Please don't send me any gnarled potions. I have 45 that I've never used the way it is.
You haven't caught the Silth Mouse yet. Plus there are tournaments to look forward to as well.
You'll use them.
So my impatience is getting the better of me again. I've started stockpiling Platnium Bars for my Cackle Lantern Trap. For every 250,000g I make, I buy a bar. I'm up to a whopping 1 (will get a second later today) and will need 24 before all is said and done.
I shall probably pay for my impatience when they release the new Baron area and I'll need like 4,000,000g for the new trap(s).
I'm also starting to save up for my cackle lantern trap, FK. I've got just over 800,000 points to go before I can craft it, but of course, the real hindrance is gold. I've only got 366K right now, and have no real prospects of getting any more any time soon.
I'm still alternating between Balack's Cove and the King's Gauntlet. This morning, I broke the 200 mark when it comes to tier II cheese. A few more days, and I should have enough to start heading on up the ladder. Unfortunately, the mice in here aren't worth a hill of beans (probably not even a single bean ).
After I nab Balack (I've had two encounters with him thus far), I'll probably bounce back and forth between the Catacombs and the Gauntlet. Hopefully that'll help me get enough money to buy my cackle lantern. On the other hand, I may head over to Derr Dunes. I want the heat bath for the Seasonal Garden, and still haven't gotten the loot drop off of my dragons.
That being said, I have a question for the upper ups. My best shadow trap is currently the Gorgon Trap. My best hydro trap is currently the ancient spear gun. The cackle lantern is going to cost roughly 2.4 million to craft, and the heat bath is going to cost roughly 1.3 million to craft. So my question is, what should I do first? Will I get killed in Autumn of the SG using the Gorgon trap, more or less than I will get killed in Winter of the SG using the Ancient Spear Gun?
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
Yes, Wolf, I'm just giving FK a bad time. She can do everything and more than we do.
I suppose I should eventually move back to the islands. I have no idea how I'm doing right now--I've been so busy that I haven't really had time to keep track of my progress.
Avatar thanks to AITB
Nabbed myself another Derr Lich, meaning that it's time to go after Balack once again!
EDIT: Well that was miserable. . . not even an attraction for him
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
For those who haven't noticed yet, this weekend is going to be a special event weekend on Mousehunt. They used to do these on a fairly regular basis but haven't in a while so I thought I'd point it out.
This particular weekend is a double scrap metal weekend, so for those of you who still need scrap metal (read: if you don't have the Molten Shrapnel, Magma, or Spellbook Base) you should consider participating if you can.
They said details coming soon, but in the past when they've done this event, it's just been hunting in the Catacombs and the Scavenger and Terror Knight mice had a chance of dropping extra scrap metal. I don't know if they'll do something different this time around or not.
In other news, I'm making quite the gold haul in the Catacombs (yay!!) so that should help towards the upcoming Baron area. Probably once I run out of cheese, I'll head back to the Seasonal Garden/Z's Tower area again to work on points and leveling.
FK, could you answer my question? It's the last post on the previous page. I knew it would end up getting buried in the realm of the lost MH questions (I suspect acolyte mice have something to do with the phenomenon )
I just need 80 more pieces of Tier II cheese before I reach the ever so tempting 300 mark!!!! I'm excited!
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
That being said, I have a question for the upper ups. My best shadow trap is currently the Gorgon Trap. My best hydro trap is currently the ancient spear gun. The cackle lantern is going to cost roughly 2.4 million to craft, and the heat bath is going to cost roughly 1.3 million to craft. So my question is, what should I do first? Will I get killed in Autumn of the SG using the Gorgon trap, more or less than I will get killed in Winter of the SG using the Ancient Spear Gun?
The best setup you can get for Fall is Cackle/Molten, which you knew. But the best setup you can get for Winter is actually the Double Diamond Adventure/Molten. If you still want to shoot for the Heat Bath, that's fine, but the DDA will do about 1-2% better at catching winter mice.
