Wow. . . I really wish that the omni-bot was real. . . t'would be incredible
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
I think I'd get a headache if it was real.
In case people haven't seen the new Omni-Bot Trap yet, here it is. Best of luck on your wild goose chases.
ETA: Ok, serious post bit here..... The MonstroBot recipe has been discovered. I'm excited cause I'm well on my way to crafting this one. Just need two more successful runs of the area (I'm a good way into the second one) and another couple hundred flameshards (no problem) and one sandblasted metal (*crossing fingers*).
Some stats for comparison purposes.
Sandstorm MonstroBot
Power: 8000
Power Bonus: 20%
Attraction Bonus: 5%
Luck: 27
Cheese Effect: No Effect
Enraged RhinoBot
Power: 5,900
Power Bonus: 10%
Attraction Bonus: 0%
Luck: 20
Cheese Effect: Insanely Stale
ANNNNDDDD... I would like to recommend that everybody watch the first 10 minutes of FBF today.
Well I would hunt, but I'm out of cheese and my travel page isn't loading
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
Okay! Here's an update on how I'm at since it's been a while since I posted in here.
I did manage to get that Birthday Candle Kaboom trap before the event ended! Now that I'm a Master, I've been hunting in the Great Gnarled Tree, the Town of Digby, and the Laboratory. I've gotten map piece and the Sinister Portal trap so that I can head over to Mouseoleum next, except I realized I don't have enough gold left to craft my radioactive blue cheese, so I'm hunting in the Laboratory for a little while longer.
Av and Sig by Aravis Autarkeia
Wolf, I checked the MH forums and thought I'd better share this link with you cause you're definitely not alone.
If you need any help with any of the steps, let me know and I'll do my best to keep an eye on this thread.
I did manage to get that Birthday Candle Kaboom trap before the event ended!
Very cool. Congrats Silver! Or... Gold as you now wish to be called.
Now that I'm a Master, I've been hunting in the Great Gnarled Tree, the Town of Digby, and the Laboratory. I've gotten map piece and the Sinister Portal trap so that I can head over to Mouseoleum next, except I realized I don't have enough gold left to craft my radioactive blue cheese, so I'm hunting in the Laboratory for a little while longer.
Sounds like you're doing fabulously well. If you need some extra cash and have any Simple Orbs lying around, the release of the new Baron area has caused the price of those to skyrocket in the Marketplace.
Well FK I would access that link but it says I can't....
I was able however to get through to tech support. And still works
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
I'm having a bit of varied luck in the Dojo. Sometimes I don't even catch one mouse an hour, other times I catch one, sometimes I catch 4- like this most recent run. I've also made some money in the marketplace. I have yet to achieve the financial level I was at before I bought Superbrie. I'm having just as fine results with Swiss.
"To the Great Western Wood, I give you...."
I'm taking a break from the more gold heavy areas to hunt for simple orbs. I'm actually having better luck with my CCT + cheesecake base + prospector charms than I was with any other combo. I am happily running through my mozzarella stash. I'm going to wait and see where I'm at tomorrow night about this time and maybe head back to the baroness area. I may stay put though and run through some of my other lower level cheeses to get more orbs.
I'm having varied luck there as well EtJ... I'm getting plenty of belt and fang tolkens, but no cheese claw tolkens- and those are the ones I need!
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
I'm having a great deal of trouble with the application here at home (dial-up access). I'm heading back to my dorm tonight, so hopefully the app will load properly. Currently it is only showing me my three most recent logs, and I'm also unable to see my notifications. The other annoying thing is that I can't really stray away from the camp page without a blank screen showing up. This means that I have no idea how many tier IV potions I actually got over the weekend
Oh, and I've missed my hourly trap checks since 9:45 this morning
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
Hopefully Digs it is your dial-up connection, and not the same problem I have...
They said they made an update, but it didn't help me much
At least though is deciding to cooperate (Digs have you tried that? because it sounds like you're having a similar problem that I am)
Hey! the trap effectiveness button works here!
I forgot to mention one teeny tiny problem onthe mhgame site... The market place won't load, so I'm not gonna be buying anything from there anytime soon
Incase this is helpful to anyone else I will post tech support's response to me here and their response:
Thanks for getting in touch.
There have been some recent changes to how Facebook apps work. We've had to make updates to MouseHunt to accommodate these changes. During this transition there may be a few hiccups. We're working to resolve any issues that may have come up due to these changes.Here are a few things to try that may resolve your problem:
Log out of facebook
Clear your cache your cookies your PC.
Right click on Camp page and open in new tab.
If you are using IE, it must be IE8 or later, and you need to make sure Compatibility View is NOT on.
Most IE users should see a button that looks like a torn page right next to the address bar. If this is highlighted in blue, Compatibility View is on, and you just need to click this button to turn it off.
If you are using Chrome disable the Facebook Disconnect extension.HitGrab Support
The only one I tried was the one... and I'm pretty sure I'm using IE8 (compatability mode was off)...
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
Well after clearing my browser history, and deleting my history, the site seems to work decently here in my dorm. I still can't send out any free gifts to my friends (sorry guys ) but hopefully they'll get that kink worked out before too long.
Now, in gaming news, I managed to collect 3 tier IV potions over the weekend (I wasn't hunting all that much). I currently have 24 pieces of cheese, and (if I stay at my current rate) I should have 160ish by the time my cheese is gone. FK, how many Tier IV mice did you catch? Is this going to be enough?
To better my odds, I've equipped luck charms to see how that works out.
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
Lets see.... Tier 4.... I caught 244 mice. I might have done some SB conversions cause I know I did a few of those but I thought it was later. Not sure.
Well, I was out of town most of the weekend so hardcore hunting was at a standstill. But I'm back now and....

244! *gulp*
How is it that you managaed to get that many potion drops when I've got Rewers + Luck charms, and you did not!?!?!?!
To quote Ronald Weasly. . . "Now I'm really depressed."
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
I'm going to stay put in the Mountain another 24 - 48 hours. I've got 4 more items for crafting charms and then I'm out. So I'm thinking that I will stay put and see if I can pick up that plus one or two extra.