FishHunt?!... *makes mental note to investigate...* Haven't noticed it yet, though I've been playing "Rodent Rumble" recently...
Anyhow is it normal to have such a low rate of new mice when you enter the catacombs? I've only caught two additional mice to the two I had before since I've been here last night... Attracted some skeletons which all got away, but I figured I'd at least have two more species than what I've got by now... I've equipped the Obselisk of Slumber, Dehydration Base, and Ancient cheese...
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
Anyhow is it normal to have such a low rate of new mice when you enter the catacombs?
Yes it is. The nice thing is that the majority are worth a nice hefty amount of gold so when you do catch one it makes up for the 2 or 3 that stole gold/points.
Mmk... the interesting bits from FBF today....
Sandtail Region Expansion
They've laid out the final characters.
The stats are also done. It's Currently in playtesting.
It'll be a traditional hunting area where you collect loot to complete your objective. A Heads Up Display (HUD) is being done to aid you with the loot gathering.
(Like the ones in the Cove/Warpath/FG to aid you with the objective of that area)
Generic objective/story system has been built.
It's a flexible system they made so they can manage storylines and also build new areas/storylines easier.Tournaments
The plan is to try and launch the scoreboards where there will be a weekly 'most points earned' scoreboard.
And after that they can add more and more, like which team earned most points and so on.
Depending on how successful this is will depend how far or close we are to Tournaments.
Internal testing should start next week
Full review is here.
Boy that Sandtail Expansion is coming fast! I was hoping to be finished with all three of my traps (still have Sphynx and Oasis to go) before they released more stuff, but that may not happen.
That's ok though, it'll be nice to always have something more to do again rather than being stuck at the top. Maybe that's their goal?
I got the Keeper's Candle, so what do I need to know about the Forbidden Grove or Acylote Realm? I'm sensing a more powerful trap is in order for the later... am I correct?
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
The purpose of the Forbidden Grove is to collect Runes to make Runic Cheese. You'll want to hunt in there with Ancient Cheese and the ACRONYM trap.
Now, every 20 hours the Forbidden Grove will close and lock, and when it does it ports you into the Acolyte Realm (it's the only way to get into that location). (Timer link here) Not a big deal at all if you get ported except the mice in the Acolyte Realm don't drop NEARLY as many runes as the ones in the Forbidden Grove. Typically I moved back to the Catacombs before it closed to save my Ancient Cheese, but if you would prefer to hunt in the Acolyte Realm for four hours, that's ok too. Oh, and you can leave the Acolyte Realm at any time, you just can't get in again for another 20 hours.
Now, the purpose of the Acolyte Realm is to catch the Acolyte Mouse. He requires the Ancient Box Trap and Runic Cheese to catch.
You can start farming runes as soon as you get the ACRONYM trap, but you have a long ways to go before you can build the Ancient Box Trap. Suggested goal number of runes is about 160. 60 for a future trap and 100 for Runic Cheese.
Well, I think I am done farming eggs. No luck on the Gauntlet Bard Egg. And I don't feel like farming the Silth Mouse for its egg.
About the last "easy" one I have to get is the Monster Mouse and I don't really feel like farming him either. I will probably stick it out in the Fiery Warpath for now and get more Warpath Eggs as those are quite useful.
The event ends on the 10th so that's how much longer you all have to catch Hare Razer and farm eggs if you still have interest in doing so.
Still plugging away in the Mouseoleum, saving up gold. Today is a good day so far. I caught a Black Widow!
Still working on getting all the eggs, though...
Draco Dormien Nunquam Titillandus
Minion to Lady A and Booky ⎮ NW sister to Ela, Mountie, and Rose.
Braintriplet to Narnia_Fan12 and narnianerd
Team Hoodie! ⎮ Secret Order of the Swoosh
avatar by Lady Courage
I just got a Realm Ripper Egg, which is slightly ironic since I gave up egg hunting... but it contained 14 stale cheese, 2 Runic Potions, and 1 Divine Orb
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
YES! I only have the golden egg left, I hope i can finish before the event is over...
RL Sister to Melian Maia
Adopted Sister to Weirdo and Gildor_Inglorien
I hope so too, The Jedi Clone!!! YOU CAN DO IT!
*looks warily at Fish Hunt* I don't know about that. . . it looks kind of lame to me (Then again, I thought the same thing about MH at first
). I did play levynlight for a while, but it got really boring, really quickly!
Wolf, I'd go a step further than FK. I'd say to gather about 200 runes. I went through about 220 before catching my first acolyte. (Something tells me that runes are going to have another use in future).
