I'm trying to get rid of my Tier IV cheese. . . but I keep getting these Bard eggs with more of the stuff inside . I suppose I should be grateful
I've got 48 pieces of Tier IV cheese remaining, and 86 pieces of Tier V stockpiled.
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
I'm still sending out gift eggs (and like getting those) even though I've settled back in on the Warpath. I figure that even if people are getting more than they can smash in a day, that they'll come in handy. I'm up to almost enough potions for 2000 pieces of RB. The warpath eggs have been good for simple orbs.
No Burglar Egg yet, but I got another Pirate Egg with 1,000 g inside. I think I'll stick around here for a while as these Pirate Eggs are coming in handy
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
I finished up Tier IV of the gauntlet, and now have started into Tier V. I finally get to use my Cackle-Lantern Trap, and I'm excited! I head into Tier V with 110 pieces of cheese ready to go! Let's hope I get enough drops to make it to the end!
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
I guess I'm wondering if I should skip the NVMRC and go straight to one of the shadow traps. I've got enough gold for either one of the two available in the Town of Digby.
If you have access to the mouseoleum, and if you have enough radioactive blue cheese potions, then by all means skip the NVMRC and head into the mouseoleum. You'll make a TON of money in there. The next physical trap you'll want to buy (unless a new event trap comes out) is the Digby Drillbot, which I really like because it's upgradable several times.
If you're going to buy a shadow trap definitely make sure to buy the Sinister Portal rather than the Ambrosial Portal. You'll need a lot of radioactive sludge (aka stale radioactive blue cheese) in order to craft the upgrades to the venus mouse trap (Ignore this if you purhcased the Rewer's Riposte from Ronza when she was here in January).
Hope that helps!
It did, thanks! I'm now hunting in the Mouseoleum. I've got 26 radioactive blue cheese potions still left to use and I've already used at least 20. I haven't repaired the map yet.
I don't really have many eggs, but that's understandable since I wasn't at home for a week.
My question is should I stay in the Mouseoleum, go back to the Calm Clearing, or just save up my gold until I can repair the map pieces (Furoma and Mouseoleum)?
Draco Dormien Nunquam Titillandus
Minion to Lady A and Booky ⎮ NW sister to Ela, Mountie, and Rose.
Braintriplet to Narnia_Fan12 and narnianerd
Team Hoodie! ⎮ Secret Order of the Swoosh
avatar by Lady Courage
Did you get access to the Great Gnarled Tree yet? If so I'd say stick with the Mouseleum... if not it depends on how much gold you have, and what trap setups you have...
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
I agree with Wolf.
In my case, I hopped back and forth between the Great Gnarled Tree, the Lagoon, and the Mousoleum. Doing this gets you a nice profit, and it also gets you radioactive sludge, which you'll need to upgrade your venus mouse trap to the mutated venus mouse trap (your weapon of choice early on in furoma)
By the way, have I mentioned how much I love my Cackle Lantern Trap!?! This thing is awesome (It is definitely my new favourite trap as it looks incredible!). I have the following stats:
Trap: Cackle Lantern Trap
Base: Candy Cane Base
Charm: Luck Charm
Shield: Active
Power Type: Shadow
Power: 2625
Luck: 28
Attraction Bonus: 10%
Cheese Effect: Very Stale
So far, I've gone through 12 pieces of Tier V cheese, and I've already gotten two potions! Add in the 1 piece of Tier VI cheese that I got from a bard egg, and I'm already up to 9 pieces of Tier VI cheese! WOOT! I don't know how many Tier VI mice I need to aim for, but it looks like I'll be somewhere between 50-70 (If my estimations are correct).
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
Did you get access to the Great Gnarled Tree yet? If so I'd say stick with the Mouseleum... if not it depends on how much gold you have, and what trap setups you have...
Nope, no Great Gnarled Tree yet... That Cyclops mouse kept stealing my cheese.
Draco Dormien Nunquam Titillandus
Minion to Lady A and Booky ⎮ NW sister to Ela, Mountie, and Rose.
Braintriplet to Narnia_Fan12 and narnianerd
Team Hoodie! ⎮ Secret Order of the Swoosh
avatar by Lady Courage
I have eight of the ten eggs. I just got the eighth one last night in the Harbour. Does anyone know how long the egg hunt will go on? Because I can't look in new places until I level up and have access to more areas.
Yay!! I got the Laboratory piece!!! but, since I'm only a journeyman and I need to be a master to go there:( BUT I also got the Great Gnarled Tree piece! I woke my sister up this morning at about Seven thirty to tell her, she wanted to know why I got it before her as I am only a lowly journeyman and she is a Master...good question.
