Mm-hmm, Digs. My brother noticed that a few days ago. We've been collecting each others luck charms. FK has also collected a few from our new mice, too. Since Boe and I are pretty new, we catch quite a few new mice, so we've been posting them.
"No one's ever burned you, nothing's ever left you scarred and even though you want to, just try to never grow up." -Taylor Swift, Never Grow Up
Here's something interesting that I just noticed today. When one of your friends catches a new mouse (for the first time), and posts it to their facebook wall, there's a little tab underneath that says "Claim Luck Charm."
*coughcoughcoughcoughcough* Nah, I'm just kidding, it was the bottom post on the page, I always miss those myself.
FK has also collected a few from our new mice, too.
So it shows who collects them huh? That's cool. Well hopefully I can return the favor with the release of the new Baron area. Aside from that, I don't anticipate catching any new mice soon.
So it shows who collects them huh? That's cool.
Well hopefully I can return the favor with the release of the new Baron area. Aside from that, I don't anticipate catching any new mice soon.
No, it doesn't show, I just assumed you were getting them since you liked the posts on Facebook...
"No one's ever burned you, nothing's ever left you scarred and even though you want to, just try to never grow up." -Taylor Swift, Never Grow Up
*cough* Y'all best not stop posting your mice now.
"To the Great Western Wood, I give you...."
Chloe, I would suggest that you leave the Mousoleum alone for now. I went and did Furoma first, and waited until I could craft a better shadow trap. I know most everyone else will disagree with me, but Furoma really isn't that hard at all.
The problem with the iPhone MH app is that it automatically cancels out your ability to post those "I caught this mouse for the first time!" things.
Avatar thanks to AITB
Chloe, I would suggest that you leave the Mousoleum alone for now. I went and did Furoma first, and waited until I could craft a better shadow trap. I know most everyone else will disagree with me, but Furoma really isn't that hard at all.
I'm actually not doing too bad in the Mouseoleum...I've only had a few red boxes since the first two. I think I'll stay for awhile...
"No one's ever burned you, nothing's ever left you scarred and even though you want to, just try to never grow up." -Taylor Swift, Never Grow Up
I've decided to keep switching back and forth between the Mountain and the Calm Clearing since it will actually save me money in the long run. I can't bye massive amounts of cheese and charms at once so every time I go "shopping" I switch locations. I've also been using swiss instead of brie today to cut down on cost, plus I can by that in the meadow, which I can get to for free .
Currently I'm in the Mountain. When I start running low on supplies again, I'll buy more charms, follow Larry back to the meadow, bye more swiss, then travel to the Calm Clearing. So instead of making a trip back and fourth each time I only go once, and I don't have to go to the Town of Gnawnia, further cutting the travel costs.
And I just caught my tenth gold mouse which dropped another simple orb. so now I have three simple orbs I'm saving them all for now.
Edit. Also my freind noticed yesterday that I played MH, she plays too occasionally, although she hasn't been on in a month, but she likes the game. She won't be on in a while however since her internet's down, and she has to reinstall Windows She's an initiate.
Edit 2
Ok I just thought I'd ask for more advice. Having successfully caught both the Ninja and Cyclops Mice which dropped the maps I needed. I'm hoping to catch a few new species if possible. I know some of these only like certain types of cheeses, but for the others if you have any reccommendations, my ears are open and ready to hear them
List of Mice I haven't caught by location:
Calm Clearing: Black Widow, Cherry, Eagle Owl, Foxy
Farmhand, Flying, Mole, Tiny
Town of Gnawnia: Black Widow, Flying, Magic, Master Burglar, Nibbler
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
Okay, so I just started playing this game tonight to see what all the commotion was about.
Let me just understand something: basically, you click the horn every couple of minutes to catch a mouse, and update your trap when you get enough gold?
Av and Sig by Aravis Autarkeia
Let me just understand something: basically, you click the horn every couple of minutes to catch a mouse, and update your trap when you get enough gold?
Well sort of, but once you become a recruite it becomes every 15 minutes instead of every 2 minutes. But when you level up you unlock more locations, traps, cheese, etc.
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
Ok I just thought I'd ask for more advice. Having successfully caught both the Ninja and Cyclops Mice which dropped the maps I needed. I'm hoping to catch a few new species if possible.
Abominable Snow - very rare and requires patience. Normal cheeses will work fine. If you ever have extra SB though, he'll be easy.
Eagle Owl, Foxy - both are very rare in the Calm Clearing. In fact, I'm not sure I've ever seen anyone catch a Foxy Mouse here. The Eagle Owl Mouse is very common in the Great Gnarled Tree and while the Foxy Mouse will always be a rarer mouse, you're also more likely to catch him in the Great Gnarled Tree as well.
Cherry - When you caught your Cyclops Mouse, he probably dropped a Cherry Potion. That can be used to make Cherry Cheese which is the only cheese this mouse is attracted to. ETA: I just saw in your last post you knew this already. Oops!
Mole - I forgot they added this guy to the Windmill area. Again, another very very rare mouse, but attracts to regular cheese. Can also be caught in the Town of Digby.
Master Burglar - Only attracted to Gilded Cheese and can be caught in the Town of Gnawnia and the Town of Digby.
Black Widow - One of the rarest mice in the game. You can't really try for this mouse (though SB does help a teeny tiny bit). Just one of these days, you'll catch her. (Took me two years.)
The rest of your list are SB only.
Wolf, if you are having gold issues, I'd really recommend not buying charms at all right now. It's going to be VERY difficult to make a profit with them at your stage in the game, let alone save up for trap upgrades. You'll only want to use them if you're struggling with a certain mouse (like the Cyclops) and perhaps not even then. They were only very recently introduced and I made it through the entire game without using a single charm.
Let me just understand something: basically, you click the horn every couple of minutes to catch a mouse, and update your trap when you get enough gold?
Yep, that's about it. The concept of the game is extremely simple, and when you start playing, it's admittedly a bit boring. Later on however, as you unlock more and more places, more and more factors come in to play besides just cheese and a trap, and you do have to use different strategies. I personally find it a lot of fun, not everybody does. Let us know what you think of it!
Even if you hate it, I'm glad you tried it.
Alrighty! That's what I thought. I have to admit, it is getting pretty addicting.
I downloaded the app for it. Although, the best I've caught so far is the Steel Mouse. Some of them look pretty cool! Okay, mousies. You're going dowwwnnn.
Av and Sig by Aravis Autarkeia
Welcome to the game, Silver! I love your last two sentences!!
"To the Great Western Wood, I give you...."
Yay, another person using the app!!! I'm quite liking the app, although I've found I need to craft a TON of cheese. I've gone through nigh 100 pieces in a day.
Avatar thanks to AITB
Silver, welcome aboard! I've said it a dozen times, but I'll say it again; it's wonderful to have another convert!!!!
If my gold was plotted as a graph, it would look like the world's most demented roller coaster . I keep needing to craft more ancient cheese. Last night I got frustrated at constantly needing to craft more, so I bought the supplies needed to craft more than one hundred pieces. It set me back 80,000 gold, but I shouldn't need to craft any more cheese until after I get my gorgon trap.
Currently I'm sitting around 780,000 gold, so hopefully I'll be close to 900,000 by the end of the day (Gorgon trap tomorrow????). Any ways, after a rather successful night in the forbidden grove (5 more runes for a total of 94), I'm heading off to the catacombs, to spend the day farming more gold.
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
Another new thing they added to the game that I hadn't known about cause no one has leveled up in a while. Cool! Congrats on reaching Hero, Booky! And thanks for the King's Credit.
Currently I'm sitting around 780,000 gold, so hopefully I'll be close to 900,000 by the end of the day (Gorgon trap tomorrow????).
Woohoo! I will be joining you in the FG shortly hoping that the Realm Ripper will drop an orb this time.