Wow Silver, way to go on leveling, catching new mice (particularly the rest of the event mice), and getting a new map piece to drop. What trap setup are you sporting these days?
Well, I still am using the Mouse Trebuchet and the Explosive Base. I have about 80k gold saved up, but I don't know if I should buy the Swiss Army Mouse Trap with it or save up for something else. I also saw in the description of the blueprints for the Dehydration Base that it needs four splintered wood. If this is a good base to get, where exactly might one find splintered wood?
Av and Sig by Aravis Autarkeia
I have about 80k gold saved up, but I don't know if I should buy the Swiss Army Mouse Trap with it or save up for something else.
I like that trap quite a lot actually. It will increase your catch rate enough that it should help you get the next trap even faster, so I'd recommend it.
where exactly might one find splintered wood?
The Treant Mice in the Calm Clearing drop them. Do you have the map piece to the Calm Clearing yet?
Random trap question: Is it going to hurt me at all that I don't have the Rewer's trap? Did I miss my only chance to get it?
"To the Great Western Wood, I give you...."
Mega conga rats go out to everybody who is celebrating MH victories right now. Chloe crafted ACRONYM, Wolf is doing well, Silver is doing spectacularly as she's only using the trebuchet (I echo FK's advice on purchasing the Swiss Army Trap). Mega kudo's to all!!!
I did marvelously well farming scrap metal over the weekend, and am now up to 175 pieces! That just leaves me twenty four pieces to go. I also purchased the rhinobot blueprints this morning. I'm now sitting in the meditation room with a very stale trap setup, and runic cheese as bait. Hopefully this will get me 16 more pieces of stale SB+ sometime today (meaning that I'll have a new trap today!!!!!)
Random trap question: Is it going to hurt me at all that I don't have the Rewer's trap? Did I miss my only chance to get it?
I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but I don't think that Ronza has ever brought a trap back for another trip. My guess is that you will not have another opportunity to purchase it. That being said, I completed most of the tactical trap areas in the game (Furoma and Nerg Plains being the two majour) without the Rewer's Riposte. My progression of tactical traps was as follows:
Venus Mouse Trap -> Mutated Venus Mouse Trap -> Ambush -> Thorned Venus Mouse Trap -> Horrific Venus Mouse Trap
The Horrific Venus Mouse Trap isn't bad as far as tactical traps go. What it lacks in luck, it makes up with power. Using it, I was able to catch a dojo sensei, as well as all of ther Nerg Tribe. So just because you didn't get Rewers, it's not the end of the world
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
Well, I've been hunting back and forth between the Forbidden Grove and the Acolyte Realm. I've been doing pretty well with collecting runes. I've got 22, 10 of which I picked up while I was sleeping last night.
My gold is steadily going up, too.
Next thing to check off on my to-do list: craft the SS Huntington II. And I've got a long way to go with that.
"No one's ever burned you, nothing's ever left you scarred and even though you want to, just try to never grow up." -Taylor Swift, Never Grow Up
Thanks Digs, and congrats to you too
The good news is I'm now at 73% Master
The bad news is I still need two maps
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
@Wolf, since you're so good at replying to posts, I"m guessing you missed my post at the bottom of the previous page. I was curious as to how you're liking the Mousoleum?
@Chloe, I've been watching your profile with great interest. So far it looks like the Candy Cane Base does a better job at gathering runes than the Runic Base does. Go figure. I'll have to tell my brother as he's also in the middle of rune collection right now.
@DiGs, I'll say CONGRATS!! now on your Rhinobot. It's actually in the top ten best looking traps in the game imho, and I think you'll really like the way it works too.
@EtJ, nope, Ronza never resells any of her stuff. The Tiki Base Blueprints is the first and only exception. It's not going to hurt you at all not having it. But you just won't have the bonus of having an exceptional tactical trap throughout the game.
@Chloe, I've been watching your profile with great interest. So far it looks like the Candy Cane Base does a better job at gathering runes than the Runic Base does. Go figure.
I'll have to tell my brother as he's also in the middle of rune collection right now.
