I've been hunting at the Festive Comet, how fun! It's neat to see the different mice there.
Also, I caught an Elf Mouse and it dropped a blue gift box, inside of which were 9 pieces of Gilded Cheese and one King's credit! First time I've ever had either... is the Gilded Cheese special for anything, or is it just for fun?
I'm guessing I have to be an initiate before I can use Gingerbread Cheese, because I don't have a Hunter's Hammer to smash a plank with yet. But I'm a 92.93% Apprentice, so I should level up soon.
Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!
"Of course we've got to find him (if we can). That's the nuisance of it. It means a search party and endless trouble. Bother Eustace." ~ Caspian, The Voyage of the Dawn Treader
Sig: lover of narnia
Gilded Cheese is used to catch the Master Burglar Mouse in the Town of Gnawnia. I'd wait til you have the Swiss Army Mouse Trap at least before going for him cause he's tough.
To get your Gingerbread Cheese, go to Crafting, Hunter's Hammer Tab, Type in the number of planks you want to smash, click Smash. You should definitely have a Hammer already unless they changed something and I didn't know about it.
Happy Thanksgiving to you too Bother Eustace! And to everybody else as well.
Gilded Cheese is used to catch the Master Burglar Mouse in the Town of Gnawnia. I'd wait til you have the Swiss Army Mouse Trap at least before going for him cause he's tough.
Oh, cool! Thanks for the info.
To get your Gingerbread Cheese, go to Crafting, Hunter's Hammer Tab, Type in the number of planks you want to smash, click Smash.
You should definitely have a Hammer already unless they changed something and I didn't know about it.
Yup, you're right, I can smash things. I was confused because it says I can't start crafting until I'm an Initiate.
"Of course we've got to find him (if we can). That's the nuisance of it. It means a search party and endless trouble. Bother Eustace." ~ Caspian, The Voyage of the Dawn Treader
Sig: lover of narnia
The White Mouse looks so cute in his elf outfit.
I finally got enough money to buy the Swiss Army Mouse Trap and now I'm basically broke. I keep catching Elf Mice so I have more than enough cheese but I can't send anyone gingerbread for awhile.
Speaking of, in one of my gift boxes there were potions for Gauntlet Cheese Tier 3 and Radioactive Blue Cheese. Are these for later levels?
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
Gauntlet cheese are for the gauntlet which you get into by catching a Master Burglar. You'll need it at some point. So all the free cheese you can get will definitely help you later on in the game. I've caught two elf mice so far this year bringing me up to a total of 6.
These packages that the elves are dropping are totally amazing! I've gotten about 20 pieces of Gouda so far (which sells for 600 gold per piece!), coconut milk (which is also pricey!). In one of them, I even got a gingerbread plank!!!!
I'm really excited about this event, as the devs seem to have really outdone themselves so far!
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
If anybody got the Gingerbread House Trap/Base blueprints and needs crafting materials, post what you need on my profile's corkboard and I'll send them your way.
http://mhwiki.hitgrab.com/wiki/index.ph ... bread_Base
http://mhwiki.hitgrab.com/wiki/index.ph ... e_Surprise
Soooo... I play this game, and my sister pointed this thread out to me so I'd better post in it. BTW, it makes me happy so many NarniaWebbers have discovered this game.
It's amazing how many elf mice are running around this year and how much awesome stuff they drop! I don't want to spoil anyone who's not at the top rank, but the red presents are pretty much amazing! I've gotten a lot of items to catch the two hardest* mice in the game.
*Well, the hardest mice in the two newest areas.
But anyways, if someone needs any particular gifts sent, just let me know.
Well I'll post in here so I don't have to post on everybody's corkboards (but I will post on yours Rachel as you are the most generous with your MILLIONS of dollars
I've got everything I need for the GB house trap, except for the Candies. I still need 4 more pieces. I'm getting plenty of gingerbread planks from those awesome elf mice, but they aren't dropping a whole lot of candy, and I'd like to have the trap crafted before the event starts in earnest tomorrow.
EDIT: Wow, that was really fast! Thank you, Fantasia_Kitty and Qwertykate88. I have sent each of you a gingerbread plank as a "Thank You"
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
* sighs *
I've gotten a lot of things for areas I'm not in yet. I know they're expensive, though, so I'm happy. I do wish I would get the blueprints for the gingerbread house, though. I've nearly be salivating over it.
