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[Closed] Mousehunt!!!

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The Wandering, Wild & Welcoming Winged Wolf Hospitality Committee

DiGs, Congrats on your successful scrap metal farming :D (and thanks for the comment about the avi ;) ) One never can get enough gold can they? I still need about 160000 myself for a tactical trap (give or take a few 10000) but I've been getting it really fast here in the Mouseleum, and I still have tons of radioactive blue cheese potions left so I'm doing pretty good. Since I'm here I'm hoping I might catch the Vampire Mouse in the meantime, thus completeing the Shadow Clan. Any suggestions on that? After I get enough gold I'm gonna buy the Venus Mouse Trap and hopefully that will turn around my luck in the great gnarled tree so that I'll a) make a profit there and b) catch the Fairy mouse with the Lagoon map.

"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down

Posted : February 22, 2011 4:13 am
Member Admin

@wolf, congrats on your Lycan Mouse!! :D And the map piece as well of course.

@Silver, cool, I hope DiGs and I didn't steer you wrong and the Swiss Army trap works well for you. Congrats on your first piece of wood!

@DiGs and Chloe, good luck on getting the rest of your gold and scrap metal. I also agree that you both will probably get the scrap metal first. ;)) But what's a few more days right? You'll probably both get done before the MH birthday bash in early March. :D

@Lady Arwen, I'd probably go for the DDA trap because you already have the CCT and that's better than the Onyx Mallet.
And the giant octopus is Zugzwang's pet guarding intruders against entering his tower. ;) (Or something like that hehe)


@Wolf, no, you can never have too much gold. ;)) The Vampire Mouse is maybe ever-so-slightly easier than the Lycan and you'll catch him eventually without having to do anything special. And while you should make a profit at the Great Gnarled Tree, Whisker Woods is a place for points, not gold, so don't be surprised if you don't see much of a gain in your gold supply. :) Hope you catch your fairy mouse soon! :D

ETA again: I'm finding it rather amusing that this time around in the Catacombs, I've gotten a couple more gold King's Crowns. ;)) This time one for the Ooze Mouse and one for the Keeper's Assistant. Which brings me up to a total of five gold King's Crowns there. I must hunt in the Catacombs a lot or something. ;))

Posted : February 22, 2011 4:21 am
Chloë Máiréad
NarniaWeb Junkie

But what's a few more days right? You'll probably both get done before the MH birthday bash in early March. :D

A few days isn't bad, considering I have no new places to check out yet anyway! :P

On another note, I only have 88 pieces of stale cheese left...which means I won't be able to craft many more pieces of Ancient Cheese...I have 66 pieces baited right now, and that'll last me maybe about 2 days. When I run out of Stale Cheese, I think I'll move out to the Catacombs and use some of my Radioactive Blue Cheese...

"No one's ever burned you, nothing's ever left you scarred and even though you want to, just try to never grow up." -Taylor Swift, Never Grow Up

Posted : February 22, 2011 5:25 am
Member Admin

I only have 88 pieces of stale cheese left...

I sent you five more this morning!! ;))

Posted : February 22, 2011 5:27 am
Chloë Máiréad
NarniaWeb Junkie

I sent you five more this morning!! ;))

Mm-hmm, you did! :)

My cheese effect is extremely stale, but my cheese doesn't go stale that I don't know what's up. :P I mean, I don't notice that it goes stale often. Maybe it does! :P

"No one's ever burned you, nothing's ever left you scarred and even though you want to, just try to never grow up." -Taylor Swift, Never Grow Up

Posted : February 22, 2011 5:32 am
The Logical Ornithological Mod Moderator Emeritus

My cheese effect is extremely stale, but my cheese doesn't go stale that I don't know what's up. I mean, I don't notice that it goes stale often. Maybe it does!

If you're hunting with ACRONYM in the catacombs, then this isn't normal. Paired with a decent base, you'll probably attract mice most of the time. If you attract a mouse, you won't get stale cheese. If you need to collect stale cheese, try equipping a base with an attraction rating of 0%. If that doesn't work, you can equip specialty cheese (like ancient, gnarly, etc...) in a location where no mice will come to them (like equipping gnarly in the dojo. . . nothing's going to come to it).

I'm up to 184 scrap metal, and 244,659 gold. But I'm going to have to make some more cheese before too long. . . which is going to set me back even more :P

Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb

Topic starter Posted : February 22, 2011 6:26 am
Chloë Máiréad
NarniaWeb Junkie

If you're hunting with ACRONYM in the catacombs, then this isn't normal. Paired with a decent base, you'll probably attract mice most of the time. If you attract a mouse, you won't get stale cheese. If you need to collect stale cheese, try equipping a base with an attraction rating of 0%. If that doesn't work, you can equip specialty cheese (like ancient, gnarly, etc...) in a location where no mice will come to them (like equipping gnarly in the dojo. . . nothing's going to come to it).

