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[Closed] Mousehunt!!!

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Any further suggestions as to plotting my course?

;)) @ feedback thus far.

Well, when I was at your level, I rotated areas. Nerg, Elub, Derr, and Forbidden Grove. Or rather, collect seeds and runes. It made it a lot more interesting for me to do it that way so I wouldn't get bored out of my mind and/or frustrated in one area. You don't seem to have the problem of just sitting in one place for a long time Wren so if you prefer to do it that way instead of rotating, by all means, go for it.

Also, something to keep in mind, you've reached the point where you're at the mercy of the amount of points you have.... sort of. ;)) Normally, you'd be concentrating on gaining points to upgrade your traps, but as you already have the luck equivalent traps, that's not going to be an issue for you.

Rewer's Riposte (luck) = Zugzwang's First Move (power)

Explosive Toboggan (luck) = Ancient Spear Gun (power) >>>
Double Diamond Adventure (luck) = Heat Bath (power)

Christmas Cracker Trap (luck) = Rhinobot (power)

To weigh in on Kat and DiGs' debate over the CCT vs Rhino, they're both right. ;)) Kat hunted in the Derr Dunes with the CCT and Magma Base which is really quite good. DiGs however, did not have the Magma Base... if I recall correctly he used the Gingerbread Base? (which was the best he had), and the CCT + Gingerbread Base is a less-than-awesome combination, which is why he didn't have much luck with that trap. ;))
The fact of the matter is, you don't have much of a choice on what trap to use in Derr because you can't even consider the Rhinobot til you reach 16mil points. So you have plenty of time to test out the CCT for yourself to see how you do with it (pair it with your Candy Cane Base). If you absolutely hate it, build the Rhinobot (pair it with the Tiki Base you don't have yet). If the CCT works for you, skip the Rhinobot, it's incredibly pricey. I'm guessing you will do better than DiGs but not as good as Kat with it.
Really, all I know is that I don't want to hear any whining about the Derr Dunes because when I first got there, the best setup available to me was the Digby Drillbot and Explosive Base. :-l And that was what I used until I crafted my Rhinobot. And then of course almost immediately afterwards they released the Magma Base/CCT/Chrome Drillbot..... which made the area relatively easy. :P So yeah, no pity here from me. :))

ANYWAYS, your currentish ( ;)) ) to-do list looks something like this....
Collect Seeds from the Tribal Isles and Runes from the Forbidden Grove.
Upgrade your Explosive Toboggan to the Double Diamond if you have all the materials for it (I'm pretty sure you do).
Buy the Tribal Base (14mil points required) and upgrade to the Tiki Base (if you didn't buy these blueprints they're available on the marketplace).

Good Luck!! :D

Posted : February 10, 2011 4:26 am
The Logical Ornithological Mod Moderator Emeritus

DiGs however, did not have the Magma Base... if I recall correctly he used the Gingerbread Base? (which was the best he had), and the CCT + Gingerbread Base is a less-than-awesome combination, which is why he didn't have much luck with that trap.

I tried the CCT coupled with all kinds of bases, and it never did me any good. I tried it coupled with the gingerbread (prior to the great winter hunt) due to the fact that it was my best base. That did attrociously! After the great winter hunt, I switched over the candy cane base (which has higher luck but less power than the Gingerbread base), which also didn't go over very well. I did slightly better after I was able to craft the tiki base, which gives pretty good luck in the dunes (due to it's special property), and also has an insane amount of power bonus. This combination did the best for me of all the combinations that I tried.

*wonders if anybody saw my question about the King's Gauntlet up above ;))*

I'm not having the best luck in the gauntlet thus far. I'm catching mice, but none of them are dropping the tier two potion. So far, I've only gotten one potion drop, and unfortunately, it only converts 4 pieces of cheese at a time.

EDIT: I just got another potion, taking my tier-2 cheese count up to 8 pieces.

Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb

Topic starter Posted : February 10, 2011 4:37 am
Member Admin

*wonders if anybody saw my question about the King's Gauntlet up above *

Nope, I missed it.

Any advice on how to run this gauntlet? How many of each cheese should I accrue before attempting to run the next tier?

There are two things that are EXTREMELY important to this area: Patience and luck. The first I don't have at all and the ONLY reason I did a successful first time run was because I was stuck collecting potions and couldn't move on because they were releasing one or two tiers a week.... and also because I donate $1 each month to the game to keep the golden shield.

If you do not have the golden shield and don't plan on getting it for this area, I'd start off with a minimum of 100 Tier 2 potions before proceeding to the next level... I'm not joking. If you run out of potions/cheese around Tier 6 or Tier 7, you'll be starting the Gauntlet all over again from the beginning. This is why the area is hard. You MUST have patience.

Secondly, luck is everything here (with attraction close behind if your setup is stale), I cannot stress that enough. These mice are easy to catch so having a more powerful trap just isn't very important... it's all about potion drops which luck increases. Luck charms.....

If you would like to look through my profile DiGs to add up how many mice I caught in each tier before I advanced, that will give you some idea of what you're looking at needing to catch. Just remember that I ran the Gauntlet with the Golden Shield.

