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[Closed] Mousehunt!!!

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Nah. It's more likely to be her ship actually making it onto the map. That is if they do it the same way they did it last trip.

Edit: Guess I was wrong. lol.

Posted : January 12, 2011 8:28 am
The Logical Ornithological Mod Moderator Emeritus

RONZA IS HERE! I REPEAT! RONZA IS HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here are the objects that she has for sale:

Crate of Ultimate Charms: Redeemable for the Voucher from the Festive Comet.
Description: Have a 2010 Ronza Voucher from the Great Winter Hunt? Redeem it here for this crate containing 20 Ultimate Luck Charms. These charms provide a +20 luck bonus while armed. To open the crate, view the "Special" section of your inventory. One charm is used for each mouse encountered, so use them wisely! In order to arm these Charms, visit Moustachio's new Charm Shoppe in the Mountians and purchase a Charm Conduit.


Pneumatic Tube Trap ( 2,300 Physical Power )
Power Type: Physical
Power Bonus: 20%
Attraction Bonus: 5%
Luck: 18
Cheese Effect: No Effect
A simple pressure plate below the cheese activates the powerful vacuum tube sucking the mouse to any location you or the vast network of tubes dictates. The highly lucky suction is capable of capturing a mouse that is on the brink of escape, producing a satisfying "FOOOMP" sound.

Rewers Riposte ( 2,900 Tactical Power )
Power Type: Tactical
Power Bonus: 15%
Attraction Bonus: 5%
Luck: 25
Cheese Effect: Fresh
These droids have been specially trained by one of the kingdom's most devoted hunters. The droids are quick and agile, allowing them to easily parry an incoming mouse and corral them under a massive net.

Arcane Blast Trap ( 3,400 Arcane Power )
Power Type: Arcane
Power Bonus: 8%
Attraction Bonus: none
Luck: 20
Cheese Effect: Insanely Fresh
This trap uses the conductive properties of onyx to draw magical energy from the world around it. When the trap is activated, the concentrated energy is released in a bright blast, vanquishing mice to another realm.


Bacon Base ( 200 Power )
Power Bonus: none
Attraction Bonus: 15%
Luck: none
Cheese Effect: Extremely Fresh
This odd little base was granted to Ronza for her help in defeating a Nether Pig plaguing a small village in a far off land. Thankfully it's not actually made of real meat, but rather a cleverly painted polycarbonate slab.

Seasonal Base ( 300 Power )
Power Bonus: none
Attraction Bonus: 8%
Luck: 6
Cheese Effect: No Effect
This base is carved from the magical soil of Zugzwang's Seasonal Garden. The serene soil brings together all four seasons, providing camouflage inside the garden. The Seasonal Base gains an 18% power bonus when hunting in the Seasonal Garden.

Runic Base ( 200 Power )
Power Bonus: 12%
Attraction Bonus: 10%
Luck: 5
Cheese Effect: No Effect
Forged by "The Forgotten", this ancient tablet was once used as a crafting station to enchant Runes. While in Bristle Woods, the engravings etched on this base begin to glow and dance along the tablet, calling out for what was once born from its surface, attracting mice carrying an abundance of Runes.


Tiki Base Blueprints
These blueprints describe how to assemble pieces of Tribal Timber into an ornate base capable of mesmerizing the mice of the Elub, Nerg and Derr tribes. The enchanting effect results in a +6 luck bonus when hunting the three tribes. These plans are printed by Ronza herself, and are often available when she visits. Due to her limited supply, a hunter may only own 5 copies of the blueprints.

So. . . advanced hunters in the game. What should people at each level buy? None of the traps particularly tripped my fancy so to speak (as each of them is weaker than a component that I already have), but those bases are SUH-WEET! I've went ahead and purchased all three of them (the bacon base merely because. . .well. . . it's hilarious).

Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb

Topic starter Posted : January 12, 2011 9:30 am
Member Admin

Other new stuff that I espied.... Mustachio has set up shop in the Mountain. I don't know this for sure yet, but I'm guessing he's here to stay. I bought some luck and attraction charms.

Under the prize shoppe there's a new baby trap for 45 King's Credits which isn't that great, but it's hilarious....

Shrink Ray Trap ( 1,000 Physical Power )
Power Type: Physical
Power Bonus: 5%
Attraction Bonus: 2%
Luck: 8
Cheese Effect: Fresh
Zap! This high-powered Shrink Ray reduces mice to miniature in seconds flat! Makes a great trap for a beginning MouseHunter!

I'm with you DiGs, none of the traps really caught my eye, the tactical one did the most, but I'm gonna wait for feedback on the forum before I get it.

But three of the four new bases did catch my eye with their specialty bonuses.

I'm gonna keep an eye on the forum for suggestions before I purchase anything, but I know my brother for sure will snag some of the stuff. :D

Hey Kat, what do you want to bet that the new Baron/Baroness area will be an Arcane area based on that new crazy trap? :P

Posted : January 12, 2011 9:38 am
The Logical Ornithological Mod Moderator Emeritus

Hey Kat, what do you want to bet that the new Baron/Baroness area will be an Arcane area based on that new crazy trap?

What would make you think that? ACRONYM is better than that trap, isn't it?

Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb

Topic starter Posted : January 12, 2011 9:49 am
Member Admin

@ DiGs, Depends on what the area you're hunting in requires. If it requires collecting drops of some sort (like say, runes), that new arcane trap is better.

To pretty much all hunters, I'm definitely going to recommend snagging the Rewers Riposte. That is an INSANE amount of luck. My best tactical trap (Zugzwang's First Move) doesn't even come close. So even I will probably purchase one of those.

If you do not have the Chrome Drillbot, Christmas Cracker Trap, or Rhinobot, then I'd suggest the Pneumatic Tube Trap as well.

The Arcane Blast Trap is tricky. I'd say it's pretty well equivalent to the ACRONYM trap in catching mice, but in my luck is better for drops, so that makes the Arcane Blast Trap better in my book. I just don't know if I want to shell out that much gold for it. :P

The Bacon Base does nothing for me, aside from the fact it's funny. ;))

The Seasonal Base is fantastic if you ever want to hunt in the Seasonal Garden. ;)

The Runic Base is excellent if you haven't finished up with the Acolyte Realm yet (which I think only Kat and I have on here). And if you ever need Runes again (or, as I hear it Frozen Scrolls dropped by the Acolyte Mouse) it's probably a worthwhile investment.

I don't know what the stats are on the Tiki Base yet, but the Tribal Islands probably require the longest amount of time to complete and anything that helps speed up that area gets a thumbs up in my book. :)

I looked over the news post, and I'm pretty sure that Mustachio is here to stay, so no need to stock up on charms unless you want to. Hopefully we'll get a more definitive answer one way or another soon.

For you new hunters, Ronza's Traveling Shoppe has the Rockstar Mouse. Requires Rockforth Cheese to catch which is dropped in the same area. :)

Hope that helps everyone! :)

Posted : January 12, 2011 10:01 am
Member Moderator

Arcane Blast Trap ( 3,400 Arcane Power )
Power Type: Arcane
Power Bonus: 8%
Attraction Bonus: none
Luck: 20
Cheese Effect: Insanely Fresh

Power: 3800 (Arcane)
Power Bonus: 12%
Attraction Bonus: none
Luck: 18
Cheese Effect: Insanely Stale

I think I would have to go with comparable at least. It's a good trap if you don't want to craft the ACRONYM, but doesn't have quite the power that the ACRONYM has.

I'm thinking it's either that or a hydro section, fantasia. What with the heat bath and the DD traps.

I'm torn about buying the Runic base. Any advice?

For lower level players, the tactical trap looks fairly good and the bases.

*random early speculations from me* *sees fantasia's post* You can skip this post now and go back and read her's. Her's is better.

Posted : January 12, 2011 10:03 am
Chloë Máiréad
NarniaWeb Junkie

I have a little over 675,000 in gold. What would you recommend I get?

I'm considering getting the Rewers Riposte, but then the only other thing I can afford is the Bacon Base. :P

"No one's ever burned you, nothing's ever left you scarred and even though you want to, just try to never grow up." -Taylor Swift, Never Grow Up

Posted : January 12, 2011 10:15 am
The Logical Ornithological Mod Moderator Emeritus

Well, I've had three trap checks since I armed the runic base (in the forbidden grove) and I still haven't gotten a rune. Given, the only mouse that I have attracted that typically drops runes is the Scavenger mouse, and he dropped some scrap metal. . . but I digress.

It is a pretty strong base, that's for sure. I was originally hunting with ACRONYM with Candy Cane Base. Here is a comparison of the two:

Power: 4960
Power Bonus: 24%
Luck: 23
Attraction Bonus: 10%
Cheese: Insanely Stale

Power: 4592
Power Bonus: 12%
Luck: 26
Attraction Bonus: 10%
Cheese: Extremely Stale

Chloe, I would hold off buying anything right now. Comparisons and statistics are going to be coming out very shortly. Remind me of your ranking again? If you haven't hit furoma yet, then the Riposte trap might be a good idea, but like I said, wait until some statistics and reviews to come out before making a final decision.

Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb

Topic starter Posted : January 12, 2011 10:18 am
Chloë Máiréad
NarniaWeb Junkie

Mm, 'kay. I haven't bought anything yet. My rank is Legendary (4%).

"No one's ever burned you, nothing's ever left you scarred and even though you want to, just try to never grow up." -Taylor Swift, Never Grow Up

Posted : January 12, 2011 10:30 am
Bother Eustace
NarniaWeb Junkie

I was leaning towards buying the Rewers Riposte too; with 655 K I probably won't be able to buy anything else after the purchase. I'm still thinking it through though, don't want to make a rushed decision.

Correct me if I'm mistaken, but aren't the mice at the Lagoon susceptible to Tactical traps? That will be my next area, so maybe the Rewers Riposte is my best option.

