I finally hit the Initiate status!
I'm using the Mouse Trebuchet and Stone Base. Is it worth upgrading to the Exploding Base?
Congrats on leveling up!! The exploding base is a bit stronger and offers an attraction bonus. So it's a good one to have. Should serve you well for a bit.
Eep! I missed your post Silver! Good thing Kat caught it. Congrats on Initiate from me as well.
Yes! I definitely recommend the Explosive Base. My favorite thing about it is its stale rating. Being able to get lots of stale cheese will become really important really soon. Also, when you reach Journeyman, the Dehydration Base is a good one to have as well.
And Lady Arwen, I got a sneak peek of your story, but it was well worth reading through a second time. Completely cracked me up!! (I showed my husband as well and he also thought it was hilarious
Bother Eustace, congrats on both the Master of the Dojo and the Dojo Sensei!!! Woohoo!!
DiGs, I don't dislike using Radioactive Blue cheese, I just hate farming for the potions.
I CAUGHT MY ACOLYTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*Regains composure*
*still attempts to regain composure, as first attempt was futile*
So, in case you didn't guess, I caught an acolyte mouse, and have crafted the Ice Maiden trap. My mysterious box also contained 60 pieces of rumble cheese, so I figured that I'd go ahead and use that up by hunting in the pinnacle chamber using RR, Tiki Base and Power charms. Hopefully that will build up my gold supplies after this gold-spiral I've been in recently .
Once that's used up. . . I'm going after a dragon
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
Haha no problem, FK. I went ahead and bought the Explosive Base - I'll see how it works! Thank you and Kat for the advice!
I caught another Red Envelope mouse today, but nothing more so far.
Av and Sig by Aravis Autarkeia
There are a lot of members on here with whom I'm not friends on FB (and hence, I cannot send you any gifts).
If you would like to be friends with me on FB, shoot me a PM, and I'll send you a request (or send you my name so that you can request me. . . whatever
Ditto. Shoot me a PM if you'd like to be my FB friend for Mousehunt purposes!
Boy, I feel like I'm on a yo-yo. I've gone from catching one or two mice an hour to already catching 3 since 5 PM EST.
"To the Great Western Wood, I give you...."
I CAUGHT MY ACOLYTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So, in case you didn't guess, I caught an acolyte mouse, and have crafted the Ice Maiden trap.
Congratulations Digs!
You're welcome Silver!
*sigh* It's fall in the seasonal garden. That season is always a pain.
Rabbit down, thanks to our favorite ModKat and her generous donation of SB+.
And I believe that leaves me finished with the mice for the event. Whew!
"To the Great Western Wood, I give you...."
Well I just used what was left of my superbrie and.... did not catch the Rabbit
But I caught the Romeo... 2 to go I believe...
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
Woot! One of the mice finally dropped a piece of scrap metal! It's just one, but that still makes me happy.
I just caught the Dojo Sensei!
Congrats, Boe!
I CAUGHT MY ACOLYTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Good for you, Digs! That's how I felt when I finally caught the Assassin. Haha.
"No one's ever burned you, nothing's ever left you scarred and even though you want to, just try to never grow up." -Taylor Swift, Never Grow Up
HAH I Got It!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Now I just need the Juliyes and I'll be all set (by it I mean the Rabbit )
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
At the moment I'm in town earning money. I'm finally 50% of the way through Legendary, which has been horrendously slow, but I guess I've been learning patience!
"To the Great Western Wood, I give you...."
So, I know that a lot of questions have been raised about the Rewer's Riposte as a trap, so I'm going to add a bit more to the statistics.
I recently recieved 60 rumble cheese from a Mysterious Box (dropped by the Acolyte Mouse). Here are some statistics from those 60 encounters with the Master of the Dojo Mouse:
Successful Catches: 20/60 (33.33333333%)
Missed Catch + Plunder of Points: 10/60 (16.66666667%)
Missed Catch + Plunder of Gold: 13/60 (21.66666667%)
Missed Catch + No Plunder: 16/60 (26.66666667%)
Cheese Went Stale: 1/60 (1.66666667%)
Total Gold Loss: 17,905.
Average Gold Loss Per Missed Catch: 1,377.
Total Point Loss: 39,535
Average Point Loss Per Missed Catch: 3,954
Net Profit (Points): 278,965
Net Profit (Gold): 528,905
Total time spent: 23 Hours
Average Gold Gained Per Hour: 22,996
Average Points Gained Per Hour: 12,129
So there are some statistics for ya. . . . nobody probably cares
Oh, and by the way. . . . . . . . I caught my dragon mouse!
EDIT: Make that two dragons . Unfortunately, the dragon's chest from the second one was pretty empty. . . no Heat Bath Blueprints
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
No way! I just caught the Romeo Mouse! Its difficulty level for my trap set is "Overpowering", so I never thought I'd get it! *is still in shock*
I also caught the Costumed Tiger earlier.
Av and Sig by Aravis Autarkeia
lo0l Silver! If you have enough luck you can get stuff that's overpowering from time to time. That's why I prefer luck over power, it helped me get a lot of mice that said "over powering" for example, the Burglar, Cyclops, Eagle Owl, Romeo...
Still waiting on the Juliyes mouse, then I'm either gonna stick around in the town of Gnawnia or head to the lab again... Probably the earlier because there's a cheese shop right here so I won't have to worry about travel costs.
@EtJ I almost wish I had that problem, I'm starting to worry that I'll level up before I get the maps I need...
Edit: Or I can go to the mountain, and take another shot at the mice there... oh decisions, decisions...
By the way, what's the best place for a Master to farm gold? And please don't say the Great Gnarled Tree... I have no tactical trap, and I've been losing money there... Calm clearing hasn't been much better and I haven't tried to get the Gauntlet map yet... So that kind of limits the choices a little. Personally I think my best luck has either been in the mountain (given the right strategy), the lab, or maybe the Town of Gnawnia. I haven't tried the Town of Digby very much yet, just because getting enough limelight seems like it will be a costly adventure in terms of both time and gold... And I'd rather save up enough to get a tactical trap first, but if you all say otherwise I'll consider it...
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
Masters are able to hunt in the Mousoleum, Wolf. That's the best place for you to hunt, but you'll need a shadow trap to hunt there. I'd advise you to buy the Sinister Portal (140,600 gold).
If you don't have the money now, then you're best (in my opinion) to farm gold is in the mountain using your strongest physical trap. There are rather a lot of gold and diamond mice in there, which will also allow you to collect orbs (which can be sold on the marketplace for even more money).
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb