I actually discovered it by mistake, FK. I don't know why the link isn't on their front page, but if you google "Mouse Hunt Catch Rate Estimates," it is the first result that comes up.
Here is the link I've been using.
It's really great because they have added all of Ronza's new traps, and bases. They also added the charms.
I don't know if this is some sort of beta, but the information has been fairly accurate. It's prediction for my catch rate of MOJO's was nearly perfect (nearly ).
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
7:30 pm - Mousoleum
I caught my 10th Ravenous Zombie Mouse and earned a Bronze King's Crown!I can view my trophy crowns on my hunter profile.
Wait, it's not over yet
8:07 pm - Mousoleum
I received the title of Grandmaster!
I can now hunt at the Bazaar.
I can now hunt at the Training Grounds.
I can now hunt at the Dojo.
I can now hunt in the Meditation Room.
I can now hunt in the Pinnacle Chamber.
I can now hunt at the Lagoon.
I can now combine five items while crafting.
Oh it get's better
8:07 pm - Mousoleum
I sounded the Hunter's Horn and was successful in the hunt! I caught a 7 oz. Vampire Mouse worth 2,700 points and 900 gold.
Thus completing the Shadow Clan
So I'm thinking I'm gonna stick to my original plan: get the tactical trap, get the fairy mouse, then head to either the lagoon or the training grounds...
Anything I should know first?
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
Got my King and I'm outta ZT and back in the Seasonal Garden.
Thanks so much for the link DiGs, that's very cool, but after taking a peek at some of the upper level areas, I think you're right about it being a beta (which would also explain why it's not on the front page). Still, it's nice to have at least a guess and sort of a range to look at. Some of the numbers are pretty close to the site I use and some of them are off by 5-6%. Kind of fun to compare actually.
One thing I'm REALLY wishing somebody would add is not just catch rate, but also item drop rates. This would be particularly useful for places like the Tribal Islands where luck makes such a big difference.
ETA: Wolf, you and I have this amazing ability to post at almost the exact same time. Congrats on your King's Crown, Congrats on leveling *cheers* and very cool on the Vampire Mouse!!
Yes, I think your plan sounds excellent. How close are you to getting your tactical trap?
ETA: Wolf, you and I have this amazing ability to post at almost the exact same time.
We do! Why is that? Thanks for the congrats
Yes, I think your plan sounds excellent. How close are you to getting your tactical trap?
Um I think I need about 130,000 gold
So is the mouseleum still the best place for me to be to farm gold? Or is the training grounds any better?
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
No, the Furoma area is fantastic for points and leveling, but it is not good for gold. At least not until you get to the Master of the Dojo, but he's so far off that I don't count him. Plus you need a tactical trap for that area. The Mousoleum is still by far the best place for gold.
Here are stats on the Chitinous mouse: Using the gorgon trap I managed to catch 5/18. That makes for a percentage of 27.8%. Still better than what furoma.com said. Next up is the Jurassic mouse.
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
I made progress today...I collected enough splintered wood and crafted my dehydration base! I also caught a bunch of new mice from the Calm Clearing, including the Eagle Owl Mouse.
I was thinking I might head to the Mountain to hunt for a while...
Av and Sig by Aravis Autarkeia
Congrats on the Dehydration Base Silver! I remember using that base for forever. It's great if you don't want your cheese to go stale.
And congrats on the Eagle Owl Mouse as well! That one is pretty rare in the Calm Clearing. Did he drop a Cherry Potion? Also have you snagged the Cyclops Mouse yet?
That's awesome Silver!!! It took me a while to get the Eagle Owl, so congrats I highly recommend the Mountain (although if you haven't yet, you may want to try to get the Cyclops mouse first as he'll drop the Great Gnarled Tree Map) You may want to test your luck with Prospector's Charms. If you do I recommend only replenishing your supply each time you catch a Gold, Diamond, or Silvertail (if you are using Superbrie) ie. one charm per mouse caught. (Although you can extend this to roughly any mouse worth 500 + in gold but you'll make more of a profit I think if you go easy on the charms.) If you don't use any thats fine too
I noticed a difference when I used charms, but I never stuck around long enough or had the patience to calculate just what that difference was...
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
Ha! A gamble of mine paid off. I've been hunting in Furoma just for fun and to take the Rewers trap out for a spin. I crafted an unstable curd for the first time. The first time I did it, I got 20 RB. The second time, I got 12 Onyx Gorganzola! So instead of 15 pieces or so that I expected, I should end up with at least the 21 pieces I have now. I'm hoping to pick up one or two more mojos with the 9 pieces I have left. Should be a good solid amount of OG to go after the sensei again.
So far, of the six members of the dreaded hoarde (excluding the swarm of pygmy mice), the Jurassic mouse has been the second-easiest to catchv(falling behind the magma carrier, which has been the easiest thus far). The gorgon trap has 8/24 catches for a total catch rate of 33.3%. Next up is the Stone-Worker mouse. After all of this cheese is gone, hopefully we'll have some pretty decent statistics on just how good the Gorgon trap is!
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
I'm up to 95% Baroness. I've been trying to decide what I want to do when I get to Countess if the new area isn't out yet (I have a feeling it will be).
I had an idea though, that if they're going to be starting up tournaments again, I really ought to go back and restock some supplies that I'm low on, primarily potions. So I think I might try to do is every weekend collect two of each of the primary potions: Radioactive Blue, Gnarled, Wicked Gnarly, Gauntlet Tier 2, maaaaaybe Cherry. It'd give me something to do anyways.
I may even do it after the new Baron area is out.
In other news, corkboards seem to have exploded again. Is anybody's corkboard still working? I've noticed a lot of maintenance patches lately. I suspect they're getting ready for the new stuff they'll be putting into the game, and I'm afraid a lot of things are breaking in the meantime. Ah well, at least they'll get them fixed and not leave them broken like some other gaming companies I know *cough*Zynga*cough*
I just spent about 200,000 gold, putting me further and further away from my molten shrapnel base. However, they were necessary purchases. I bought enough ionized salt to make 75 Ancient Cheese. 400 pieces of Brie so that I can make Radioactive Bleu Cheese. 200 Power Charms. Some Charmbit (to craft antiskele charms which sell wonderfully on the marketplace!). So I'm currently hoverring around 300,000 gold. I still need 420,000 more gold before I can craft the molten shrapnel base.
Methinks I'll be spending a good deal of time in the tribal isles though. Now that the "pressure is off" so to speak, I find that I'm enjoying the area a lot more than I did the first time through.
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
I'm currently hunting in the Catacombs with the Obelisk of Slumber. Right now, I've got all the pieces necessary to craft the Obelisk of Incineration minus the blueprints (but I have enough gold to purchase the blueprints). So, I'd like advice: should I buy the blueprints and craft the Obelisk of Incineration? Is it a whole lot better than the Obelisk of Slumber? Looking over the stats, I see the OoI has some higher power and a bit more luck but less attraction and a much staler cheese effect. If I buy the OoI I'll have to smash my OoS, so is the extra power and luck worth it?
"Of course we've got to find him (if we can). That's the nuisance of it. It means a search party and endless trouble. Bother Eustace." ~ Caspian, The Voyage of the Dawn Treader
Sig: lover of narnia
I got to try the Obelisk of Incineration when I was helping out with the beta testing for Longtail, though I've never made it in the game. I was surprised at how much I liked it. However, what you need to decide Bother Eustace, is if you want to spend the money for a slight improvement, or if you want to save your gold to get the ACRONYM which would be a HUGE improvement, so that's up to you.
You CAN smash the Obelisk of Incineration to use those parts again later.