Thank you so much winterlife!
How long have you been playing guitar?
av by dot
narnian_at_heart: Well, the jazz one. Sorry because I didn't have any letter Z because it was broken, (my keyboard), so I had a hard time rephrasing that word.
Well, I don't actually play jazz. I don't like jazz very well. It's called jazz piano but I play contemporary type stuff.
I just remembered, this type of piano is also called chord piano.
MountainFireflower, I will have been playing for four years come December. (Wow, has it really been that long already? )
Hoot Owl of NarniaWeb!
Relient K club member
avie and siggie by me
NWtwin:Sleepwalking NWsibs:8
Hey, I just found out that Georgie Henley plays the guitar too, and she even composes music and lyrics! Way better a musician than me! I cannot compose anything yet. I play the piano and saxophone, which I think are both pretty cool. I love Jazz, but too bad I don't get enough of it to play on piano.
Georgie plays the!
Founder of the Exploring Narnia Club (PM me to join)
Member of the Dragon Club
Sweet! I wish I could hear her play... I bet she's really good.
Hoot Owl of NarniaWeb!
Relient K club member
avie and siggie by me
NWtwin:Sleepwalking NWsibs:8
I wish I could hear her play too. I also heard that Skandar plays guitar as well.
av by dot
I heard so too. It was mentioned in the PC movie companion book.
Hoot Owl of NarniaWeb!
Relient K club member
avie and siggie by me
NWtwin:Sleepwalking NWsibs:8
Skandar in the guitar? Hope he plays classics.
"Two sides of the same coin"
I think the word used was 'rockstar.'
Hoot Owl of NarniaWeb!
Relient K club member
avie and siggie by me
NWtwin:Sleepwalking NWsibs:8
^Skandar?? He only plays rock? Just asking.
"Two sides of the same coin"
I don't know what he plays, but he was refered to as a rockstar.
Hoot Owl of NarniaWeb!
Relient K club member
avie and siggie by me
NWtwin:Sleepwalking NWsibs:8
Haha. Oh okay. Have you seen him play?
"Two sides of the same coin"
I have played the piano for eleven years the guitar for three the french horn for two
LOVE Gorgie Henly, Emma Watson!!!
REAL LIFE BFF w/ americangirlemmie and narnianjedi!
member of ag and missing club pm to join.
avie and sig by the NarnianArcher.
Long live Aslan!
How long have you been playing? I've been playing guitar for around 13 months
Have you performed in public? No, but i fantasized today about playing If by House of Heroes during a street festival thingy
Are there instruments you don't play that you would like to learn? Bass guitar and drums
What type of music do you prefer to play? The kind i listen to (sort of alternative rock stuff. i don't know how to classify my taste)
Do you write music or lyrics of your own? No, but i wish i could
*thinks he should get a cooler signature but is too lazy*