I love the Candy Cane Base! I haven't changed it at all since I first bought it at the Festive Comet.
What I don't love, however, is Ionized Salt.
"No one's ever burned you, nothing's ever left you scarred and even though you want to, just try to never grow up." -Taylor Swift, Never Grow Up
I crafted my rhinobot around 12:15 today. Hopefully it will see me through the rest of the game. I currently own 175 scrap metal, so I've got 25 more to go before I can craft my molten shrapnel base. Farming those 25 pieces of scrap metal should also help me to generate enough gold to buy the platinum needed to craft it. After that, I'll probably hang out in the catacombs for a while. I'm going to be low on gold, but I want to head into Balack's Cove to test my luck.
EDIT: Make that 176 Scrap Metal
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
@Wolf, since you're so good at replying to posts, I"m guessing you missed my post at the bottom of the previous page.
I was curious as to how you're liking the Mousoleum?
Whoops sorry That must have been during one of my frequent edits. I'm liking the Mousoleum a lot actually, the only three mice I haven't caught yet here are the Black Widow (I doubt I will yet), the Vampire, and the Lycan (figures, that's the one I need). Defitinitly been getting a ton of gold here... and a ton of points, I was at 45ish% yesterday now I'm almost at 75% which of course means I've pretty much given up on getting both maps before I level up, so I'm just gonna try to get them both as quickly as possible.
6:18 pm - Mousoleum
I sounded the Hunter's Horn and was successful in the hunt! I caught a 7 oz. Lycan Mouse worth 9,250 points and 5,500 gold.The mouse also dropped the following loot:
1 Shredded Furoma Map Piece
Finally! So my plan now is to stay here and save up until I can afford a tactical trap and then try again at the Great Gnarled Tree to get the Fairy(sp?) Mouse. Good Plan?
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
Thank you for the advice, everyone! I went ahead and bought the Swiss Army Mouse Trap, and now I'm in Calm Clearing searching for splintered wood. I've gotten one already!
Congrats to everyone on your progress!
Av and Sig by Aravis Autarkeia
Finally! So my plan now is to stay here and save up until I can afford a tactical trap and then try again at the Great Gnarled Tree to get the Fairy(sp?) Mouse. Good Plan?
Yep, that sounds like a good plan to me! Congratulations on the map piece (and I must say, I LOVE your new avatar )
Thank you for the advice, everyone! I went ahead and bought the Swiss Army Mouse Trap, and now I'm in Calm Clearing searching for splintered wood. I've gotten one already!
The swiss army mouse trap is one of my favourite traps, design-wise. Hopefully it'll work for you!
I'm still farming scrap metal. Currently, I have 181 pieces, so I've just got 19 to go before I can craft my molten shrapnel base. The problem is that I need 720,000 gold worth of platinum, and only have 202,000 gold right now. . . so (I can't believe I'm saying this), I'll probably have the metal before I'll have the gold
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
I'm still farming scrap metal. Currently, I have 181 pieces, so I've just got 19 to go before I can craft my molten shrapnel base. The problem is that I need 720,000 gold worth of platinum, and only have 202,000 gold right now. . . so (I can't believe I'm saying this), I'll probably have the metal before I'll have the gold
Actually, I'm in the same boat! I'll probably have all my scrap metal before my gold. Of course, I'm working on crafting something different and I don't need as many pieces as you, but recently, the Scavenger mice are dropping pieces whenever I catch them.
What I need now is 8 pieces of scrap metal and about 320,764 more gold. I have 235,386 gold currently.
"No one's ever burned you, nothing's ever left you scarred and even though you want to, just try to never grow up." -Taylor Swift, Never Grow Up
Well, I'm back in the Tribal Isles. After I run out of gouda, I'll use up my gumbo and move on. I want to craft my double diamond adventure, and I'm somewhat itching to use my onyx mallet blueprint. Any thoughts on which to do first?
Also, I found a few days back that there is another part of my map that suddenly appeared, but it does not have any locations on it. It's a big octopus and a castle-y rune-y thing. Anyone know what that is???
Avatar thanks to AITB