I caught another Dojo Sensei (CHA-CHING!!!!) and it dropped ... THREE divine orbs!
Woot! So are you going to make Dragon Charms? Sell the orbs on the marketplace for money (they're currently selling for about 80,000g a piece if you're wondering)? Or a combination of both?
So what do you think I should do?
Mouse Rocketine/Stone Base/Brie Cheese/Prospector's Charm
Mouse Trebuchet/Dehydration Base/Brie Cheese/Luck Charm
I think the first would work better but as the catch rates page on furoma.com is undergoing an overhaul, I can't check to be sure.
Also, if you HAPPEN to catch an Eagle Owl Mouse (which is quite rare in the Calm Clearing) it will drop a Cherry Potion which you can make Cherry Cheese with. Cherry Cheese will give you a much better chance of attracting a Cyclops Mouse... though it's still not a guarantee you'll catch one.
Wow! As much money as that?! That would be quite a hefty turn of events! I've still got three pieces of onyx gorgonzola left, so if I catch another Dojo sensei, and get some more, then it would definitely speed up my gold farming .
I'll have to wait and see
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
Also, if you HAPPEN to catch an Eagle Owl Mouse (which is quite rare in the Calm Clearing) it will drop a Cherry Potion which you can make Cherry Cheese with. Cherry Cheese will give you a much better chance of attracting a Cyclops Mouse... though it's still not a guarantee you'll catch one.
Oh thanks for that bit of info
Is there a limit to the amount of times you can use Larry's travels? I tend to use it a lot to cut back on travel cost. But I don't know why it'd be there without being limited.
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
Well, I managed to catch a dojo sensei 2/9 times (which isn't bad at all really!). But the second didn't drop any orbs.
Here's the situation:
The crafting of the dragonbane charm calls for:
1 Frozen Scroll
1 Divine Orb
120 Charmbit
Question for the upper-ups: Is it worth trying to get another frozen scroll (getting one is hard enough, or so I hear). Or should I sell these for roughly 225K on the marketplace? On one hand, the money would considerably help me to reach my goal of getting the gorgon trap. On the other hand, the charm would really help me snag my dragon.
In the meantime, I've headed back to the forbidden grove, and will likely be there for the rest of the night trying to rustle up some runes.
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
Is there a limit to the amount of times you can use Larry's travels?
Well, I managed to catch a dojo sensei 2/9 times. But the second didn't drop any orbs.
That makes me feel better about the Realm Rippers this morning. I was afraid I told you and Kat wrong and we all wasted gold on traveling costs.
Well, unfortunately, I can't really give you a good answer to your question cause it requires knowledge of the future (as in, how much of a hard time you'll have getting the Acolyte and/or Dragon), so this is the best advice I can give and Kat may have a very different opinion.
The Acolyte Mouse has never given me trouble personally. Every time I've hit the Acolyte Realm with the specific intention of hunting him, I catch him within my first 20 or so hunts (all two times I've tried). But the Dragon Mouse gave me a world of trouble before I finally caught him (I think I used somewhere around 90 pieces of cheese? ). So from that perspective, I'd keep the orbs.
On the flip side of things, my husband caught the Dragon Mouse with his first six pieces of Inferno cheese and Aravanna caught it with her first 12. So from that perspective, sell the orbs.
You're between 500,000 and 600,000 gold right now. With steady hunting in the Catacombs or Nerg Plaines, you'll hit 1,000,000 gold by next week (Gorgon Trap!), so I'd suggest hanging onto the orbs for now.
When you finally get to the Acolyte Realm, see how many Frozen Scrolls you can get. Your first one will go to your Ice Maiden Trap obviously, but any others you get can go towards charms. If you can't get extra scrolls, that's when you may want to sell the orbs on the marketplace.
If you do get extra frozen scrolls, then I'd make Dragonbane Charms. Use them as needed till you get your Dragon Mouse. If you have charms leftover, you can sell them on the Marketplace for a heftier price (currently going for 200,000g).
I feel like I need a flowchart or something to help explain that Hopefully that makes sense? And how many runes are you up to anyways?
Well I'm currently trying FK's first setup
The good news: so far of yet to miss a mouse
the bad news: they were all Wiggler Mice
However I'm only three tries in, if after 7 more peices of cheese I haven't succeeded in cathing either a Cyclops Mouse or an Eagle Owl Mouse I will switch to the second setup for ten more tries (at which point I will run out of Brie Cheese)
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
I'm only up to 66 runes, FK. . . I feel like this is taking forever .
Your advice was very very helpful! I think I shall hang onto these orbs for now. . . because given my luck with this game, I'll probably have to craft 600+ pieces of cheese to catch a dragon
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
The past week has been very productive!
I have completed the first 4 tiers of the King's Gauntlet. (With tons of Gauntlet 3 Cheese left, and no other potions or cheese...which means I'll have to continue on Tier 3 when I return to get more potions for Tier 4).
I caught a Dwarf Mouse who dropped the Key to the Town of Digby. I travelled there, but didn't catch any new mice except for two. Granite Mice frequented my trap a lot!
Since I didn't have much luck in the Town of Digby, I travelled back to the Lagoon, where I was before I got sidetracked. I caught a Hydra mouse, who dropped the ship blueprints! I still have a long way to go before I can craft it, but that's alright.
I also bought the Sinister Portal when I was in the Town of Digby. I'm not sure if the trap is powerful enough to catch anything on the 4th Tier of the Gaunlet. Is it?
Oh, and I crafted two charms: Antiskele and Scientist's. I haven't used either, but I was bored, so I decided to craft them...
Right now, I'm just trying to get some more gold...but now that I'm thinking, maybe I should go back to the Town of Digby and try to catch a Zombie mouse (for the Tattered Mousoleum Map) or a Mole mouse (for the Shredded Furoma Map Piece)...
Or should I stay where I am? I'm conflicted. Haha.
"No one's ever burned you, nothing's ever left you scarred and even though you want to, just try to never grow up." -Taylor Swift, Never Grow Up
Congratulations on the shadow trap, Chloe! I wish I could tell you whether or not it was good enough for the Gauntlet, but I haven't run the gauntlet yet, and therefore can't tell you .
I can tell you that the shadow trap you purchased will do pretty good in the mouseleum, once you get there. You'll get plenty of gold, which you'll need for furoma. So my advice to you is to go after the zombie mouse, and get yourself into the mouseleum. (While you are in there, you'll need to hunt with radioactive blue cheese. Hopefully, at least twenty of these will go stale, meaning that you can craft an upgraded tactical trap. . . then again, you crafted the gingerbread house surprise over the Great Winter hunt. . . didn't you?)
And also congrats on making the charms. You don't happen to remember which mice dropped the orbs, do you?
As for me, I spent the night in the catacombs (made 40K gold!!!), and will be heading back to the grove when it opens at 11AM. I spent most of the day there yesterday and only ended up gathering 2 runes
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
I can tell you that the shadow trap you purchased will do pretty good in the mouseleum, once you get there. You'll get plenty of gold, which you'll need for furoma. So my advice to you is to go after the zombie mouse, and get yourself into the mouseleum. (While you are in there, you'll need to hunt with radioactive blue cheese. Hopefully, at least twenty of these will go stale, meaning that you can craft an upgraded tactical trap. . . then again, you crafted the gingerbread house surprise over the Great Winter hunt. . . didn't you?)
Okay, I'll go back to Digby. And, yes, I did craft the Gingerbread Surprise.
I've got tons of radioactive blue cheese potions, too, so I guess I've got a bit of a headstart.
And also congrats on making the charms. You don't happen to remember which mice dropped the orbs, do you?
I looked back in my journal and these are the mice that dropped the orbs:
Diamond Mouse - Simple Orb
Gold Mouse - Simple Orb
Unfortunately, I cannot remember exactly which mouse dropped the Flawless Orb, but I believe it was the Burglar...
"No one's ever burned you, nothing's ever left you scarred and even though you want to, just try to never grow up." -Taylor Swift, Never Grow Up
I caught a Dwarf Mouse who dropped the Key to the Town of Digby. I travelled there, but didn't catch any new mice except for two.
I don't believe there are any new mice there that are attracted to regular cheese. Just Limelight cheese. Though if you didn't catch the Mole Mouse in the Meadow, he does show up here too (which I see you already know).
I caught a Hydra mouse, who dropped the ship blueprints!
I'm not sure if the trap is powerful enough to catch anything on the 4th Tier of the Gaunlet. Is it?
Yes, it is powerful enough to catch Tier 5 mice. HOWEVER, it is HIGHLY important that you go in with a trap that will get you a load of potions. The Sinister Portal won't cut it in that area I'm afraid. I'd recommend at least having the Gorgon Trap before running Tier 5 of the Gauntlet.
Right now, I'm just trying to get some more gold...but now that I'm thinking, maybe I should go back to the Town of Digby and try to catch a Zombie mouse (for the Tattered Mousoleum Map) or a Mole mouse (for the Shredded Furoma Map Piece)... Or should I stay where I am? I'm conflicted. Haha.
I agree with DiGs's advice. If you want gold, the Mousoleum is the place to be. One thing I must caution you about though, the Mousoleum is the first place where you will encounter loads of red boxes of mice stealing your gold and points. Pay them no mind, most mice there are also worth between 2500g - 5000g and you'll definitely make a profit.
Hopefully, at least twenty of these will go stale, meaning that you can craft an upgraded tactical trap. . . then again, you crafted the gingerbread house surprise over the Great Winter hunt. . . didn't you?
She got Rewers I believe, so she doesn't need to worry about this.
ETA: I should also mention, if you're hunting with Limelight Cheese to catch new mice in the Town of Digby, you won't be able to get the map drops. You may know that already, but I thought I'd mention it in case you didn't.
I don't believe there are any new mice there that are attracted to regular cheese. Just Limelight cheese.
Though if you didn't catch the Mole Mouse in the Meadow, he does show up here too (which I see you already know).
I did craft a few pieces of Limelight, but I didn't really catch anything new.
Yes, it is powerful enough to catch Tier 5 mice. HOWEVER, it is HIGHLY important that you go in with a trap that will get you a load of potions. The Sinister Portal won't cut it in that area I'm afraid. I'd recommend at least having the Gorgon Trap before running Tier 5 of the Gauntlet.
5th Tier. That's what I meant. Not 4th Tier... *facepalms* Okay, I'll wait.
I agree with DiGs's advice.
If you want gold, the Mousoleum is the place to be. One thing I must caution you about though, the Mousoleum is the first place where you will encounter loads of red boxes of mice stealing your gold and points. Pay them no mind, most mice there are also worth between 2500g - 5000g and you'll definitely make a profit.
Okay, I traveled back to Digby and I'm gonna try to catch a Zombie mouse.
"No one's ever burned you, nothing's ever left you scarred and even though you want to, just try to never grow up." -Taylor Swift, Never Grow Up
*Is dancing up and down*
6:46 pm - Calm Clearing
I sounded the Hunter's Horn and was successful in the hunt! I caught a 1 lb. 6 oz. Cyclops Mouse worth 2,800 points and 2,800 gold.The mouse also dropped the following loot:
1 Simple Orb, 1 Gnarled Tree Map Piece and 1 Cherry Potion
Thanks FK!!!
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
Wow! That's quite a lot of loot, Wolf! Mega congratulations! Do you plan on using your orb, or do you plan on selling it (they're selling for around 6000 gold right now)
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
I'm gonna use it eventually I think, Digs (if I may call you that) And thanks
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down