I'm quite enjoying this special, but at this rate, I'll be getting red boxes before I ever finish up in the Catacombs and Furoma!
Any ideas on what is happening tomorrow, when the new star gets put up?
Avatar thanks to AITB
I am now 257 mice caught out of 257 mice! Now on to those pesky event mice! I didn't catch the snooty or the high roller from the last event. And of course mobster and leprechaun.
Not a clue Lady A. Should be interesting!
If you have not seen it yet, the big event is now on in full force. At the moment I can't get onto the game, but Kat was kind enough to point out to me that the official news post is here on the forums.
http://forum.hitgrab.com/showthread.php ... is-invaded!
Festive Disaster! - The Festive Comet is invaded!
There was great celebration and jubilee from veterans and novices alike as an unprecedented number of hunters gathered together to witness the Great Winter Star Ceremony near the Festive Comet. Throngs of happy hunters surrounded the massive Holiday Tree, ringed with glittering lights and tinsel. Under the broad evergreen branches sat a mountain of sightly gifts brought by the King to show his appreciation for the hard work of the hunters.But just as the Winter Star was being raised, a booming of steel drums drowned out the cheers! Our veteran hunter's supply of spoiled eggnog from last year's Winter Hunt burst open, disgorging an indescribable odor and a cloud of choking nog-smoke! Those stalwart hunters who held their breath witnessed a league of mice rush to the tree, stripping it bare of lights, pillaging the King's special gifts, and even claiming the Winter Star itself!
It seems the mice may well have stolen away both festive cheer and cheese, but all hope is not lost! A few of our bravest hunters were so formidable they managed to tough out the eggnog stench, capturing as many mice as they could manage. Bribing these captured mice with delicious Gingerbread Cheese, they learnt that there are 12 mouse types working for 1 mysterious boss! All we know of this festi-villain is that he leaves eggnoggey footprints in the snow...
They have also learnt that the mice have a schedule for their devious plot, and the bosses will only reveal themselves if the minions fail. The King, working together with the hunters, has released a Royal Calender to coordinate our efforts.
Now it is up to you, brave hunter, to enter the Great Festive Hunt of 2010, capture the 12 mice of winter, defeat their noggy master and restore our holiday!
Restoring Holiday Cheer
Over the course of December, we'll be releasing a new mouse to the Festive Comet on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Mice, once released, will stay in the area as long as the Winter Hunt is active. As you catch these mice, lights in your holiday strand will turn on as you recover the spirit of the Winter Hunt. After all 12 are released and caught, the mysterious boss will be revealed and become available to you. We're told he likes his cheese as cold as his heart...On Tuesdays, new gifts will become available in the Festive Gift Shoppe.
On Thursdays, or 'Bonus Elf Day' as we call it in the office, twice as many Elf mice are released to the Festive Comet.
The Holiday Lights
This HUD element shows how close you are to defeating the 12 Mice of Winter.Mice that are caught are shown with a glowing light.
Mice that are released, but not yet caught, are a grey bulb.
Mice that are not yet released are faded mysteriiiooous silhouettes of lights.
I was literally LOLing at the exploding eggnog.
EDIT: Looks like they're dropping special items again this year . The Toy Mouse is dropping Frozen Fromage... I don't have it yet, and I've seen two people get so far. (DiGs
EDIT AGAIN: I guess that's the special cheese to catch the special mouse at the end?
And yet the egg nog is still in my inventory. Hmmm... Wonder if they will ever do anything with that. I did think that was hilarious though.
Some of the mice from last time will probably make an appearance. I wonder which ones.
If my judge of shadows is correct, then it looks as if the Scrooge mouse is going to be one of the mice released later in the month! That would be awesome, as I have yet to catch one of them!
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
Congrats on catching everything but the event mice Kat!
Also, HitGrabs "The 12 Mice of Christmas" calendar was pretty enough that I printed it off and stuck it to my wall.
Now I'm trying to decide if I should leave the area and go after the mice I haven't caught yet since I have several Toy Mice... except I don't know how important the Frozen Fromage will be. I haven't seen it yet but if it's the cheese for catching the final mouse, I'll stick around.