*little aloof Bella trods in with guess what?! 0 words*
Well, I'll be starting in a little bit after I get some important stuff finished. I'm more unplanned this year for real... I have two ideas and haven't picked from either one, have no outline, and am going to improvise. This looks like it's going to be a fun time.
RL Sibling: CSLewisNarnia
I just hit 2,200 words not too long ago. I went all day at school thinking, "I need to write, I need to write, I need to write right now!!!" But then I had a revelation. I can't write at school, since we're not allowed computers. But I CAN get everything else done (homework, studying, etc) so that when I DO get home, I'll have more time! Yippee! My school day has meaning now!
My friend and I have been texting back and forth with our word counts, along with what is currently going on in our stories. Man! I'm having a blast!
Av and Sig by Aravis Autarkeia
Woot!!!! Great job guys!!!!! Keep up the good work!!
I hit 1,695 words at 4am last night. I went to a kick off write-in last night and I did really well for the time and planning I had. NaNo is a totally new concept for me. I'm a total perfectionist when it come to writing, so suppressing my inner editor is rather difficult. I'm really happy with my word count so far, especially since it's my first year. ^_^ I haven't had any time to work on my story so far today, but I hope to hit over 2K before 2am. It's doable. I just hope my school work can balance well with NaNo. The entire month of November is presentation month for me. Let's hope I survive both NaNo and homework.
Like Narnia? Read Reading with the Heart: the Way into Narnia
Sig & avie: Checkers
I've got about 2.5k and I am calling it a day. I've had something of a headache, I'm going to bed early and gonna start again tomorrow. I hope that I wake up in the morning with a clear head, ready to blaze my way to NaNo awesomeness!
I got about 1.5k down and I started freaking out that I was proceeding along the storyline way too fast so I went back to the beginning and added some scenes in. A few important details I totally forgot to add are now safely in the novel. I have some more scenes in my brain to add tomorrow.
I just have to remind myself that a lot has to happen yet before the story is over! I'm not actually going as fast as I think I am.
I don't really have any favorite lines.... I did describe one minor, minor, minor characters as being a "...pretty girl, merely pretty. She had blue eyes like a clear mountain pool and hair like spun gold." I thought that line put my beautiful villian into perspective. If that girl is merely pretty than my villian, who is beautiful, is rapturously beautiful.
I also named my villian Angela and then promptly broke my arm trying to pat my own back.
Congratulations on the fabulous wordcounts, everyone! You all are putting me to shame.
KrisTwin: Follower - Sibs AWH&Fauni - SirenSis - PotatoHead
"There are no boring subjects, only disinterested minds."
AV by ForeverFan
It's great reading about everyone's progress and word counts! Hang in there, Bella!
I'm up to about 3k now but (unlike last year) I don't have a good feeling, so to speak, about much of what I've written. Here's hoping things will improve once I get past the introductory stuff and into the meat of the story.
I still don't have a title I like, or any cover at all.
Your villain is named Angela, Orious? That's the name of the mother of one of my main characters.
Favorite lines so far? None really jump out, though I like to include brief descriptions of natural phenomena - especially things at night, since a lot of the action happens then. So we have: The sky filled with various shades of red, orange, and even purple as the sun fled behind the horizon to the west. A sliver of moon hung above the skyline; from the perspective of the Eyrie Building it was perfectly framed by the two blue beams reaching toward the heavens.
And Erik is a real softie with his kids so I have lines like: Erik looked down into [his wife's] shining eyes and smiled. Then he gently stroked the white hair of the little one she held. The child snuggled up to his offered hand and his heart melted. [/random] Cliched? Maybe a little. But it's NaNo! Editing comes later.
But all night, Aslan and the Moon gazed upon each other with joyful and unblinking eyes.
Just for fun, who wants to post their favorite line that they written so far?
Ooh, me, me! I can't quite pick my very favorite, but here are a couple:
“Well, friends,” he told the Aerudaei one day, “let us create a world.”
“What is a world?”
“Love without choice is not love. My children shall love me by choice or not at all.”
Hoot Owl of NarniaWeb!
Relient K club member
avie and siggie by me
NWtwin:Sleepwalking NWsibs:8
Go, Wrimos, go!
I gotta go to bed now. Whew. I barely made it. Ah well.
Very nice writings, guys! I especially like yours, flambeau and winterlife.
The Felici ambassador’s mind was whirling so fast he could barely keep up with his own thoughts. Glaring murderously at the icy stone floor (which he could feel through his thick-soled shoes), he tried to make sense of it all.
. . .
The landscape before him, surrounding the camp, was mountainous and looked majestic and even graceful from a distance, but up close it was immensely uncomfortable and even painful for one’s feet, leather bound though they be. The icy wind bit his cheeks, even as the brightness of the morning sun nearly blinded him and warmed his chilly limbs. Full of contradictions, he thought rebelliously.
