I haven't left the Town of Gnawnia yet because there's no shops at the windmill and I want to be sure I have what I need before I leave.
To make absolutely sure you know this... you can always go back to the Town of Gnawnia to get supplies. I do it all the time.
In fact, on your travel page, there is a tab that says Larry's Travel where Larry will return you to the Meadow for free. (The Meadow also has pretty much everything the Town of Gnawnia does except for Brie Cheese which you don't need at this stage)
While certainly not required, it's often to your advantage to go to the highest level area open to you because mice will drop higher amounts of gold or points or sometimes both.
In other words, you may make more money at the Windmill if you go there now than you would staying in the Town of Gnawnia.
So I just recently started to play this game. Thank you, Bother Eustace for introducing me to it.
...and it's the first game I've started and continued to play on Facebook. Haha.
It's pretty much amazing.
"No one's ever burned you, nothing's ever left you scarred and even though you want to, just try to never grow up." -Taylor Swift, Never Grow Up
Okay, thanks for the tip. That's definitely helpful to know.
"Of course we've got to find him (if we can). That's the nuisance of it. It means a search party and endless trouble. Bother Eustace." ~ Caspian, The Voyage of the Dawn Treader
Sig: lover of narnia
Okay, so I caught the Granite Mouse with the map piece this weekend and I became a Journeyman this morning. I also crafted the Dehydration Base and I am using it with the Trebuchet. I'm hunting in the Calm Clearing of Whisker Woods right now, but would it be a better idea to hunt in the Mountain? I am also saving up to buy the Swiss Army Trap.
Welcome to the game, Bother Eustace and Chloe! I'm a relative newcomer myself, but I love it!
I don't think I ever said welcome to the game on here to both Bother Eustace and Chloe
Always exciting to see more people play.
Okay, so I caught the Granite Mouse with the map piece this weekend and I became a Journeyman this morning.
I also crafted the Dehydration Base and I am using it with the Trebuchet.
Nice! I love that base. I can't remember if I said this in this thread or not (I think I did but I'm too lazy to go back and look) but the Dehydration Base is the best fresh rated base and the Explosive Base is the best stale rated base. Both will serve you well for a long time.
I'm hunting in the Calm Clearing of Whisker Woods right now, but would it be a better idea to hunt in the Mountain?
The Cyclops Mouse in the Calm Clearing drops the map piece that unlocks the Great Gnarled Tree. The Ninja Mouse in the Mountain drops the map piece that unlocks the Laboratory. You'll want both by the time you level again. So it really doesn't matter which one you go to first.
And now, the big news that just came out a few minutes ago....
The Festive Comet has been sighted in the distance! It's on its way to Gnawnia, and with it comes the start of the Great Winter Hunt 2010! Ready your traps and watch for more announcements!
Yaaaaaaaay!!!!! This event was soooo much fun last year and I'm soooo looking forward to it again this year!!
Ah, I see. Thanks FK! I'm not having much luck in the Clearing right now, but it's been only one afternoon so I'll wait a bit before trying my luck in the Mountain.
The Festive Comet? Sounds exciting. What exactly is the Great Winter Hunt? But I suppose I shall find out soon enough.
The Festive Comet is going to return! That is suh-weet!!!!!!!!!!! I cannot wait!
For any newcomers, the Festive Comet was a massive icy comet that crash landed outside the Town of Gnawnia last year. It contained several very strange breeds of mice, which dropped different loot items. When combined, these loot items yielded a new trap, (a very powerful trap too!). Without that trap (The Christmas Cracker Trap) I very likely wouldn't have gotten so far as quickly as I have! I can only imagine what another batch of Christmas cheer is going to bring us!!!!
In other news, I recently crafted a new hydro trap. The Ancient Spear Gun. . . although I'm still having trouble catching the upper level Elub mice
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
*goes back to first page and cracks up* Gnawnia? Wow....
I haven't ever heard of this game before. Maybe I'll have to give it a try. 'Tis addicting, you say?
av by dot
You'll have to let us know if you try it and what you think of it MountainFireflower. It's definitely not for everybody, but as far as I can tell, the people who do like it, REALLY like it.
