The bartender replies "for you, no charge".
Proud sister of an Aspie (Aspergers)
Hannah's Scribblings
I have joined .
My art blog (both in Finnish and in English)
*pops in*
Just there an age limit?( you have to be 18 or older to participate?)
Nope! Well, they have a young writer's one for people 13 and under (I'm fairly certain that's the age group), but 14 and older can do the regular NaNoWriMo no problem.
Ok,thank you for letting me know.
I'm considering entering this year,but I might wait. It just depends on how far I get with my planning. Plus,being placed with the older participants is kinda intiminating.
I fancy myself an aspiring writer,but I do more aspiring than actual writing.
Yay yay yay for new writers! The more the merrier, I say. Don't forget to post at the Nweb thread on the NaNo forums here so I can add you as a buddy.
I've been kind of lacking in inspiration for my NaNo for awhile, but a few days ago I hunted up some of my earlier summaries/snippets that I had written YEARS ago, and it really got me excited and inspired for my NaNo again. My brain just keeps churning and churning and figuring out plot lines and it's really great, except I can't seem to keep my mind of my chores.
Anyone else have a problem with daydreaming their NaNo and not being able to get work done?
ETA: RE: Ages. There's NaNoWriMo, which open for writers 13 and up, but there's also the Young Writer's Program NaNo, which is for any age up to 17. There you can set your own word goal, plus you're in an environment with lots of other kids. Plus, I heard that this year all the YWP winners (participants who reached their set goal) will get a free proof copy of their novel, just like the NaNo'ers.
So really, if being in NaNo is intimidating for you, you can always do the YWP. But a lot of teens participate in NaNo, so you'd definitely not be alone.