Well this tournament is turning into a bit of a joke. We can't catch mice!!! In fact we're doing so badly we're only just barely in the top 50%. I took a look at the first place team to see if we're doing something wrong, and we're not. We're just that unlucky. I'm catching about one mouse out of every four horns.
Ah well, here's hoping the Tribal Isles tourny will go better.
I'm thinking about starting off the Tribal isles in Dracano and see if I can catch a dragon.
I have some Inferno Havarti as well, so I may join you for a bit.
Should be interesting to see how Reaper's Perch does in the Jungle.
Yeah. We're having lousy luck this tourney. Ah well. If we just get the participant ribbon, it means I have one more collectible I didn't have before.
Our team just missed the top 50%...
Granted it would have helped if I woke up at ten and not one...
The better news is I caught my first Wight mouse and third Black Widow
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
After a REALLY awful start to the tourny, we held our own throughout the rest of it and came in the top 50. So two more tokens brings my personal total up to 124.
We're ready to go on our 2 day Tribal Island tourny. I'm crossing my fingers that we can come in the top 25% (there's no way we'll make the top 3, we all value sleep too much ) but even if we make the top 50% that's a boatload of tokens for us.
I also saw on the MH news that there will be 3 & 5 group tournies available this weekend
Looking at my stats so far I've missed 3 Acolytes and 1 Lich... and that's all I attracted. Who knows how much cheese I've used...
This is not gonna be easy.
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
ok, cleared sentinels, now to inferno mages, and then cavalry...second wave wasn't as tough as i thought, but third wave doesn't look so good...65mil almost 66mil points, soon ill have the SBB...but still, i hope ROnza brings something interesting that i can use
I caught my Acolyte and almost failed to notice it! (Distracted by school stuff) I switched trap set ups to get my Lich....
It dropped 26 runes and 1 Frozen scroll (also I have to thank Dot since it was on her horn call )
Edit well that was fast! Thanks to Dot again I got my Lich.
Edit 2: Ugghhh looking at the list of things that are coming up for me... I'm gonna need a lot of (extremely expensive) Platinum Bars... I hope Ronza has a decent shadow trap at least (or more dreaded charms) cuz I'm gonna need it. Right now finishing the tourney. Then gonna harvest the rest of the runes I need for the ice maiden. After that I'm gonna work on getting more crowns and some of the mice I'm missing until Ronza arrives.
Edit 3: Wow for some reason I thought I'd need those for the ice maiden... still need more runes though...
Edit 4: I also need more seeds again... great. I swear if I spend much more time in the tribal isles I'm gonna go insane. So much bouncing back and fourth...
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
I caught my Acolyte
Really? How many pieces of cheese did it take you?
I had to go back to the Bazaar for more Ionized Salt and now I'm sitting in the Forbidden Grove because I failed to time it right waiting until it closes so I can get to the Acolyte Realm again. *headdesk*
you'll do fine i suppose, and WOlf congrats on your acoiyte
I'm on wave 2 still, as previously mentioned...ok, on cavalry dudes then i will be on my way to Wave 3...wave 3 is around 250 mice, so if there are streaks around 180? I dont really no, all i know is a lot...and my ERB is not holding out that well, but what the heck, im using htat 2012 thingy, thought it was useless until i saw that it has decent attraction rate so can ward of FTA's yay!!! I really wish my loot from my first warmonger will be a SBM then i wont have to waste time trying to get it again...i just hope it's not a oasis thingy...cause that water trap just doesnt look all that useful since i barely use hydro traps anyways...oh well...finish what's at hand first lets own Wave 2
EDIT: Sorry, its 260 mouse...not 250...my math is bad...even though im Asian
I know it's been forever since I've been in here, but I've just been plugging away farming points.
OK, I have the Ancient Spear Gun and shell cheese, but I can NOT catch the elub tribe elder. I've gone through 50+ pieces of cheese and still haven't gotten him. (I'm in Cape Clawed and am using the Gingerbread base).
What am I doing wrong?
Love God, love people
Taking a peek at your profile ramagut, you've caught 16 Elder mice. If you meant the Elub Tribe Chieftain (you don't have him yet) he has to be caught in the Elub Shore.
I caught my Acolyte
Really? How many pieces of cheese did it take you?
Poor n_a_h
But congrats wolf on catching the rest of the Forgotten Mice!!
Well I'm pretty happy this morning. It looks like we've got the top 25% in the bag for the Tribal Isle Grand Tourny!! If we do get it, that's 18 more tokens towards the Gold Base.
Watching FBF this morning and they're talking a LOT about tournaments. I shall update this post as they talk about the more pertinent stuff.
~ They will probably rework the prize system a bit so fourth place doesn't get the same prize as 145th place. They don't know how they're going to do it yet.
~ They might still expand teams to 8 players at some point. Eesh...
~ They haven't discussed anything regarding St. Patty's Day yet this year (ie the LEPRECHAUN MOUSE!!!). Hopefully they won't skip it this year like they did last year
~ A couple spoiler pics
~ Oooh, they confirmed that the event is next week and they hope we have a "blast"

~ No mention of Ronza

I caught my Acolyte
Really? How many pieces of cheese did it take you?
I'm not even sure because this wasn't my first try.... Not counting that bunch I accidentally staled, and not counting any runs prior to getting my ABT I'm gonna guess somewhere around 70 but that's on the low end (I'm honestly not even sure of how good a guess that is)
I found out the Tribal Base is actually slightly better with the ABT than the Candy Cane Base if you're after the Acolyte, according to furoma catch rates. I hope that helps! Also I was using quite a few charms
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
~ They might still expand teams to 8 players at some point. Eesh...
If they do that... can we merge teams?
The released the first 3 player tournies last night. So Keep your eyes out for a good one!
Right now I'm in the Derr Dunes doing a tourney, which I'm failing miserably at, and getting more seeds... again.
Why do I have a sneaking suspicion Ronza will come with the event?
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
I caught my Acolyte
Really? How many pieces of cheese did it take you?
I'm not even sure because this wasn't my first try.... Not counting that bunch I accidentally staled, and not counting any runs prior to getting my ABT I'm gonna guess somewhere around 70 but that's on the low end (I'm honestly not even sure of how good a guess that is)
I found out the Tribal Base is actually slightly better with the ABT than the Candy Cane Base if you're after the Acolyte, according to furoma catch rates. I hope that helps! Also I was using quite a few charms
Yea, I've kept track of the cheese I've used (with the exception of the first batch which was something like 100-130 so I go with 100 when I count it) and I'm up to 237 pieces of Runic (not counting the batch I made and then forgot to switch from ACRONYM back to ABT) and no luck. I've used Winter Charms with about 50 of those and no luck. What charms did you use?
I need to get the Tiki base but I haven't gotten around to it. I'm at 3.4 mil and I don't want to dip below 3 mil before Ronza comes. I was up to 3.8 but I had to buy a bunch of Ionized Salt. That stuff is kind of expensive!
Mostly I used Prospector's charms or Luck Charms.
I still need 25 more Runes. I also need more savory vegetables to make more Gumbo.
How much Inferno Havarti will I need?
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down