I have to give a shout out to daughter of the King for snagging the Silth Mouse in the Lagoon. Way to go dotk!!!!! Imho, that is the hardest mouse in the game to catch.
You were right; I didn't see this. I had no idea that catching it was such an accomplishment, lol.
And I still need a Friendly Egg. I've been browsing through the forums, but almost everyone found it on their friend's profiles. There is a list of the confirmed locations that it is dropped in, but not which mice drop it so I don't which mice I should be trying to attract.
Edit29 pm - S.S. Huntington II
I sounded the Hunter's Horn and was successful in the hunt! I caught a 5 oz. Pinchy Mouse worth 325 points and 400 gold.
The mouse also dropped the following loot:
1 Friendly Egg
I've armed my CCB, Candle, and Marshmallow Monterey. I'm anxious to catch whatever mouse drops the hammer to smash my gifts. (My sincere apologies to those who sent them to me; I just need to smash something.) So far I haven't gotten it. Should I set up something else?
"To the Great Western Wood, I give you...."
@Digs I never got the Birthday Candle Kaboom (I got the Chocolate Cake Base though
) My strongest trap right now is the Ambush... as for bases it's between the Bamboozler and Explosive depending on the trap, I also have the dehydration base...
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
And, I just got the purple egg. Woot!
For me, I am driven by two main philosophies: know more today about the world than I knew yesterday, and along the way, lessen the suffering of others. You'd be surprised how far that gets you. - Neil deGrasse Tyson
EtJ, your setup looks good. I wouldn't change it.
Wolf, what other traps do you have?
I did something really stupid last night. . . . I left my trap in the catacombs without any bait. So I made zero money overnight
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
My strongest trap right now is the Ambush... as for bases it's between the Bamboozler and Explosive depending on the trap, I also have the dehydration base...
I buzzed over to furoma.com and started plugging in trap setups based on the traps and bases I remember you having. As far as I can tell the best setup that you can get is the Ambush Trap/Dehydration Base/Luck Charm combo. That will increase your catch rate by about 6% from the Ambush/Bamboozler/Power Charm setup you've been using.
Congrats to PR and Chloe for collecting all of their eggs and making it into the Chocolate Lab!
Well I have a Pirate egg, a Whisker Woods egg, and a Realm Ripper egg. I gave up on the Cherry egg for now. Now I'm working on the Monster egg in the Lab. Hopefully it won't take me too long to get that one.
Thanks FK, I think I'll try that...
I might stock up on attraction charms as well, because in all honesty that is my problem
Edit: Sorry Digs I didn't see your post...
I have:
Weapons: Ambush, Mutated Venus Mouse Trap, Sinister Portal, Swiss Army Mouse Trap, Mouse Rocketine, Mouse Trebuchet, Mouse Mary O'Nette, 500 Pound Spiked Crusher, High Tension Spring, and the Tacky Glue Trap.
Bases: Bamboozeler, Explosive, Dehydration, Stone, Wooden Base with Target, Chocolate Birthday Cake Base, and the Wooded Base.
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
Just heard on FBF that the Dark Chocolate Charm slightly increases your chance to attract/catch a Hare Razer Mouse. So for those of you having a bit of trouble catching him, that may help.
Haha! I got it finally! Off to smash some eggs...
Ok I got a total of:
2 Meteorite Pieces
15 Luck Charms
50 SuperBrie ( )
20 Flawless Orbs
3 Ultimate Power Charms
20 Scrap Metal
1 Umbrella
10 Lucky Rabbit Charms
1 Chocolate Bunny
10 Ultimate Luck Charms
30 Flawed Orbs
30 Simple Orbs
Ok I'm gonna go after those Bonus Eggs I think...
Where are they again?
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
Well, I have 6 more chocolate charms, and 3 more pieces of Monterey. Still no hammer. *continues to play around with bases and weapons*
"To the Great Western Wood, I give you...."
6:40 pm - Great Gnarled Tree
I sounded the Hunter's Horn and was successful in the hunt! I caught a 11 oz. Wicked Witch of Whisker Woods Mouse worth 400 points and 2,700 gold.The mouse also dropped the following loot:
1 Whisker Woods Egg6:40 pm - Great Gnarled Tree
I received 1 Wicked Gnarly Potion from 1 Whisker Woods Egg.
That was a pretty looking one... Now I'm off to try to get the burglar/pirate eggs.
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
that hare razer mouse is continuing to taunt me...
I'm using the ACRONYM, candy cane base, and dark chocolate charms, but still nothing...
right now I'm trying to get more marshmallow monterey so I can go after that blasted mouse again.
See the armies so arrayed,
Line on line, ten thousand strong.
See the Dragon King’s sharp blade,
Rising to a song!
See his enemies laid low!
Hear our voices sing:
Let glory crown the victor’s brow,
In the Hall of the Dragon King!
Elle. The mouse is VERY annoying. I finally got him, though. But I'm more annoyed than anything else.
Inside this Spring Hunt Egg was 6 Runic Potions, 20 Radioactive Blue Cheese Potions, 4 Meteorite Pieces, 24 Splintered Wood, 16 Gnarled Potions, 1 Greater Radioactive Blue Potion and 4 Wicked Gnarly Potions!
Edit: I was much happier after I realized I had forgotten the other eggs that I didn't smash.
10 Ultimate Luck Charms and 20 SUPER|brie+ from 1 Golden Egg.
3 Flawless Orbs and 18 Brie Cheese from 1 Burglar Egg.
3 Ultimate Power Charms and 4 SUPER|brie+ from 1 Scalloped Pink Egg.
10 Lucky Rabbit Charms and 2 SUPER|brie+ from 1 Stripy Red Egg.
1 Umbrella and 3 SUPER|brie+ from 1 Wavy Purple Egg.
1 Chocolate Bunny and 2 SUPER|brie+ from 1 Blue Argyle Egg.
30 Flawed Orbs, 30 Simple Orbs and 1 SUPER|brie+ from 1 Green Plaid Egg.
20 Flawless Orbs and 6 SUPER|brie+ from 1 Friendly Egg.
20 Scrap Metal and 6 SUPER|brie+ from 1 Sharing Egg.
15 Luck Charms and 6 SUPER|brie+ from 1 Caring Egg.
"To the Great Western Wood, I give you...."
woot! thanks to EtJ, I just got the Hare Razer!
now to go smash those eggs!
See the armies so arrayed,
Line on line, ten thousand strong.
See the Dragon King’s sharp blade,
Rising to a song!
See his enemies laid low!
Hear our voices sing:
Let glory crown the victor’s brow,
In the Hall of the Dragon King!
You're welcome, Elle. Don't forget about those 9 collected eggs!
"To the Great Western Wood, I give you...."