RL Sister to Melian Maia
Adopted Sister to Weirdo and Gildor_Inglorien
I spent the weekend hunting in the catacombs, and am now back up to 300K gold. I think my next big purchase is either going to be upgrading my hydro trap to the DDA or Heat Bath. Either that, or upgrading my Rhinobot to the Enraged Rhinobot as FK said I'll be dead in the water in this new baron area without at least the enraged rhinobot. (Although who knows. . . Ronza could come back several times before then. . . maybe she'll bring a good physical trap with her as she hasn't brough any since the Chillbot)
In the meantime, I'm back in the gauntlet (at least until tonight). I've got 13 pieces of Tier VI cheese saved up so far. . . which is rather disheartening as I've gone through 42 pieces of my cheese so far. If that ratio holds up, I'll only have 34 pieces of Tier VI cheese . With a little bit of luck, I hope I can make it to 40 pieces (or more of coures
EDIT: I have had wrotten luck in the gauntlet. I've gone through 73 pieces of cheese, and have only gotten four potion drops. This has given me only 17 pieces of Tier VI cheese! I've got 37 pieces of Tier V cheese left, but if things don't turn around soon, I don't know what I'm going to do! 17 pieces is nowhere near enough to complete the gauntlet!!!!!
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
I have returned from vacation! Hooray!
I played a little bit on my husband's phone while we were gone, but didn't really work on progressing much. I did add three new eggs to my collection: The Burglar egg, the Magic egg, and a LOT of Warpath eggs.
Is anybody else still working on collecting eggs?
By the way, have I mentioned how much I love my Cackle Lantern Trap!?! This thing is awesome (It is definitely my new favourite trap as it looks incredible!).
I don't think I've officially congratulated you on this trap yet. Congrats!!
Does anyone know how long the egg hunt will go on?
They said sometime around May 10 is when the event will end, and they're definitely bringing all of the eggs back next year and then some.
...she wanted to know why I got it before her as I am only a lowly journeyman and she is a Master...good question.
Congrats on your map piece. Drops are all a matter of chance. I was way far ahead of everybody in this game until I got to the Tribal Isles and then got stuck on two mice.... the Nerg Chieftain and the Dragon. By the time I finally caught them, many of my friends had either caught up or surpassed me in that area.
FK said I'll be dead in the water in this new baron area without at least the enraged rhinobot.
I'd worry about the Seasonal Garden and Zugzwang's Tower first. By the way, I meant to tell you this ages ago and completely forgot... the reason you can't smash the Enraged Rhinobot to get your Rhinobot parts back is because they're leaving it open to the possibility of requiring smashed Enraged Rhinobot parts for some trap... oy.
I have had wrotten luck in the gauntlet. I've gone through 73 pieces of cheese, and have only gotten four potion drops. This has given me only 17 pieces of Tier VI cheese!
You mean 12 pieces of cheese I assume? (Double checks... one potion converts 3 pieces of SB, 3 x 4 = 12) Well, I hate to tell you this, but I did it with 8 pieces of Tier VI cheese, so you already have more than me. That doesn't necessarily guarantee you'll get a potion drop, but you're in better shape than I was.
Kat and I did try to warn you that the diminishing returns in there were quite steep at the end... hence why it's so incredibly important to start out with a LOT.
I'm up to 33 pieces of Tier VI cheese. This comes from 8 potion drops and 1 piece of Tier VI cheese that I got in a Bard egg down on the fifth floor.
And FK. . . you did it with 8 pieces of Tier VI cheese? Why then does your profile say that you caught a total of 37 Tier VI mice? Your profile says that you only caught 7 Tier VII mice.
Any ways, I've got two pieces left. . . so we'll see
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
And FK. . . you did it with 8 pieces of Tier VI cheese?
No! I didn't. Apparently I can't read Roman Numerals right now. Bear with me, I'm rather brain-dead after living out of a car for three days.
Yeah, you're right, I caught 37 Tier 6 mice. And I know at that point I was doing SB conversions rather than using regular cheese. So I probably ended up getting a total of 10 potions.
If you're really uncomfortable with your numbers, what you can do is pause at the end of Tier 6 and do another short run through the whole thing to boost your potion totals. A pain... but it'll lessen the chance of having to start all the way over from scratch.
ETA: Hey Kat, did you read the last FBF review? There was some VERY interesting stuff in there... particularly the bit about the next section of the Sandtail Desert is already in the design stage.
At this point, I'm going to warily press on into the sixth tier. If things don't go as planned I think I'll do that FK.
You would have thought ath 450 pieces of Tier II cheese would have been enough to get me through this thing!
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb