The Tournament Hall is now open (where you spend Tournament Tokens), as is the King's Arms location (where you spend King's Credits).
I haven't been to either location yet, waiting for my hunter's horn to pop up in 13 more min.
A few other noteworthy patch notes that make me happy.
~The three new bases (yay!!!)
~The new Champion Kits (Double yay!!!)
~Going forward, tournaments will occasionally be scheduled with three and five member limits. (Triple and quadruple yay!!! )
Getting ready to start the Bazaar tourny here in 30 min.
ETA: I bought the Bronze Base. You have to have it to buy the Silver Base and both of those to buy the Gold Base. As of right now, the charms + Bronze don't give me quite as good stats as just my Spellbook+Lucky Power, so that's good, I can just save Tourny Tokens for the upgraded bases.
My team and I are rocking this Bazaar tourny for now. We were holding first for a while. If we can keep catching burglar mice, maybe we'll place in the top 3. *crosses all fingers and toes*
ETA 2: Oh this is nerve-racking. We're bouncing back and forth between 1st and 5th place in this tourny. We have a real chance of placing. AHHHHH!!!!
Well Luck hasn't been on my side yet... 2 Missed Acolytes and 1 Missed Wight...
Might play around with bases. Though the Festive box trap skin is cool
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
Oh boy. That gold base looks tempting! I have yet to participate in any tournie, and therefore know nothing about them. Approximately how long do you think it would take (AKA how many tournies) in order to get that gold base?
I've actually been doing decently in the Warpath today. Cleared a good deal of sentinels overnight.
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
Approximately how long do you think it would take (AKA how many tournies) in order to get that gold base?
I'm actually wondering the same thing... my guess is they're bought with the tournament tolkens we've been getting for doing well(ish)
I'd like to know just how much they and the skins cost though...
Edit here's the Costs:
Bronze Tourney Base:
100,000 pts
25 tournament tolkens (will be spent)
Silver Tourney Base
Item cost: 80 Tournament tolkens (will be spent)
Requirements: 1 Bronze Tourney Base (not lost or spent)
points required: 1,500,000
Gold Tourney Base
Item cost: 200 Tolkens (spent)
Requirements: 1 Silver Base (not lost)
Points: 25,000,000 (which I just hit )
Dimensional Chest Champion Skin
Item Cost: 15 tourney tolkens (spent)
Sandtail Sentinel Champion Skin
Item Cost: 15 tolkens (spent)
Sphynx Wrath Champion Skin
Cost: 30 tolkens
MonstroBot Champion Skin
Cost: 45 tolkens
There's also various charms, kits and collectibles.
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
I'm still in Furoma. I've been on the computer most of the day because I want to hurry up and make a bunch of Rumble cheese. I read through the entire first MH thread. Yes, really. I didn't read every word but I skimmed every post.
I've used up all my Susheese and most of my Glutter. Then, I just have to finish up my supply of Combat. I have 36 Rumble so far. I'm going to head to the Pinnacle Chamber pretty soon here. Probably tomorrow at some point.
I really want to do some tournaments again. They were pretty fun. It's just hard to find one that works when I can be on. I see that there's one in Furoma coming up in 14 hours. That means it starts about 7 AM tomorrow morning, my time. Hopefully, some of my teammates will be able to do it with me.
Well my team rocked through the first four hours of the tournament, but we went downhill the second half. Couldn't catch those elusive Master Burglar mice that were required to stay at the top. Next time!!
Approximately how long do you think it would take (AKA how many tournies) in order to get that gold base?
Depends on your team and where you place. My team consistently lands in the top 25%, so we're averaging 2-3 tokens per tourny. Awards vary from tourny to tourny, but here are the rewards for the particular one I'm in right now....
1st place - 12 tokens
2nd place - 8 tokens
3rd place - 4 tokens
Top 25% - 3 tokens
Top 50% - 2 tokens
So you need 305 tokens total, divide that by three, and that's going to average out somewhere around 102+ tournaments.
At the end of this tourny, I will have 18 tokens. Only 62 more to go for that Silver Base. Whoo!!! LOL
ETA: Got 25th place out of 337 teams. Not bad at all. Too bad we couldn't have held onto 1st place that we had for a while there, but that's just luck of the draw.
25th is the highest we've done so far (at least in the tourneys I've participated in), so we're definitely improving. It also means we're picking the right tournaments for our team. I've got 15 tourney tokens after buying the bronze base and one set of champion charms. So I'm just a couple of tokens behind you fantasia.
I'm back in the warpath trying to wrap up this run. I'm need to pop over to the market and pick up a monger charm I guess. I've got 4 artillery mice left in wave 3 and then it's on to wave 4.
Oh hey! Something I forgot to mention earlier that will be of interest to some of you. Earlier during our tourny, Kat caught a Crown Collector Mouse with Gilded Cheese. Didn't know you could get them without SB, so I thought I'd pass that info on. That was in the Bazaar.
I just turned Baron, and is trying out at FW, but without SBB its kinda hard, btw, should i buy some charms? appreicaite any advice for FW
Congrats on Baron wil!!
You have the MSB right? That's only slightly less awesome than the SBB and I think you'll find that when you do get the SBB it's not going to help you all that much. What will help tremendously is getting the upgraded traps (Monstrobot, Sphynx) so your first run through is going to be rough. Hang in there!
Yes, if you're trying to make it through the waves in any kind of decent time, you'll definitely want charms! My strategy is to equip a type of charm (Usually scouts first cause they're easiest to catch) and burn down the whole stack to 0 and then move on to the next stack.
I think I'm gonna leave Tier 2 with more cheese than I started with
That's a good thing cuz I don't get that many loot drops in Tier III
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
shastastwin, you rock!!! stwin pointed out to me elsewhere that if you've done the old school tournaments and (like myself) have a massive stash of Veteran Tournament Tokens, they can be smashed with your hunter's hammer. For every one that you smash, you get two new tokens.
