That seems to be a beta, but I've found that it's pretty accurate.
At noon today, the season changes in the garden! I'm so excited!!!
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
Here you are narnian_at_heart, just enter some of the info it asks for and you are all set
Happy Hunting!
Thank you!
Aaaaannnndddd! I caught the Ninja mouse last night and it dropped the Burroughs Laboratory map piece! I also caught a Zombie mouse which had been pillaging my cheese for awhile and I couldn't seem to catch.
Woo-Hoo! Congratutlations N_a_H! That's great!!!! The burroughs isn't a great place to hunt (it's mainly only there for the general store). As soon as you get the lab map piece, head over there
I'm getting ready to head into Autumn! Can't wait!
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
Ditto on the congratulations N_a_H!! Both to the new mice as well as the map piece.
The burroughs isn't a great place to hunt (it's mainly only there for the general store). As soon as you get the lab map piece, head over there
I'm not sure if you're referring to the Bazaar or the Town of Digby here, but Burroughs is the overall region and the piece that n_a_h got is the one for the Lab.
So are you headed off to the Lab or Great Gnarled Tree next n_a_h? Or are you going to try to finish your Dehydration Base first?
I'm getting ready to head into Autumn! Can't wait!
Yay! Looks like you've gotten 3/6 of the mice so far.
Well I had some massive good luck in the Warpath today. I had gone afk for a while and returned to find I was up to a streak of 8. So I equipped a Commander's Charm and caught one. Woohoo!!! 40 less mice to catch before moving on to the next wave.
So my current Wave 2 stats are...
fantasia_kity, I went to the Calm Clearing this morning and have gotten seven more wood since then. I need just nine more in order to build the Dehydration base. I think I'm going to stay here until I get that nine because I haven't gotten any wood in the Mountain for at least four or five days.
Good idea, in my experience you will get a lot more wood there anyway.
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
The Treant and Shaman Mice drop Splintered Wood in the Calm Clearing as well as the Great Gnarled Tree. Even though the Wiki says Dwarf Mice drop it in the Mountain, I'm not sure that's correct... I don't recall seeing it drop there. Really the only other place you can get it is the Training Grounds General Store and you have another level to go before you can get there.
I just spent a whole day in the Laboratory and did not get a single potion drop! I'm about ready to get some charmbits from the Mountian, but I don't want to spend the money to get there...
Breeds Caught: 120 / 276
Event Breeds Caught: 19Hunting Since: Jan 03, 2011
Hunter's Title: Hero (6 % )
Points: 6,186,817
Gold: 371,912Horn Calls: 2767
Location: Laboratory
Region: BurroughsTrap Power: 2613
Total Luck: 5
Weapon: Obelisk of Incineration
Base: Dehydration Base
Bait: 44 pieces of Swiss
Charm: None
Mice Caught: 3456
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
One thing you might consider changing, Wolf, is your trap. I see that your current setup only has 5 luck. Luck is the part of your trap that determines frequency of loot drops. Higher luck traps = Better chance of obtaining loot. I'm sure that you've got a trap with higher luck, and as mice such as Steel, Bionic and Granite are the ones that drop the potions (and which don't put up a fight at all to most traps), you should be fine going in with a lower power trap that has higher luck.
As for me, I'm having a great time in Fall in the Seasonal Garden. My Cackle Lantern is doing better than I thought (probably because I had such low expectations due to the horror stories I'd heard). I still haven't caught the Fall Familliar (SB only) or the Harvester, but I have high hopes to nab at the Harvester tomorrow.
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
Well, I got enough wood to build the Dehydration base. However, I feel rather stupid. I thought I needed 150 wood to build it (according to the wiki). However, I ended up using only four. The wiki says I need four wood (under quantity) but it says 150/Loot under "cost". So I'm kind of confused. Oh well, I have it built now. And I'm moving to the Laboratory for awhile.
On my very first hunt in the Laboratory, I got a radioactive blue cheese potion.
EDIT again: I now have two more and also got a Lab Research points bonus. I'm liking the Laboratory so far!
Luck = Loot, huh? Didn't think of that. Thanks Digs I'll try that
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
Out of the blue, we have a new area added to the game, the Muridae Market.
Oh dear, the Marching Flame has left this market in ruins!
Merchants have ordered a large supply of construction materials but it seems the local mice have managed to steal them all! They need your help hunting down the thieving rodents to find the materials required to rebuild their shops.
Rebuilding each shop will require varying amounts of Limestone Brick, Coconut Timber and Molten Glass. To make Molten Glass you'll need to first rebuild the General Store where Shards of Glass and Flameshards can be exchanged in return for Molten Glass.
Using Brie or Gouda Cheese works well at attracting mice that carry construction materials, however using SUPER|brie+ will attract the cunning Desert Architect Mouse. Don't let their size fool you -- Desert Architects are known to carry a large supply of building materials!
The Charm Shoppe requires quite a few materials to rebuild, but by rebuilding it you'll be able to purchase Artisan Charms. These charms will attract a wider variety of mice that carry unique loot including an abundance of orbs!
