TheGeneral, this version is a facebook game. Tis a good game that mainly requires a little strategy and a little luck and only a little time.
Digs, you have to hit the Cape. But you need Gumbo first. To craft that, you have to go to Nerg to chase mice until you catch enough Savoury Veggies. Your best trap setup for Nerg is the strongest tactical trap you have along with gouda. Gouda's pretty much required for the tribal isles.
No, No, Digs, I'm good. It just made off with some of my cheese. I finally caught a treat now. I found in this last area it was better to go ahead and change my trap from tactical to shadow, so I'm using the bottomless grave right now.
EDIT ~2:40 PST: I GOT A TRICK MOUSE!!!! huzzah!
Avatar thanks to AITB
I don't think it really mattered what kind of trap you used in the Halloween Area. I used an Arcane trap (although it was a very powerful one), and it worked very well.
I'm still building up gold supplies in the catacombs. I'm at 752,000 gold right now. Which sounds like a whole lot. . . but when you consider that I'm about to buy ~600,000 gold blueprints to make a trap. . . it really isn't
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
I went ahead and crafted the Pumpkin Pummeler, and its a much stronger trap. I'm going through the maze again. Hopefully I can finish it before the event is over...I'd like another seed, just in case.
Avatar thanks to AITB
You guys are cracking me up. The way you act is like a little kid chatting about his favorite video game and his eyes lighting up and everything.
This must be quite the game.
"Let the music cast its spell,
give the atmosphere a chance.
Simply follow where I lead;
let me teach you how to dance."
sweet, if you have a facebook account you should sign up. It's a lot of fun, and doesn't take a lot of time to play. Honestly. . . could all of these mods be wrong
I've finally moved on to the tribal isles. I just wish my ACRONYM or Christmas Cracker trap would work here They're so much more powerful than this little ambush trap.
Does anybody know whether or not the halloween cheese will work in the tribal isles?
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
They're supposed to work everywhere, Digs, and have higher attraction rates.
Sweeet, I'm glad we amooose (stet) you. I've had my co-workers want to see all the mice. I think it might be because they're so cute....
EDIT: Would some of you that have finished up the Terrortories mind changing your trick to a treat? I have nearly over 100 tricks, but very few candy corns. TY.
Avatar thanks to AITB
Would some of you that have finished up the Terrortories mind changing your trick to a treat?
Done. Have you been getting any out of the Pumpkin Gift Baskets? Those have some on occasion as well.
Two more days until the Halloween event ends. And then I suspect after that one month until they start their big Christmas event.
At least, that's my hope. I'll also be curious to see if they do something different this year from last year. I assume so as the Christmas Cracker Trap was a Limited Edition only trap (meaning it won't be back again).
Maybe the realm of gnawnia will go through the same debris field from whence the Christmas comet came! I can only hope for another awesome trap! I don't know how far behind I would be if it wasn't for that Christmas cracker trap.
*finds it hard to believe that he's been playing this game for almost a year*
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
Thanks, F_K. I've got all I can for tonight, but I think, with luck, I'll get through before the event is over.
Hmm, I'm thinking a new Christmas event would be quite fun. Perhaps some Santa Claus and Mrs. Claus mice?
Avatar thanks to AITB
What makes this game so addicting for you?
I thought that perhaps I should answer this question.
I picked up MouseHunt shortly after I quit playing WoW. I was having video game withdrawal and just searched around for Facebook games. I don't know how I ran across this one but it said something like "The Kingdom of Gnawnia is being overrun with mice! Help hunt them down!" Which of course cracked me up as I love Narnia and this was a horrible pun on Narnia.
So I started playing. Pretty straightforward, and if I'm being honest, a little bit boring. You automatically check your trap once every hour... cool. Course at the time, I thought that the purpose of the hunter's horn was to take your friends on hunts along with you, so I would wait to sound it until someone else was online. Oops. I think I got my sister Aravanna started around that time, but then I quit for a while cause there just wasn't much going on.
For those that play now, you have to understand that the only two regions that existed at the time were Gnawnia and the Burroughs... and that was it. Well, my sister got after me to come back cause they had opened up a couple new regions since I had quit playing, so I came back and sure enough, it was a lot more fun now. They had added potions and craftable cheese, and new regions and more things to do. Plus they had events and stuff for holidays... And I've been a hardcore Mousehunter ever since.
And have got a fair number of mods hooked on the game too. *beams proudly*
But what makes it addicting is a combination of it's pure simplicity. You don't have to dedicate much time to the game at all. Just signing in once a day will guarantee you your 24 hour trap checks so if that's all you want to play, cool! If you are like me and work from your computer, you can sound your horn every 15 min and progress through the game a lot faster.
The other thing that makes it addicting is the creativity and silliness in the game. For example, who can resist the Aged Mouse description?
The Aged mouse provides sage advice to the youngsters of the Derr tribe and tutors them on how to steal cheese from hunters' traps as a super callous fragile mystic, plagued with halitosis. You'll often see this peaceful mouse near the coast, discussing philosophy with the Shelder mice.
Plus there's a LotR inspired Mouse and a Dune inspired Mouse... lots of little fun tidbits like that.
So there you go.
Oh, and one other thing for my fellow Mousehunters. I just read that there is going to be a November special event. No idea what. I doubt it's Thanksgiving as the developers are Canadian and their Thanksgiving is already over. Looking forward to seeing what it is!
I'm still currently hunting in the Haunted Terrortories, but afterward, I suppose I'll be heading back to Furoma and trying my luck there again
See the armies so arrayed,
Line on line, ten thousand strong.
See the Dragon King’s sharp blade,
Rising to a song!
See his enemies laid low!
Hear our voices sing:
Let glory crown the victor’s brow,
In the Hall of the Dragon King!
I've almost saved up enough savoury veggies to make my first batch of gumbo cheese! I'm getting closer to that Grandfather mouse!!!!
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
And have got a fair number of mods hooked on the game too. *beams proudly*
It's true. I left her invite setting for months before I finally caved yesterday.
I don't really know what's so much fun about the game since there isn't a whole lot to it at this level, but it is addicting. And the artwork is just so cute.
I'm still at Recruit level (53%). I blew a ton of gold on the Mary O'Nette and so far it's working just about the same as my High-Tension Spring was. Oh well.
All of the higher level mice seem to come sneaking along when I'm not around. I'll catch the same mice over and over until I go out for a bit but when I come back, there's a mouse in my trap that I've never caught before. Or there's been one that's made off with my cheese... minions.
Elle has been my MH sounding board for the past two days and she's been very patient with all of my chattering.
By the way, does anybody have specific requests for daily gifts? (You can see what's available by going to Friends -> Send Free Gifts.)