Digs (if I may call you that) And thanks
Absolutely! Everybody around here does
Well, here's a bit of advice if you do decide to use it. There are two recipes that call for the simple orb. The Antiskele charm, and the prospector's charm.
I would NOT use it on the prospector's charm merely due to the fact that you can buy those for 450 gold from Moustachio. However, you can sell the same orb on the marketplace for 6000 gold (with which you could buy 13 prospector charms!). If you do decide to use it, go for the antiskele charm
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
Thanks for the advice Digs
questions for you all:
1)I just realized I have a stockpile of radioactive blue cheese potions I assume I should use these at the lab-anywhere else?
2) should I stay in the Calm Clearing or travel back to the mountain til I level up? I caught less mice in the mountain because I didn't stay there very long.
3) when I level up do I hit the Laboratory or The Great Gnarled Tree first?
(EDIT) one more!
4) do you reccommend I try to save up enough gold to bye the gauntlet floorplan or wait a while? I only have 5,700 gold. and I was gonna get another trap first...
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
Okay, I'll answer as many of these as I can.
1)I just realized I have a stockpile of radioactive blue cheese potions I assume I should use these at the lab-anywhere else?
Actually, you don't use them in the lab, you'll use them in the mouseleum. Once you get to the mouseleum, use the potions to convert Brie over to Radioactive Blue Cheese, which is excellent at catching the mice in there. When radioactive blue cheese goes stale, you end up with radioactive sludge (which is a vital component in many advanced traps, cheese, etc...), so you'll want to equip a shadow trap with a stale cheese rating once you get to the Mouseleum (get the Sinister portal, not the ambrosial portal!) You can also use radioactive blue cheese much later in the game, when you get to the catacombs.
2) should I stay in the Calm Clearing or travel back to the mountain til I level up? I caught less mice in the mountain because I didn't stay there very long.
I'd stay in the Calm Clearing, as you've got better chances to make gold. You're going to need rather a lot of gold before too long, and this is the best place for you to get it.
3) when I level up do I hit the Laboratory or The Great Gnarled Tree first?
The lab and the great gnarled tree have different goals:
Catch a Dwarf Mouse that has the Key to the Town of Digby
Stockpile more Radioactive Blue Cheese Potions
Great Gnarled Tree:
Gather Gnarled Potions
Catch a Fairy Mouse with the lagoon map piece
The Great Gnarled Tree also has a tactical trap called The Venus Mouse Trap. If you did not get Ronza's Rewers Riposte, and did not get the Gingerbread House Surprise over the Great Winter Hunt, then you'll want to pick up this tactical trap. It can be upgraded more and more as the game progresses and costs 266,650 gold
So right now it's really up to you. You're going to have to visit both of them, and I really don't think there's a big deal which one you visit first.
do you reccommend I try to save up enough gold to bye the gauntlet floorplan or wait a while? I only have 5,700 gold. and I was gonna get another trap first...
Definitely wait! I'm a 22% Knight and I still haven't ran the gauntlet yet. Too many people try to run the gauntlet too early, and end up wasting tons of gold in the process. Just stick with making as much gold as you can so that you can buy the Sinister Portal (from the Town of Digby) and the Venus Mouse Trap (from the great gnarled tree).
Hope that helps.
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
So, I've caught all the Mousoleum Mice (the Ravenous Zombie is crrrrreeeepppyyyy) and now I'm hunting in the Training Grounds. What cheese should I use here?
Oh, and how do you get Magic Essence? I've been reading through some of the cheese recipes on the Wiki (I'm either bored, geeky, or procrastinating, I guess) and I kept noticing it.
Well, I moved from the Town of Digby to the Calm Clearing, and though it cost me some gold (of which I don't have much at the moment), I am hopeful I will earn it back in about 2 or 3 mice.
I'm nearing the end of my Brie cheese supply. What cheese is best to use in this area?
"To the Great Western Wood, I give you...."
So, I've caught all the Mousoleum Mice (the Ravenous Zombie is crrrrreeeepppyyyy) and now I'm hunting in the Training Grounds. What cheese should I use here?
Swiss or brie should work fine. I'd go with Brie, just because it's better. You'll also be able to use brie on the first floor of the dojo.
Oh, and how do you get Magic Essence? I've been reading through some of the cheese recipes on the Wiki (I'm either bored, geeky, or procrastinating, I guess) and I kept noticing it.
You get magic essence by smashing super brie.
I'm nearing the end of my Brie cheese supply. What cheese is best to use in this area?
Some people advise using brie, but I think you'll do just fine with Swiss.
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
I'm nearing the end of my Brie cheese supply. What cheese is best to use in this area?
Some people advise using brie, but I think you'll do just fine with Swiss.
I second what Digs said, I've been having good luck with both Brie and Swiss in the Calm Clearing, sometimes even more with swiss. I wouldn't use anything less powerful though unless you run out and need to get more gold before you can travel again to get more swiss.
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
I just realized I have a stockpile of radioactive blue cheese potions I assume I should use these at the lab-anywhere else?
Actually, you don't use them in the lab, you'll use them in the mouseleum.
Just as an fyi, there is one purpose to using RB Cheese in the Lab... to catch the Monster Mouse. But unless you have a decent physical trap (at least the NVMRC Forcefield) I wouldn't bother trying. You'll just end up with a lot of stolen gold and points. The Monster Mouse is in the Mousoleum and Catacombs as well. No rush trying to get him.
when I level up do I hit the Laboratory or The Great Gnarled Tree first?
I would recommend getting the Great Gnarled Tree out of the way first. Reason being, the Lab unlocks the Town of Digby as well as the Mousoleum and you can go to those places as soon as you unlock them... no need to wait for another level. The Mousoleum is the first place you'll be able to go to really start stockpiling gold.
Also, DiGs mentioned the Venus Mouse Trap at the Great Gnarled Tree, but there's also the Sinister Portal at the Town of Digby. And then there's that upgraded physical trap you mentioned wanting to save for. You'll want to plan which to invest in first. Hmmm....
So, I've caught all the Mousoleum Mice (the Ravenous Zombie is crrrrreeeepppyyyy)
Wait til you see the Spectre Mouse.
...and now I'm hunting in the Training Grounds. What cheese should I use here?
Swiss or brie should work fine. I'd go with Brie, just because it's better. You'll also be able to use brie on the first floor of the dojo.
The Training Grounds is the last place where you can get by with swiss. You'll want to decide which is more important to you... money or points. I know points don't seem like a big deal now, but as soon as you hit the Tribal Islands area, they're a HUGE deal. Swiss will get you more money (because for every mouse you catch, you net more profit), Brie will get you more points (because you catch more mice). But once you hit the Dojo, that's when you'll want to use Brie for sure.
What cheese is best to use in this area?
Some people advise using brie, but I think you'll do just fine with Swiss.
You'll make a lot more money with Swiss and I think that's your current goal, so I also recommend it.
You'll want to decide which is more important to you... money or points. I know points don't seem like a big deal now, but as soon as you hit the Tribal Islands area, they're a HUGE deal.
huh. Okay, good to know. Thanks!
9:15 pm - Training Grounds
I checked my trap and found that I had caught a mouse! I caught a 1 oz. Kung Fu Mouse worth 4,750 points and 800 gold.The mouse also dropped the following loot:
1 Ticket to the Burroughs Bazaar
I've only been in the Training Grounds for four hours! It feels like I've been moving through the levels really fast lately. Is there anything else I need to get in the Training Grounds?
Edit: Never mind, I just looked it up on the Wiki. I think I'm going to stick around the Training Grounds at least for tonight instead of heading over to the Bazaar anyway to see how many different kinds of mice I can get.
I got the map for the Mousoleum last night. So, I traveled there this morning. Unfortunately, I haven't had much luck. Out of 4 tries, I've only caught one mouse (Ghost Mouse). Two mice stole a bunch of points from me, too...
My setup is:
Trap: Sinister Portal
Base: Candy Cane
Bait: Radioactive Blue Cheese
I have about 100 pieces of bait, but I also have a boatload of potions to convert. I think I'll have to get more Brie cheese soon, too...
"No one's ever burned you, nothing's ever left you scarred and even though you want to, just try to never grow up." -Taylor Swift, Never Grow Up
That's the best trap setup that you can have at this point, Chloe. Ghost mice are worth 3,590 gold, so catching one of those usually makes up for getting robbed by 4 or 5 mice. Your gold will go up hunting in there, it'll just take time.
How many radioactive sludge have you collected so far?
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
That's the best trap setup that you can have at this point, Chloe. Ghost mice are worth 3,590 gold, so catching one of those usually makes up for getting robbed by 4 or 5 mice. Your gold will go up hunting in there, it'll just take time.
Mm-hmm. Figured as much. I thought that was the best setup, but I wanted to run it by y'all just to make sure.
How many radioactive sludge have you collected so far?
About 250. I did have more, but I used some to craft charms.
"No one's ever burned you, nothing's ever left you scarred and even though you want to, just try to never grow up." -Taylor Swift, Never Grow Up
About 250. I did have more, but I used some to craft charms.
Uh. . . wow. That's quite a lot. I don't think I've ever had that much (I don't even think I've used that much since I've started playing!)
Conga rats
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
Uh. . . wow. That's quite a lot. I don't think I've ever had that much (I don't even think I've used that much since I've started playing!)
Really? I thought it wasn't that much... People kept sending them to me and they just added up, since I never used them...
Well, it's good to know that I have a lot, for when they come in handy.
"No one's ever burned you, nothing's ever left you scarred and even though you want to, just try to never grow up." -Taylor Swift, Never Grow Up
Here's something interesting that I just noticed today. When one of your friends catches a new mouse (for the first time), and posts it to their facebook wall, there's a little tab underneath that says "Claim Luck Charm."
Apparently the King is giving away luck charms this way! There is a limit to how many you can collect (although I'm not sure if that's per day, or per catch), but I just got 4 luck charms by clicking on this tab (Thanks for all of those new mice, Princess Rosario ).
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb