So now that we're back to regular gifts again, does anybody need Radioactive Sludge or Stale Cheese? If not I probably won't bother sending out daily gifts unless potions come up in the gift rotation. Not that we need any of those anymore either.
I don't need any gifts currently, but I won't say no if you send me some. If Gnarled and/or Radioactive Blue potions show up in the Daily Gift rotation, send 'em my way.
It's impossible to have too many of those (though I'm giving it my best shot LOL).
In the past two FBF sessions, the devs announced that hunting groups and the new Sandtail Desert areas were in testing. So I thought for fun I'd check out the Beta site again (haven't been in there in over a year since I helped test v3) and it's currently open to everybody. (Normally they have a pool that they randomly pick and choose x number of people from.) So if anyone cares to join me on the Beta version of the game, feel free. Though at the moment there isn't anything exciting to test like Hunting Groups or new areas. Just making sure that things are working correctly since the removal of the Egg Hunt.
I don't need sludge (in fact I don't think I'll ever need it again unless I decide to go back to digby for some reason), but I can always use Stale Cheese. I've got just over 200 pieces of the stuff right now, but who knows when I'll need more.
Potions are a much better gift for me . Radioactive blue potions are a favourite of mine (and although I have enough to make over 1000 pieces. . . you can never have enough
). I also enjoy getting Stale SB+ as a present.
Still having a wrotten drop rate in the gauntlet. I did find this chart on the internet yesterday, but I don't know how accurate it is. At any rate, I've gotten merely 16 pieces of Tier III cheese stockpiled so far. We'll see how far I can get with this stuff. (My bet is not very far )
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
I've managed to actually make a substantial dent in Wave 3 this run. I had two commander charms left and I armed them when I had a streak of 7 and again when I had a streak at 5. So I'm down to 0-10-33-46-16-6.
I sold some super cavalry and super mage charms, so I'm back up to 1.3 mill in gold. I know I have enough to get the sphynx trap. The question remains as to which trap piece will I get next... If I get a piece of metal instead, I'll go ahead and get the rhinobot blueprints and craft that as my next step while I'm running through the waves again.
Edit: And I have just leveled up to Countess!
I'm about 99.999% sure that I'll reach 80% or higher today. I'm currently at about 79.54 %. So... if this trend continues, I should reach hero sometime around May 20th.... give or take a few days The closer I get the better of a forcast I'll have.
Also I crafted the unchristened ship... I'm now working on those Mysterious blueprints.... which are gonna take me a while.
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
Congratulations on levelling up, Kat!
Wolf, congrats on the Unchristened ship! Keep us posted about your progress towards ACRONYM (You won't believe how much money you'll make with that thing )
I'm spending more time than I'd like down here on the first tier of the gauntlet. I'll probably just stay here until Monday, when I should (hopefully) have enough tier II cheese for another run through.
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
Conga-rats to kat and wolfy for your respective milestones!
I think I'm going to stay in the Catacombs until next week. I still have commencement tomorrow and my sister's commencement later this weekend so I'm going to be busy. After this weekend, I'm going to start working on getting my Rhinobot. I need: about 6 million more points, the DigbyDrillbot parts, the blueprints, and I forget how many Stale Super|brie+.
I got the Training Grounds map piece sometime this week (don't know if I already said that or not) and am contemplating heading over there and then to the Bazaar after I get the ticket. I have enough gold for the NVMRC.
Should I get that and then head over to the Calm Clearing and get the Cyclops mouse or stick with my original plan and go to Furoma?
Draco Dormien Nunquam Titillandus
Minion to Lady A and Booky ⎮ NW sister to Ela, Mountie, and Rose.
Braintriplet to Narnia_Fan12 and narnianerd
Team Hoodie! ⎮ Secret Order of the Swoosh
avatar by Lady Courage
@Kat, HUGE congrats on hitting Countess. Yay! Too bad they don't have an advantage of some kind for us high leveled peoples like they did in ZT.
@wolf, congrats on your Unchristened Ship And best of luck farming the rest of the gold for those Mysterious Blueprints! Do you just need the Bubbleh for the rest of the ship?
@DiGs, where did you decide to top off at before heading back to Tier 1?
@dotK, congrats to both you and your sister on graduating.
@Maia, congrats on your Training Grounds map piece. I have no idea how much gold you have, but I would highly recommend that you get the Great Gnarled Tree map piece from the Cyclops next. There's a tactical trap there that you should get for the Furoma area before you buy any other traps. It's the Venus Mouse Trap and if your sister has been sending you Radioactive Sludge, you can immediately upgrade it to the Mutated Venus Mouse trap.
Well, I had rather poor luck yesterday with my Commander mice. Wouldn't be a huge deal except that I burned up all of my precious charms trying to catch one. The first one I missed, the second one I attracted a Gargantuamouse instead, the third one I missed, the fourth one I missed, and finally caught the fifth one (with my last charm). So my Wave 3 through the Warpath is going slower than usual. (The Commander Mice, if caught, reduces the number of mice in each wave.)
But, where I lost out in lack of Commander Mouse catches I made up for in streaks, so I'm doing pretty well. Currently at 0-0-0-38-0-14. By tomorrow I should hit Wave 4 and perhaps get a new trap piece to drop?
Thanks all and yes FK that's it... unfortunately I need to save a bit of gold before I get either the blueprints or the bubbleh...
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
@DiGs, where did you decide to top off at before heading back to Tier 1?
I got through tier three, and have about 16 pieces of Tier IV. I'm going to try the same strategy again.
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
Just caught my fifth Warmonger. No trap piece again, but that's ok. Onto the next run!!!
Anyways, FBF was quite intriguing today as they gave a fair bit of spoilerage concerning the next Sandtail Desert area. Basically, the mice of the Fiery Warpath have pillaged all of the supplies from the local merchants and it's up to the hunter to collect those supplies and help them build their stores once again. After we've done that, the stores are open to us and we will be able to buy their wares. Cool! But really what it comes down to is Tribal Islands 2.0 I think. But yeah, I was surprised at how well it's coming along already, they even showed some artwork spoiler pics. :O So I'm expecting this much sooner than I was earlier.
Couple other things, they did confirm there aren't any more events in the near future, so for those of us who are hoarding gold saving up for something special (like Ronza), we can relax for a while.
They also said that Scoreboards are very nearly done and Beta testing should begin soon. I couldn't help but wonder if "soon" meant today as I was booted out of the Longtail testing area and can no longer gain access.
I spent the weekend in the first tier of the gauntlet, and managed to get 8 tier II potions. As of right now, I've got 40 pieces of Tier II, 29 pieces of Tier III, and 24 pieces of Tier IV. My goal is to have 250 pieces of Tier IV before moving on up. It's lofty, and it will take me a very long time. . . but I want to make sure that I get an eclipse this time!
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
I have very little to report from a weekend of hunting mice. I crushed Wave 1 in the Warpath and moved on to Wave 2. Making good progress on this one as well. I just caught a Commander Mouse while up to a streak of 7. Currently at 33-6-33-38-13. I'd like to finish off the scouts and archers today which I think should be very doable.
I also caught two Gargatuamouses on Friday which was somewhat unexpected but nice. Due to the difficulty of those mice, I think they should be worth a lot more gold and points.
I also have very little to report. I was not home this weekend, so I didn't catch as much as usual. Right now I'm at 86.55% Legendary with 66,811 gold, and only one corrupted RB potion left to use... That only means one thing...
Lab trip!
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
I just happened to glance at my profile and notice that I've surpassed 200,000,000 points. Party!
Party over... back to the daily grind.