But in answer to your question, both the ASG and Gorgon will be fine going in. Upgrading the ASG to Heat Bath is about 3% catch rate improvement for the Winter Mage (the hardest mouse). Upgrading the Gorgon to the Cackle is about 5% catch rate improvement for the Harvester (again, the hardest mouse).
So if it was me, I'd shoot for the Cackle first. Bigger improvement (cause Fall is the most painful season imho), and you don't have to rely on waiting for the HB blueprints to drop. If you decide to go with the DDA instead, I'd still recommend upgrading to the Cackle first.
Thanks for all of the great info, FK! I really appreciate it! It would be awesome if I was able to craft the cackle before heading into the shadow tier of the gauntlet, but I don't think that's going to happen any time soon
I'm up to 244 pieces of tier II cheese! Hopefully I'll have enough to change over to using that cheese sometime on Monday (or Sunday)
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
So, after having a semi-good run in the Derr Dunes, I bought more gouda cheese ane returned to the Nerg Plains. I've been here for over an hour, but I only caught one mouse. I was thinking, "Man, I'm having bad luck!"
...and then I realized I still had the Kaboom trap equipped, rather than the RR...Oh, what a blonde moment.
"No one's ever burned you, nothing's ever left you scarred and even though you want to, just try to never grow up." -Taylor Swift, Never Grow Up
^lol Clo! I just had a similar situation... I wanted to hunt in the Dojo for the first time, so I stockpiled a bunch of cheese in the Training Grounds, but I realized I wasn't catching any new species, I figured there must not be that many so I clicked the button to check and I thought to myself, but aren't all of these in the Training Grounds? What's the point of hunting here then? It took me until I ran out of cheese again to realize that I had actually never left the Training Grounds to go to Dojo XD
Needless to say I am being more careful this time
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
@Chloe and wolf, I have been known to move somewhere right before going to bed, and it's not til I'm up the next morning that I realize I either equipped the wrong cheese/trap/whatever and didn't catch a thing all night.
FBF today was.... a little weird. I think they were all too tired and too hyped up on coffee. At one point they started beat boxing Michael Jackson's Billy Jean (the scariest part was it was quite good...).
Anyways, they talked about tournies, Georgio specifically said that's his current project he's working on.
Nothing new on the new Baron area.
They did not and are not releasing Leprechaun mice ( ) due to an issue with the prize system.
The special weekend event of doubled scrap metal has already started and will end on Monday.
The Birthday event will also likely end on Monday.
That was about it.
ETA: *squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee*
Strange reports of smoke rising from beyond the Lagoon's mountainous terrain... The King has sent scouts to investigate. Continue watching this space for more information.
Today I was playing around with trap setups and I noticed that I seem to have randomly obtained the chocolate birthdaycake base with out recalling where I got it from...Hmmm... Maybe it was in one of the birthday gifts? Or else I didn't notice that it was dropped... Either way I'm not complaining
Strange smoke, huh? interesting
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
The Terrible Twos Mice dropped the Chocolate Birthday Cake Base this year. Actually, come to think of it, they did last year too. So that's where you would have picked it up.
Strange smoke, huh? interesting
Yeah, it's the new Baron area, I'm 99.9% sure. I'm soooo ready for some new stomping grounds.
After hearing that the Birthday event was ending, I decided to move and make some money. So I moved and yesterday, I realized I didn't have the Cheesecake base. Thus, rather foolishly, I ventured back to the Party and effectively broke the bank buying said base. But that's the bad news. The good news is I'm nearly back at 100K and even closer to the Hero title.
Oh yeah, I'm not participating in the double SM weekend. I should be, I suppose, but I lost too much money going back and forth already.
Edit: I've been waiting to upgrade my ETR for months and I'm almost at the level where it's possible. (Financially, on the other hand...) Now I'm wondering if I should bother. Is it comparable to the Candle, for instance?
"To the Great Western Wood, I give you...."
I have everything I need to build the Ambush trap...except 2 droid parts.... and I'm out of gold again so its back to the drawing board for me... A.K.A. The Laboratory.
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down