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[Closed] Mousehunt!!!

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The Logical Ornithological Mod Moderator Emeritus

Well, to those who are concerned with the runic base's rates, I gathered 14 runes today.

The mice frequenting my traps were:
1 Ravenous Zombie
5 Gargoyles (three of which dropped runes)
3 Golems (which dropped a total of five runes)
5 Ghosts
1 Gorgon
1 Spider
3 Spectre
1 Scavenger (which dropped six runes)

14 runes is the most that I have ever caught in one day before, and I am quite pleased with the results. I haven't quite decided what I'm going to do with myself overnight. Part of me wants to head over to the tribal isles, but I think I'll stay in the catacombs and try to rebuild some gold reserves a bit more ;))

EDIT: So, MH crashed this morning, and according to the banner at the top of the page, Glitchpaw mice are going to be re-released. This is awesome news! To anybody who hasn't encountered glitchpaw mice, they're a relatively easy mouse to catch, and they always drop TONS of loot. Each loot drop is specific to a specific area. For example, if you're hunting in the dojo, they dropped 1 Token of the Cheese Claw, 1 Token of the Cheese Fang, and 1 Token of the Cheese Belt. In other words, go to the place where gathering that place's particular loot is most difficult, and stock up! These guys won't be around forever. (I plan on hunting in the forbidden grove, as hopefully they'll start dropping tons of runes!!!!)

Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb

Topic starter Posted : January 13, 2011 1:59 pm
Member Admin

Well there wasn't much terribly new stuff today in Feedback Friday (Review here if you want to read through it). They talked a lot about the new charms. They confirmed that Mustachio is indeed a permanent resident (as I suspected he would be). And they'll be adding in a lot of new charms over the next several weeks that are craftable, or that drop as loot.

Some have already been discovered (if you're lucky enough to guess the exact url name). Like the Anchoring Charm, which keeps the Riptide Mouse from porting you out of Balack's Cove and another charm that I THINK was called the Scientific Charm that increases Radioactive Potion drops in the Lab.

The new Baron area has 3 confirmed and completed mice and will probably have about 18 total when they finish.

The current status on Tournaments is that they're working on creating Hunting Groups. :)

I think that's about it!

Posted : January 14, 2011 5:43 am
The Logical Ornithological Mod Moderator Emeritus

I have switched over to Elub Shores for a bit. I wasn't having much luck today in the Forbidden Grove, and it closes in a couple of hours, so I figured it was for the best.

It might be interesting to note, that I tried using my Explosive Toboggan Trap, and was robbed twice (Once by a protector mouse and once by a champion mouse). So I have switched back over to my Ancient Spear Gun to see how I fare. Hopefully I'll do a bit better. Of the Elub Tribe, I still need to catch a Champion and a Chieftain. I'm done with Nerg, but in Derr, I still need a Guardian.

We'll see how things work out!

Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb

Topic starter Posted : January 14, 2011 5:56 am
Member Moderator

Yes! I am halfway to having all the torn pages for the spellbook base! The technic king I just caught dropped the second of three pages I needed. I'm going to try and run the gauntlet (kind of doubt it'll happen) and snag a mystic king at the same time since my amplifier is still above 80%.

Posted : January 14, 2011 7:35 am
Lady Arwen
The Mermod Moderator

Well, the catacombs do prove to be quite profitable with Ronza's trap. When I traveled there, I had about 65k. I've been doing about 100k per day since then--I'm at 337,890 gold right now. :) This means that I should be able to get at least the tactical trap, if not that and a base. I'd love to be able to get all three (the trap and two bases), but I don't think I'll be able to farm THAT much gold. ;)) Plus, by early tomorrow, I'll need to craft more cheese. We shall see.

Avatar thanks to AITB

Posted : January 14, 2011 8:27 am
NarniaWeb Guru

So I am down to less than 100,000 gold and still only Legendary. I'm hunting in the Laboratory where my stash won't be stolen. Do I have to be patient to build up my financial reserves?

"To the Great Western Wood, I give you...."

Posted : January 14, 2011 2:26 pm
The Logical Ornithological Mod Moderator Emeritus

That's more or less the only option right now, EtJ. Ronza's visits can definitely bankrupt one fairly quickly. Did you get anything from her?

Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb

Topic starter Posted : January 14, 2011 2:54 pm
NarniaWeb Guru

The Bacon Base was all I could afford, DiGs. I've gotten a few charms, but they're all gone right now and frankly I don't want to spend the money to travel to get more. I've been pretty happy with the Bacon Base though; especially with various charms, my catch rate was pretty nice.

"To the Great Western Wood, I give you...."

Posted : January 14, 2011 3:03 pm
The Logical Ornithological Mod Moderator Emeritus

Yeah, as far as beginner bases go, the bacon base isn't too shabby. If you're able to save up enough money, I'd try going for the Rewer's Riposte as well. If you can't get it. . . perhaps try the pneumatic tube trap. It is definitely comparable to the deathbot, as well as the NVMRC forcefield trap. It might be a stretch to say this, but it might even be able to go head to head with the digby drillbot. (Perhaps. . . it's nearly a thousand power points weaker, but it's got 13 more luck) So it might not be a bad investment at 370,000 gold, if you're a newer player, and have a bit of money leftover.

I have exhausted my supply of shell-cheese (I have the components to make some more though ;)) ) and have moved on to hunting in Nerg Plains. Part of this is because I want some yellow pepper seeds (as I'm starting to stockpile the various havarti cheese), and part of it is because I want to try out this Rewer's Riposte when compared to the Horrific Venus Mouse Trap.

So far, I've had 5 trap checks with the rewer's riposte, and three of them have been successful. I have it coupled with the candy cane base for a total luck power of 33!

I might try switching back to the Horrific Venus Mousetrap after ten trap checks or so, just to see how it compares.

Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb

Topic starter Posted : January 15, 2011 6:18 am
Lady Arwen
The Mermod Moderator

Question for the upper-ups.

I have about 444,500 gold, and 42 pieces of radioactive left. I'm in the Catacombs. I only have 11 pieces of brie. Will I be able to hit enough in gold to get Ronza's tactical trap without having to craft more cheese? If not, where is the closest place for me to get more brie?

Avatar thanks to AITB

Posted : January 15, 2011 6:46 am
The Logical Ornithological Mod Moderator Emeritus

If you're having a similar catch rate to ACRONYM, then I would say that that forty-two pieces will earn you around 150,000 in gold. Now, you can purchase some more brie to convert, or you can craft some ancient cheese. All you need is stale cheese and ionized salt.

Ancient Cheese (Three Pieces):
6 Ionized Salt (450 gold each)
3 Stale Cheese

There's a cheese shoppe in the bazaar, but I don't know whether or not they sell brie (they are the closest place that sells ionized salt though, so you're going to have to head there either way).

Well as it is right now, I'm thinking that the Horrific Venus Mouse Trap is doing better against the Nerg then the Rewer's Riposte was. The Rewer's Riposte caught 5/11 mice that visited my trap. Horrific Venus MouseTrap has caught 7/11. I mean. . . it's still good, considering the price, and considering that it's still got close to a 50% catch rate against the Nerg.

Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb

Topic starter Posted : January 15, 2011 12:42 pm
Member Moderator

I'm back in the seasonal garden again. Didn't manage to run the gauntlet, but the king I caught did drop the page. 1 more technic and 2 more mystic pages to go.

I've been using the seasonal base and in spring I didn't really notice much of a difference between it and my magma base. Now that it's summer, there's a definite difference between ZFM + seasonal and ZFM + magma. The attraction is 3% higher and the power is 10% higher. Luck is 4% lower (magma has the higher luck), but that's a pretty substantial power difference.

Posted : January 16, 2011 2:54 am
Member Admin

I'm hunting in the Laboratory where my stash won't be stolen. Do I have to be patient to build up my financial reserves?

Some tips on making a little extra gold right now for those who need it...

Sell extraneous traps! Traps will not sell back for nearly what you bought them for, but unless you want to collect them, there's no reason whatsoever to keep a lot of them. You only need one of each type (physical, tactical, etc.) But at the same time, be sure to research and make sure you don't need them again in the future (like the Venus Mouse Trap and Zugzwang's Last Move). If you want to list your traps here you're not sure about selling back, feel free and I'll let you know if they have a current future use or not. ;)

Sell extra Cheese! There is absolutely no reason for any of the current hunter's on here to have Cheddar in your inventory. It is a terrible cheese to hunt with and the Cheese Merchants will be happy to take it off your hands (same with any other non-crafted cheeses you're not using). ;) The nice thing about cheese is that it sells back for the exact same amount of gold it costs to buy it. :)

After that, EtJ, the best place for you to hunt to make gold is the Mouseleum. I know you just got there and there's probably a lot of red boxes saying 'THE MONSTER MOUSE ATE MY CHEESE AND MADE OFF WITH 2000 GOLD!!! ARGGG!!!' But those mice are worth a ridiculous amount of gold and you'll easily make back what's stolen from you. :) Get used to the red boxes. ;)

Well as it is right now, I'm thinking that the Horrific Venus Mouse Trap is doing better against the Nerg then the Rewer's Riposte was. The Rewer's Riposte caught 5/11 mice that visited my trap. Horrific Venus MouseTrap has caught 7/11.

A couple things... that's not NEARLY enough mice for an accurate sampling. But even if it is correct, you should be keeping track of drops as well.
For example, if those 5 mice you caught with Rewers (higher luck = more drops) drop 2 veggies a piece, and the 7 you caught with HVMT only drop 1 a piece, Rewers wins on veggie drops. You'll have to decide what's more important... gold/points or veggies. ;)) I know after living in the Tribal Islands for forever, veggies were far more important. :))

And by the way, congrats on getting all of the Tribal Chieftains. :D

Didn't manage to run the gauntlet, but the king I caught did drop the page. 1 more technic and 2 more mystic pages to go.

Congrats on finally getting another page!! Those king's have been quite stingy with you. :P

And as I posted on your corkboard earlier, I've been having rotten luck in the Garden today, so I haven't noticed any improvement at all with the Seasonal Base. :P Gonna test Fall (which is the worst season for me) and decide whether or not hunting with that base is worth it or if I should still with the Spellbook.

So has everyone snagged a Rockstar and Glitchpaw Mouse? :D

And in case you didn't see already, Ronza is here til Wednesday. :)

Posted : January 16, 2011 1:30 pm
Member Moderator

Winter's been the worst for me, but I'm hoping that'll change with the DDA trap. My golden shield has finally expired, so I should get a better look at how the base'll do.

I'm debating about which king to go after first next time. I'm toying with the mystic king first and seeing if I can run the gauntlet. I was 3 mice away from it last time. Guess it depends on how much luck I have in the tower.

Posted : January 16, 2011 3:30 pm
NarniaWeb Nut

I don't know if anyone has mentioned this bit of info in the thread yet (they probably have) but if you have any Facebook credits, you can spend them to get Superbrie and the golden shield. (I actually care about the golden shield more at this point in the game. I spend the least amount of points possible so that I can make more purchases and get the shield longer.)

Currently I'm in the Seasonal Gardens with the new Seasonal Base. Honestly, I can't even tell if it's better than the Magma Base. I'm getting lots of money, about 100,000 a day during spring, but I don't remember if that's the amount I made the first time.

Also, my ranking seems to have stalled out at around 31%. I'm tempted to buy one or both of the pawn pinchers and run the tower to see if my ranking with climb higher but I don't want to spend any money if any of Ronza's traps are worth it...

I haven't heard anything definitive on whether they're better than what I already have so it's frustrating.

Posted : January 16, 2011 6:51 pm
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