I just learned something new today that I had never known before.... the Mintaka Mouse, Alnilam Mouse, and Alnitak Mouse were named after the three stars in Orion's Belt. I'm sure everybody knew that but me.
@Chloe, yep, sounds like a great idea. And like Kat said, you ought to just shoot straight for the Enraged Rhinobot. It's not that much more expensive than the regular Rhinobot and it's a lot better.
So me 'n' Kat are rocking the new area. Ok, not really, but we're doing pretty good and so far it's ... interesting. As of right now I liked Zugzwang's Tower better, but it's getting more complex as we're going along. The nicest thing we decided is that we didn't have to spend a whole ton of cash on new traps and bases as soon as we arrived. But there are three new traps, all of which are most intriguing! I don't think we're going to be unlocking them any time soon, but I'm REALLY looking forward to getting them.
I just learned something new today that I had never known before.... the Mintaka Mouse, Alnilam Mouse, and Alnitak Mouse were named after the three stars in Orion's Belt. I'm sure everybody knew that but me.
So me 'n' Kat are rocking the new area. Ok, not really, but we're doing pretty good and so far it's ... interesting.
As of right now I liked Zugzwang's Tower better, but it's getting more complex as we're going along. The nicest thing we decided is that we didn't have to spend a whole ton of cash on new traps and bases as soon as we arrived. But there are three new traps, all of which are most intriguing! I don't think we're going to be unlocking them any time soon, but I'm REALLY looking forward to getting them.
I didn't know that! Cool!
I'm insanely curious about those new traps, but I will say this about the new section... GOLD REQUIRED... Those trap blueprints alone are expensive. Bet the overall trap costs are pretty up there as well.
I didn't know about the stars either. Something tells me that stargazer is the only person on here who would
So. . . if I were to smash my rhinobot, would it give me another rhino horn, or am I going to have get three more of those. That trap looks amazing, and isn't too expensive for me to upgrade, so I'm putting that on my to do list.
Currently, I'm still hanging out in the king's guantlet. Still doing spectacularly well with a setup of the CCT and Candy Cane Base (I don't want the cheese going stale). I still have 179 pieces of tier two cheese, and already have 165 pieces of tier three stockpiled. Doing a simple ratio, I calculate that I will have a total of 409 pieces. Not too shabby
Oh, and if Radioactive Blue Cheese potions ever come up as the gift of the day again, PLEASE send them to me!
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
You would still need 3 because it would only give you the rhinobot parts.
Will do. I love it when the potions come up as gifts. Ditto to Stale SB. If anyone sees that and wants to send it to me, please feel free to do so. I'll need it for crafting purposes in the future.
I didn't know about the stars, either. That's interesting, though.
So, I've crafted Crunch cheese and went after the Aged mouse. From the 3 mice that I caught the loot drops were, I've gotten 1 rhino horn, and 3 stale SB. *sigh* Which means, most of my cheese and some money went down the drain...but at least I got something.
For the RhinoBot, I still need:
-The blueprints
-15 Stale SB+
"No one's ever burned you, nothing's ever left you scarred and even though you want to, just try to never grow up." -Taylor Swift, Never Grow Up
@Chloe, the higher up in level you get, the more places you'll discover you have to visit for an item and you'll lose a lot of gold in the process while hunting there. But it's almost always well worth getting the item. By the way, did you know that if Runic Cheese goes stale, you get Stale SB+?
Well todays FBF was not terribly interesting in regards to news. Mostly they covered a lot of q&as about the new area. I did learn that in order to get the map piece to drop, you have to catch the Silth and both Kings in Zugzwang's Tower.
They also talked a good deal about the bugs that they're working on getting sorted out. Hopefully everything will start working smoothly again soon.
Now.... this is 100% speculation on my part. They did NOT say this at all, but for some strange reason I got the feeling that Ronza may be making a return trip sometime in the not-so-distant future. They did at least confirm that they'll be adding another round of Ultimate Luck Charms back into the game soon. Maybe I should find a use for mine since I was holding onto them for the Leprechaun Mouse who never made an appearance on St. Patty's Day.
@Chloe, the higher up in level you get, the more places you'll discover you have to visit for an item and you'll lose a lot of gold in the process while hunting there. But it's almost always well worth getting the item.
By the way, did you know that if Runic Cheese goes stale, you get Stale SB+?
Yup. I knew that... I think I may take another trip into the Forbidden Grove/Acolyte Realm to get more runes, now that I have some stale cheese stored up.