So, I thought I'd share one of my secrets of power with everybody. It's not exactly a secret, but if you haven't stumbled across it by now, it's incredibly useful.
My favorite tools on this site include the Catch Rates tool (under Stats/Analysis) where you can put different trap/base/cheese/location setups in and compare the two, Best Setup Generator where if you're trying to catch one specific mouse you can enter all of the traps and bases you have and it will tell you which setup to use, and MH Analytics which is sort of a walkthrough for the various locations.
Now, because of the way these guys gather info, it takes them forever to update the site when new content is added into the game. Anything higher leveled or newer than the Dracano area may not be there. This includes the lowest level areas (Meadow, Town of Gnawnia, Windmill, Harbour, Mountain) because they were recently reworked.
But even with its few pieces of missing info, this site is incredibly helpful if you are stuck somewhere. But do be warned that if you're the type of person who likes to figure the game out for yourself, this site will walk you through everything and leave little for you to figure out on your own. So I look up most of the stuff as a last resort. Otherwise it wouldn't be as much fun for me.
Another tip to share with everybody is that the developers give away superbrie once every 24 hours (give or take a few hours) in a raffle. I highly recommend that you send out raffle tickets to all your friends who play every day. If you don't know how to do that, go to Hunting Group and click the Send Daily Raffle Ticket to your friends. For every ticket you send out, up to 20 tickets, you get a free ticket in return. My husband actually won one of their drawings last week, so that was pretty cool.
Oooh, secrets of power! Awesome. Looks like a good site to remember, though right now I'm still in the lower levels which are unfinished on Furoma.com.
This news of a Festive Comet and a Great Winter Hunt is all new to me (being a newbie), but it sounds like fun!
MountainFireflower, you should try it! You may find it very enjoyable, as I did.
"Of course we've got to find him (if we can). That's the nuisance of it. It means a search party and endless trouble. Bother Eustace." ~ Caspian, The Voyage of the Dawn Treader
Sig: lover of narnia
She already has a mobster.
I DO?!?!?!?!??!? * runs off to check her MH *
Welcome, Eustace and Chloë!
I can't wait for the Festive commet, either. I haven't checked the news, but do we have another trap to go for this year?
EDIT: I did! I did! I caught a Mobster Mouse!!! I never knew that!!! Thanks for letting me know, F_K!!!!! * is uber excited *
Avatar thanks to AITB
In case you had not noticed yet, the Festive Comet has crash landed just south of the Town of Gnawnia. If you haven't been here before, you should definitely head over to hunt in that location. (For those of us who were around last year, looks like the only thing that's available so far are Elf Mice, though they are dropping special ranked gifts.)
The official news post is here.
http://apps.facebook.com/mousehunt/news ... amp_banner
The festivities begin on November 29th!
Oh, and the new mice CRACK ME UP!!! "Missile Toe" "Snow Fort" "Slay Ride"
EDIT: They are using Gingerbread Cheese like they did last year, which you get from smashing Gingerbread Planks. Gingerbread Planks are sent to you by your friends. I'm watching my Hunting Group list and as soon as I see people arrive, I'm sending a plank. But if you run out, just let me know and I will send you more!
Ah, THAT'S where they came from. I couldn't remember. I think I may have a plank left from last year.... * goes to look. *
I can always use more, though. * is a little hog of gingerbread *
Avatar thanks to AITB
Ditto! Let me know if you need Gingerbread! I've moved over to the Comet. The new mice look interesting.
Send me gingerbread too please!
Found out that you can send the free gifts like normal as well.
Ha Ha! I'm so glad that the Candy Cane Base has been re-released! I've been wanting to buy the Aqua base because of it's high luck power, but the Candy Cane base has the exact same luck rating, and has a higher power, and fresher cheese rating!
Current Trap Setup:
Trap: Christmas Cracker Trap
Base: Candy Cane
Cheese: Gingerbread
Power: 3795
Power Bonus: 15%
Attraction Bonus: 5%
Cheese Effect: Extremely Fresh
Luck: 39
My luck has gone through the roof!!! It should help catching those Derr mice after the Christmas hunt is over!
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb