It's high power bonus will come in quite handy.
I think you mean attraction bonus.
The Bacon Base I don't think is worth getting.
But definitely buy the bacon base. It's a good base.
Up to you Chloe.
, how funny. I still think buying the bacon base is fine. . . better than having nothing from Ronza
. But like FK said, it's up to you, Chloe.
Woohoo! How much gold do you have left to farm?
Only two bajillion bucks . I'm currently sitting around 380 thousand, so I've got about another 100K before I'm able to buy the tribal base (which will be a quick conversion over to the tiki base). So hopefully I'll get the tribal base sometime tomorrow. The gorgon trap is 989K, so it'll probably take a week's worth of gold farming to get that kind of cash.
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
I have about 200,000 in gold...
Doing better than me. I'm rat a whopping 74,891.
Thanks for the advice, Digs and FK. I think I'll hang around in the Catacombs until Ronza leaves, although I doubt I'll get enough gold to buy anything else from her. After that, I'll move over and try my luck with the Dojo Sensei again. I have 4 onyx stones, and 1 piece of Onyx Gorgonzola leftover. We'll see if this amazing Tactical trap will do the job. If it does, great! If it doesn't, well, I'll go back to farming gold.
I've got most everything for the ship...except Rope. And Bubbleh. Further up and further in!
Avatar thanks to AITB
Well I was in the mood for some quick cash (so to speak) earlier tonight, and so I cashed in my chips, and headed over to furoma to try to catch a dojo sensei or two. I made six rumble cheese from my leftover bits and bobs from the dojo, and ended up catching 2/5 with the rewers riposte. I still have one piece left, with which I shall tempt fate sometime tomorrow
The reason for my need for money was the tiki base. After catching two dojo sensei (with a hefty 54000 gold!) I had enough to jump over to the tribal isles, and purchase it. I must say it does look rather plain, but it is a really nice base. After purchasing it, I figured that I'm going to need beaucoup gold (I need a million to buy the gorgon trap before heading into the jungle of dread), and so I returned to the catacombs.
My current setup is ACRONYM with the tribal base and radioactive blue cheese.
Power: 5200
Power Bonus: 30%
Luck: 18
Attraction Bonus: 5%
Cheese Effect: Very Stale
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
So, I was in the Laboratory today and I noticed I was running out of brie cheese. I took a trip to the Meadow and then to the Town of Gnawnia. While I was there, I decided to be adventurous and I set my bait to Gilded Cheese, to try and catch the Master Burglar Mouse.
After about 7 attempts, I finally caught the little thief. He dropped a satchel of gold and the Crown Jewel.
I'm going to wait to attempt the Gauntlet, though. I'm definitely not prepared for it...
"No one's ever burned you, nothing's ever left you scarred and even though you want to, just try to never grow up." -Taylor Swift, Never Grow Up
I must say it does look rather plain, but it is a really nice base.
It's one of my favorite designs, though I fully admit that I like simplistic designs.
Congrats on the Tiki Base!
After about 7 attempts, I finally caught the little thief.
I'm going to wait to attempt the Gauntlet, though. I'm definitely not prepared for it...
Should you ever get bored with an area and need a change of pace, you could easily do the first four tiers right now.
So in the news yesterday....
Ronza has left Gnawnia to return to exploring the world for rare traps and items! Although no one knows when she'll return again, Ronza hopes it won't be too long! [Yay!!!] She will be visiting far off lands searching for new traps and shiny buckets of chrome paint. [Double and triple yay!!!
The Hope Mouse is altruistic by nature, wanting only to help others, be they human or mouse. The King has been so touched by the selflessness of these mice that he has sent out a decree. If any hunter should catch a Hope Mouse, dust him off and send him on his way, as he's likely off to do some good in the world.
Recent flooding in Australia, Brazil, Philippines and Sri Lanka have sprung this mouse into action! Many organizations, such as the Queensland Government, are currently helping out. Please consider giving them your support.
Hope mice can be found in a handful of locations across the Kingdom, including the Town of Gnawnia, S.S. Huntington II, Cape Clawed and more.
My brother has caught three or four of them in the Calm Clearing, so if anyone still needs to snag this little guy, that seems to be one of the best places to do so, though I haven't paid close attention to other areas.
Should you ever get bored with an area and need a change of pace, you could easily do the first four tiers right now.
Really? Hmm...maybe I'll try it in a bit. I'm gonna try to catch a Cherry Mouse right now. After I catch him, I'll have caught all the mice that can be found in the Calm Clearing, except the Black Widow...and the newly released Hope Mouse, apparently.
"No one's ever burned you, nothing's ever left you scarred and even though you want to, just try to never grow up." -Taylor Swift, Never Grow Up
The Hope Mouse is a rare mouse as well. They release several and every time one is caught, they donate a certain amount to a legitimate charity that is helping with a disaster somewhere in the world.
Didn't have any luck in the tower this time. Picked up quite a bit of points though. Back in the garden. Fall and Winter have been two of the worst seasons for me. I do think the seasonal base is making a bit of a difference.
Stats for clockapault + seasonal base =
Trap power: 3,348
Power Bonus: 28%
Luck: 16
Attraction Bonus: 13%
Stats for clockapault + magma base=
Trap power: 3,086
Power Bonus: 18%
Luck: 20
Attraction Bonus: 10%
The additional attraction bonus and power bonus is nice. I think I'm doing a little better this time around.
The runic base must have had a short fuse this morning, because I caught 6 gargoyle mice, and only one of them dropped a rune . I wasn't having very good luck any ways, and have since returned to the catacombs to farm more gold. I'm up to 100K.
Chloe, don't worry. . . I haven't attempted the gauntlet either. . . just because
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
I caught a Glitchpaw and a Hope mouse over the past week. I caught them both in Ronza's Traveling Shoppe, but I'm pretty sure I read that the Glitchpaw's gone now. I also caught my first Granite Mouse in Harbour
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
This may be a random question, but is anybody else starting to experience pop-ups when playing MH? All of mine have been fore retro-games that can be played online. My computer usually has a really great pop-up blocker, but these keep getting through.
I just wondered if this was just on my computer or if it was on everybody's.
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
Yes DiGs, I have had that happen a few times, but what's weird is that as soon as I click on the page, it disappears. I haven't seen it for a few days though.
So today's FBF was interesting. I think the devs were too hopped up on caffeine to talk about anything useful. Here's about what I got out of it.
The first charm pack should release next week and will consist of five new charms. They will all be craftable and the parts for them will drop off of various mice.
The next event will be for the Chinese New Year/Valentine's Day and they have something planned for that (though it will be much smaller than the Christmas event). There was a lot of joking about attraction charms for V-Day. Haha
The new Baron area will hopefully be out in early Feb (yay!) but as they're going to make sure it's finished, awesome, and working well so a specific deadline is not set.
On another interesting note, I stumbled across a data sheet a couple days ago (I don't have the link on me at the moment to share, I will do so if I find it again). Basically several guys had gathered catch rate info from volunteer Mousehunters and compiled it. Then came up with a fairly accurate mathematical formula showing your catch rates with various setups. Much too geeky for me, but it was interesting seeing the lineup. Looks something like this....
1. Arcane Blast Trap
1. Rewers Revenge
2. Snow Barrage (*winks at shastastwin*)
3. 2010 Blastoff Trap
4. Zugzwang's First Move
1. Chrome Drillbot
2. Rhinobot
3. Christmas Cracker
1. Double Diamond Adventure Trap
2. Heat Bath
3. Explosive Toboggan
4. Ancient Spear Gun
1. Cackle Lantern
2. Clockapult
Of course, the top lucky trap vs. the powered top trap available in game are practically the same as far as your catch rate is concerned. And it also varies depending on the mouse and what base you pair with your trap.
Ok, I admit, I'm pretty geeky too.... it was interesting to read through.
but is anybody else starting to experience pop-ups when playing MH?
Not really... there may have been 1 or 2 when I started playing, but that's it. I have been however with other FB apps and games.
I got the Calm Clearing map piece Although I have to level up before I can get there, and I want to go to Mountaian first, I think. What do you guys think, should I go to Mountain or Calm Clearing first? I was thinking Mountain, just so I can check out the new Charm Shoppe.
Also I caught three more Hope Mice in Harbour.
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
Alright, I'm back in Furoma. We shall see how this goes. I'm in the meditation room right now, and we'll see how this goes. I think I might have the wrong bait for the wrong room, but I don't particularly feel like checking it now, so I'll check it tomorrow.
Avatar thanks to AITB
What do you guys think, should I go to Mountain or Calm Clearing first?
They're equally important so it doesn't matter. I know when I was playing on the Beta site before they upgraded last summer, I usually went to the Mountain first because I almost always snagged the Ninja Mouse quickly (he drops the Laboratory map piece) and could move on whereas in the Calm Clearing, the Cyclops usually took me a while (he drops the Great Gnarled Tree map piece).
But it's up to you. The nice thing about the Calm Clearing is that you have a complete change of scenery and new mice, whereas the Mountain is a rehash of the same ol' mice (with a couple new ones tossed in).
What trap and base are you sporting these days wolf? (Is it ok if I call you wolf for short?)