I'm not quite sure what to do with them, though?
They'll craft your ship, which is a pre-requisite to the tribal isles. Basically, once you craft it, you will be able to hunt on your ship. You'll need to catch three mice on that ship, each of which drops a part of the "Ocean Navigation Kit." Once you have all three pieces of that, you'll be able to hunt in the tribal isles.
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
^ Oh neat! Thanks! I see I'll be needing some other ingredients though...better save up some more gold.
Av and Sig by Aravis Autarkeia
Yeah, it's probably better to buy all of the splintered wood that you need. Farming it would take aeons.
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
Does anybody know anything about this new event that seems to be coming up soon? It looks as if a beehive shaped bakery/factory has appeared in Gnawnia?
A brand new event! I'm gonna have to say it looks like a giant Easter egg to me.
Thanks for pointing it out DiGs, I'm usually on mhg.com now due to Facebook being so buggy all the time (and not just on MH) so I miss announcements.
Looks like a chocolate easter egg.
I played my last commander charm and caught one! Sent 5 mice in each type left packing. I'm on my second go-round on wave 3. I currently sit at 0-0-18-52-19-16
Edit: Currently sitting at 0-0-0-50-11-16
So my current progress is ....
Run 3, Wave 2, 32-4-33-39-14
If I can clear the Scouts (4) and Archers (33) before bedtime, I'll be very happy indeed!
I did make it, just barely.
Run 3, Wave 2, 1-0-0-33-6
I will finish up with the Warriors (1) hopefully in less than 15 min and then the Mages (6) are next. We'll see how long the Cavalry take if they're the only type left. The Commanders and Guards are not retreating yet so that will make a big difference. I would love to make it back to Wave 3 today!
Still waiting to see what the devs have in store with the new Event area!! Also very excited about that.
Yeah, I'm really hoping that I can get through my Tier III cheese before the event starts. I'm down to 71 pieces, so I think I can do it if the event starts on Thursday. I don't know though. Up to 148 pieces of Tier IV cheese though!!!
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
Okay, could someone please help? i am in he Harbour and have caught several granite mice but i have yet to find one that gives me the whisker woods map piece! Here is my set up advise me in any changes that might be necassery please!
Breeds Caught: 19 / 276
Event Breeds Caught: 1
Hunting Since: Mar 19, 2011
Hunter's Title: Initiate (29 % )
Points: 74,727
Gold: 27,118
Horn Calls: 100
Location: Harbour
Region: Gnawnia
Trap Power: 841
Total Luck: 1
Weapon: Mouse Trebuchet
Base: Stone Base
Bait: 10 pieces of Mozzarella
Charm: None
Mice Caught: 278
RL Sister to Melian Maia
Adopted Sister to Weirdo and Gildor_Inglorien
Hi The Jedi Clone! First of all, welcome to NarniaWeb! I saw in the Getting to Know You thread that you're Melian_Maia's sister.
Okay, could someone please help? i am in he Harbour and have caught several granite mice but i have yet to find one that gives me the whisker woods map piece! Here is my set up advise me in any changes that might be necassery please!
Your setup is great. The only place I can see some room for improvement is your cheese. Your might try using Swiss instead as it will increase your mouse attraction. It won't help with your drop rate, but the more mice you attract, the more Granites should show up, and hopefully you'll get your map piece soon! And obviously keep upgrading your trap and base as you can afford to do so.
Also, tell your sister to send you a splintered wood as it's the daily gift and part of the Dehydration Base you'll want to build when you hit Journeyman.
Thanks a TON! I really need that map piece hopefully the silly little mouse will let me catch it!
RL Sister to Melian Maia
Adopted Sister to Weirdo and Gildor_Inglorien
Alrighty. I'm back. Still saving up for the NVMRC Forcefield Trap. I'm about halfway there, but probably won't have enough for it anytime soon due to my upcoming trip.
I guess I'm wondering if I should skip the NVMRC and go straight to one of the shadow traps. I've got enough gold for either one of the two available in the Town of Digby.
Draco Dormien Nunquam Titillandus
Minion to Lady A and Booky ⎮ NW sister to Ela, Mountie, and Rose.
Braintriplet to Narnia_Fan12 and narnianerd
Team Hoodie! ⎮ Secret Order of the Swoosh
avatar by Lady Courage
I guess I'm wondering if I should skip the NVMRC and go straight to one of the shadow traps. I've got enough gold for either one of the two available in the Town of Digby.
That all depends on a few things. One, have you gotten a high enough ranking to have access to the Mouseoleum? Two, do you have the mouseoleum map piece restored as of yet? Three, how much radioactive blue cheese potions have you picked up from the lab?
If you have access to the mouseoleum, and if you have enough radioactive blue cheese potions, then by all means skip the NVMRC and head into the mouseoleum. You'll make a TON of money in there. The next physical trap you'll want to buy (unless a new event trap comes out) is the Digby Drillbot, which I really like because it's upgradable several times.
If you're going to buy a shadow trap definitely make sure to buy the Sinister Portal rather than the Ambrosial Portal. You'll need a lot of radioactive sludge (aka stale radioactive blue cheese) in order to craft the upgrades to the venus mouse trap (Ignore this if you purhcased the Rewer's Riposte from Ronza when she was here in January).
Hope that helps!
As for me, I'm just about out of Tier III cheese (don't these tiers go by any quicker?!?!?!). I've got 28 pieces left, so I should be empty by nightfall. I'll probably end up crafting some ancient cheese and spending the night in the catacombs.
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
Alrighty. I'm back. Still saving up for the NVMRC Forcefield Trap. I'm about halfway there, but probably won't have enough for it anytime soon due to my upcoming trip.
I guess I'm wondering if I should skip the NVMRC and go straight to one of the shadow traps. I've got enough gold for either one of the two available in the Town of Digby.
(I quoted you as Lia. You do go by Lia right?
Aside from really hating the Digby Drillbot (I never found it much of an upgrade from the NVMRC til the upper levels, and then they're so difficult even the Drillbot doesn't work), I completely second all of DiGs's advice.
On the money issue, do you have any Simple Orbs? They're going for minimum 10,000g a pop on the Marketplace right now. If you sell 40 of them, you'll have enough money to buy the Drillbot right now.
Aside from the Physical Trap upgrade and your first Shadow Trap, if you didn't know already, you're going to want to look into your first Tactical Trap in the near future as well. Something else to keep in mind.
As for me, I'm just about out of Tier III cheese (don't these tiers go by any quicker?!?!?!)
Well, I have made it to Wave 3. I didn't make it last night like I hoped, but I did first thing this morning. Now begins the long process of conquering the most painful wave. I'm trying to get a run of 6 mice in to use a Commander's Charm.
For those that haven't looked up any info on the Fiery Warpath, the trick to this area is catching mice back-to-back in streaks. If you can do that, two things can happen (aside from decreasing each amount of mice far more rapidly). A, you'll attract a Gargantuamouse and have a chance to nab him, or B, you can equip a Commander's Charm... and if you catch a Commander, he'll get rid of mice in each category equivalent to your current streak number. If I get him with a streak of 6, I lose 6 mice in each category. There are 6 categories in Wave 3, so that's 36 mice I don't have to worry about catching.
However, the mice are difficult enough in Wave 3 I'm having a terrible time getting a streak in. The highest I've gotten today is 4. And that's even while using SuperBrie and the Super Charms (which you buy with Magic Essence). So it's a smidge frustrating. We'll see what happens in the next few hours. I'm currently at 50-21-50-59-30-20. Yep... a long ways to go.
I also discovered last night a rather important detail about the area that I had missed before....
However, after capturing your first, the Warmongers will be keen to your threat and will guard their loot more closely.
Hence, why I got beans worth of loot off of him the second time I caught him. I suppose this is the devs way to keep people from flying through the game too quickly.
Hey guys another question, what do say to using Brie cheese to try to catch the Granite mouse? The Burglar mouse i caught gave me a TON of Brie, and i really don't want to travel back to the meadow or the town of Gnawnia to buy cheese. then go BACK to the Harbour to hunt. Also, is the mouse Rocketine trap better to use in this situation than the mouse catapult whose name i cannot spell or pronounce? .
RL Sister to Melian Maia
Adopted Sister to Weirdo and Gildor_Inglorien
I suppose challenging areas are always the most fun any ways, FK. I remember thinking how horribly difficult the tribal isles were, and now they're probably one of my favourite areas to hunt.
Here's a question for the uppity-up-ups, how are my traps going to do in the further levels of the tower? I plan on using RR for Tier IV (duh!), but Tier V is a shadow trap. Tier VI is an Arcane, and Tier VII is a hydro. I plan on using the Gorgon trap for Tier V, ACRONYM for VI, and the Ancient Spear Gun for VII. What traps did y'all use, and do you think I'll do well enough to nab a few eclipse mice? (particularly as ASG and Gorgon don't have the best luck)
Hey guys another question, what do say to using Brie cheese to try to catch the Granite mouse? The Burglar mouse i caught gave me a TON of Brie, and i really don't want to travel back to the meadow or the town of Gnawnia to buy cheese. then go BACK to the Harbour to hunt. Also, is the mouse Rocketine trap better to use in this situation than the mouse catapult whose name i cannot spell or pronounce?
Personally, I didn't even buy the Mouse Rocketine. Having a stale cheese effect this early in the game isn't going to help you all that much (you're going to need stale cheese later in the game, but that's a LONG way down the road for you). So I'd stick with the Trebuchet, it's a good overall trap. The next trap you want to get is the Swiss Army Mousetrap; it's a huge improvement over the Trebuchet, and it'll catch a granite mouse fairly regularly.
As for using Brie, I'd say that it won't hurt you any. If you have it on hand, go ahead and use it. It also might interest you to craft some white cheddar cheese (the recipe for which can be found on the wiki). White cheddar repels the three weak mice (white, grey, and brown) so if you're catching a bunch of those guys in the harbour, it might not be a bad idea to use some.
Hope that helps!
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb