I just caught Christmas Future and Slay Ride and they both dropped their loot! Four minutes and counting until I can hunt for Squeaker Claws! Is he more likely to be caught using the Explosive Toboggan Ride? I still need the Ski Sign and the Festive Mines for the upgrade, but I have the basic trap.
5:15 pm - Festive Comet
I checked my trap and found that I had caught a mouse! I caught a 3 lb. 4 oz. Squeaker Claws worth 10,000 points and 1,400 gold.The mouse also dropped the following loot:
1 2010 Winter Star and 1 Ronza Voucher
I guess it's official: I like this game.
Well, I've caught Squeaker Claws, but I still don't have the following items for the trap/upgrade:
-Packed Snow
-Ski Sign
-Lava Bucket
-Festives Mines.
I've caught most of the mice that drop them, but they didn't drop any loot...I'm hoping that today I will at least get one of them...
"No one's ever burned you, nothing's ever left you scarred and even though you want to, just try to never grow up." -Taylor Swift, Never Grow Up
Do I need all the parts for each (the sled trap AND the upgrade) if all I'm after is the upgrade? IE.... the only thing I don't have is the sled for the trap itself.
"To the Great Western Wood, I give you...."
Yeah, you're going to need both, EtJ. You're going to need the items dropped by the festive mice (festive fuse, heart of ice, packed snow, icicles, etc. . . .), in order to purchase the toboggan trap, and then you'll need the other components to craft the upgrade. (Which you'll need the rank of hero in order to craft)
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
I've crafted the trap, but not the upgrade yet. I have the pieces except for the platinum. I'm toying with the idea of going ahead and switching over to the Forbidden Grove so I can start farming more gold before I go spend all that on the platinum. I may hold off on crafting the upgrade until after Ronza comes through. (Can we do that?) I want to run through my seasoned gouda first though.
Kat, do we know for certain that the upgrade requires platinum? I thought that was just speculation amongst those in this thread?
I'm still waiting for another Slay Ride Mouse. I really hope that I can get one of them today (At least, one that drops the loot)
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
Tis up on the wiki now. It requires 18 bars of platinum. So it makes for an expensive upgrade. I'm going to use up the last of my nutmeg and head out I think. I didn't finish up my SG or my gingerbread, but I can always save it.
Time for me to go after either dragons or the acolyte. I think I'm going after the acolyte first. I've only caught one to date and it'll be a good way to farm gold for Ronza.
I found the recipe on the forum yesterday right after it was discovered and my brother crafted it. It is VERY $$$ so hopefully he won't regret making it right now as he's officially broke. I had two full sets of materials so I made two Toboggan Traps and smashed one. I'll craft the upgrade later when I have the money to make it. I don't need it right now and am saving up for the Cackle Lantern Trap (which I also have the limited edition pieces but not the gold for the rest of the materials
I was interested to see that the Double Diamond trap is definitely not as good as the Heat Bath, so that made me feel a little bit better since I farmed the materials for the Heat Bath for so long, but I do feel bad for everyone else who actually could use it because it is the most difficult trap in the game to get. (Good luck Kat!)
Congratulations to everyone who has snagged the Squeaker Claws Mouse! (And I think that's all of you by now) and a double congratulations to those of you who have the Toboggan Trap. It's a very, very nice trap; especially for those of you who don't have a hydro trap yet.
I was interested to see that the Double Diamond trap is definitely not as good as the Heat Bath, so that made me feel a little bit better since I farmed the materials for the Heat Bath for so long, but I do feel bad for everyone else who actually could use it because it is the most difficult trap in the game to get. (Good luck Kat!)
I am sincerely bummed that the upgrade isn't better than the heat bath. I was hoping that this would be my way around crafting that thing (hideously expensive as it is!). What's more, is that it really isn't any better than my Ancient Spear Gun that I'm using now (apart from the fact that it has 6 more luck, a fact that is cancelled out by the fact that it is less powerful). Oh well, I'm not even sure if I'll make the upgrade now, as it costs are comparable to that of the heat bath.
I can only hope for some awesome Ronzian traps!
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
I had two full sets of materials so I made two Toboggan Traps and smashed one.
(Good luck Kat!)
I did the exact same thing. I only needed a second sleigh and I had all that extra cheese. So I crafted it twice. I'm over in the grove now. Thanks to all the King's Credits from this last event, I have quite a bit of stuff for gumbo, crunchy, and shell (45 pieces of each cheese at the moment) to go after seeds for the havarti. So I'm probably going to bounce between the grove, the acolyte realm, and the tribal isles until Ronza comes.
Thanks fantasia. I've got the golden shield at the moment, so hopefully I'll pick up more fire salt while I'm in the jungle. After Ronza goes, I'll turn my attention to crafting the Cackle and Diamond traps.
Digs, it may not be as good, but it sure is a leap ahead for people who don't have a hydro trap yet. The upgrade is even better for them.
Congrats to all who have caught Squeaker Claws! And to those who have the new trap! Good luck to those who still need some of the pieces!
Well, I've caught a few more things that I needed and now I only need these three things: Sled, Ski Sign, and Festives Mines. As soon as I get the sled I'll buy the ETR trap and hopefully get the upgrade parts before the event ends...
I'm very excited about Ronza, but not too happy about my amount of gold...I hope I can at least buy one thing! But if her things are pricey, I'm not sure I'll be able to buy anything. We'll see, though.
"No one's ever burned you, nothing's ever left you scarred and even though you want to, just try to never grow up." -Taylor Swift, Never Grow Up
...(apart from the fact that it has 6 more luck, a fact that is cancelled out by the fact that it is less powerful)...
For the two years I've been playing this game, I've slowly learned how incorrect that line of thought is. In fact I often skipped out on Ronza's offerings because of that exact logic which turned out to be a huge mistake.
The Double Diamond is indeed better than the Ancient Spear Gun. Look at it compared to the Kraken Chaos Trap from last year. The Kraken Chaos was pretty well equal to the ASG in catching mice (arguably better), but because of the superior luck, seashells dropped a lot faster. So it was a better trap. The Double Diamond is a straight upgrade of that.
*starts singing* "All I want for Christmas is a Snow Fort Mouse, who drops packed snow, and a Squeaker Claws. All I want for Christmas is an Explosive Toboggan Riiiiiiiiide... then I can wish you merry Christmas!!!"
I used my only piece of Nutmeg Cheese... and Mr. Claws just ate it. Hopefully I can get some more Frozen Fromage, cause Squeaker Claws doesn't seem too impressed with my other bait. The Snow Fort Mouse is also being extremely evasive... I caught one, but he didn't drop any loot. Packed Snow is the only thing I need to get the ETR!!! Needless to say, I'm quite anxious right now as things come down to the wire!
"Of course we've got to find him (if we can). That's the nuisance of it. It means a search party and endless trouble. Bother Eustace." ~ Caspian, The Voyage of the Dawn Treader
Sig: lover of narnia
The Snow Fort Mouse is also being extremely evasive... I caught one, but he didn't drop any loot.
You see, this just goes to show that there really is no special way of catching these guys I've caught like 12 Snow Fort Mice. I've also caught more than 10 Missile Toe Mice, which I know gave starkat a rough time. But I had trouble getting the Nutcracker Mouse, and am now having trouble getting a Slay Ride Mouse to drop some loot
Chloë Máiréad, if you see something that you fancy, and you're unable to pay for it, send me a PM. . . I might be able to help out a fellow Narnian Hunter
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
DiGoRyKiRkE, that's such a kind offer. I'm gonna try to get as much gold as I can, though.
Wow, I sound like a golddigger...
"No one's ever burned you, nothing's ever left you scarred and even though you want to, just try to never grow up." -Taylor Swift, Never Grow Up