ETA: *squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee*
Strange reports of smoke rising from beyond the Lagoon's mountainous terrain... The King has sent scouts to investigate. Continue watching this space for more information.
Sweet! Since the Lagoon uses gnarly and wicked gnarly, I think I'm going to go ahead and set up shop in the Great Gnarled Tree and try and pick up some more wicked gnarly potions just in case. I've only got about 20 pieces of wicked gnarly and I could use some more if we have to go after the silth to get a loot drop to enter the new section.
I am guessing (and perhaps this qualifies as wishful thinking) that we won't need to catch the Silth Mouse (at least not again) to get into the new Baron area.
Two things I've heard in FBF in the past few months... One is that we Barons/Baronesses will likely have already completed whatever it is that's required to get in. Second, even after they were already working on the Baron area, they said that they had no immediately plans to have the Silth drop a map piece.
However, things do change from time to time, and it would be like them to make us catch that horrid mouse again to get into the new area.
So I may come join you here shortly Kat, if for no other reason than to stock up on more Wicked Gnarly potions for Tournaments.
@EtJ, no, the two are not comparable. The DDA trap is the best hydro trap in the game currently. The Candle trap is an ok physical trap. You'll need both.
@wolf, good luck getting the rest of the gold you need for those last two droid parts! Oh, and by the way, make sure when you go to craft Rumble cheese that you're using the recipe for three pieces instead of one!
Yeah. I don't plan on using the WG cheese unless we find out we have to go after the silth. I just want a stockpile in case. And of course for tournys. Gnarled is easier to get than WG I think.
Good luck wolf! The ambush is a great trap to have.
oh I didn't even know there was more than one recipe... thanks fk
*heads to wiki to investigate*
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
Wow, it seems like it has been ages since I've been in here.
I'm sooooo close to getting my 300 tier II cheese. I'll probably start using my hoard sometime this afternoon/evening.
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
Well, according to Wiki-- I need 18 Platinum bars for my DDA- at a whopping 60K each. (Not even considering the fact that the general store in Digby doesn't seem to sell them, so I'll have to shell out a bit of money for traveling.) I'm almost on level, but I suppose I'll have to wait a bit to save money.
"To the Great Western Wood, I give you...."
I finally crafted my ambush trap! Of course now I can't go anywhere because I used what was left of my gold... ah well I'll just have to deal with what I have....
Edit! The big downside is I wasn't able to participate in "Double Scrap Metal Weekend" which really is a setback because scrap metal is one of the biggest things I need right now...
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
Okay. For the Double SM weekend, I got a total of 28. Not too bad, considering I was only there for a day and a half...
Since then, I've moved back to the Nerg Plains to build my gold up. I've got about...607,000
Right now, I'm trying to figure out what my next plan of action is... I have no idea WHAT I should do...
I know that I have to get the Rhinobot at some point...guess I should work on that...
"No one's ever burned you, nothing's ever left you scarred and even though you want to, just try to never grow up." -Taylor Swift, Never Grow Up
@Wolf, congrats on your Ambush trap! I loved that trap so much.
@EtJ, I think I mentioned this to you ages and eons ago and you may have missed it, but trying to level in the Mountain and Laboratory is going to take you an eternity. If you want to level more quickly, and make money at the same time, you should hunt in the highest level places you can and get to the Catacombs. You may have to invest in some other traps along the way, but it will be worth it!
@DiGs, I saw you started in on Tier 2 yesterday/last night so I take it you hit your target cheese amount. Yay!
@Chloe, I remember feeling lost when I hit the Tribal Islands myself because there's soooo much to do. But really, it's just hitting a target amount of points, and then saving up the gold to get the trap/base that comes with those points. You can skip the Horrific Venus Mouse Trap and Ancient Spear Gun (unless you really want them) but you'll probably want the Tribal Base (to upgrade to the Tiki Base), the Rhinobot, and the Gorgon Trap. Plus farming for lots of seeds for the Jungle of Dread and Dracano mice.
Well I am two Puddlemancer mice away from a gold crown (bragging rights ), and then I'm gonna head back to the GGT for more Wicked Gnarly Potions. I'm anxiously anticipating the release of the new area. I have a million errands to run today and I don't wanna leave and miss its release. Pathetic... I know.
@Chloe, I remember feeling lost when I hit the Tribal Islands myself because there's soooo much to do. But really, it's just hitting a target amount of points, and then saving up the gold to get the trap/base that comes with those points. You can skip the Horrific Venus Mouse Trap and Ancient Spear Gun (unless you really want them) but you'll probably want the Tribal Base (to upgrade to the Tiki Base), the Rhinobot, and the Gorgon Trap. Plus farming for lots of seeds for the Jungle of Dread and Dracano mice.
Okay...I think I need to seriously write out a To-Do list...
I'll skip the Horrific Venus and Ancient Spear Gun and work on Tribal/Tiki Base, Rhinobot, Gorgon and pepper seeds...
"No one's ever burned you, nothing's ever left you scarred and even though you want to, just try to never grow up." -Taylor Swift, Never Grow Up
@DiGs, I saw you started in on Tier 2 yesterday/last night so I take it you hit your target cheese amount. Yay!
Yes! And I have been doing marvelously well at farming tier three cheese! I've used around thirty-two pieces of tier-two cheese thus far, and have already crafted 35 pieces of tier-three cheese! What is a good number for tier three cheese? (Obviously, I plan on using all of my tier two cheese, but I'd like to know whether I need to farm more before heading further up and further in )
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
Lets see, I caught 244 Tier 3 mice... no idea on how many stales.
By the way, the other day my brother started in on his Tier 3 cheese and out of about 40 or 50, he didn't get a single Tier 4 potion which I'm sure isn't right. He wasn't interested in reporting it to the devs so I don't know if he was just extremely unlucky or there was a problem, but I thought I'd pass that info onto you DiGs cause I'd hate for you to waste your cheese.
I finally crafted my ship today. But now I'm basically broke.
I'm in the Catacombs right now farming gold before I head over to the SS Huntington II. I really want to go over there now, I'm so excited to try some new levels, but I figured I'd better get a little richer first.
Lets see, I caught 244 Tier 3 mice... no idea on how many stales.
By the way, the other day my brother started in on his Tier 3 cheese and out of about 40 or 50, he didn't get a single Tier 4 potion which I'm sure isn't right. He wasn't interested in reporting it to the devs so I don't know if he was just extremely unlucky or there was a problem, but I thought I'd pass that info onto you DiGs cause I'd hate for you to waste your cheese.
244 eh? Well at this rate, I should have plenty of tier three cheese by the end of the week . I've used 45 pieces of tier II cheese thus far, and have already farmed 60 pieces of tier III cheese. I guess my good fortune wil come at the cost of having a horrible time gathering tier IV cheese potions
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
A game update will be applied shortly. The game may be unavailable for several minutes while the update is applied.
Game update? Hmmmm......
Could it be a new location?
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down