Good luck rebuilding the market, and remember: Limestone is heavy, lift with your legs!
Items of interest: There are two new traps, a tactical and physical...
Dimensional Chest Trap ( 5,200 Tactical Power )
Power Type: Tactical
Power Bonus: 8%
Attraction Bonus: 10%
Luck: 21
Cheese Effect: Extremely FreshSandtail Sentinel ( 6,800 Physical Power )
Power Type: Physical
Power Bonus: 17%
Attraction Bonus: 10%
Luck: 25
Cheese Effect: No Effect
Loads of new charms....
Artisan Charm ( 120 Power )
Power Bonus: none
Attraction Bonus: 5%
Luck: none
Cheese Effect: No Effect
Consumed Upon: Encountering a MouseLucky Power Charm ( 120 Power )
Power Bonus: 1%
Attraction Bonus: none
Luck: 1
Cheese Effect: No Effect
Consumed Upon: Encountering a MouseSuper Power Charm ( 360 Power )
Power Bonus: 3%
Attraction Bonus: none
Luck: none
Cheese Effect: No Effect
Consumed Upon: Encountering a MouseSuper Luck Charm ( 0 Power )
Power Bonus: none
Attraction Bonus: none
Luck: 3
Cheese Effect: No Effect
Consumed Upon: Encountering a MouseSuper Warpath Commander's Charm ( 0 Power )
Power Bonus: none
Attraction Bonus: none
Luck: none
Cheese Effect: No Effect
Consumed Upon: Custom
Imbued with the power of Flameshards, this magical charm both assists in attracting and capturing Crimson Commanders of the Marching Flame. An extra enchantment has been placed on this charm to have it automatically disarm itself after each hunt. This charm is consumed upon encountering a Crimson Commander Mouse.Flamebane Charm ( 0 Power )
Power Bonus: none
Attraction Bonus: none
Luck: none
Cheese Effect: No Effect
Consumed Upon: Custom
This charm ignites into a flash of light upon encountering a mouse of the Marching Flame. The blinding flash temporarily disorientates the troops and gives your trap a power bonus, making Marching Flame Mice a little easier to catch. This charm is consumed upon encountering a mouse of the Marching Flame.Monger Charm ( 0 Power )
Power Bonus: none
Attraction Bonus: none
Luck: none
Cheese Effect: No Effect
Consumed Upon: Custom
Made of rare scraps of metal found in the Marching Flame's camp, this charm's gleam appeals to the greedy appetite of Warmonger Mice, encouraging them to carry a greater variety of charms and a higher quantity of orbs. Monger Charms are only consumed upon successfully catching a Warmonger Mouse.
But the item that intrigues me the most is the item found at the Cartographer...
Living Garden Key
This key provides access to the enchanted Living Garden that sits atop the fortified Muridae Market.Recent Marching Flame attacks have destroyed the magical desert flowers that once grew within the garden. Until these precious flowers have fully regrown, no hunters will be permitted into the area.
There are 13 new mice.... thus far the area seems pretty straight forward. Catch the mice and get the loot to rebuild the stores. As you rebuild the stores, you can buy things from them.
Can't wait to catch new mice! Course my first horn missed a Glass Blower...
Oh, grr, I thought they were fixing the problem when I saw it was offline... Ah well (In all honesty I'd rather see a new area anyway )
I'm assuming this is either Baron(ess) or higher. Correct?
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
That's correct Wofl , which is sad because it sounds really cool! I can't wait to get into the new Baron Area!!! I feel left behind back here in the garden
It might be interesting for you non-science folk to know that Muridae is the taxonomic family to which mice, rats, and gerbils belong. Something tells me that that is not a coincidence
During the maintenance, they also must have fixed the trap problem I was having earlier (with the special "bonus boost bases") because that's fixed now.
As for me, I'm still in autumn. My trap is doing pretty good against the four lower mice (Whirleygigs, Pumpkinheads, Harvest Harriers, and Scarecrows), but I have yet to catch a Harvester. has me sitting around a 28% catch rate with my current setup. I've currently had four encounters with the brute, and four misses
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
Digs, At least you can get to the Garden! On the bright side thanks to your advice I was able to stockpile 5 more RB potions last night, so once again- Muchas Gracias
(Many Thanks in Spanish)
So that's what it's name is from... My first thought was Meerkat, but I didn't think that was right. I thought it sounded supiciously latin/greek.
I'm currently using my Ambush and dehydration base, which I'm pretty sure is my highest luck setup.
Ok here's a list of my upcoming goals, which is roughly in order... (emphasis on roughly!)
-Get the SS. Huntington II map piece
-Farm for Gold
-Get the Subterranean and BBB mice in the Town of Digby
-Get a Hydro Trap and the Digby Drill Bot
-Finish up the King's Gauntlet
-Get the Wight, Lich, and Acylote Mice
-Craft the Ocean Navigation Kit and tackle all the related areas
-Get the Harpy and Silth Mice
-Level up to Knight
-Get Some of the SB only Indigenous and Furoma Mice that I still need
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down