I now have the Silver Base and 114 tokens towards the Gold Base. YES!!!!
ETA: Well, FBF was interesting today. It took them forever to get going cause their internet connection was flaky due to the snowstorm and Friday the 13th.
They ended up broadcasting via Dan's phone.
They answered a lot of questions about tournaments. Nothing I really hadn't heard before I don't think, so not much news there. Endurance and Boost tournaments are coming soon. They're hoping to release Solo tournaments at some point. Groups of 3 people and 5 people are probably going to be coming soon as well. Stuff like that.
The far more interesting tidbits they talked about was that they're working on the Valentines/Chinese New Year event already. That made me happy because last year it was ... boring compared to two years ago when it was really fun.
Actually, looking up info on Chinese New Year, (cause frankly it's a holiday I know nothing about ) it falls on January 23rd this year, which is REALLY early. Usually it's in February (next year it falls on Feb. 10th. ) So I guess that event is going to be right around the corner. Maybe that's when Ronza will show up?
ETA again: Now that I'm thinking about it, Chinese New Year is going to fall 3 weeks earlier than Valentine's Day this year. I wonder if they might break those holidays into two separate events? Cause if they don't, that's going to be another really long event.
ETA @ 1:28pm CST: I just now noticed that I have passed the 400,000,000mil point mark. So... go me.
Well, I used up all my Glutter, Combat, and Susheese. I'm now hunting with Rumble (72 pieces. ) in the Pinnacle Chamber and have gotten four Onyx Stones so far. And since Mojos are worth 27,300 gold, it's really helping me stock up on some more gold before Ronza comes. I'm up to 3.24 mil.
Right now, me and ramagut are doing the Furoma tournament. It started at 7 this morning (my time) and I thought I'd be up by then. Usually, even though I want to sleep in late since it's Christmas break, I wake up early because my parents and siblings are noisy. However, everyone slept in this morning so I didn't wake up until 8:20. So I got off to a slow start. But, we moved from somewhere around 680th place up to the early-to-mid 400s! There were only 700-some teams in the tournament when I first looked but I checked just a few minutes before it ended and there's actually 1,024 teams! We finished at 456 so we each got two tokens for being in the top 50%! Thanks for the help, ramagut.
I wouldn't mind doing the next Furoma tournament since I'll be here for a while, but it starts at like 7 tonight and there's no way I'm staying up all night to do it. I'd really like to do several of the tournaments that are listed right now but, I don't want to leave Furoma until I've caught at least one Sojo and collected a few Onyx Stones for future use.
EDIT: Hating the Pinnacle Chamber at the moment. I'm hunting with Rumble cheese. I was catching several Mojos and then all of a sudden, it just stopped.
2:47 pm - Pinnacle Chamber
I sounded the Hunter's Horn, but my efforts were fruitless. A Master of the Dojo Mouse ate a piece of cheese without setting off my trap.
2:45 pm - Pinnacle Chamber
I returned to check my trap, but it appeared a Master of the Dojo Mouse had eaten a piece of cheese without setting it off.
2:20 pm - Pinnacle Chamber
I sounded the Hunter's Horn, but my efforts were fruitless. A Master of the Dojo Mouse ate a piece of cheese without setting off my trap.
Additionally, the fiend pillaged 1,491 gold from me!
2:04 pm - Pinnacle Chamber
I sounded the Hunter's Horn, but my efforts were fruitless. A Master of the Dojo Mouse ate a piece of cheese without setting off my trap.
Additionally, the power of this mouse crippled my courage, setting me back 3,730 points!
1:45 pm - Pinnacle Chamber
I sounded the Hunter's Horn, but my efforts were fruitless. A Master of the Dojo Mouse ate a piece of cheese without setting off my trap.
Additionally, the fiend pillaged 1,379 gold from me!
1:45 pm - Pinnacle Chamber
I returned to check my trap, but it appeared A Master of the Dojo Mouse ate a piece of cheese without setting off my trap.
Additionally, the power of this mouse crippled my courage, setting me back 4,097 points!
1:28 pm - Pinnacle Chamber
I sounded the Hunter's Horn, but my efforts were fruitless. A Master of the Dojo Mouse ate a piece of cheese without setting off my trap.
1:11 pm - Pinnacle Chamber
I sounded the Hunter's Horn, but my efforts were fruitless. A Master of the Dojo Mouse ate a piece of cheese without setting off my trap.
1:03 pm - Pinnacle Chamber
I competed in a Furoma Master Hunt Tournament and finished in 456th place!
I claimed a reward of:
1 Tournament Participant Badge,
2 Tournament Tokens.
12:55 pm - Pinnacle Chamber
I sounded the Hunter's Horn, but my efforts were fruitless. A Master of the Dojo Mouse ate a piece of cheese without setting off my trap.
Just wonderful!
Wil, your first warpath run (and more or less every run until you get the Sphynx Wrath or the Monstrobot) will be miserable. It took me almost a month to make it through the first time. The SBB doesn't make this much more bearable. I'm just hoping that Ronza brings something really awesome, because that's probably the only way that it's going to be less terrible at this point.
Not supporting this, I actually did pretty good today in the Warpath. Caught a good deal of Warrior mice. I'm hoping to get through Wave 2 before the end of this weekend.
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
FK, since im Taiwanese, i might as well say its really unfortunate that CHinese New Year is early this year...since it means less break for us
most of hte time chinese new year is beginning of feburary so oh well
My first wave is umm...getting owned? i have no idea almost done with it though, around a bit more then half way there
i really wish ronza brings an awesome physical trap like the chrome traps of the past...and anyways, why is ronza not here yet?