. . .
However honorable his initial intentions, the boy was unable to fix his attention to the mysteries and masteries of strategy for any extended period of time.
I'm afraid they're rather wordy. But this is NaNo.
"To love at all is to be vulnerable.
Love anything, and your heart will certainly be wrung and possibly broken."
C.S. Lewis
Hello, everyone! No, I'm not announcing that I decided to do NaNo (among other things, it would not be wise). Rather, I just wanted to cheer everyone on who is doing NaNo! I wish you all the best in your writings and that your characters would all behave themselves.
And you all are so excited about NaNo that I'm quite stoked about it, too.
God rest you merry, gentlemen,
Let nothing you dismay.
Remember Christ our Savior
Was born on Christmas Day
To save us all from Satan's pow'r
When we were gone astray.
Okay, turning in for the night with 2100 words! Not too bad. I kinda hit a minor writer's block that I hope sleep will cure...
Favorite line so far:
He was currently a staggering, slurring, and shivering drunk, which may have contributed to my inability to recognize him instantly.
I Am An Authoress Blog
I answer to tps.
Avi by Wunderkind_Lucy ~ Sigi by campgirl
I hit 5k! *Does happy dance* And I'm not done yet. *chants, must have the highest word count, must beat everyone else...* I'm waay too competitive. And more than a bit out of my league, here...
Orious: I freaked out the same way, afraid that I wasn't going to have enough to write either! But my later chapters always end up being so much longer than my early ones, and new chapters usually sprout up here and there (I once started a story with 11 chapters. When I was done there were 28).
Alas, my naturally melancholy personality predisposes me to be horrible at coming up with funny lines. I have nothing cute or witty to post from my story...most of what I write is relatively serious, though I wish I were funny. All of y'alls stories sound amazing!
W00t! Go all of you! All the best on your progress and sneaky plot twists! =]
Thank-you for the encouragement, Gazer!
I think I'm going to call it a day at 470, which makes me definitely at the bottom of the list. Ah, well, I'll do better tomorrow! I finished up with an idea I like quite a lot, with my Main Character being Fanny Crosby. So, the plot's already set out, all I must do is personify everything. I'm expecting it to be fun once I write about her childhood, after reading some neat things while doing my quick research. I just got over doing the tragic begining and butchered it with my rusty writing. (in a bad way. ) But I'm resisting the temptation to backspace it all.
Good luck and God bless to all of you!
RL Sibling: CSLewisNarnia
Way to go, Wrimos!! One day nearly down, twenty-nine to go!
The wordcounts in here are simply amazing! I was so excited and ready to go last night, but couldn't stay up to start writing at midnight. I got up early this morning to start...and my characters decided they weren't cooperating. Thus my count is a small 1124 words. So I'm loading up on coffee for a long night ahead!
Here's my favorite bit so far:
Joul's face had frozen during the endless night. Its cold, hurt fury matched his wife's winter-pale expression, bewildered and pained and so terribly afraid. As the dawn lit the baby girl's tiny face, Joul turned and looked at his daughter with icy eyes. When he spoke, his voice was flat with the calm of a snow-bound plain. "Call her Talie...for at her birth, the world was empty."
It's dreadfully wordy, but I rather like it.
By the way, is anyone else having issues with the NaNo site? Right now, my stat page says that I only have 1100 words left until 50K. That's just a wee bit inaccurate.
the light after the storm
shows that hope was never gone
Snow After Fire graphics
I'm at 1,919 words, but I hope to get more writing in before bed. I'm not as far ahead as I'd like to be, but I can't quite kick myself because I'm really busy, but I'm still going at a rate that will let me finish in time. So I'm just telling myself to catch up to the amazing ones.
Hoot Owl of NarniaWeb!
Relient K club member
avie and siggie by me
NWtwin:Sleepwalking NWsibs:8
Thanks for all the congrats and I will most definetly post the cover if minegets picked.
I was up until 11:30 last night doing homework so i decided to just stay up another half hour and start writing at midnight. I got 3.5k in the first 18 hours! That's more than double what I finished with last year. So far so good.
That is kind of funny, StarGazer, and at the same time...not funny. I named her at the very last minute (while writing about her) and picked the name Angela just for kicks.
Welcome to day 2! How is everyone doing today?
I just re-found one of my favorite NaNoWriMo tools: http://writeordie.drwicked.com/. The actual tool is in the sidebar. I find it very helpful (even if I don't mind the music they play). It helps me to keep going steady for a portion of time.
It's 7:45AM and I've written 1.2k so far today, I'm going to go get my earbuds so I don't wake up the sleeping members of my house and play some Dr. Wicked.
KrisTwin: Follower - Sibs AWH&Fauni - SirenSis - PotatoHead
"There are no boring subjects, only disinterested minds."
AV by ForeverFan