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[Closed] Mousehunt!!!

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Any tips on catching them?

I would hold off on these guys. . . they're just too strong.

Chloe, you can catch some of the mice with a lower level physical trap.

I was chuckling last week as I was watching Chloe, Phoenix, and my brother all hit the Town of Digby at about the same time (and there were one or two other people as well though I forget who...). Both Chloe and Phoenix used the Rewers Riposte and just rocked the place out. :)) I suggested it to my brother and he switched over as well. That trap does AMAZINGLY good there, but at the same time, not one of you caught the BBB with that trap. Whether that was just coincidence or not, I don't know. The BBB is one of the hardest mice in the game, so using the wrong trap type may be why no one snagged him.

The BBB was designed to be caught with a physical trap. But with the addition of all of the new Halloween, Christmas, and Ronza traps, most of the sites I go to for numbers are all gathering and reprocessing data to incorporate those new traps. So I don't know if the Rewers trap with all of its ridiculous luck may be better than say... the Rhinobot (the best non-LE physical trap in the game)? Rewers certainly did a ridiculously good job at catching the lower level mice there.

AND with the addition of charms, I no longer know what to expect out of an area. I couldn't believe how fast DiGs motored through the Jungle of Dread yesterday using his Gorgon Trap and Power Charms.

So Chloe, I know you have more than enough Sludge to spare. :P If you want to try again with your Rewers Trap, Candy Cane Base, and tack on a few Luck Charms as well, you should AT LEAST easily be able to get the Subterranean Mouse (I think he's easier than the Itty Bitty Burroughs Mouse you have caught) if not the BBB Mouse. :) But if you don't manage to snag him again, the first trap I know can catch the BBB Mouse is the Onyx Mallet Trap.

Of course, the one downside to going there now Chloe, is that you'll barely make any gold at all. The mice drop lots of gold, sure, but crafting Limelight cheese along with any charms you use, you'll barely make any profit. (Not that that would change later on, but still.... just so you're aware.)

So far, the best I've caught are the Steel, Gold, and Pugilist mice.

Hey, that gold mouse is pretty tough that early in the game, not to mention worth a nice amount of gold. Congrats!! :D

I caught another cyclops mouse which dropped the cherry cheese potion, I'm trying cherry cheese now, but no luck and only one piece left Next time I get some I think I'll try to save a little stockpile.

Something else to consider, Cherry Potions are one of the potions in the game that get higher conversion rates when you level. So say you can make 2 pieces of Cherry Cheese now (I really have no idea how many you can actually make), when you level, each potion will let you make three instead. Just an fyi there. :)

I've currently got 12 pieces of inferno havarti. How many would you guys reccommend before heading to dracano?

You'll need about 300,000,000 pieces of cheese along with all of your Ultimate Luck Charms. Even then, it may not be enough, so don't be discouraged if you don't catch him in the next year or two...... :P ;))

Seriously though, I don't know what to expect. Charms have completely messed up my mental ideas of really hard mice. :P ;)) Plus, both my husband and my sister caught him on their first trip over there... between 6-12 pieces for each of them. So I'm gonna tell you the same thing I told dotK yesterday, you can't have too many pieces of cheese.

What do I have to have before going to the Lagoon?

I do not want to come across like I'm picking on you here. ;)) But the other day I sent you a pretty large PM about reading the location description in each of the areas. So my suggestion for you is to hop on over to the Lagoon really fast, and read the description of the area, and see if you can figure out what kind of trap and cheese you'll need. :D Then let us know if you have any further questions on the area!! (P.S. I still owe you another PM, I'll try to get that done today!)

Posted : February 2, 2011 3:21 am
The Logical Ornithological Mod Moderator Emeritus

Oddly enough, I didn't use a physical trap to catch the Big Bad Burroughs. I used ACRONYM, which leads one to wonder just how the Rewers Riposte is going to do against the BBB. . . perhaps it is possible.

I couldn't believe how fast DiGs motored through the Jungle of Dread yesterday using his Gorgon Trap and Power Charms.

I'm awesome. . . I know ;) :P Seriously though, I had a better rate of gold-farming over in Jungle of Dread than I have had in the Catacombs. . . how freakish is that?

Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb

Topic starter Posted : February 2, 2011 3:28 am
Chloë Máiréad
NarniaWeb Junkie

So Chloe, I know you have more than enough Sludge to spare. :P If you want to try again with your Rewers Trap, Candy Cane Base, and tack on a few Luck Charms as well, you should AT LEAST easily be able to get the Subterranean Mouse (I think he's easier than the Itty Bitty Burroughs Mouse you have caught) if not the BBB Mouse. :) But if you don't manage to snag him again, the first trap I know can catch the BBB Mouse is the Onyx Mallet Trap.

Of course, the one downside to going there now Chloe, is that you'll barely make any gold at all. The mice drop lots of gold, sure, but crafting Limelight cheese along with any charms you use, you'll barely make any profit. (Not that that would change later on, but still.... just so you're aware.)

Hmm...I haven't had any luck with Monster mice. I think I've caught one since I started playing, so I've had to buy all the living shards for the Limelight cheese...after a while my gold disappears...which is why I'm afraid to try more right now. :P

I have been using luck charms, but all I catch is mice that I've already caught. So I think I'll stay in the Mousoleum for a few days, then move onto the Training Grounds and then the Pagoda and...hopefully catch the Dojo Sensei in the future to get the Onyx Mallet blueprints. THEN try my hand at the BBB. :)

Or should I go to the Catacombs?

"No one's ever burned you, nothing's ever left you scarred and even though you want to, just try to never grow up." -Taylor Swift, Never Grow Up

Posted : February 2, 2011 3:54 am
The Logical Ornithological Mod Moderator Emeritus

So I think I'll stay in the Mousoleum for a few days, then move onto the Training Grounds and then the Pagoda and...hopefully catch the Dojo Sensei in the future to get the Onyx Mallet blueprints. THEN try my hand at the BBB.

Or should I go to the Catacombs?

I would definitely advise against hunting in the catacombs until you've hit the dojo. The catacombs more or less requires an arcane trap (such as the Obelisk of Slumber), and if you're struggling for gold then it'll be much more economically sound for you to head to the dojo (especially if you have the rewer's riposte).

Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb

Topic starter Posted : February 2, 2011 3:57 am
Chloë Máiréad
NarniaWeb Junkie

Mm, 'kay. :) I'll head to the Dojo when I'm ready. Still gotta catch that stupid Vampire mouse! :P My brother caught one with the same setup I'm using and the mouse just stole some gold from me, so now I'm just waiting to catch him...

"No one's ever burned you, nothing's ever left you scarred and even though you want to, just try to never grow up." -Taylor Swift, Never Grow Up

Posted : February 2, 2011 4:06 am
The Wandering, Wild & Welcoming Winged Wolf Hospitality Committee

fantasia_kitty, Thanks for that info, and actually you got the conversion rate right. I can make 2 pieces of cherry cheese at a time right now. Well in that case then, I'm definitely stockpiling potions.

"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down

Posted : February 2, 2011 4:25 am
Member Admin

Or should I go to the Catacombs?

I would definitely advise against hunting in the catacombs until you've hit the dojo.

Agreed. The Master of the Dojo drops a piece of the ACRONYM trap. That trap turns the Catacombs into a gold mine. :D

Still gotta catch that stupid Vampire mouse!

Good luck! :D

Thanks for that info, and actually you got the conversion rate right.

Wow, lucky guess. :)) Hey, maybe you'll snag the Eagle Owl Mouse!

Posted : February 2, 2011 6:17 am
Chloë Máiréad
NarniaWeb Junkie

Agreed. The Master of the Dojo drops a piece of the ACRONYM trap. That trap turns the Catacombs into a gold mine. :D

Ooh, shiny. :P Okay, I'll definitely go to the Training Grounds next! :P

"No one's ever burned you, nothing's ever left you scarred and even though you want to, just try to never grow up." -Taylor Swift, Never Grow Up

Posted : February 2, 2011 6:24 am
The Wandering, Wild & Welcoming Winged Wolf Hospitality Committee

Hey, maybe you'll snag the Eagle Owl Mouse!

Well if I do it's not gonna be with cherry cheese cause I used them both and didn't get any more cyclopses, eagle owl, or cherry mice :( but on the bright side I'll be able to go to the Great Gnarled Tree soon. I'm a Journeyman at 90.67%, which means I should level up either tonight or tomorrow.

"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down

Posted : February 2, 2011 6:30 am
Lady Arwen
The Mermod Moderator

Chloë, just so that you know, vampire mice are also in the catacombs, and you will get a bunch of them there, so if that's the only thing holding you up, don't let it. :)

Avatar thanks to AITB

Posted : February 2, 2011 7:04 am
Member Admin

Okay, I'll definitely go to the Training Grounds next!

You meant the Dojo right? ;) (Pretty sure you're done with the Training Grounds) ETA: LOL, I glanced at your profile. I see why you want to go back there. There is only one mouse there that isn't in the Dojo (the Dumpling Chef) but he can only be caught with SB. There are a couple locations in the game that are there for two reasons, map pieces, and shops. The Training Grounds is one of those places.

Well if I do it's not gonna be with cherry cheese cause I used them both and didn't get any more cyclopses, eagle owl, or cherry mice

Sorry, I wasn't very clear. The Eagle Owl DROPS Cherry Potions and since I didn't think you had that mouse yet, I was saying maybe you'd catch one while trying to stockpile potions.

I'm a Journeyman at 90.67%, which means I should level up either tonight or tomorrow.

Woohoo! New scenery! New Mice! :D

Posted : February 2, 2011 7:23 am
Chloë Máiréad
NarniaWeb Junkie

You meant the Dojo right? ;) (Pretty sure you're done with the Training Grounds) ETA: LOL, I glanced at your profile. I see why you want to go back there. There is only one mouse there that isn't in the Dojo (the Dumpling Chef) but he can only be caught with SB. There are a couple locations in the game that are there for two reasons, map pieces, and shops. The Training Grounds is one of those places.

I meant the Training Grounds...I'm confused. =)) I never really looked at the mice there because I was only there for about five minutes...The very first mouse I caught dropped the ticket to the Bazaar...

Okay, so if I'm done, I'll go to the Dojo. :P NOT the Training Grounds.

"No one's ever burned you, nothing's ever left you scarred and even though you want to, just try to never grow up." -Taylor Swift, Never Grow Up

Posted : February 2, 2011 9:22 am
The Logical Ornithological Mod Moderator Emeritus

There are only three reasons to hunt the training grounds. The first is to get the ticket to the bazaar. The second is to hunt the dumpling chef (who is only attracted to SB+ ), and the third is to possibly hunt for a monk mouse (who drops the dojo entry of plankrun's journal. . . if you're interested in obtaining that). However, the monk mouse will also drop that inside the dojo itself. All of the mice that are in the training grounds are available in other regions (save for the aforementioned dumpling chef).

The only reason to visit the training grounds is to frequent the shops there. So trust me. . . go to the dojo ;)

Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb

Topic starter Posted : February 2, 2011 10:10 am
NarniaWeb Guru

I crafted Ambush today! That and hitting Hero rank seems to have improved my mice-catching. I'm restocking on stuff to make the special cheeses and then I think I'll go for the master of the dojo.

Posted : February 2, 2011 12:55 pm
The Wandering, Wild & Welcoming Winged Wolf Hospitality Committee

Well I would have leveled up tonight but I haven't caught a mouse since 3:30 this afternoon :( That alone is fifteen tries, and I haven't been catching as many as normal before that either. I just hope this mouseless streak ends soon.

"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down

Posted : February 2, 2011 3:53 pm
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