These Lich mice are driving me bonkers . I've caught 2/7 Nerg Lich, 1/2 Derr Lich, and 0/3 Elub Lich. I'm beginning to see why Balack is so difficult to catch; not only does it take forever to get the ingredients required to make the cheese that attracts him, but he's heinously strong too.
I've got 9 pieces of Vanilla Stilton left, and the tide is rising in Balack's Cove, so once that's gone, I think I'll head on out of here for the rest of the day. I think I'll try hunting in Derr using my rhinobot; I haven't really tried that out against the low-level-tribesman as of yet, and I'm going to need some more delicious stones if I want another go at a dragon.
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
Well I traveled to thre training grounds and caut the archer, kung fu, and samuri mice And the Kung Fu dropped the Ticket to the Bazaar
So before I hunt there....
What do I need to know about hunting in the Bazaar?
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
What do I need to know about hunting in the Bazaar?
It is the most boring place in the world to hunt and the only purpose it serves is to repair maps.
No, seriously, I think it was qwertykate88 that discovered that if you hunt there with Gilded Cheese, you'll make a nice amount of gold because of the amount of Master Burglar and regular Burglar mice that you catch (they drop orbs). So if you have Gilded cheese, that's a great cheese to use. If not, the only real purpose in hunting there is to catch the Burglar Mouse to get him to drop Gilded cheese so you can catch the Master Burglar (you need him to get into the King's Gauntlet).... if you're not interested in that, there's really nothing else to do there.
there's really nothing else to do there.
Except to drop heinously large amount of money by purchasing ionized salt . But for the most part, FK, is right. Don't waste time hunting there. Apart from the two burglar mice, you're not going to get anything new.
It's general store, however, will be used throughout the rest of the game, so plan on making frequent returns.
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
I don't suppose the burglar mouse drops gilded cheese anywhere else does he? I'm guessing not as he didn't when I first caught him...
But thanks for the info
EDIT: You guys forgot about Plankrun's Journal... but thanks anyway Besides those aren't my top priority at the moment...
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
It still does wolfloversk. It's just not a 100% drop rate. You just have to be patient.
Plankrun's journal has a lot of "cool-points" but apart from that it's fairly worthless .
I've switched over to Derr Dunes after a rather unimpressive stay in Balack's Cove. I now have three raisins of wrath, but none of the other ingredients necessary to craft any more VVS. I have plenty of vanilla beans still, but the tide was starting to rise, and I didn't feel like getting washed out to the JoD.
It's quite sad when you have a better catch rate in JoD then you do in Derr Dunes though . Since I've been here I haven't caught a single mouse. I had two stale cheeses and a pillage by a measly little grunt mouse. *sigh* Derr-Doldrums here I come
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
Well, I sold all of my orbs to a non-NW FB friend (we became friends solely for MH benefits), sold some worthless cheese, and I've been adding FB apps left and right.... so Gold-wise and SB+ wise, I'm doing quite well (I'll have 20 pieces of SB+ when the latest reward is credited). I still have some cheese to sell, but I want to wait awhile before moving to Digby where the cheese shoppe is.
As far as mice, I've caught all the mice in the Mountain and am waiting for the Black Widow in the Laboratory. I just got a Monster Mouse, which isn't new for me, but did drop some Living Shards, and some Brie cheese. I've also been catching five or six mice an hour on average.
"To the Great Western Wood, I give you...."
Plankrun's journal has a lot of "cool-points" but apart from that it's fairly worthless
I know, but it's cute and fun
Well having got what I need in the training grounds (at least I think I did... the only mice left are the black widow and all the super brie mice, and I got the map...) I headed back to the Lagoon to use up the rest of my gnarled cheese (I got a goblin too ) Now my question is when I run out should I use my wicked gnarly potions or not? My only tactical trap is the Mutated Venus Mouse Trap and I can't afford anymore yet. If not I'm gonna take another run at the cherry mouse, if so I'll stay here and see what kind of loot I can get. (*Looks pointedly and angrily in the direction of the Hydra)
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
I would head over to furoma right now and start in there, Wolf. Once you get the things needed to craft Ambush, you can come back, and you'll have much better success. That being said, the lagoon can be completed with the Mutated Venus Mouse Trap (except for the silth. . . which causes all traps to cower in fear)
EDIT: As I'm having more trouble keeping my bate from going stale with this trap setup (MSB + Rhinobot) I've switched back over to the tiki base for now. I got more power by doing so (at the expense of 2 luck), and shouldn't have as much stale cheese accruing. Generally, I'm fine with cheese going stale. . . but gouda is expensive stuff, and I have a 50% stale rate as of right now
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
I would head over to furoma right now and start in there, Wolf.
But I just got out of there...I went there this morning and I got the samuri, archer, monk, kung fu, and the ones I got before, I got the ticket to the Bazaar, all the other mice I think are superbrie only, except the black widow, and I haven't unlocked any of the other Furoma locations yet so I can't craft the Ambush yet...
The only thing I didn't get is the Dojo Notes from Plankrun's Journal.
Am I missing something?
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
Sorry, I meant the dojo, not furoma
. The two tend to be rather interchangeable when you haven't been there in a while. I didn't know that you did not have access to the rest of furoma yet. Perhaps unlocking the other areas in furoma would be a good idea for you
Sorry for the confuzzlement
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
No that's ok...
*Makes mental note to start saving gold...lots of gold....* Hmmm.... Maybe I should hit the Mouseleum again...
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
Glad you're looking forward to another story, FK.
After all of these recent purchases, I'm sitting at 52K gold.
I was down to about 50k too, with crafting the DDA. Now, I'm in the process of gathering the stats to see if it makes a difference in Elub or not.
I would have run the Gauntlet (meaning you catch both chess teams in one run which is nearly impossible to do) except I wasn't thinking and I equipped Checkmate cheese to give me a higher attraction on that second Queen.... I completely forgot about the Chess Master who I then caught and got ported out of the Tower.
Aww, that would have been great if you had done it successfully! Great run, anyway, it sounds.
If you want a change of scenery for a while, you can always head over to Elub Shores. Your Explosive Toboggan Ride will do just fine in there, and you'll gain a TON of points.
Hmm, that's where I am! I'm working on the stats comparing the Double Diamond Adventure and the Explosive Toboggan Ride right now. I hope to have them done before the weekend. I'm waiting to see if I have any huge drops (I got 5 shells dropped at one time, I believe. I went back to look, but my journal won't go that far back. ).
I had originally planned to use 100 gouda for each, and then compare the stats, but I just found out--the journal doesn't go back that far, anymore! There are only three pages of journal entries, not 8.
Avatar thanks to AITB
I got 5 shells dropped at one time, I believe. I went back to look, but my journal won't go that far back.
I really question this fact. The most I've ever heard of anybody getting is 3 at one time. But I could be wrong (usually am )
One thing that might be helpful, LA, is by looking at a 24 hour period (or longer) rather than by measuring via cheese use. That's the way that I have always done stats, and it usually gives pretty good results (at least. . . I'm typically pleased with the way they turn out).
I'm still dying in Derr. I'm catching about one mouse per hour, and have only gained 4 delicious stones since I got here. *sigh* I hate this place
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb