For the lower-leveled people that want to take a serious shot at getting the upgrade pieces for the Toboggan Trap, you're going to want to equip the HIGHEST LUCK SETUP you can because at this point you're not going to be able to get enough power to catch the Gladiator Mouse.
Almost everybody bought the Candy Cane Base. That's an excellent lucky base!! The only way you'll be able to get your hands on a better one before the end of the event is if the Squeaker Claws drops one.
For traps, I think the highest luck trap that a lot of you have is the Swiss Army Mouse Trap (10 luck). Now if you have the gold and REALLY want to go for it in the next couple days, the NVMRC Forcefield Trap has 12 luck and a lot more power than the Swiss Army, so probably the best setup you'll be able to muster before Thursday is the NVMRC Trap and the Candy Cane Base.
HOWEVER!!! Having said that, on Thursday, you will be able to complete the Toboggan Ride Trap which has a lovely amount of 16 luck on it. The event doesn't end until Jan 6 (I think) and so you'll still have a couple of weeks to hunt with that trap. The only downside to this trap is that it's not a physical trap and the Gladiator Mouse is a physical mouse, so the NVMRC may still be a better option. I'm not sure yet.
So there are a couple strategies to consider. Good luck!
Out of curiosity, is Gilded Cheese used for anything other than catching the Master Burglar?
Nope! At this point, that's the only use for it. And you're welcome on the SB!
Glad you got that stinker mouse!!
I caught both new release mice today without much effort. I guess my luck is finally turning around
I caught both the Snow Fort Mouse and the Ghost of Christmas Future Mouse using the Candy Cane Base, Christmas Cracker Trap, and Seasoned Gouda.
I just need to catch a gladiator mouse and I'll have all of the parts necessary for the upgrade. has me sitting around a 33% chance of catching one that comes to the trap (the problem is attracting one of them ).
FK, do you think that the metal required might be Scrap Metal? Because I got a fair deal of that in my Christmas Gift Boxes from Elf Mice.
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
YES! I am all caught up with mice and loot drops! Sweet! Now all I need are the ones being released tomorrow. Hope to catch the first quickly so I can move on to Squeaker Claws.
Congrats Kat!!
I have also finally managed to get all of the drops as well. Yay! (Except for a second icicle if I want both the Toboggan trap and the upgrade at the same time but I don't particularly care.
I also noticed that, as of today, all of my NarniaWeb hunting buddies have the Heart of Ice off of the Scrooge Mouse!! (Congratulations Booky!!)
FK, do you think that the metal required might be Scrap Metal?
That is entirely possible, but based on the description, I'm still leaning towards the Platinum Bars. We shall see.
I just discovered the Candy Cane base, so I've got that now!!
Using it with the Forcefield trap. So we'll see how that works in... two minutes when I can hunt again. (Update....Treant Mouse. 2 Splintered Wood. Meh. Not fantastic.) So, I was using GB cheese, and I'm now going to use Seasoned Gouda.
6:25 pm... got my first Stealth Mouse with Seasoned Gouda. It dropped climbing pitons.
"To the Great Western Wood, I give you...."
I finally caught my gladiator mouse, and now have all of the elements necessary for building the upgrade! WOO HOO!
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
I recently caught two scrooges--and they both dropped frozen hearts (glad they didn't shatter!). I now have two of everything except the snow pack. Hopefully I'll get another one of those for later. I also have everything except the Misplaced Missile Cone.
F_K, do you think the metal could be the gold bar that is in the gift section, a bit under the gingerbread planks?
Avatar thanks to AITB
According to my checklist, I only have the sled and festive mines to collect before I can get the Explosive Toboggan Ride and its upgrade.
"To the Great Western Wood, I give you...."
F_K, do you think the metal could be the gold bar that is in the gift section, a bit under the gingerbread planks?
Nope, that's definitely not it as the Gold Bar is a collectible item and not a crafting item. (Thank goodness)
Plus they couldn't do something like that as it would require at least one friend who could afford to send it to you... not everyone has those. Even Kat and I could only send out like what... five? six? before we'd be broke.
I caught the Slay Ride Mouse fairly soon after it was released. Unfortunately, it didn't drop the sled I caught it using Seasoned Gouda, CCT, and Candy Cane Base.
I also thawed my frozen fromage, and am now going after Mr. Squeaker Claws
EDIT: I caught the Squeaker Claws. He drops the 2010 Winter Star and a Ronza Voucher! This confirms my suspicion that Ronza is coming for New Years, just like last year!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ronza's Traveling Shoppe will be returning to Gnawnia sometime during January, 2011 and will feature new exciting items discovered by Mustachio the Charmer. This voucher can be redeemed for 20 free Lucky Trap Charms from her shop when she arrives. Keep watching the skies!
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
For those of you who are new and have not been around for Ronza before, SAVE YOUR GOLD!!!!! Ronza brings limited edition traps and bases that are far better than what's available in the game.
Those traps are EXPENSIVE so you want to maximize your gold. The magma base was something like 900,000 when it first came out. I'm hoping she has a wider variety in prices this time.
Well, last time, I was able to purchase the firecracker base off of her for around 100,000, and it's been a pretty good base (as far as bases go at least). I'm hoping that she has some decent shadow traps.
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
Yay! I caught all twelve festive mice, and was able to thaw out my Frozen Fromage! Unfortunately, I only have one, so I've only got one Nutmeg Cheese... and also unfortunately, neither the Snow Fort Mouse or the Slay Ride Mouse dropped any loot, so I can't buy the Explosive Toboggan trap yet. Oh well, I guess I'll have to be patient.
"Of course we've got to find him (if we can). That's the nuisance of it. It means a search party and endless trouble. Bother Eustace." ~ Caspian, The Voyage of the Dawn Treader
Sig: lover of narnia
Caught my Mouse of Winter Future for the 3rd time. I haven't picked up any "dropped items" though, since the Squeaker Claws. Which means I'm still in bad shape for the ETR and its upgrade.
"To the Great Western Wood, I give you...."