Posted : February 10, 2011 4:57 am
Lady Arwen
The Mermod Moderator

Now I don't know who to listen to, since you're all right!!! =)) lol. I'll probably flip a coin as to who's advice to follow, or something. ;))

Okay, so, as I mentioned before, I have spring fever. Apparently, so does PR. The two of us are doing an informal competition to see who will catch a Dojo Sensei first, so we're both back in Furoma. ;)) For the record, I have attracted a Sensei, but not captured.

Avatar thanks to AITB

Posted : February 10, 2011 5:04 am
The Logical Ornithological Mod Moderator Emeritus

Well I'm also running the gauntlet with the golden shield. Whenever you complete an offer for Super Brie, you also get the lucky golden shield for 29 days. So that's at least one thing in my corner.

Seriously, though? 100 potions? That's like 400 pieces of cheese!?!? That's a WHOLE lot. Any ways, I guess patience is a virtue in this case. . . a virtue of which, like you, I'm running a bit scant ;)).

Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb

Topic starter Posted : February 10, 2011 5:05 am
Member Admin

Well I'm also running the gauntlet with the golden shield

If you've got the Golden Shield, you can scale back Tier 2 potions a bit. It took me 306 Tier 2 mice to catch 1 Eclipse Mouse. Stale cheese not taken into account.

Okay, so, as I mentioned before, I have spring fever. Apparently, so does PR. The two of us are doing an informal competition to see who will catch a Dojo Sensei first, so we're both back in Furoma.


Posted : February 10, 2011 5:29 am
Member Moderator

Didn't get the page drop on the last mystic king I dropped, so here I go again. Hope I get it this time. Last time was a stretch trying to catch a king.

I'm one of those who kept having to go back to the beginning and start all over again on the gauntlet. Fantasia can tell stories about the amount of whining I did. ;)) The more tier 2 potions, the better. Besides, the Eclipse mouse is worth an insane amount of gold and points, so if you end up with a bunch of tier 8 potions, that's not a bad thing. ;)

Good luck you two on your competition!

Posted : February 10, 2011 5:46 am
Member Admin

Lady Arwen asked me how power bonus figures into your trap setup and I'm gonna go ahead and answer it here where everyone can see it.

Lady A, your current setup is Rewers + Gingerbread + no charms + golden shield, so that's what i"m gonna use.

Rewers Riposte
Power 2,900
Power Bonus 15%
Attraction 5%
Luck 25

Gingerbread Base
Power 225
Power Bonus 8%
Attraction 0%
Luck 4

Golden Shield
Luck 7

Just add them together....
Power 3,125
Power Bonus 23%
Attraction 5%
Luck 36

And the way power bonus figures in is that you have another 23% power onto your current existing power. How's your math skills? ;))

3,125 (power) * 1.23 (power bonus) = 3,843 (Your total power)

You can double check me because your Camp page will automatically do the math for you. If you look under Your Current Setup, the Trap Power will include the power from your power bonus.

Posted : February 10, 2011 6:18 am
Lady Arwen
The Mermod Moderator

Okay, now I feel silly, as it is there on my page. ;)) glad we made you laugh, though. :P

Avatar thanks to AITB

Posted : February 10, 2011 6:45 am
Member Moderator Emeritus

I know a few peole have the mobile horn app. Are any of you having connect with Facebook issues? I have been lately and I don't understand why.

In other news my ACRONYM is paying off nicely.

"All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a Thousand Enemies. And when they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you..."
Inexhaustible Inspiration

6689 posts from forum 1.0

Posted : February 10, 2011 7:41 am
The Logical Ornithological Mod Moderator Emeritus

There's a message going across the top of the page that a game update is forthcoming, which I interpret as "The Valentines Day/ Lunar New Year event is about to start."


EDIT: Yeppers, it's the valentines day event!

There are 7 event mice (some of which are dropping loot), and two new charms. A small event to be sure, but it should be fun any ways.

Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb

Topic starter Posted : February 10, 2011 10:12 am
Member Admin

Fantastic.... I'm in Zugzwang's Tower too. Well, I'm at one Rook Mouse right now so that means it could go really fast can snag the other Rook, the Queen and the King and be outta there, but that often takes forever.

I shall give it til tomorrow morning and if I don't have the mice by then I'll go ahead and leave. I guess I wasn't expecting the event to start til the weekend but that's ok. ;))

EDIT: There's my second Rook. Just the Queen and King to go!

Posted : February 10, 2011 12:00 pm
Member Moderator

I've moved over to the Training Grounds for the event. I will probably bounce back and forth between it and the seasonal gardens till the event ends. I'm using Rewers/Magma with Brie armed. Should work right?

Posted : February 10, 2011 12:23 pm
The Logical Ornithological Mod Moderator Emeritus

It should, Kat. I'm using Rewers, Candy Cane Base with Swiss and am doing fine.

I've already caught two Romeno mice (which are dropping cheese as one of them dropped a piece of swiss and the other dropped a piece of marble), one cupid (which dropped an attraction candy and two valentines charms), and two red envelope mice (which dropped red envelopes, which contained 222 gold each).

Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb

Topic starter Posted : February 10, 2011 12:29 pm
Member Moderator

Thanks Digs. Nice catches. :) One Romeno and one Cupid so far for me.

Posted : February 10, 2011 1:45 pm
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