Any ways,
I spent the weekend on the first tier of the gauntlet (my heart is still broken after tumbling down from the very tippy top). I managed to get about 50 pieces of Tier II cheese stockpiled. I have been using that this evening, and have had a pretty good drop rate using RR + CCB. I'm up to 20 pieces of Tier III already. . . .I only used 400 pieces of Tier III last time around. . . which means that I'm 5% of the way there. . . I'll probably spend the night on Tier II, and head back to the Tribal Isles (to get my rhino horns) in the morning. Hopefully tomorrow will bring two things:
1: Enraged Rhinobot
2: Level up to Lord
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
Well since I already had the obselisk of incineration blueprints (long story ) and since I finally had a mouse that dropped a piece of coal, I just upgraded my trap to the Obselisk of Incineration...
I also got a bit impatient and did some exploring of the Forbidden Grove and the Acolyte Realm last night... Ironically I think I actually made more gold between those two places than in the catacombs... Eitherway I've returned to the catacombs...
Which brings me to a question... which cheese is better in the Catacombs, ancient or radioactive blue? I haven't tried the latter with an arcane trap yet...
I have a feeling I'll be leveling up soon as well... though I still have that ship to craft... and ACRONYM...
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
There is a big difference of opinion on this, wolf . I prefer to use Radioactive blue. As you level up, you will get more and more transformations per potion. Ancient Cheese means that you constantly have to keep running back to the bazaar to buy ionized salt. Radioactive Blue cheese (when you're not right after an event that gives out OODLES of potions) causes you to run back to the lab to farm potions. You'll take a gold hit by hunting in the lab, but you'll also take a gold hit by buying ionized salt.
Radioactive blue costs 300 gold per piece + farming expenses in the lab
Ancient cheese costs 900 per piece, but you don't have farming expenses.
The choice is up to you . Either way, you'll make a profit (and you'll have to use both if you want to catch all the mice in the catacombs).
As for me, I just levelled up to Lord!!!! *Really likes the name Lord Digs * Any ways, I just checked the season in the SG, and it looks like it's going to be winter for a while. Spring is a Physical weapon, and so that gives me roughly three days to finish my enraged rhinobot. If I finish early, then I'll head over to the catacombs for the rest of the time to earn money.
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
Which brings me to a question... which cheese is better in the Catacombs, ancient or radioactive blue?
There is a big difference of opinion on this, wolf
Not as much as you might think.
Wolf, based on your level and the fact you're not being sent a steady supply of stale cheese (I'm assuming that since it took you a while to get your Gift Egg), I wouldn't use a single piece of Ancient Cheese in the Catacombs due to the fact I doubt you have a large stash of Stale Cheese sitting around. Save your Ancient for the Forbidden Grove and just use RB in the Catacombs .
If, however, you have 1,878 pieces of stale cheese sitting around collecting dust like I do, I might suggest Ancient Cheese instead.
Ancient Cheese means that you constantly have to keep running back to the bazaar to buy ionized salt.
Not if you buy 600 pieces at once.
1: Enraged Rhinobot
2: Level up to Lord
OooOOOOoooh. Good luck!!
YES! I only have the golden egg left, I hope i can finish before the event is over...
And good luck to you too Mim. I hope you make it but it's gonna be close! The event ends tomorrow. But even if you just get all of the eggs, they said they'll be bringing eggs back again next year (expanding on them actually) so it's not like you'll be stuck with unopened eggs for all eternity.
Today is a good day so far. I caught a Black Widow!
Getting ready for finals has kept me so busy that I just went to the Catacombs and stayed there. I knew I'd make money, but I was very surprised when I saw that I have over 1 million gold! Now I just have to figure out what to spend it on.
which cheese is better in the Catacombs, ancient or radioactive blue?
I always use radioactive blue with my ACRONYM trap when I hunt there and I've been satisfied with the results. Although I think I only tried using ancient cheese once...
dotK, have you headed into the Tribal Isles yet? Because you'll need a hydro trap there, and those things cost about 650K.
EDIT: I see from your profile that you've already done that . I'm sure you'll find something nice to buy. (Enraged rhinobot perhaps?)
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
Argh, I'm not going to be able to smash any of my lovely eggs! I still haven't found the Scalloped Pink Egg and so, haven't found the Golden Egg and haven't been able to get to the Chocolate Factory to get the mallet.
Everything should come back next year, Narnian_at_heart. Maybe you'll be able to smash them then!
As for me! I just got my enraged rhinobot! Hurray!!!! I'm using up the rest of my crunchy cheese (I might try to go for another dragon mouse today as it's feasible). Later on, I'll probably head over to the catacombs, stock up on cash until Spring time hits the Seasonal Garden, and then head over there!
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb