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[Closed] Mousehunt!!!

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NarniaWeb Junkie

I've forgotten your ranking, Melian_Maia, but I'd advise saving up for the Venus Mousetrap. If you have 20 radioactive sludge yet then you'll want to upgrade the venus mousetrap ASAP. If you don't, then you'll want to farm some, by equipping your stalest cheese set-up and equipping radioactive blue cheese. Your next tactical trap after that will be the Ambush trap, and you'll get that in the dojo.

I'm a Grandmaster now. :) I'm working on getting the radioactive sludge. I have 11 so far... My sister is still a Journeyman, so it might be awhile before she can send me any. It'll probably be another week or so before I have enough gold for the venus mousetrap. Hopefully by then I'll have enough of the sludge.

Draco Dormien Nunquam Titillandus
Minion to Lady A and Booky ⎮ NW sister to Ela, Mountie, and Rose.
Braintriplet to Narnia_Fan12 and narnianerd
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avatar by Lady Courage

Posted : May 18, 2011 9:31 am
Member Admin

If you need both gold AND sludge then I would advice hunting in the Mousoleum for the time being. :) Hopefully you'll pick up another sludge or two before you have to purposely stale your cheese. :) there something else that I'm forgetting to do?

You might consider hunting in the Great Gnarled Tree and getting the Lagoon map piece from the Fairy Mouse. But that's not something that you'll need prior to running through all of Furoma. :)

Posted : May 18, 2011 10:13 am
The Wandering, Wild & Welcoming Winged Wolf Hospitality Committee


I forgot to arm the right cheese... so needless to say I didn't catch anything all day...

@FK... yeah I gave up on the idea of completeing everything in time back at Master... and I'm not giving up my SB just yet ;) But you're right that's the only thing I need :D Although it's really tempting to go after the Bubbleh first... but I will be patient (reluctantly)

As for my bases... that hasn't changed recently
-Chocolate Birthday Cake
-Wooden with Target
-Bamboozeler (armed now)

"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down

Posted : May 18, 2011 5:17 pm
Member Admin

Off to a traumatizing start this morning on Mousehunt. :P ;))

I signed in this morning at about 7:47am to find I had a streak of 7 Warriors. Well cool! Before hitting the hunter's horn I switched out my Charm to my last Commander's Charm and my cheese to SB. But before I switched everything out, Kat just happened to hit the horn at 7:49am and I caught an 8th Warrior. Which is a good thing, sort of, except that it with every catch above 6, it greatly increases your chances of attracting a Gargantuamouse and breaking your streak.

But I figured, eh, oh well, if I catch a Commander, fantastic, if I get a Garga, oh well. The problem was, I forgot about my hourly trap check at 8:00am, which, of course, I missed a Garga, but when I returned at 8:05am, it was literally seconds after Kat had hit the horn again and I caught a Commander with a measley streak of 0.

My last Commander's Charm. Wasted!!!!!!!!!!! :(( :p ;))

Ah well, I shall survive and live to hunt another day. :P ;)) hehehe

For the record, you get one Commander's Charm after completing waves 1-3. And the Warmonger Mouse has a chance to drop a few as well.

Currently at 24-0-0-49-20-9. I'll easily finish up the Warriors today and hopefully the Mages as well. Then it's just the Cavalry and Artillery. :) I should see Wave 4 by tomorrow I think... and another shot at a trap piece! :D

Posted : May 19, 2011 3:23 am
Member Moderator

Is it just me or are the waves going faster? Or is it that we're just getting more efficient at getting through them?

Sorry about that.

I'm sitting at 0-0-0-42-14. Hoping to get through the Mages today and the Cavalry mice by the end of the day tomorrow. Then it'll be on to wave 3.

Edit: Change in plans!

Posted : May 19, 2011 3:36 am
The Logical Ornithological Mod Moderator Emeritus

I'm really torn about this new event. One part of me wants to finish the gauntlet ASAP (and spending the weekend in here would be really helpful!). The other part of me wants to gather as much wicked gnarly as I can, because I haven't caught my sitlh mouse yet.

I've got enough wicked gnarly potions to make 21 pieces of cheese at moment. . . is that enough, or should I go after some curious chemists (which are, admittedly, my favourite mice in the game ;)) )

Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb

Topic starter Posted : May 19, 2011 5:25 am
Member Admin

I've got enough wicked gnarly potions to make 21 pieces of cheese at moment. . . is that enough

If I say no, you'll catch him on your first piece of cheese. ;)) So I'm gonna do you a favor and still gonna say no. ;)

Prior to the release of the DDA and HB, I'd guess it took people an average of 200-300 pieces of cheese to catch him. I was lucky and got him with about 110 pieces. :P But now, it's probably closer to 50-150 pieces.

Is it just me or are the waves going faster? Or is it that we're just getting more efficient at getting through them?

More efficient. We understand how to properly use Commander's Charms for one thing, and an overall understanding of the area helps. We both have better traps now too.

Sorry about that.

Not your fault at all. ;) I should have been paying attention.

Well, I'm trying to decide whether or not I want to go hunt for Wicked Gnarly potions or not. I currently have 75 pieces of cheese, so I may go for part of the weekend, but probably not all of it. We shall see. :)

Posted : May 19, 2011 5:41 am
The Logical Ornithological Mod Moderator Emeritus

Er. . . wow. That's a lot more effort than I thought I would need. I suppose I'll take this weekend off from the gauntlet (as much as it pains me to do so), and head over to Whisker woods. Gosh I haven't been there in more than a year!

By the way, I have neither HB or DDA. Should I get one of those before heading after a Silth?

Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb

Topic starter Posted : May 19, 2011 5:43 am
Member Admin

I would recommend getting one of those traps, yes. It is also my opinion that the Silth Mouse is still the hardest mouse in the game to catch due to a combination of difficulty and lack of attraction. Toss in that Wicked Gnarly Potions convert only 3 cheese at a time (6 if you use SB)... he's a pain. (That last bit has more or less been negated by the recent egg hunting event. :P ;)) )

However, I've noticed the past several times either myself or a friend has been in there, they show up a lot more often than I remember, so that's good at least. :)

I'm sure you'll snag him right away DiGs. You see to have a way with the super difficult mice. :P ;)

Meanwhile, I've cleared out the warriors and the mages. Working my way through the Cavalry mice now. :D 0-0-0-45-0-8
I suspect that my plan of attack will be to get another victory in the Warpath and then hit the GGT for some bonus potions this weekend. :)

Posted : May 19, 2011 2:16 pm
The Logical Ornithological Mod Moderator Emeritus

I think you're confusing me with my snarky sidekick Princess Rosario :P.

Who fell from the top of the gauntlet. . . remind me again?


At any rate, I've been doing better in Tier IV than I was earlier. Up to 20 pieces of Tier V cheese. My goal is to have 130 before I move further up.

Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb

Topic starter Posted : May 19, 2011 3:52 pm
Member Admin

So you didn't get the Acolyte Mouse as fast as her. :P But you still caught him quickly. (Less than a week?) And as I recall you got your Dragon Mouse on your first or second hunt. :P And Balack... yeah. :P ;))

Who fell from the top of the gauntlet. . . remind me again?

That's not a hard mouse. ;) Just a hard area. ;))

Posted : May 19, 2011 4:07 pm
The Logical Ornithological Mod Moderator Emeritus

It took me three weeks to get my acolyte. She got hers MUCH quicker than I did. I did, however, have excellent luck with my dragon. He was the first mouse that I attracted in Dracano, and I nabbed him on the first try!

I did well in the fourth tier yesterday. Managed to get 5 tier 5 potions. That gets me about 20% towards my ultimate goal! I still have forty pieces of cheese left, but for now I've jumped over to the Great Gnarled Tree with 100 pieces of Gnarled Cheese equipped. My trap setup is ER+MSB. I plan on staying here all weekend, so we'll see how it goes.

Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb

Topic starter Posted : May 20, 2011 2:00 am
Member Moderator

Ok... I am having better luck with the CCT+magma+gouda no charm than I have been with any combo of a tactical trap or my chillbot when going after the Cavalry mice in Wave 2. Of course, they are the only mice I have left, but I've definitely had a higher catch rate than I've had the last two days combined.

I'm going to finish up in Wave 2 and then likely go set up shop at the Tree to hunt for curious chemist if the event has started by then.

Posted : May 20, 2011 4:29 am
Member Admin

It took me three weeks to get my acolyte.

Not as fast as I remembered, but I still consider that short compared to the six months it took me to catch my dragon mouse. ;)

Ok... I am having better luck with the CCT+magma+gouda no charm than I have been with any combo of a tactical trap or my chillbot when going after the Cavalry mice in Wave 2.

I would hazard a guess that's total and complete coincidence as you likely equipped CCT around the same time that the Guards and Commanders started retreating. Once they retreat, the attraction rate for any remaining mice goes up significantly (like, almost 100%) and the catch rate sure seems to as well.
In normal circumstances, catch rate for the Cavalry mouse (with the base/charms you described) is about ....
Rewers - 79.10%
ZFM - 69.26%
Chillbot - 66.85%
CCT - 60.53%
Attraction Rate is unknown.

I'm just about done with Wave 3. :D Finish that up, then Wave 4, then hunt potions in GGT. :)

Posted : May 20, 2011 4:51 am
Member Moderator

I've been running the CCT combo since last night with over 25 mice still to go. I've had several streaks since I equipped it. But yeah, I'm not surprised it would just be a coincidence. Yesterday though, I was going better than 2 hours without a single catch and I was losing massive amounts of bait. I'm not using charms at the moment.

Posted : May 20, 2011 4:54 am
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