Then maybe I should switch out my Candy Cane base for something the explosive base? :P

"No one's ever burned you, nothing's ever left you scarred and even though you want to, just try to never grow up." -Taylor Swift, Never Grow Up

Posted : February 22, 2011 6:49 am
Member Admin

I really don't recommend purposely staling cheese to get.... Stale Cheese. ;)) First of all, your friends can send you five a day. Second, pretty soon you'll be getting your ship and heading over to the Tribal Islands where you will get MORE than enough stale cheese from hunting there (particularly in the Derr Dunes).

Posted : February 22, 2011 6:53 am
The Logical Ornithological Mod Moderator Emeritus

I really don't recommend purposely staling cheese to get.... Stale Cheese.

I don't know, I can see the benefits of doing it. I had over 400 pieces of stale cheese, and after an acolyte attempt I went down to 20. In my opinion, you can never have too much stale cheese.

Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb

Topic starter Posted : February 22, 2011 6:59 am
Chloë Máiréad
NarniaWeb Junkie

I really don't recommend purposely staling cheese to get.... Stale Cheese.

I don't know, I can see the benefits of doing it.

Haha! Okay, maybe I'll just use what I have and then wait and see where I end up. :P Worst comes to worst, I just won't have a lot of stale cheese for awhile. :P

"No one's ever burned you, nothing's ever left you scarred and even though you want to, just try to never grow up." -Taylor Swift, Never Grow Up

Posted : February 22, 2011 7:04 am
Member Admin

Yeah DiGs, but even you had several other things you could have done while waiting for your stale cheese supply to build back up. The King's Gauntlet, picking up low-leveled mice you missed, etc etc. Purposely staling cheese is kind of a waste of time and gold imho... especially now that your friends can send you 5 stale cheese a day (if they remember ;)) ).

Posted : February 22, 2011 7:17 am
The Logical Ornithological Mod Moderator Emeritus

The King's Gauntlet, picking up low-leveled mice you missed, etc etc.

Well I guess I thought it was a good idea, because I have a very specific track of what to do next at all times. If you're more care-free then I can see how your logic would work

especially now that your friends can send you 5 stale cheese a day (if they remember ;)) ).

That's a BIG "if" ;))

Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb

Topic starter Posted : February 22, 2011 7:20 am
Chloë Máiréad
NarniaWeb Junkie

I'm sure I'll get more stale cheese when I go through the Huntington. :)

A bit of exciting news, though. During one of my hourly trap checks, I caught a Scavenger Mouse and he dropped 7 runes! :) That's the most I've gotten so far with one mouse. :D Which brings my total count up to 34.

"No one's ever burned you, nothing's ever left you scarred and even though you want to, just try to never grow up." -Taylor Swift, Never Grow Up

Posted : February 22, 2011 7:38 am
The Logical Ornithological Mod Moderator Emeritus

Yeah it's always awe-inspiring to catch Scavenger mice like that while hunting in the grove. My record was 9 (so was FK's if I'm not mistaken). But I don't know whether or not FK's 9 was done with the runic base (as mine was). If 9 is the maximum that you can get without the runic base, then 10 is the maximum that you can get with the runic base.

So to those of you who bought the runic base when Ronza was here. . .congrats. To those of you who didn't, not a big deal; the candy cane base works just fine.

Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb

Topic starter Posted : February 22, 2011 9:39 am
Member Admin

If you're more care-free then I can see how your logic would work

That made me laugh, in a good way. Care-free is NOT how I would describe my hunting style.... Multitasking maybe? At any rate, I digress.... ;))

I caught a Scavenger Mouse and he dropped 7 runes!


My record was 9 (so was FK's if I'm not mistaken).

Now that's really interesting because I could have sworn that the absolute max you could get, even with the Runic base, was 8. (That's my record , but that was before the Longtail patch was added.) So maybe the max without the Runic Base is 8 and with it, it's 9? However, I can't find on any site anywhere that says what the maximum number of runes you can get is. I thought the Wiki had it, but if it still does, I'm not finding it. It would be interesting to find out cause now you've got me curious. ;))

ETA: The call of the Countess rank is just too great. :)) I've moved back to the Seasonal Garden and will be doing a Tower run here shortly. We'll see if I can make Countess before the new Baron area opens up. I'm at 93.66%. ;))

Posted : February 22, 2011 9:57 am
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