"No one's ever burned you, nothing's ever left you scarred and even though you want to, just try to never grow up." -Taylor Swift, Never Grow Up
Yeah, I ditto FK's comments, Chloe. Don't hunt the Aged Mouse for Stale SB+, equip runic cheese and head over to the dojo. Nobody there will be attracted to it, and if you equip a stale setup, you should get the stale SB+ pretty quickly.
I'll be doing the same thing before too long as I want that rhinobot upgrade! (Hopefully I'll get one this week!)
Then again, if Ronza is going to be returning before too long (as I also have that feeling) I want to hang onto my money. If she does come back soon, I'm betting that she won't have much with her. Wouldn't they also make some sort of announcement a few days ahead of her return?
So, once I get done with my tier II cheese (I've got 149 pieces left) I think I'll take a break from the gauntlet for a while so that I can build my money supplies back up. I'm sitting around 420K right now, but if Ronza comes back, then that's a measly drop in a bucket . I'm also going to head back over to Balack's Cove and see if I can get Balack the Banished. It would be AWESOME if I got him before I leveled up to Lord (a definite possibility, as I'm only at 70% Knight).
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
Well if Rhonza does return, I'm no position to get anything... gah the problem with leveling up fast is that often you don't have as much gold as you would like for upgraded traps and maps
@FK I know! I was looking forward to St. Patty's day too! Well perhaps next year...
EDIT! BTW: I'm up to 81.06% Grandmaster
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
Then again, if Ronza is going to be returning before too long (as I also have that feeling) I want to hang onto my money. If she does come back soon, I'm betting that she won't have much with her. Wouldn't they also make some sort of announcement a few days ahead of her return?
Glad I'm not the only one with that gut feeling.
I've never seen her show up without at least a couple new traps and/or bases. And I think they normally give a couple days of heads up but I honestly don't know that for sure.
@wolf, yeah, I spent my low-leveled days completely broke cause I was always buying new traps and such. So I know what you mean.
Well yesterday, as Kat can tell you, I had a really, really, REALLY bad hunting day. Today was better. Hoping to unlock and catch some new mice late tomorrow, but I think Kat's gonna beat me to 'em.... by a lot.
So Kat, I'm gonna avoid your profile tomorrow til I get there too.
Well yesterday, as Kat can tell you, I had a really, really, REALLY bad hunting day.
Today was better. Hoping to unlock and catch some new mice late tomorrow, but I think Kat's gonna beat me to 'em.... by a lot.
So Kat, I'm gonna avoid your profile tomorrow til I get there too.
Glad today was better. I went poking around on the wiki and found that they have cavalry and mage charms for crafting. I crafted a couple in hopes of a streak, but I'm not going to use most of them because I want to save those for wave #3.
I highly doubt I'll make it to wave #3 until tomorrow at the earliest. I'm going to be gone most of this a.m. and without charms, it'll probably take me at least till tomorrow.
And those of us who are mere peons have no idea what either of you are talking about . Oh well.
I'm had insane luck last night in the Gauntlet. From the time I logged off around 11PM to the time I checked my trap at 8AM this morning, I had gotten 8 Tier Three potions!!!!! WOO HOO! I've still got 117 pieces of Tier Two cheese, and I've stockpiled 265 pieces of Tier Three Cheese! This is awesome!
When I do start Tier Three (after I build up some money supplies and hopefully nab Balack), should I use the Rewers Riposte or my HVMT. I'm fairly certain that everybody is going to suggest the Rewers due to the insane luck (and hence, the higher drop rate of potions), but is it strong enough to catch the mice on a fairly regular basis?
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
I will give you who haven't reached the Baron level yet a big tip... hold onto your simple orbs. Stockpile quite a bit. They come in handy.
Congrats on all the potions!
Edit: The mice in the new section are worth an insane amount of points. I was under 40% when I started in here and I'm almost up to 46%!
Well, I'm on that nasty precipice just .25% shy of Hero. I should have been in bed over an hour ago, but I had to try for that last minute mouse. By the by, I got my map repaired the other day and found a couple new locations. At the moment I'm having a little bit of luck in the Lagoon. Not much though.
"To the Great Western Wood, I give you...."
This morning, I crossed the magic threshhold of 300 Tier Three cheese. I'm currently up to 310, with just about 90 pieces of Tier Two remaining.
Once I get back to my dorm tonight (and away from this infernal dial-up computer ) I should be able to hop around a bit easier. If the Cove is open, I'll spend the night in there. If it isn't, I'll probably spend a good deal of time tomorrow in there.
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb