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[Closed] Mousehunt!!!

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The Logical Ornithological Mod Moderator Emeritus

I had the worst luck ever last night in Derr Dunes. Out of 20 mice, I only caught 2 :(, which is really a pity because they fetch rather a lot of gold (and drop red pepper seeds which I needed :( ). Oh well. . . c'est la vie.

So I've headed back across the sea to the Town of Digby. I had a bunch of limelight cheese lying around doing nothing, so I figured I'd might as well use it up. Who knows, perhaps I'll catch a nugget mouse with the digby drillbot parts, or a BBBM with the monolith base.

Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb

Topic starter Posted : January 25, 2011 2:18 am
Member Admin

Winter in the Season Gardens... is a very unpleasant affair! The end.

You don't look like you're doing too badly to me. ;)) Just so you know, the absolute best setup for Winter is the DDA Trap with the Magma Base.

I had the worst luck ever last night in Derr Dunes.

A suggestion for the future. You were using a lucky-but-not-so-powerful trap with a powerful-but-not-so-lucky base. Usually (though not always) that leads to a mediocre trap setup because it's not powerful, nor is it lucky enough to catch those hardcore Derr Mice. You might try pairing your Candy Cane Base with your CCT next time to see if you have better.... luck. ;)) But if you manage to craft your Rhinobot, the Tiki Base is definitely the way to go. :)

Posted : January 25, 2011 3:07 am
The Logical Ornithological Mod Moderator Emeritus

But if you manage to craft your Rhinobot, the Tiki Base is definitely the way to go.

That is going to take me several hundred years at this point ;)). Thanks for the suggestion though. I might head back there later today for Derr-round-two ;))

Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb

Topic starter Posted : January 25, 2011 4:05 am
Member Admin

So I decided last night to try an experiment. But like the bad scientist that I am, I haven't been keeping data properly, so it's a bit botched. :))

There is NO data that I can find on charms so far. So I thought rather than having a trap setup with Gouda, I'd try Brie + an Attraction Charm. Right off the bat, I'm out 100gold but I thought maybe I'd catch more mice to make up for it. The catch rate seems to have improved... I do think I'm attracting more mice that way. But here's the problem I'm facing....

12:00 am - Seasonal Garden
I returned to check my trap, but it appeared A Frostbite Mouse ate a piece of cheese without setting off my trap.

Additionally, the crafty mouse managed to steal an additional 7 pieces of my bait!

10:56 pm - Seasonal Garden
I sounded the Hunter's Horn, but my efforts were fruitless. A Frostbite Mouse ate a piece of cheese without setting off my trap.

Additionally, the crafty mouse managed to steal an additional 9 pieces of my bait!

8:23 pm - Seasonal Garden
I went on a hunt with Alicia A, but my efforts were fruitless. A Frostbite Mouse ate a piece of cheese without setting off my trap.

Additionally, the crafty mouse managed to steal an additional 9 pieces of my bait!

8:00 pm - Seasonal Garden
I returned to check my trap, but it appeared A Winter Mage Mouse ate a piece of cheese without setting off my trap.

Additionally, the crafty mouse managed to steal an additional 14 pieces of my bait!

Ouch. :)) I know that they steal cheese equivalent to a certain amount of gold, but that will sure send me running back to the cheese shoppe in a hurry... so I'm thinking that this may not be the way to go. But it was fun to play around with. :)

Posted : January 25, 2011 4:29 am
Lady Arwen
The Mermod Moderator

Whups! ;))

If there is no data, I may get some charms and play around with it in the catacombs. If I do, I'll post my results here.

Avatar thanks to AITB

Posted : January 25, 2011 4:46 am
Member Admin

The first round of charms are out!! :D

Here's the full news post.

Short version.

Moustachio sells Charmbits.

Mice drop Orbs of various types. They're rare but can be bought/sold on the Marketplace.

A combination of charmbits, orbs, and other ingredients already in the game make Charms. The devs have not released exact recipes even though they listed the ingredients in the news post. I haven't checked the forums to see if anyone has a confirmed a successful craft, but I'll keep an eye out.

Again, all charms can be bought/sold on the Marketplace.

Oh, and Moustachio is selling the Prospector's Charm.

Posted : January 25, 2011 8:40 am
The Wandering, Wild & Welcoming Winged Wolf Hospitality Committee

*used a prospector's charm and superbrie to get a Silvertail, which dropped the simple orb.

@FK does that mean that the recipies on MHWiki are invalid?

for example: ... %27s_Charm

I believe there's a chart on each charm page

"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down

Posted : January 25, 2011 2:47 pm
Member Admin

Nope, those are correct. In fact, I was just coming in here to update my post to say that the Wiki now has all of the charm crafting recipes on it. :) But you beat me to it wolf! Congrats on the Silvertail and the Orb! :D

Posted : January 25, 2011 2:57 pm
The Wandering, Wild & Welcoming Winged Wolf Hospitality Committee

;)) Thanks FK.

Ok I have a question. Is there any secret to catching the Cyclops Mouse in the Calm Clearing? Trap recommendations? Cheese?

"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down

Posted : January 25, 2011 3:20 pm
The Logical Ornithological Mod Moderator Emeritus

If I remember correctly, I used the Christmas Cracker Trap with the Stone Base and used swiss cheese to catch mine. The reason I used the CCT was because it was my strongest trap at the time. So I'd go with your best trap (Possibly a Ronzian one?).

Does anybody know which mice are dropping orbs? Because I'd really like to craft some of these things (the dragon-tamer charm looks MAGNIFICENT!!!)

Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb

Topic starter Posted : January 26, 2011 1:25 am
Member Admin

Yep Wolf, what DiGs said, your best trap, your best base, and I'd suggest Brie Cheese as it has a higher attraction than Swiss. :) He's hard.

Mice that are confirmed to be dropping orbs so far.....

Flawed Orb: Farmhand, Scruffy, Spud
Simple Orb: Cyclops, Diamond, Gold, Hydra, Leviathan, Silvertail, Squeaken
Flawless Orb: Burglar, Goblin, Master Burglar, Shipwrecked
Divine Orb: Abominable Snow, Dojo Sensei, Harpy, Realm Ripper, Silth

Something else cool I noticed they added. When somebody catches a mouse for the first time, and posts it on Facebook, their friends can get free luck charms. :D Thanks to everyone posting their new mice! :D

Posted : January 26, 2011 3:26 am
The Logical Ornithological Mod Moderator Emeritus

Yikes! Those look very difficult indeed! I was hoping that there would be some drops from mice in the catacombs, forbidden grove, or tribal isles. Drat! I am going after another Dojo Sensei today (Trying to use up the rest of my furoma supplies so they don't "go to waste" so to speak), so maybe I can catch one that will drop a divine orb.

Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb

Topic starter Posted : January 26, 2011 3:29 am
Member Moderator

Once tournaments are back up and running, they won't go to waste. ;)

I am down to one more set of torn pages a piece for the spellbook base. I've still got to get the blueprints.

My current plan I guess after I get these is to go farm gold so I can finish upgrading/crafting traps, but I may bounce around getting parts for the charms. However, that'll all get preempted by the new section or any events. ;))

Posted : January 26, 2011 3:34 am
The Logical Ornithological Mod Moderator Emeritus

Well, Kat, FK, and I tried to get an orb to drop off of a realm ripper mouse today (and got ourselves transported to the acolyte realm as a result). Neither of us got the loot drop, so I'm wonderring if higher up orbs are not only attached to rarer mice, but also become rarer as loot drops?

Either way, I've yet to collect an orb.

On the bright side of things, I did manage to craft 6 pieces of rumble cheese from my furoma leftovers, and have caught two Mojo's in a row using the Rewers Riposte. Yippee for bling-bling! 54,600 gold for two mice? I'll take it ;))

EDIT: I caught another Dojo Sensei (CHA-CHING!!!!) and it dropped not one, not two, but THREE divine orbs!

Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb

Topic starter Posted : January 26, 2011 6:11 am
The Wandering, Wild & Welcoming Winged Wolf Hospitality Committee

I'm using the Rocketine, but I'm not sure if the stone base or dehydration base would work better (still trying to catch that cyclops mouse) Also which charm should I use?

My full list of weapons, bases, charms, and cheese:
(* denotes what I'm using now, # denotes what I'd prefer to avoid using/making)

Weapons: Mouse Trebuchet, Mouse Rocketine*, Mouse Mary O'Nette, 500 Pound Spiked Crusher, High Tension Spring, Tacky Glue Trap

Bases: Dehydration Base*, Stone Base, Wooden Base with Target, Wooden Base

Charms that I have: Luck (10), Power (12), First Ever Charm (20)#, Attraction (6)*

Cheese that I have: Superbrie (1)#, Marble (3)*, Cheddar (20), White Cheddar (20), Rockforth (5)#

Charms I can get that I don't have now: Luck, Prospector's

Cheese I can buy/make that I don't have now: Swiss, Brie (I can also make additional White Cheddar and one more Superbrie, but I'd prefer to avoid doing that right now.

My Stats:

Breeds Caught: 33 / 257
Event Breeds Caught: 2

Hunting Since: Jan 03, 2011
Hunter's Title: Journeyman (35 % )
Points: 166,023
Gold: 19,511

Horn Calls: 441
Location: Calm Clearing
Region: Whisker Woods

Trap Power: 928
Total Luck: 4
Weapon: Mouse Rocketine
Base: Dehydration Base
Bait: 1 pieces of Marble
Charm: 5 Attraction Charms
Mice Caught: 525

And I wasn't going to do this again, but to give you an idea of what I've encountered...

Mice I caught:

Burgalar (1), Zombie (1), Longtail (4), Silvertail (1), Diamond (7), Gold (8), Pugilist (13), Bionic (29), Granite (7), Steel (8), Spud (17), Speedy (1), Dwarf (57), Scruffy (19), Frozen (4), Spotted (18), Field (23), Lightning Rod (3), Cowardly (23), Brown (80), Grey (62), White (58), Elven Princess (1), Treant (3), Shaman (5), Bear (7), Chameleon (9), Frog (5), Sylvan (8), Wiggler (6), Moosker (9), Ninja (3), Pirate (10), Glitchpaw (1), Hope (14)

Mice I missed: Burgalar (3), Zombie (2), Longtail (8), Silvertail (1), Diamond (8), Gold (12), Pugilist (12), Bionic (19), Granite (7), Steele (6), Spud (4), Dwarf (13), Scruffy (2), Cyclops (4), Elven Princess (1), Treant (2), Shaman (2), Bear (5), Chameleon (2), Frog (4), Sylvan (3), Ninja (1), Hydra (1), Pirate (11)

So what do you think I should do? I'm making a trip back to Gnawnia to get more Cheese and Charms soon.


I forgot to say that I haven't bought the Gauntlet floorplan yet so I can't go there. Also don't ask me where that Hydra came from. If I remember right it was in the Town of Gnawnia or the Windmill... I'll check and see if my journal goes back that far it was a while ago. Also I think I missed a Bear mouse in the meadow... :-

Edit two!!!

I checked, and it doesn't I remember it was before I got to Harbour cause I thought I might run into them there when I got a higher rank (that was before I looked on Wiki, but MHWiki doesn't list it in any of the locations I've been in. Also I distinctly remember missing that first Bear Mouse in the Meadow and being suprised since it wasn't listed there. Has this happened to anyone else?

"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down

Posted : January 26, 2011 8:56 am
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