"Of course we've got to find him (if we can). That's the nuisance of it. It means a search party and endless trouble. Bother Eustace." ~ Caspian, The Voyage of the Dawn Treader
Sig: lover of narnia

Posted : January 12, 2011 10:38 am
The Logical Ornithological Mod Moderator Emeritus

All of the mice in the lagoon are succeptible to tactical traps, and most of them are extremely succeptible to them. Using a tactical trap in there is an excellent idea! Not to mention that as you're still pretty early in the game, Bother Eustace, that this tactical trap should see you through for a fairly long time.

Here is a breakdown of the Rewers Riposte against every other early tactical trap in the game for those of you who are contemplating it:

Rewers Riposte ( 2,900 Tactical Power )
Power Type: Tactical
Power Bonus: 15%
Attraction Bonus: 5%
Luck: 25
Cheese Effect: Fresh

Zugzwang's Last Move (2200 Tactical Power)
Power Type: Tactical
Power Bonus: 15%
Attraction Bonus: 0%
Luck: 7
Cheese Effect: Fresh

Venus Mouse Trap (1900 Tactical Power)
Power Type: Tactical
Power Bonus: 0%
Attraction Bonus: 5%
Luck: 5
Cheese Effect: Extremely Fresh

Mutated Venus Mouse Trap (2300 Tactical Power)
Power Type: Tactical
Power Bonus: 15%
Attraction Bonus: 0%
Luck: 8
Cheese Effect: Insanely Stale

Ambush (3,000 Tactical Power)
Power Type: Tactical
Power Bonus: 5%
Attraction Bonus: 0%
Luck: 12
Cheese Effect: Fresh

As you can see, it is comparable (if not better) than Ambush, which is the trap used throughout the furoma region, and even up until the tribal isles (where you'll admittedly need to purchase all of the upgrades to the venus mouse trap in order to get the next best ambush trap [The Horrific Venus Mouse Trap]). So yeah, I think that purchasing that would be a very wise idea. You'll probably make enough money in the lagoon while you're at it, that you'll probably be able to return to purchase the bacon base (which, as far as early bases go, isn't too shabby either).

Hope that helped, Bother Eustace.

Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb

Topic starter Posted : January 12, 2011 11:26 am
Lady Arwen
The Mermod Moderator

I went ahead and got the Arcane trap, and am now hunting "like mad" (per F_K's advice :P ) in the Catacombs, so hopefully I can get enough to buy some more stuff before Ronza leaves. We'll see. :)

Avatar thanks to AITB

Posted : January 12, 2011 12:32 pm
Member Admin

I would DEFINITELY recommend that tactical trap. The more I look at it, the better I think it is. It's definitely at least the second best tactical trap in the game, if not the best. DiGs posted the lower level traps, but I'm gonna post the higher level ones for comparison.

Prior to Zugzwang's First Move, here were the two best tactical traps in the game.

2010 Blastoff Trap
Power: 2,600
Power Bonus: 15%
Attraction Bonus: 0%
Luck: 25
Cheese Effect: Very Stale

Horrific Venus Mouse Trap
Power: 3,400
Power Bonus: 12%
Attraction Bonus: 1%
Luck: 16
Cheese Effect: No Effect

When all of the numbers came in, it was shown that not only was the 2010 trap luckier, it was superior at catching mice... so I was REALLY kicking myself for not getting it. :P The Rewers Riposte is a straight upgrade of the 2010 trap. Whether it's better than Zugzwang's First Move or not, I don't know. At the price, it's definitely a worthwhile investment.

So here's what I've decided I'm going to get for sure. Rewers Riposte, the Seasonal Base (which I already bought), the Runic Base, and the Tiki Base. Still debating on the Arcane Trap. My husband decided it's not worth the price. But if you don't have the ACRONYM at all, and you can afford the Arcane Trap, it's definitely worth it.

By the way Bother Eustace, a good hydro trap is probably your best bet for the Lagoon. A tactical trap will work too, but a hydro trap will work even better. (Well, I guess that depends on which trap you have... :P )

Posted : January 12, 2011 12:34 pm
Member Hospitality Committee

I'm a Hero (8%) and I was wondering which was the best trap to buy from Ronza? I currently have about 658k gold....

See the armies so arrayed,
Line on line, ten thousand strong.
See the Dragon King’s sharp blade,
Rising to a song!
See his enemies laid low!
Hear our voices sing:
Let glory crown the victor’s brow,
In the Hall of the Dragon King!

Posted : January 12, 2011 12:40 pm
Member Admin

I found the Tiki Base recipe on the forums....

Crafted my TIKI Base!
- Smash your Tribal Base (you will get 3 Tribal Timber)

- Combine Tiki Blueprints & 3 Tribal Timber

- Gloat as you have an AWESOME Base!

Power: 200
Power Bonus: 18%
Attraction Bonus: 5%
Luck: none
Cheese Effect: Very Fresh

+ 6 Luck against the Tribes!

Phoenix, I took a look at your profile, and here's the order of priority I'd suggest....

Rewers Riposte Trap
Pneumatic Tube Trap
Tiki Base Blueprints AND/OR Runic Base


Posted : January 12, 2011 12:59 pm
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